Retirement Home Massage Therapy Ch. 07

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All characters are over the age of 18 years old and all players are consenting adults.

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Sandra Spencer was my most regular customer. She would come for a massage every day if Nurse Adams could fit her into my schedule.

Like so many women born in the 1940s, she witnessed the sexual revolution without really experiencing it. She saw her daughters and sons having the fun she wanted to have but she was born in the wrong decade. Her family and her stodgy old husband’s ideas about sex as procreation left this naturally lusty woman sexually frustrated for over sixty years.

Now well into her eighties, her frustrations have grown into a mania.

Many, even most, women at this time of their lives, have buried their feelings and urges. They allow nature to take its course, turning them from the sexual creatures they could be, to sad, empty old women, sitting around and waiting for their number to come up.

For a very rare few this is not an option. Sandra Spencer’s staggering needs have kept her alert and fiery. She knew it was true that you lose it if you don’t use it.

She didn’t get her first vibrator until she turned sixty. On the same week as her husband passed away she drove herself to Everything Adult on the other side of town and purchased the ‘Mega Man’. She told me it was shaped like a great big pink cock – ten inches long, rubber, multiple speeds – absolutely state of the art at the time. She wore it out in three weeks.

By the time she had moved to St. Ophelia Retirement Village she had a collection of toys that was second to none and she used them morning, noon and night in search of the marvelous orgasms she could give herself.

She confessed to me that she doesn’t go for more than a few hours without a climax.

“I simply must have it Johnny. Otherwise I become quite desperate,” she told me once. “I really cannot function without it…”

This is The Reverend Mother’s mantra… sex as a door to good health. The nun told me that Sandra Spencer’s nymphomania galvanized her idea to try and change the village’s sexual attitudes.

“She is not the only one Johnny,” she would sermonize. “All my ladies have a little of her in them and God has put me here to help them!”

Sometimes when I opened the door to the waiting room I’d find Mrs. Spencer standing there, like a junky searching for a fix, her dear old round face looking up at me with expectation and need written all over. If I couldn’t fit her in, her disappointment was palpable and heart-rendering.

This particular afternoon though, she had an appointment.

At 5.30 I was sitting in my empty waiting room waiting for her to walk through the door. I had a serious crush on this dear old lady, so much so that even waiting for her was a pleasure. Her needs were extreme but they were matched by mine – as they often are with older women and younger men.

The late afternoon sun coming through the high hopper windows cast everything in that drab little waiting room with a soft golden glow and I found myself fantasizing about Sandra’s plump curvy body.

When she was suddenly standing in front of me I thought at first I was still dreaming. Rays of light silhouetted her, tracing through her curly white hair and sparkled off her glasses. It took me a few seconds to draw her sweet grandmotherly face into focus, smiling down at me, her big rosy cheeks plumping up pink and sweet like crabapples.

She was wearing the pale pink quilted robe she always wore. Thinking it looked a little like an overcoat rather than the dressing-gown it was, she felt she could safely wear it on the walk between her little unit and my massage rooms without drawing too much attention. And she was right of course. In the sheltered atmosphere of St. Ophelia’s Retirement Village, the ladies can get away with all sorts of outlandish fashions.

She was never a tall woman and age had shrunk her a little as well but bright green eyes sparkled out of her round jolly face. Her big rosy cheeks and deep laugh lines around the corners of her mouth and eyes completed the picture of everyone’s plump round grandmother.

“Hello Johnny dear,” she said in that husky breathless tone she had. Sandra Spencer has the dry raspy voice of a smoker, mixed with molasses – that slow measured tone that only old women have.

“Hello Mrs. Spencer,” I said happily, flashing her with my biggest boyish grin. “I’ve been really looking forward to seeing you…”

“Dear Johnny,” she croaked. “You are such a sweet boy,”

Sitting carefully down on the bench beside me, she took my hands in hers, leaning forward for a kiss hello. A gentle kiss on the lips, and then another that lingered a little longer.

And then our lips were glued together.

As our tongues intertwined I felt her hands on my back and neck, eagerly pulling me close, desperately holding me tight.

“I so look forward to our sessions Johnny dear,” she gasped throatily. “I can’t wait to feel beyliikdüzü escort your hands on me…”

Mrs. Spencer’s gown fell open as she leaned towards me and I saw she was naked underneath. She always was. We had dispensed with any pretense of modesty long ago.

The magnificent swell of her huge sagging breasts was too inviting to resist. The dear old woman shook with excitement as I slid my hand between the fold of her robe and groped a large tit, squeezing the nipple firmly between my thumb and forefinger.

“Mmmmm,” she sighed into my mouth and pressed even harder against mine.

The flesh of her gigantic tits was cool and soft. Her big protruding nipples hardened into the palms of my hand.

“Shall we g.. get started, Mrs. S… Spencer?” I stuttered.

“Mmm, yes yes Johnny dear, let’s.”

I stood up and helped her carefully to her feet. She was eager but her old legs let her down a bit sometimes. Taking her hand I escorted her into the massage room.

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I always dismissed Nurse Adams when Mrs. Spencer visited. The nurse hated this of course. The crazy bitch got so desperately jealous – but Mrs. Spencer liked having me to herself.

“What on earth is so different about this old lady anyway?” The nurse would ask in that pissed off English accent of hers. “Has she got a ‘magic pussy’?

It’s true that Mrs. Spencer had the most terrific libido and her cunt was especially tempting. Her plump round body, with her huge tits and massive ass, drove always drove me crazy with lust… but there were plenty of ladies like that here at the St. Ophelia Retirement Village.

The truth was something I couldn’t expect the nurse to understand. She just refused to see that Mrs. Spencer was special for me because she needed me the most. Nurse Adams was not cut out to have empathy.

Years of enforced celibacy that this naturally horny woman had suffered had turned her into an 84 year old sex kitten. Old as she was she fucked and sucked like a thousand dollar a night whore – nothing was off the table. There were few women in the village with a lust like hers and none were octogenarians. She and I were perfect together and I think the only time the old woman was truly happy was when I was fucking her.

So the nurse was gone.

I knew she was sitting next door with The Reverend Mother, watching us from behind the big long two-way mirror that made up a full wall of my massage room but that was ok. I liked them watching. The Reverend Mother would already be recording us with her video cameras and microphones…

The old woman knew this as well. She used the nun’s videos all the time for the purpose they were intended, masturbation material for all the horny old women in the village.

As far as Sandra Spencer was concerned, we were alone. She liked to have me all to herself and that suited me just fine as well. I didn’t want to share this delightful old woman either.

I stripped off in front of her, slow and tantalizing, just how she liked it. Sandra peered at me through her big square spectacles as she watched me undress, studying my slim muscular body. The big thick lenses perched on the end of her nose magnified her eyes like an owl.

My uniform is easy to discard so I slowed it right down for her like a good Chippendale boy. My simple white t-shirt was slowly peeled off and my white drawstring pants I lowered down in slow motion.

Then I was naked – my horny nine-inch cock sticking up hard and erect, lecherously pointing at her.

“Lovely, lovely…” she muttered, groping between her legs with one hand, under the folds of her robe, and running the other over my rippling six-pack stomach.

The dear old woman unselfconsciously rubbed her hyper-sensitive pussy, wide-eyed and smiling wantonly up at me as I lifted the pale pink gown off her shoulders.

We stood naked in front of each other then, enjoying the other’s adoration. My god she was gorgeous.

She put her arms around my neck and we kissed long and deep. Her breath was minty. I ran my hands down her back and over her broad fat bum and I felt her hands doing the same, grasping my tight ass cheeks and rubbing herself up against me. We swayed together like we were dancing, waltzing without music, my hard cock squeezed up against her round pot belly.

“Ahhh how lovely,” she sighed, resting her head against my chest.

She did not the body of a catwalk model – quite the opposite really. Mrs. Spencer may have been a pinup girl in her day but now her body was plump and stooped with age, squat like a fertility goddess from some pagan island. She was showing the typical signs of wear you’d expect in an eighty year old – loose skin tone and extra padding in the ‘comfort areas’. Her wide pear-shaped body was a series of swells and dips with lovely warm rounded edges sagging.

She drove me crazy…

“I love your body Mrs. Spencer,” I gasped hungrily as I nibbled her earlobe.

The bodrum escort old woman giggled like a little girl. “You say such sweet things, Johnny,” she tittered, her flushed cheeks going a deeper shade of scarlet.

Watermelon shaped tits with huge tubular nipples hung low on either side of a plump round belly – a belly that also sagged, hanging over her pussy. Her pubic hair was brown and grey trimmed neatly around her drooping pussy lips and prominent large clitoris.

Mrs. Spencer’s unusually wide hips and a correspondingly large bottom seemed too big for her frame. Disproportionately large ass cheeks bulged out over her thick thighs and big fleshy legs that were required to hold up her plump little body.

She could have been anyone’s grandmother really.

As we kissed and groped each other I ran a hand over her pussy, teasing her big meaty cunt. She moaned with lust as stroked my fingers back and forth, teasing and probing the gaping hole and tweaking her big erect clit. Her inflamed pussy was already wet and ready.

“Mmmm… ooooh yesss…” she moaned happily

When I saw that her legs were starting to give way I whisked her off her feet and carried her like a baby, up to my massage table, carefully laying her down on her back like a sacrifice.

“Oh Johnny…,” she gasped excitedly. “Goodness… oh goodness me…”

As she got comfortable on the high firm platform, her body seemed to settle. Her huge breasts draped over her chest so that the long hard nipples seemed to float in the middle – like the masts of two little round rafts on matching seas of boob.

Nothing was said as I stood over her cupping the warm massage oil in one hand and then the other. We both knew what was going to happen next. Our whole time together was a prolonged tease where we both tried desperately not to fuck each other’s brains out.

She lay back expectantly, a sweet little smile on her face and her eyes closed. Her arms were turned out, palms up, and her legs were flat on the table but bent at the knee and opened wide. She could not have been more spread apart. Her large erect clitoris was standing up like a little cock.

Drizzling the oil over the slope of her belly I chased the little river with my warm hands as it tried to find its way through her pubic hair.

“Oooohhh Johnny dear,” she moaned in that husky deep tone of hers.

Starting with her legs, I wrapped my hands around a huge upper thigh and kneaded the big dimpled muscles, ‘accidentally’ rubbing against her wide spread cunt from time to time. Every time I touched that sensitive flesh the old lady gasped, drooling with pleasure.

I slowly massaged, first one thigh and then the other. Her old legs were thick, the cellulite and varicose veins belying the muscle required to hold up her bulky curvaceous body.

Taking all the time in the world I firmly worked the muscles of her legs, down to her knees and over her pretty feminine calves. Then back up, one leg at a time, over her knees, her upper thigh to her crutch and hip, rubbing my hand against her pussy – one leg and then the other.

It was driving the lusty old bird crazy. She was getting wetter and wetter, her juices glistening on her brownish-grey pubis.

“Let’s do it now Johnny,” she whispered hoarsely, “I’m ready now… no need to wait…”

Mrs. Spencer grasped my hand and pulled me close, her hand gripping my erection firmly, squeezing and stroking. It felt so good…

…but I took a deep breath and gently disengaged her. Aroused as I was I knew it was much too soon. Besides I loved to hear the old dear beg for it.

“Please Johnny dear,” she gasped. “I know we normally take our time… and usually I just love that, you know I do, but… but… not tonight dear. Please, Johnny… please put your lovely cock in me…”

She said this every time… but never seems to remember. Nurse Adams says it’s dementia but I prefer to think the sweet old lady is just a little forgetful.

Her feet were turned outwards and she had spread her legs as far apart as she could without letting them fall off the table, like a rodeo rider who’s horse had disappeared. Her big wet pussy was gaping wide open. She looked so good… so inviting… I really was tempted to climb up on top of her right there and then…

I rubbed on my massive hardon a little, salivating over her body, covering my big boner with the warm massage oil.

“Come on Johnny…” she coaxed, watching me jerk off. “Let’s do it, dear boy… come on…”

It’s always tempting and sometimes I give in to her. Other times I show restraint. This was one of those times but it was a close thing.

I went back to work.

From deep hard rubbing into the fatty parts of her upper thighs, I eventually moved down her legs – under her knees, calves, ankles and then her feet.

She sighed happily as I massaged her ankles, her heel and over the soft ticklish arch – to her toes.

One foot at a time I pampered all ten of those bolu escort little digits, playing with each in turn, taking my time with this little piggy, and that little piggy… I have a particular thing for Sandra’s little toes with their carefully applied pale pink nail polish.

On an impulse I lifted a foot up and kissed the big toe, sucking it like a lollipop. The dear old thing shuddered with lust and she started begging again…

“Please fuck me Johnny,” she rasped. “Please Johnny… oh dear, oh dear…”

She was masturbating herself, the fingers of one hand sloshing around in her gaping cunt. The other tweaking her large prominent clit, teasing it between thumb and forefinger…

“S… soon Mrs. Spencer,” I managed, as I licked my tongue between each toe, drooling and nibbling on those fleshy little bits of flesh. “Don… don’t you cum yet…”

By the time I had finished with her feet her big body was rippling, moving against her hand.

“Fuck me J… johnny,” she gasped as I ran my hands over her flushed aroused body. “Please… please…”

“S… soon Mrs. Spencer,” I said. “M… must do your… your… upper body.”

Reaching for the bottle of massage oil I squirted too much over her lovely big tits.

I stood behind her then, at the head of the table and ran my hands down over her huge saggy boobs. They were dripping with oil, slippery and warm.

Mrs. Spencer’s finger fumbled inside her old hairy cunt, eyes closed and groaning as I rubbed the warm lubricant all over her gigantic soft breasts – plucking and tugging on her huge hard nipples.

“Don’t cum yet Mrs. Spencer,” I said again in a chastising tone,. “It’s much too soon…”

“Mmmm… but, but… oh dear, oh dear…”

“No ma’am,” I said firmly. “Not… not yet…”

In long repetitive groping motions I massaged her gigantic boobs. Up over her upper arms, across her shoulders, around her neck, and then down the gentle slope of her décolletage to her massive soft tits…

…they were so big I could only just reach her nipples, toying with them with the tips of my fingers…

…and then down over to the sides, lifting them up and pressing them together, shiny and slick from oil, into a big deep cleavage.

Then repeat. And repeat. And repeat…

Mrs. Spencer was in heaven enjoying the loving attention I was giving her body. Gasping and moaning, her hips moving against her hand in a regular rhythmic beat. She was very close to cumming…

“MMmm… MMmm… MMmm…

“Don’t… don’t you dare cum Mrs. Spencer,” I cried loudly. Sometimes she doesn’t hear so well… we couldn’t give in yet…

“Oh dear oh dear,” she rasped and, like a naughty child who has been told not to touch, gripped the sides of the mattress as though she couldn’t control her hands any other way.

“Then… then you really must do me, Johnny,” she continued desperately. “I… I… just want to explode!”

I decided she was right. Playing with her lovely full body and watching her diddle herself was driving me crazy as well. My cock was unbearably hard… pulsing and engorged… so nice to stroke…

“Yes… yes… soon… very soon,” I gasped. “Must do your the b… back first Mrs. Spencer. Let’s get you on your knees I think…

A younger woman could have just flipped over but not old Mrs. Spencer. She was willing enough but the flesh was weak. Slowly she complied. I helped her to sit up, then carefully onto her hands and knees.

It was an uncomfortable position for an older person so I slid the big round pillow up under her hips. I keep it for just such occasions. It’s shaped like a cylinder about three feet long, the round ends about the size of garbage bin lids.

Once it was in position she could rest her abdomen down on it leaving her glorious big bum high up in the air.

The old woman was totally exposed, head down, bum up, her beautiful thick body draped down over the pillow pyramid I’d made.

The padding under her midriff encouraged her pussy lips and puckered bum cheeks to spread apart. I looked longingly into the inner workings of her big wet cunt and her magnificent huge ass, holes she was begging me to fuck.

“Are you c… c… comfortable Mrs. Spencer?” I croaked, stroking the wet hairy grey bush between her legs.

“Oh me oh my… p… please Johnny… PLEASE Johnny dear,” she begged huskily. “I must have you in me… I simply must…”

The beautiful old babe wiggled her bum invitingly. I was so tempted to stick my erection straight into her but a little more teasing would only make it better…

“We… we… we’ll have a little more massage, Mrs. Clarke…” I said as I climbed up on the mattress behind her.

The old woman started crying.

“W… why w… w… won’t you p… p… put it in me?” she sobbed. “Please… please… oh PLEASE… PLEASE…”

The dear old slut pushed her bum back against me as I ground my fingers firmly into her huge fleshy ass cheeks, no doubt hoping to catch me out …and that my massive engorged cock might accidentally slip inside…

Squirting a liberal amount of oil over her massive butt, I reached over with both hands onto her lower back. Then down over her huge bottom cheeks, down the outside of her thick cellulite thighs to the inside of her knees.

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