
RELATIONSHIP (PART 1 OF 12)part 1“It was the middle of July. Several of us from work were driving up to camp at Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite prior to doing some hiking the next day. Tuolumne Meadows is at an elevation of over 8,000 feet. There had been a heavy snowfall that winter. Despite the 90 degree temperature when we left Silicon Valley, the snow had not melted at the elevations above 5,000 feet. At around 6,500 feet, I came around a corner in the road and saw him.It was a coyote. He was obviously very hungry, since everything was still covered in heavy snow. He saw me and started toward me to try to get some food. Then he stopped and backed up. Again he started toward me, only to stop and back up again. He could sense that I had food, but he had an ingrained attitude to avoid humans. He was obviously struggling with an internal conflict. He needed food to stay alive, but was afraid to go after it with me, an enemy. After watching his struggles with himself for a while, I continued to drive on. But I’ve often thought about that coyote.”“Interesting story, but what does it have to do with what we’ve been discussing?”“But don’t you see, doctor? I’m like that coyote. I’m struggling with my internal conflicts, too. I’m not türbanlı mardin escort interested in having sex with women, though there are some that would like me to. I’m drawn to other men. But my teachings at school and church taught me that this is wrong, that a man should only have sex with a woman. I’ve wanted to start such a relationship with another man, but every time I start to reach out, I think about my teachings and draw back, just like that coyote.”“That’s because you want to have a relationship with another man that you like and trust before thinking about having sex. You don’t want a one-night stand. That’s normal, even between a man and a woman. You need to make friends, and find a relationship that leads further. Only after you are comfortable with this other man, and can trust him, can you discuss extending the relationship further.”“Fine, but how do I go about meeting other friends? I haven’t been able to do so at work.”“There’s lots of ways. Volunteer. Find a hobby that you have an interest in and pursue that. Go to gay men’s organizations and socials and events. You’ll find others.”I thought about that conversation as I was driving to Kevin’s home. I met türbanlı mardin escort bayan Kevin while watching our local Gay Pride parade. We got to be fast friends. We’ve been seeing each other for several months. He could sense that I wanted to go slow, and accommodated me. But it’s finally time to take the relationship to that next step.There’s something that I hadn’t told the doctor, but which I have told Kevin. I’m into bondage. It’s how I get stimulated enough to jack off. I’ve fantasized about being kept in bondage for a weekend. One night Kevin had asked about my sexual fantasies and I told him. A month later he told me that he could make my fantasies become a reality if I wanted it. This was both appealing and terrifying. I had to do some thinking about that, and he was willing to wait for me to decide. I finally decided that I trusted him, and was willing to try it. And now I’m driving to his house. After years of frustration I’m finally going to resolve that internal conflict I’ve been battling. I parked my car in his driveway, as I’d done before when visiting him. On entering his house this time, however, things were different. Kevin greeted me wearing all türbanlı escort mardin leathers. I’d never seen him dressed like that before.“Are you ready for this?” Kevin asked.“Yes-s-s.” I replied, somewhat hesitantly.“You don’t sound like you are. This has been bothering you for a long time. Are you sure? We can postpone it for another time if you’re not comfortable.”That consideration for my feelings with his knowledge of what I’d been through was one of the reasons I trusted Kevin. “Yes, I’m ready” I replied with more confidence.“Okay. Then take all your clothes off and stand with your hands behind your back.” This was said as he brought out a pair of handcuffs.“Here we go” I thought. There’s no backing out of this now. I took off all my clothes, including my briefs. I was a little hesitant, as Kevin had not seen me naked before, but I complied.“I’m also going to put a blindfold on you. When you can’t see what’s coming, that heightens the sensation.”I started to get a little uncomfortable, but thought again that this was Kevin, someone I trusted implicitly. After he put the blindfold on, he led me into his house and left me standing.My sense of seeing was gone, but my hearing and sense of smell were heightened. I could smell something cooking in the kitchen. My thoughts turned to what kind of dinner he was preparing, and how he planned to feed me, when I heard him coming back, along with the unmistakable sound of chains clanking. My imagination started full blast on hearing those. My cock started to get hard. I figured that this was going to be a weekend I would never forget.

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