Retirement Community Pt. 06

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Retirement Community Part 6

Jack had accomplished something he hadn’t thought possible yesterday. He had sex with six women and experienced two orgasms. He’d been saying all along that he wasn’t twenty anymore, but maybe…


Jack woke up early the following day feeling much more energized than he had in years. He grabbed a cup of coffee and looked out across his patio while still nude. Part of him wanted to be seen, but it was too early for most.

He finished his coffee and donned his now trademark shorts and Tee. He put on shoes (he reflected that the women he’d met here did not wear actual shoes) and headed out to the gym.

He completed his normal workout alone and went to get a quick breakfast. The cafeteria was likewise deserted of residents. The staff served him and he ate alone. Walking around the center and breathing in the cool morning air was like being on vacation in a tropical paradise.

He returned home, stripped off his clothes and picked up his book. Two hours later Jack heard a knock at his door and a voice calling out, “Hello, anyone home,” before the screen door opened and two women stepped inside.

These two Jack had not met before and they were dressed more modestly than the women he knew. They each wore a mu-mu style of dress that was opaque and hung down past their knees.

Jack was still naked and there was nothing nearby he could use to cover himself not that he wanted to. He was discovering that he really liked exposing himself, but was careful to make it appear accidental. “Hello,” he said.

“Oh, excuse us,” One of the women said, turning a bit pink and shifting her view. Neither indicated any urgency to leave and one made no effort to divert her eyes. Jack was in no hurry to cover up, but he knew he should.

Jack said, “Excuse me for a minute,” then stepped into his bedroom to get his bathrobe.

He stepped out into the living room still wrapping the robe around his body and the erection that was forming.

“Can I help you?” He asked the two women.

“Hi, sorry to intrude on your privacy. I’m Helen and this is Joan. We saw how you were treated at the gaming room the other day. We told Carol that we would play card or board games with you if you wanted. She told us that you would be okay with us just dropping by and making that offer in person.” Helen, the woman who looked away from his nudity initially, said.

“Carol mentioned that there were a couple of ladies who were interesting in playing games with me unlike the people I saw in the game room. Yes, I would like that. I assume we won’t be using the game room.” Jack shared.

“You have a nice table over there where we can set up, or we can used my place or Helen’s,” Joan said.

“Here is fine, but I don’t have any games.” Jack said as his robe stared to loosen.

“Do you play pinochle?” Helen asked holding up a deck of cards.

“I played that as a kid with my folks a long time ago. I would need a bit of retaining, but that sounds like fun.” Jack replied. He then noticed that Joan’s gaze centered low on his body. When he looked down he saw that his robe had come undone. “Sorry.” He said, “This robe does not stay tied most of the time.” He then retied his robe. Joan watched him intently and he wondered if he had been flashing her, or if he should.

The two women explained the rules of the game and they played a couple of practice hands until he got the hang of it.

“Would you ladies like something to drink? I have coffee or if it’s not too early for you I have wine.” Jack offered.

Joan asked, “I heard that you grew up in the Midwest. Have you ever had iced coffee?”

“My mom drank it all the time during the summer and I have it on occasion. Want one?” Jack offered.

“That would be great and do you have anything to add to it?” She responded.

“That all depends on what you want. I have a bit of brandy. I also have some Irish whisky, but I don’t have any of those sweetened flavors.” Jack said with a sly grin.

“You got it right the first time. I’d love a bit a brandy in my coffee.” Joan said.

“Me too,” chimed in Helen.

Drinks were passed around and the cards were dealt. Play progressed and once everyone was comfortable that Jack understood the game enough to allow conversation Joan asked her question, “Is what the rumors say about you true?”

Jack looked up to see two pair of eyes staring at him full of anticipation of what answer he would give. It seemed to him that they wanted to believe what they had heard.

“I guess that all depends on what you’ve heard about me.” He answered.

Helen responded this time. “A lot of the women around here think you are a playboy.”

Jack laughed out loud. “Does it look like I have a sports car and a lot of twenty year old bimbos hanging on my arm?”

“Well, no.” Helen replied, kütahya escort “but we’ve heard you are just looking to go to bed with every woman here, and that you have already seduced several.”

Jack looked her in the face. “From what I’ve seen here, I’m the one who is being pursued. There are a lot of horny women here all wanting to get me into their beds. I have said no a dozen times in short time I’ve been here. Allow me to turn that question around. Why did you want to seek me out if you thought me just a shallow ladies man?”

Both women blushed and looked down. Joan finally spoke, “It’s true, we did want to meet you because of the rumors, but also because we felt sorry about how you were treated in the game room. You are new here and appeared to just want to introduce yourself and get to know some of the people. You were treated very badly by the regulars.”

Joan took a breath then continued, “We’ve heard that you make out in the gym with anyone there and have been seen groping some women in the cafeteria. I also heard that you shared the changing room with two women at the pool.”

Jack replied, “I’m not going to deny any of that. Let me just say that I am still relatively healthy and still have a libido. I do enjoy the flirting and an occasional squeeze, but if I were to have sex with all of the women who are pursuing me, I’d be in the hospital by now. I’m not sure a twenty year old could keep up.”

Joan responded, “We didn’t mean to offend you or to imply that you are a sexual user. We came over to meet you because of the rumors. I was happy to see you naked when we walked in.”

Helen then added, “I was hoping that the rumors were true.”

“Like any good rumor, there is an element of truth, but the claims are exaggerated.” Jack answered.

With that question answered the conversation took on a lighter tone of sharing life events of family, work, travel, and the hobbies they now had time to explore. Three hours later the women left and promised to come back because they had more fun with Jack than they ever did with the women in the game room.

It was almost time for lunch so Jack got dressed and took a leisurely stroll past the garden to check if his tomato plant had arrived. The gardener said he would pick it up this afternoon and Jack could plant it tomorrow. Jack continued his walk and ended up at the cafeteria.

He spotted Carol and sat down with her. He told her that Helen and Joan had stopped by to play pinochle with him.

“That’s great. I’m glad they made it. What did you think of them?” Carol asked.

“I like them and we had a good time playing cards. I hope we get to do it again, but I need to get more brandy. Those two can drink.” Jack said, and then added, “What rumors are going around about me? Helen and Joan had the impression that I am some sort of sex maniac.”

“The rumors going around are that you are the person to know. You are a celebrity. Most of the rumors are not that believable, but you are thought of as being the best lover anyone has ever had and you can last all night long satisfying dozens of women at a time.” Carol said with a grin.

“If you don’t mind my getting a bit too personal, but how many women have you had sex with here, that is including oral? Because the number going around ranges from 30 to over 60 different women, including a few who I don’t believe you would ever be with.” She added.

“I’m not really keeping track, but I only know about a dozen or so women here and my guess is that of those I’ve maybe had sex with about 10 including you.” Jack said.

They laughed at some of the rumors going around and concluded that since there was nothing anyone could do about them Jack should just ignore them. They finished their lunch and gave each other a close hug, with a promise to see each other naked again soon.

Jack decided to visit Jill again to thank her for the writing group.

He knocked on her door, but there was no answer. Apparently she wasn’t home. Jack decided to head back to his home and his book. He had just turned the corner leading to his apartment when he saw Jill heading back from the gym. He turned around and called out.

Jill stopped and allowed Jack to catch up.

“Did you get in a workout?” He asked.

“Yeah, I try to do a bit on the bike a couple times a week. How about you? Are you still going?” She replied.

“I was there this morning and got in my 20 minutes of exercise.” Jack answered.

“Are you still using that mini trampoline?” She asked with a grin.

I haven’t used that in a couple of days. I think I go too early because there is no one there when I get there.” Jack said.

“Maybe I’ll have to get up a bit earlier.” She said with a sly grin.

Jack shared her grin. “That could be fun, and speaking of fun I wanted to come over and thank malatya escort you again for the writing group.”

They reached Jill’s door and they both walked in. “That was fun wasn’t it, even if it wasn’t what we had planned.”

Once Jill closed the door, Jack stroked her ass. “We never really talked about what you like when you’re spanked. You said you like medium hard swats and towards the center as opposed to either cheek. Do I have that right?” He asked running a finger up her crease.

“I do like that and I like what you are doing now. Want to experiment?” Jill asked and removed her shift. She presented her back to him and his hand now rested on her bare butt. He landed a playful but gentle swat between her legs and slowly ran his finger up her crease.

“That’s good, but it will be better once I bend over.” She took the few steps to stand in front of her couch and then leaned over resting her arms on the seat and her butt raised.

Jack placed another smack between her legs and she spread them a bit more, apparently inviting another smack.

Jack landed another swat on the target and felt her wetness. He loved the view she presented. He gripped her cheeks and massaged them while enjoying the view she presented. She squirmed, lifting her butt high and then Jack landed another swat in the center. He left his finger deep in her wetness before slowly dragging it up and away.

Jill asked, “Do you want to use my flogger?”

“You have a flogger?” He asked.

“Oh yes, I do and I love it, but use it very lightly to start.” She got up and went into her bedroom. “Come on in, It’s better here on the bed.”

When he entered her bedroom he saw her on elbows and knees with her butt high in the air. She handed him the flogger and he stripped off his clothes and knelt beside her on the bed. The view for him was fantastic.

He lightly allowed the tails of the flogger to fall between her legs then slowly pulled them up. He repeated this several times and each time it seemed that she lifted her butt higher.

“You can swing it a little harder now,” she said.

He lifted the flogger higher and swung it with minimum force. She wiggled her butt striving to lift it higher. He swung again and she reacted the same. He swung again and increased the tempo, but making sure he did not increase the force. She was now squirming with enthusiasm. Her knees were raised off the bed and she only supported herself with her toes and forearm. Her butt was high and dancing.

Jack dropped the flogger and grabbed her cheeks. He stuck his tongue low between her legs and she humped him. She treated his tongue like a small cock and fucked it. He likewise fucked her. They found a rhythm and soon Jill collapsed from her orgasm.

An hour later Jack left after a long cuddle session. He spent the next few hours in his apartment reading with the door open and him naked. It gave him a thrill to know that anyone walking by could just look in and seen him.

As hunger raised its head, he reluctantly put on his clothes and headed over to the cafeteria.

Jack entered the cafeteria; it was more crowed than when he normally went, but it was a bit later than he normally ate too.

He didn’t see anyone he knew so he sat at the first empty table he found. The normal noise level he heard when he came in suddenly diminished to a hush. He looked around and noticed a lot of the women looking at him and some were whispering to others at their table. Jack felt uncomfortable at the stares and hushed voices. He hurriedly finished his meal and left.

He had heard there were many rumors about him and this seemed like everyone was pointing him out as the freak, or someone to avoid.

He walked over to the pond and sat in the cool evening watching a couple of ducks swim by. He relaxed in the peaceful setting listening to the sounds of birds and the smells of the trees.

“Excuse me.” Came a voice close by startling him out of his meditation.

He sat up and looked over to the source of the voice. “Yes?” he said.

“You’re Jack, aren’t you?” She asked.

“Yes, I moved in a few days ago. What’s your name?” He asked.

“I’m Sharon. Hi.” She answered.

“Hi Sharon, What can I do for you?” Jack asked.

“I’ve heard a lot about you. You seem to be the major source of gossip since you moved in and I just wanted to meet you.” Sharon responded.

“Well I’ve heard a little of what some women are saying about me and all I can say is don’t believe everything you hear. Were you in the cafeteria just now? It seems there was a lot of talk about me in there.” Jack said.

“I did see you leave. Some people are so cruel. I just wanted to tell you that we are not all like that. At 5:30 the gamers come in for dinner and they are a bitter judgmental group. They hate everyone and everything, especially manisa escort men. They are the ones claiming you are going to be the downfall of our community.” Sharon said.

“Thank you for that. I normally eat around 4:30 or 5:00. I arrived late today and it surprised me to see so many people there. I’ll make sure get there earlier from now on.” Jack said.

“I hope everything I’ve heard about you isn’t a lie.” She said with the hint of a blush forming on her cheeks.

“Are you flirting with me?” Jack asked with a grin. “What have you heard?”

“Would it be a problem if I was flirting?” She asked as she sat down next to him.

“It depends on what you want as a result of this flirting. I only want friendships and I can’t handle jealousies. I have made a few friends here and I enjoy flirting with them.” Jack responded.

“I know Carol and Cindy. They have nothing but good things to say about you. I assume you know a few more ladies and enjoy some fun times. I could be interested in getting to know you a bit better if you are interested.” Sharon added moving closer and pressing her thigh against his.

Jack leaned back and looked her up and down. “Would you like a glass of wine and we can play the twenty questions game of getting to know each other?” They got up and started to walk towards Jack’s apartment.

“I’d like that.” She said. “And one of the things I’ve heard about you is that you like to be nude when you are home.”

Jack smiled, “I do tend to take off my clothes when I get home and don’t put them back on right away when I get visitors, but so far I haven’t brought anyone home and immediately stripped down.”

“Too bad,” was her response and he couldn’t tell if she was smiling or not.

Jack opened the door to his apartment and ushered her inside. “Based on what I thought I heard you say, we have a couple of options. We can both get naked sit either facing each other or side-by-side and ask our questions or we can stay dressed keeping the sexual energy at a manageable level”

“I think you heard me correctly and I like living on the edge.” Sharon answered.

“I’ll get us some wine.” Jack said removing his shoes. He pulled his shirt over his head as he turned his back towards her and took the couple of steps into his kitchen. He removed his shorts then got down two wine glasses showing off his bare butt. He poured the wine and walked back into the living area in all his naked glory.

Sharon looked him up and down then removed her shift and panties.

They sat on the couch close to each other but not touching. It was no surprise that the questions all centered around sex. There were questions about: most unusual sexual position, number of sexual partners both now and in the past, favorite sexual positions, most people ever in bed together, fetishes tried, and on and on. They both became more and more aroused as the questions continued and they moved closer and closer to each other. There was still no erotic touching until Jack asked if she wanted a naked hug.

The hug was as intimate as any Jack had experienced here and it was a hug without any added fondling. Sharon was the one who asked if Jack minded if she explored his body with her hands. Jack readily agreed but only on the condition that he could do the same with her.

She first caressed his chest moving up towards his shoulders and down his arms. Next soft hands were on the side of his neck and moving down across his shoulder blades and onto his nipples. She toyed with his peaks making them hard before moving down to his stomach. She twirled her fingers in his pubic hair and moved around his erect penis to reach his balls. She fondled them gently and tickled the sensitive area behind them. She reached around to grab and squeeze his butt and by this time Jack had started his exploration of her body.

He followed basically the same path she did, but hesitated longer over certain areas than she did. He played with her pubic hair for a long time and used his finger to explore the space between her legs.

They had spent a couple of hours together naked and aroused; clarification of the next step was now required.

“I’m sorry,” She said, “but I’ve taken this much further than I intended. I don’t want sex tonight, well I do, but I’m not ready yet. I only wanted to talk a bit—sort of get to know you. Well I also wanted to see you naked. I’m sorry to frustrate you, but…”

Jack interrupted her by saying, “I understand and feel the same. Tonight is not right for sex. I find with all of the erotic activity around here that if I pursued it all I’d be dead within the week. I enjoyed our little play and hope to play with you again, but I think we are done for tonight. I’m not frustrated and I hope you aren’t either. I would be happy to give you an orgasm either manually or orally if you need one, but that’s as far as I want to go tonight.

“That is something else I heard about you, but didn’t believe. You make it sound so logical.” She replied.

They engaged in one more naked hug before Sharon put back on her clothes and said good night.

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