Sacred Institute – Act II (5) – final chapter


VI. It is all in the family

In the upcoming days, she occasionally can see her daughter in the park, or at competitions, but they never exchange words. The silver lining of the cold shoulder of sister Renata is that it allows her mother to overcome her grief of abandonment. But it does not help her collapsed sense of purpose. It takes her weeks to get over her daughter forsaking her, but months in order to get her mind in a better state. It helps that she is so horny, that she comes so much, and that some masters cheer her up. But what probably helped the most is that memories fade with time.

After many years, father John fetches sister Riley from her chamber and walks to the elevator. He does not explain anything and instead starts with a weird question.

“Sister Riley, do you know how old you are?”

“How old I am? Oh dear, I have no idea. Without a calendar and seasonal changes, the days all blend together.”

“You are about 50 years old.”

“What?? Then I have been here for …?

“Over 30 years. But I can’t fault you for not guessing that, because you don’t look 50. You probably look 27 years old, and I am talking about a 27-year-old model, considering all the work we did on you.”

“I’m … I’m confused. How has so much time passed? Why am I still so young?”

“No, you are not that young. You are over 50, but look 27. The daily drugs you took also slow down the aging of your appearance. However, it does not prolong your life span.”

“Why did you do that to me, father John?”

“So that we can make more money with you. Not many clients want sex slaves that look older than 40. But with the drugs, you will probably look 36 by the time you are 80. It can take years for a sister to reach her full potential. This way, we can profit longer off you. Also, we can’t have you age too fast compared to the pureblood brothers and sisters.”

The two step out of the elevator and walk in a corridor that sister Riley had never seen before.

“How would I age faster than them, father John?”

“We have been breeding sex slaves for centuries. At first, we ***********ed only the most beautiful people, then we gradually made sure that they have an abnormally high libido. This lead to the unfortunate result that some slaves pushed themselves too far and they hurt themselves or perished of exhaustion or internal injuries. Therefore, we bred them to have more resistant tissues and to have bone structures and stretchable orifices that allow them to take huge cocks in all their orifices. As a result, they lived longer, but unfortunately so long that they lost their enchanting beauty with age.”

“So, you bred them to have an appearance that ages slower?”

“Correct. By the time they die of old age, they don’t even look 40.”

“But how do you make drugs that slows down my aging?”

“We have found that the bodies of pureblood slaves form chemical compounds that keeps their appearance youthful. Naturally, we tried to extract them. However, they were so unstable that they broke down the moment we tried to extract them. Luckily, our slaves produce a solution that enables us to harvest the chemicals that we want: milk.”

Father John opens a door in the door hall and they both enter a white room. She can see a large apparatus with tubes and wires and a machine, showing a heartbeat. When she gets closer, she makes out a person strapped into the apparatus. Suddenly she gasps?

“Renata? Is that my daughter?? Renata? RENATAAAA!!!!!”

She bashes a glass plane that separates her from her daughter, while father John walks up calmly behind her.

“She can’t hear you. She receives sedating drugs that degenerated her brain. After all these years, her mind is gone. There is no thought in that head of hers.”

“Please, take her out, father John! PLEASE! I’ll do whatever you want!”

“There would be no point in that. The degeneration of her brain is permanent. Apart from that, she is put in here for a reason.”

“Why? Why is she strapped to that machine??”

“Milk, like I told you. Unfortunately, not a lot of our slaves produce milk of suitable quality. Sister Renata is one of the few who do, so we try to get every last drop out of her.”

Sister Riley looks at her motionless daughter and notices that her breasts have swollen to a massive size that she has not seen on any sister in the instate.

“What is the point of inflating her breasts? Why torture her with those oversized implants?”

“No, we removed those already. These are her real breasts. We injected tons of stem cells, hormones and drugs into her. As a result, she grew many pounds of additional milk producing tissue and her milk production skyrocketed. Her breasts are too large to hang from her breasts so that they are instead supported by cushioned baskets installed below her. Even if she regained her brain functions, I don’t know if she would be able to walk with those.”

All of a sudden, sister Renata’s body twitches and her mother starts banging against the glass again.

“She moved! She must have heard me! Please, let her out! Let her out, PLEASE!”

“Calm down, those are unvoluntary twitches. We pump her full with hormones that increase her arousal, because it improves milk production. As a side effect, her body is constantly climaxing. Probably a few hundred times a day.”

With her sliver of hope fading, sister Riley starts crying, kneeling on the ground with her head against the glass pane.

“All that for stupid milk?”

“That ‘stupid’ milk is one of our most valuable assets. It allows us to manufacture an elixir that slows down aging. It is not just for appearance, but it can increase the lifespan.”

“Are you not making enough money already?”

“The institute would never sell that. It is for self-use only. Each day we can only manufacture a few batches of the elixir with various quality, due to the limited amount of milk we have. The best batch goes to the head of the sacred family and the second-best batches go to family members next in line.”

“Of course, I should have guessed that the best goes to you, father John.”

“I’m not the head of the sacred family, not even part of the family. The sacred family owns the institutes around the world. I’m only managing one of them. However, I do get the next best batch and a group of my potential successors receive the last batches. But that is all we can produce.”

“What about me? Didn’t you say that you give me some drugs that slow down the aging of my appearance?”

“Very good, you were able to remember that. After processing the functional batches, there is some leftover waste material, which can be turned into the drugs we give to you. The pills slow down the aging of your appearance, but they can’t prolong your lifespan and they steadily degenerate your brain as well. Your ability to maintain and make memories gradually worsens.”

“My memories … go away?”

“Yes. We just saw that you still remember sister Renata. So, your memory goes back at least 5 years. But, do you remember the first time you were fucked by a horse?”

“Uh … I’m not sure …”

“Do you remember your streaming sessions in the pool?”

“Streaming? Pool? …”

“Do you remember how you got to the institute?”

“Was I not born here?”

“No. When you were 18, you raped the daughter of one of our clients and escaped to Mexico in order to avoid the police. In order to get revenge, our client paid us to capture you and to turn you to a woman to work as a sex slave. You stayed close to the border for a few days, breaking and entering in order to steal money for further travels. But we got you before you could make enough to continue your journey.”

“What??? Is this a joke? This can’t be true!”

“It is the truth. But it does not matter if you believe me, as you can’t remember it anyway.”

“I’m here because of a client? Can I talk to him? Can I apologize? Can I surrender to the police?”

“No, he and his wife have long died and their daughter, the girl you raped, has died of a drug overdose after her divorce many years ago.”

“So, the reason I am here has long perished. Can I leave then? Did I do my time in the institute?”

“You wrongly expect justice from the institute. We make money by supplying what is demanded and our client demanded to make you a slave, but not to perform justice. The fact that the reason you are here has ceased to exist makes your suffering more meaningless. But it does not affect our intention to sell you to our clients.”

“Father John, why did you bring me here?”

“So you can say goodbye before you forget her. You did care about her after all.”

“God, I barely remember her… but I know she was so sweet when I got her. And she worked so hard. She even won the tournament, but it did not safe her from this hell. It’s not fair.”

“Her progress was indeed extraordinary, but the quality of her milk outweighs her talent.”

“Wasn’t she pregnant when she left me? What happened to her child?”

“Technically, she has 36 children, but only one of them she gave birth to herself. They are being raised in our schools and will work for us once they turn 18. But…”

Father John pauses for a moment, pondering whether to withhold more information, but decides to continue.

“But they are not the same. I don’t know if you remember, but sister Renata was the product of a germline experiment. All in all, it was very successful, but there were still aspects that could be tweaked. Make her more robust, more flexible, more obedient… and give her a different sense of purpose.”

“What do you mean with purpose, father John?”

“Our slaves should not only have a perfect body, but also a perfect mind. They should be driven to work as hard as a sex slave as possible. I personally exceed expectations when I perform my tasks and I have great pride in what I have achieved. Therefore, I thought I should engineer sister Renata’s genes to make her prideful in her accomplishments.”

“That explains a lot! That is why she was so driven to get to level 10! You saw how outstanding her progress was.”

“Yes, at first, I thought my plan was correct. But eventually narcissism, egoism, and pride became unbearable. Our clients were not happy with her behavior, regardless of her level. Therefore, I need to change the purpose to something simpler: Pleasure and Compassion.”

“What does translate to, father John?”

“The girl can be driven to crave sex for pleasure or can be driven to provide pleasure. I wanted to modify one her daughters to have such purposes, but I could not find a proper mix. Therefore, I engineered two girls: One of them will want to fuck our clients as much as possible in order to increase her pleasure. The other one will want to have sex because she is told to do so. We will have to wait and see who does better.”

“I think the second one will do better, father John.”

He seems somewhat perplexed by her sudden response.

“I don’t think so.”

“Father John, I have been a sex slave for over 30 years. I think I can speak from experience.”

“You are talking about experience? I have been at the institute for 150 years.”

“What? How can you live that … oh … the elixir…”

“You are not very perceptive, you are? I have been here a long time and I have seen how much clients enjoy it when their slave is enthusiastic about sex. Sure, having them want to serve is good as well, but what has compassion brought you? You refused to kidnap a target out of pity and saved no one. You cared for your daughter and she abandoned you. You loved her and now you are heartbroken over her fate. You don’t think compassion will win; you want it to win so you don’t have to admit your failures”

“Maybe you are right, but I won’t change my mind. Let’s make a bet. If compassion wins, she won’t be put on that milking machine.”

“And if she loses? Will you put her on the machine herself?”

“I guess … I …”

“Ha, you are out of your mind if you think that I would honor a bet with a slave. But I am intrigued about which daughter will win.”

Sister Riley tries to focus, her deteriorating mind struggling with the timeline of events.

“How old are they?”

“About ten years old. We will have to wait eight more years until they come to the institute.”

“Do you know their names, father John?”

“They are called sister Ember and sister Mary.”

“Sister Ember and sister Mary? I’ll have to remember their names.”

He has to chuckle a bit at their grandmother, still kneeling at the glass pane.

“We both know, you can’t.”

Sure enough, eight years later, father John visits sister Riley in her chamber and throws a robe onto her bed.

“Put this on. Today is the right of passage for the two girls. You will be there to hold the collars.”

Sister Riley shuffles of the bed and does as she is told. The feeling of clothing on her skin as become so unfamiliar to her. Luckily, the robe is very wide, probably to hide her large tits from the new girls. While she gets dressed, father John keeps explaining.

“This time, none of the girls will live with you. Our clients had more trouble torturing your daughter, because you disclosed too much about the institute to her. We will pretend that you are one of the managing sisters. This way, the girls won’t get suspicious when they see you. In order to prevent a mix-up, you will also receive a new name in the meantime. Until the tournament, you will be called sister ‘Lottie’.”

“Understood. But, father John … why that name?”

“You remind me of a man called Lot in the book of Genesis, who offered his two virgin daughters to be raped by men of Sodom.”

“But I’m not offering these girls.”

Father John smirks at sister Lottie.

“I think the bigger difference is that Lot did it to safe two angles. Also, in the end, the two daughters were saved from being raped. But the granddaughters of sister Lottie will meet a different end.”

During the rite of passage, sister Lottie stands at the side silently, hoping against all odds that the girls choose prayer instead of sex. And after Thomas abused sister Mary so recklessly, she could even see some doubt in the young girl’s eyes. However, sister Lottie’s hopes are predictably shattered, when the two newcomers naively request to be sex slaves.

A few days later, sister Lottie fetches sister Mary and brings her to sister Ember’s chamber to be fucked by their next master. They are already one level apart. Maybe father John was right. Maybe sister Ember would indeed do better by pursuing her sexual pleasure.

Sister Lottie sees her granddaughters from time to time, when they need to be fetched to other chambers for gangbangs and competitions.

Father John made sure that sister Lottie was the one who took away sister Mary’s wolf family and when the girl lost them again at triple or nothing. She would have loved to comfort her granddaughter after she lost a game rigged to never be won. Sister ember would not have cared for the wolves, but the compassionate sister Mary did. And it crushed her. Maybe father John was right.

Sister Lottie was serving masters beverages during the great tournament. On the first day, sister Ember outperformed everyone. But to the surprise of sister Lottie, it was not just her that wanted sister Mary to win instead. From a safe distance, she heard them urging the little girl to win the next day. Sister Lottie had enough experience to know that the masters meant it.

It seems that sister Mary took their wish to heart as she bravely battled a head-to-head with the frontrunner. However, even sister Lottie was not prepared for the emotional turmoil when sister Mary clutches the win from an apparent loss. Her grandmother was cheering loudly and even high-fiving masters around her that were joining in the celebration.

Many years later, sister Riley has to put on her robe again and bring sister Mary to one of the rooms in the maternity section of the institute. To her surprise the master is already waiting outside the door welcoming the two women.

“Ah there they are. You are sister Mary I presume?”

“Yes, master.”

“And you are sister Lottie?”

“Uh … yes, master. I brought the girl, but I’ll wait outside …”

“No, not this time. You will join us. Let’s go inside.”

When they enter the room, they see a young girl lying in bed, looking quite exhausted, but still welcoming the master with a smile.

“Good morning, master, what can I do for you?”

“Good morning, sister Julia. I heard you delivered a healthy baby yesterday. How are you doing?”

“I did! The baby is fine. I am still very exhausted … but I can nonetheless serve you, of course!”

The master hands a pill to sister Lottie and gestures her to give it to sister Julie.

“You must be exhausted indeed. Poor thing, here, take this pill, it will help you when you rest later. Sister Mary, come here and suck me hard.”

By the time sister Julia has swallowed the pill, sister Mary’s head is already bobbing up and down between her master’s groin. He then instructs sister Lottie.

“Get the new mother undressed and sit her on my lap.”

The two women look at each other reluctantly, but sister Lottie eventually walks up to the bed, helps her stand on her feet, and removes her hospital gown. After she manages to wobble over to the master, he shoos sister Mary away and inserts his cock into the young mother’s pussy. After riding him for a while, her legs start to give in and sister Lottie supports and guides her.

The master crosses the arms behind his head and gives sister Lottie a satisfied look.

“Quite impressive. She gave birth yesterday, but her pussy still feels good. She isn’t even bleeding.”

Sister Lottie is stumped about the comment and tries to reply.

“Thank you, master. Our sisters train well to take large objects while maintaining a tight pussy. Our little girl here does us proud.”

After some time, he switches to fucking her ass and eventually, the little girl drops to her knees to swallow his load. She wants to lie down in exhaustion, but is still asked to climb onto the bed on all fours. The master continues with his instructions.

“Not bad, but can you also take a larger cock? Sister Lottie, go fuck her pussy.”

She is a bit surprised, as she had pretended to be a managing sister. Apart from that, she had no idea that the master knew that she had a dick. However, not wanting to refuse her master’s command, she removes her robe, revealing her huge cock, much to the surprise of sister Mary. The master instructs the shocked girl to suck the cock hard and after a few minutes of getting a blowjob from the clueless granddaughter, sister Riley mounts the girl on the bed.

However, even after all the training, she struggles with her sore groin from yesterday’s delivery. She groans in pain, but holds herself steady while getting railed balls deep. After some time, sister Lottie is instructed to fuck her ass, which proves difficult, as her guts had shifted a lot during the pregnancy. However, with each thrust, her intestine aligns with the huge member and gradually she manages to take it in the ass balls deep as well. She powers through it and eventually swallows sister Lottie’s load.

Sister Julia falls exhausted into her bed while the master keeps giving instructions.

“It seems that her guts still need realignment. Sister Mary, go fist her ass as deep as you can. And when you reach her limit, eat her out until she comes.”

Sister Mary tries to be as gentle as possible, but the fresh mother is still groaning and moaning, trying to fit the long arm into her tired ass. Nonetheless, sister Mary manages to get almost all of her arm inside and carefully starts licking her crotch. With her aching body not in a good state for arousal, sister Lottie is instructed to suck and careless the girl’s tits. After some time, her breathing intensifies and her body is slowly building towards a climax.

Despite the young mother dutifully performing all tasks dutifully, the master seems hellbent on tormenting her. Next, he orders sister Lottie to stick her cock in the girl’s mouth and piss down her throat. A few moments after draining her bladder, sister Julia finally manages to squeeze an orgasm out of her drained body. Her breathing gradually slows down, but her eyes start to look drowsy, until they close and her head falls to the side.

Sister Mary looks in shock, still with her entire arm in the unconscious girl.

“What happened? Sister Julia? Are you alright? Sister …”

The master interrupts her.

“Don’t worry about her, she is fast asleep. The pill she swallowed earlier has finally knocked her out. You two, strap her into the wheel chair over there.”

Sister Mary carefully removes her arm from the girl’s ass and the two confused sisters sit her in a wheel chair next to the bed. In the meantime, the master speaks into a microphone that they are ready to go soon.

The two sisters push the wheelchair while following their master to the elevator. When the door opens, they are surprised to see father John already standing there. He ignores them and talks with the master instead.

“Are we ready to go down, sir?”

“Yes, we are.”

Father John presses a button and the elevator descends to the basement, where the group of five people enter a room with a milking machine. Father John instructs sister Lottie and Mary to strap the unconscious girl into the machine. They breath nervously while fastening huge padded constraints around the entire length of sister Julia’s arms and legs. They also attach a feeding tube to her face and pumps to her tits. After a few more steps, the fresh mother is suspended in the air with most of her body covered by horrifying machinery.

Father John presses a button and the milking machine starts pumping. Everyone is watching how the giant emotionless apparatus drains the immobilized body, until sister Mary is the first one to break the silence.

“Father John, … what is happening to sister Julia?”

“She is being milked here until the rest of her life. We apply medication that will degenerate her brain over the years, removing her consciousness. Regardless of that, she will stay sedated, so there won’t be suffering.”

Sister Mary is utterly horrified.

“But … why??”

“The milk allows us to manufacture an elixir that can prolong the life of the sacred family and other ***********ed individuals such as me. Her milk is exceptionally well suited. It is more beneficial than her service to the masters.”

“But this is such … unthinkable cruelty. Please, father John, have mercy!”

“You are asking for mercy? You? Come, let me show you something.”

The group proceeds through a door to a neighboring door, where they see another milking machine. Sister Mary steps closer to inspect the woman inside and suddenly screams out.

“Sister Ember? Is that you? Oh, oh no … what did they do to you?”

Sister Mary starts crying, hitting a glass plane shielding her from the machine. But her attempts at trying to get her attention are futile. Father John goes on.

“She can’t hear you. She has been here for almost 18 years. Her mind is completely gone.”

“She didn’t deserve this!”

“Well, you may be right about that, sister Mary. Originally, you were supposed to be in this machine, as your milk would have been better. But after you won the tournament, you were spared and we took the second-best choice. As you can see, you already received mercy.”

“All this time, she has been here … and I didn’t even know. Sister Ember … I’m so sorry sister Ember, I shouldn’t have won, I’m so sorry! What have I done?!”

Father John walks next to her and whispers in her ear.

“What you have done? You did actually quite a lot I must say. The life span of the current head of the sacred family bycasino is about to end any day now. The life span was shorter, because the milk came from sister Ember instead of you. This means that by cramming that apple up your ass, you ended the life of the most powerful person in the world. Such a ridiculous circumstance and no one knows about it.”

“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen! I’m sorry about the apple! Can you not release sister Ember? Take me instead!”

“That would be pointless. She is an empty husk, a vegetable. If we released her, she would stay unconscious and eventually die. Besides, you don’t have to take her place. We have finally found a replacement. Sister Julia’s milk is excellent, just like yours. But that shouldn’t come as a surprise, she is your daughter after all.”

Sister Mary looks with shock at father John.

“Sister Julia … is my daughter? But she is in that …”

She runs over into the first room and bangs against the glass, but the young girl is also unresponsive. Sister Riley is still standing next to father John. She managed to stay silent, but can’t hold back her tears anymore.

“This poor little girl … she is my great-granddaughter? … and you made us put her into this horrible machine ourselves. My only interaction with her was … oh no, you made me fuck her holes, and come and piss in her mouth … that was her last memory. Why are you doing this to us, father John?”

“I only wanted her inside the milking machine. Everything else was the request of our client.”

Both girls look at the master grinning in the background. Sister Riley just shakes her head.

“Who are you, master?”

“John Bolton. You don’t know me, but you have met my mother. You raped her 60 years ago. Sadly, she has already passed away, so I continue our tradition of ruining your life.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about, master.”

“So, your memory has indeed faded. What a shame, you forgot everything we did to you already.”

He looks over to father John.

“John, how much does she even remember?”

“It seems her time window for keeping memories maybe covers a month or two, sir.”

“Fucking hell, you completely fried her brain… well, don’t worry we have to time catch up. But for now, I make sure that every offspring you cared for is forever tied to those milking machines. Your daughter, your granddaughters in the other room, and now your great-granddaughter. You even put her in yourself, hehe.”

Sister Riley looks at her in anguish and pauses for a moment.

“My granddaughter … and that other girl is my granddaughter? Wait, … and I even have a daughter?”

The master smiles “Let’s go meet her!”

They walk to one more room and see another woman locked in a milking machine. The woman herself looks mostly normal. However, her breasts had grown to a volume larger than the girl herself. They are contained by two giant padded bowls with a diameter of at least one meter.

Both girls can’t fathom what they are seeing. Sister Mary is in shock, hearing seeing her mother the first time. One the other hand, sister Riley seems rather confused.

“I … I don’t remember this poor woman.”

Father John pulls out a tablet and shows a video collage of the two meeting, having sex together and cuddling in bed. With every passing second, the mother’s expression gets sadder until she finally breaks in tears. Father John continues explaining.

“Sister Renata has dutifully provided us with milk for over forty years. More than enough to fill this entire room actually. We kept injecting her breasts with cells and hormones to increase the milk production. But we had to eventually stop, as her digestive track was only able to metabolize so much food, even with preprocessed food we provided for her.”

Her mother cannot believe her eyes.

“Forty years of this hell…”

“And we can maybe get another forty years out of her, if she makes it to a hundred. And sister Julia starts her first day of her process of becoming our milk cow.”

Sister Riley looks back at the smiling master.

“Why do you have to torture my family? Apart from me, they didn’t do anything to you. All that money you waste to destroy their lives would be better spent on your own children.”

His smile suddenly vanishes and he looks at her in anger.

“I can’t have … I don’t have any children of my own. And then I learn that the rapist of my mother gets to enjoy a large family. I don’t need to care for any children of my own. I have no other purpose any more other than ruining your family!”

The master stops himself when he notices that he said too much. Angry at himself, he points at sister Riley.

“Anyway, you are mine now.”

He grins for a moment and eventually storms out the room. After he loudly shuts the door behind himself, father John has to laugh.

“All that power and money, but he is still vulnerable. You happen to find his one weak spot. His line ends with him, while yours is plentiful.”

“And yet doomed to slavery or … worse. Maybe I deserve my punishment, but my children are innocent. Yet, I have to watch each one of them be slaves for the great father John. I have to live knowing that even when I am dead there will new generations tortured due to my failings. You are having a laugh, but clueless about what it is like to know that your children are doomed.”

“Ok, we are done here. Get your great-granddaughter and bring her back to her room. This is your last action as sister Lottie. Say your goodbyes, because you are going to leave the institute, sister Riley.”

“What? I can leave? Why?”

“We sold you. Every sister can be bought out, if a client pays the amount of money we would normally expect to make until the end of her lifespan. Therefore, the price drops until someone is willing and able to pay.”

Sister Riley gets a worried look on her face.

“Who … did you sell me to, father John?”

“To the gentleman who just angrily stormed out of the room.”

“Oh no … no, what will he do to me?”

“I don’t know. For the amount that we charge, we don’t ask questions.”

The poor woman just stands there, unable to react. She cried too much already. Too many shocks to her in a day. Father Johne gives her a few minutes to collect herself, but eventually instructs sister Mary to help her. Sister Mary embraces her shocked grandmother and the two go back to her room, where they hug each other one last time.

“I’m sorry that you have to live in this world, my dear child. But I’m glad I got to meet you one last time. Farewell.”

“I’ll never forget you, sister Lot… I mean, sister Riley or grandma…”

“I wish I could say the same. Goodbye.”

Sister Riley kisses her forehead and leaves for her chamber. When she opens her door to her room, she is surprised to see father John inside. And he is visibly angry.

“You think I am clueless? You think I don’t know what it is like to have children born into slavery? Every slave in the institute, man or woman, is my child or child or childes-child. I am fucking father John!”

Even with her poor memory, she can feel that he has never been this upset with her.

“What do you mean, father John?”

“At the end of the tournament, the eggs of the winners are fertilized by me or my sons. The most beautiful children become sex slaves and the rest become a worker here. Whoever fathers the most successful sex slaves will become the manager. That is how I became the manage and how my next successor will be ***********ed. You whine about a few dozen children being born slaves? I have thousands of children who met that fate!”

Sister Riley, tries to process that information and just shakes her head in disbelief.

“Why do you do that to them?”

“It’s the responsibility of the manager. It has always been.”

“I don’t understand…”

“It started thousands of years ago … because a horny idiot. A sheep herder explained to a pharaoh that his sheep have such great wool due to breeding only the best sheep with each other. The pharaoh wondered if the same technique can be used to breed the most beautiful women. However, with human reproduction being so much slower, such a breeding program would require more than one life-span to be carried out. As a luck would have it, a lustful farmer rejected by a female slave he fancied went to the pharaoh and asked to have her anyway. He did not have any means to pay with, so he was made a proposal. The pharaoh would give him the most beautiful slaves including the one that he wanted. The farmer would be allowed to fuck them all. In return, he oversees the breeding program and makes sure that his children are bound by a generational contract to continue the program. That was thousands of years ago and I am still bound to this contract, because this horny farmer could not take no for an answer.”

“The institute has existed for thousands of years? I thought it belongs to you, but … you are a slave as well? Who is your master?”

“The sacred family, the descendants of the pharaoh. Due to the potion manufactured from the milk, they get to live up to 250 years old. Wealth in a family usually dissipates between generations, but not with such life spans. They will rule the world forever. Not as monarchs, but as owners of the world.”

“Then … your children will be sex slaves forever as well.”

“No, you are wrong …”

Father John stops himself and pauses for a long time.

“Ah well, you will forget it anyway… I will make sure one of my sons will escape the circle. After I saw how successful my genetic experiments with sister Mary and Ember went, I manufactured a son for myself. He basically has most of my genes, but is even more intelligent. I had managed to smuggle the fertilized egg out and have him carried to term by a surrogate mother. He is about as old as sister Julia and already very capable. I want him to live long as well, be successful when I’m gone. But I can’t give him any of the elixir from the institute. I need my own milk cow and we still have a really good one here in the institute, because she was previously spared.”

The gears are turning in sister Riley’s head.

“… my other granddaughter … sister Mary.”

“Exactly! I had no intentions to spare her due to our bet, but when I noticed that I can use her for my son, I spared her nonetheless.”

“You are going to buy her? Please, just leave her alone!”

“I … don’t have that kind of money, unfortunately. But when the head of the family dies, I get to demand one sister for my loyal services. And as ‘luck’ would have it that will happen soon, due to the inferior milk quality of sister Ember.”

“Do you have no mercy? Then, all four girls, all four generations will meet the fate of these horrible milking machines!”

“Except for you. You will be shipped to your master today. You better behave well or he might use our 30-days-return policy, hehe.”

“Return me? Fuck you! You know that he is going to kill me. It’s not fair!”

“Fair? You already outlived his mother. And technically your lineage lives on while hers dies with him. But what do I care. I don’t have to see either of you, so good riddance to both of you. Now gather your toys, so we can send you off.”

Soon after, a large wooden box with two compartments is brought in. Sister Riley has to pack her largest toys and anything else that she can fit into the first compartment. Afterwards, she has to insert her largest dildo into her ass and attach cuffs to her wrists, which are subsequently connected directly with her nipples. This allows her to move her arms slightly, but only so far as she does not want to rip out her nipple piercings. Afterwards, she lies inside the padded second compartment and a machine is attached around her cock, which promptly starts jerking her off. Next to her head is arranged large container filled with jizz, from which a tube is led to her mouth for nourishment.

Afterwards, the box is closed shut and she is transported to her new destination. She manages to withstand the machine on her cock for 20 minutes, but eventually comes, starting her ordeal of forced climaxes. By the time she is loaded onto an airplane, she has already come two times. Hours of agony follow, but no one can hear her.

By the time her new owner opens the lid of her box, her bright red cock has come over ten times and the thirst ridden girl has already emptied the entire container of jizz. The master does not remove the machine and instead tells her to get up.

When she looks around, she can see that they are in a remote hut in a forest. As much as she wants to run away, her body hurts too much from the anal dildo and the machine and her legs are too tired from sitting in the box.

He grabs her by the arm and would almost have ripped of the nipple piercing attached to her cuffs, if she didn’t promptly follow him. Once inside, they go down a few sets of stairs until she finds herself in a dark dungeon, where he finally removes the machine from the groaning woman. She subsequently has to carry all the toys from her box down to the dungeon, whereupon she can finally remove the dildo in her ass.

Sister Riley is allowed to use the bathroom and is to shower herself with some of his help. Once she is cleaned, he lies on his bed and finally removes her handcuffs from the nipple piercings. Then he instructs her to ride her master while facing a screen on other side of the room.

After she got into a good rhythm, he operates a remote to start a movie on the screen, showing her how she looked like when she was abducted by the institute. She watches as they broke her pelvis to allow for larger toys and how a machine is grinding down her facial bones until she looked like a female supermodel. In horror she observes how some unknown man named Ethan is gradually transformed into the young girl that she used to be.

Seeing her current face in a mirror on the wall, it seems as that procedure was only 15 years ago. But in reality, it happened over 60 years ago. Decades of being a sex slave and she can’t even remember it. Her live is blur and it will end in this dungeon. Maybe that’s for the better. Eventually, she jumps of his cock in order to swallow his load.

Afterwards, she has to insert the large dildo back in her ass and gently massages his cock in her mouth, while they watch together her staged escape. She is stunned seeing herself in this dramatic breakout, while having seemingly no recollection of the events. It feels so different that she starts to cheer for the brave girl, running for hours with a giant dildo in her ass. She even feels sympathy for the old woman and old man who appear to safe her, just to be fooled a second time.

Afterwards, they watch her teach her own daughter Renata how to become a sex slave and her eventual abandonment. She even gets to watch the tournaments of her granddaughters and great-granddaughter.

By the time they finish the movie, she has already swallowed his second load. Afterwards, he puts the movie on repeat and locks her in her cell. Before he can leave, she asks him.

“Master, I’d prefer knowing the truth over thinking about the uncertainty. The remote location, the cell in the basement. I’m going to die here, right?”


He smiles and he locks the door.

Back in the institute, Mary has to continue working. Despite having found out about the horror that befell her family, she dutifully continues serving her masters. The video of her legendary tournament won by an apple was still watched decades later and the demand from clients does not waver. Due to large interest and her good behavior, she continues her evening streams, albeit while being monitored to make sure she does not reveal any details about the things she had learned.

After some time, Thomas joyfully reports to father John that someone was willing to buy her already for an outrageous amount of money. He praises his son for the amazing deal and instructs him to go ahead and start with the preparations to send the girl off.

As soon as his son shuts the door behind him, father John sits alone in his room and silently curses out Thomas. The head of the sacred family just died and he could have almost claimed precious milk cow, but now someone buys her? Stupid fucking Thomas, why did he sell away sister Mary? No need to be angry, there is already a plan for that.

After storing the girl and her toys in a wooden crate, he personally pushes the box into the elevator but makes a stop on a different level, exchanging the box holding sister Mary with a different box holding a timed bomb.

Soon after, the fake box is loaded onto a car and on the way to the airplane, he secretly moves the box with sister Mary to a truck and smuggles her out of the institute. Father John drives her to a safe house, where his secret son Chris is already waiting.

“Hi, is that her?”

“Yes, Chris. Quick, help me get her into the basement. I don’t have much time.”

Once they carried her down, they open the lid and a sister Mary looks perplexed at father John and the strange boy next to him, who is grinning from side to side.

“Fucking hell, dad, she is gorgeous! Can I fuck her?”

“Sure, knock yourself out. Just keep her chained up. And when you are done, stay away from this place. I don’t like you being this close to the institute. I’ll attach her to the milking machine once I’m done handling the anger of the client who thinks she died in an air plane crash.”

He hurries back to the institute, while Chris carefully helps sister Mary on her feet, since her wrists are stilled attached to her nipples. As he probes her perfect body, the girl tries to make sense of everything.

“Where am I? You are not the master who bought me. Who are you? What did father John call you? Chris?”

“You are at a secret location. The guy who bought you, he thinks you died in a plane crash. As a matter of fact, everyone thinks you did. You are dead to the world except to me and my father. We are your masters now.”

“Why did you …”

“Shut up and suck my cock, slave!”

She hesitates for a second, but with no way to escape the locked basement, she crouches down and starts blowing him.

“Holy shit, you are good. I never met a girl that could handle my huge cock so well. You really are trained well.”

A few moments later, he shoots down his first load down her throat. She is still kneeling in front of him, looking up to him with her sad puppy eyes, while still sucking on his member.

“I can piss in your mouth, right?”

She pauses for a moment and then nods slowly, not letting his dick out of his mouth. Moments later, she starts to gulp down the contents of his bladder.

“Now get back up. What is this vibrating sound? Do you have toys in your holes?”

She slowly gets back on her feet. Once he looks at her ass, he starts to understand, why she can’t move very quick.

“Wow, you got both your holes stuffed. Let me get that out.”

His eyes widen when he starts pulling and her ass starts stretching, revealing a monstrous dildo with a circumference of 50 cm (19.7 inches). A seemingly never-ending cylinder is gradually driving out of the groaning woman until the heavy object drops to the floor.

Next, he notices a vibrating dildo in her pussy as well. When he starts pulling it appears to be as thin as a normal dildo until a huge ball appears at the end that is vibrating viciously.

“What the fuck! That was inside of you? Why is it so thick at the end?”

“Master Chris, I can’t fit two large objects into my holes, because my pelvis opening in my pelvis forms a bottle neck. But if you shove them in one at a time, my body can handle both of them.”

“Jesus Christ that is a lot. Well let’s see what your stretched holes feel like. Lean against that wall, I want to fuck your ass.”

Sister Mary carefully leans with her hands against the wall, without pulling too much on her nipple rings and presents her ass. As soon he enters her, she clenches her muscles, trying to be as tight as possible for her new master.

“Un-fucking-believable, that feels amazing! How much can you take of my cock?”

“All of it, master. I have been fucked by dicks like yours my entire life.”

The slave was not lying. Soon after, he finds himself balls deep in the beauty’s ass. Not long after, she swallows his second load.

For the next hour, he keeps fucking her, fisting her and trying all kinds of dildos in any of her holes. She eventually asks whether he can detach her cuffs from her nipples, as her arms are getting too tired to hold up anymore. However, he declines and keeps having fun, while groaning turns to sobbing, as her tired arms start to torture her own tits.

After two hours, he is exhausted as well and finally cuffs her arms behind her back. As instructed, he leaves her in the basement, where father John finds her two hours later. In the meantime, sister Mary had the chance to look around the room and identified a device that worries her.

“Father John, what is happening to me? Why is there a milking machine in this room? Am I still at the institute?”

“No, you are in a secret basement. The institute also beliefs that you have died. I can now attach you to my very own milking machine.”

“No, father John, please, please don’t. I have done everything you wanted. I have done everything your son wanted. Didn’t you sacrifice sister Ember for me? If you put me in the machine, it was all for nothing.”

“You are right, you have done everything that you were told. Usually, I don’t punish obedience, but I have my goals and those are more important than your wishes.”

Sister Mary starts screaming when he starts mounting her into the machine. However, she can’t defend herself from the strong man and moments later finds herself fully immobilized with pumps attached to her tits. With his hand on the control panel, he has to give her bad news.

“I have to apologize about one thing, honey. Usually, we sedate the sisters that are strapped in these machines, but I don’t have the necessarily drugs. Or to me more precise: I would draw unnecessary attention if I purchased them regularly. This means you will be conscious for all the time we are pumping your milk… maybe sixty more years? I don’t know yet. Now let’s see if there is already something coming out of you.”

He operates the controls and the pumps start loudly rattling. Sister Mary and father John look down as a vacuum slowly builds up on her nipples. A few seconds later a few drops of milk land in a larger empty container. Father John breathes a sigh of relief.

“It works perfectly, just as planned.”

Suddenly, he feels something on his neck.

“Surprise! Did you miss me?”

Father John holds his neck and in pain and promptly turns around. No, it can’t be. Is that … is that sister Riley?!

“What the fuck are you doing here? Ah fuck, my neck, what was that?”

He can see her holding a syringe in her hand.

“It’s M99 or Etorphine. The same stuff that was used to abduct me.”

Father John tries to lunge at her, but she manages to sidestep him and a few seconds later, he falls to the ground, losing his consciousness.

When he wakes up, he finds himself in the kitchen of the house, sitting on a chair. His hands and feet are tied with cable binders. In front of him are sitting sister Mary and sister Riley, who is pointing a knife at him.

“One wrong move, and I’ll kill you with this knife.”

“How did you get here? You were sold off. Did that guy let go? I thought we would kill you.”

“He didn’t let me go. And always intended to kill me. It’s a long story actually. I was shipped to a remote hut of his, where he locked me in a cell, making me watch videos of my life…”


… one the first day, the master fucks her three more times. After he could not get hard anymore, bycasino deneme bonusu he makes her wear her a 1-meter (3.3 feet) butt plug and leaves her in her cell with the video. Despite her loud television and her filled ass, she still managed to get some sleep.

On the next day, he fucks her three more times in the morning, but eventually runs out of stamina. However, with the help of some cocaine and Viagra and he is able to keep going until the late afternoon. Sister Riley, on the other hand, is instructed to come 15 times usually while having her ass stretched to her limit. For the night, she has to wear her largest dildo, which barely allowed her to get any sleep.

On the third day, the master discovers her sounding toys and jams as many of them up his slave’s cock. Another cocktail of cocaine and Viagra makes sure that he could abuse her the entire day. For the night, she has to wear her biggest dildo again, but now also several sounding tools in her cock. This time she does not get any sleep.

On the next day, he fucks her the entire morning, but gets soft despite all the drugs he took. In order to get himself hard, he takes more pills and intensified her torture. She is wearing a flexible 50 cm (19.7 inches) followed by a rigid 40 cm (15.7 inches) long dildo having a circumference of 50 cm (19.7 inches). The toy is firmly locked in place with a latex suit covering most of her body, except her cock, tits, mouth and eyes. Five sounding tools are stacked on top of each other with corresponding five wires protruding from the tip of her dick, while a motorized cock sleeve keeps jerking her sore shaft. Several needles are pierced through her nipples. Then he attaches ropes on her nipple piercings and threats the ropes through pulleys on the ceiling and attaches a total of five kilos (11 pounds) at the end. Then, he places the remote for shocking her below the weights.

She found herself now standing in the room, with her hands cuffed behind her back and leaning backwards with all her strength, while trying not lower the weights onto the remote. Her ass is in agony from being stretched by the largest toy she can take and her cock is sore from having come many times while still having to deal with the sounding tools and the stroking sleeve. But the sorest are her nipples, which keep holding the weight in the air.

Her master snorts another line of cocaine and gets the heating gun ready. After heating up her tits enough times to evaporate all volatile compounds within her implants, they have expanded to a total of 6500 cc. Her nipples are in agony as they are stretched from the implant and the weights.

She screams for mercy, but the man keeps laughing while stroking is slowly hardening cock. However, his breathing intensifies and he has to stop stroking, as his arms and shoulders start to hurt. He starts grunting and feels lightheaded, struggling more and more to stay on his feet. Suddenly he grabs his chest.

Sister Riley looks back at him, not understanding what is going on. Her master grunts in pain and slowly collapses with a red bright head. However, the woman is unable to reach him, struggling with her own predicament. In shock she watches him fall to the ground with his breathing slowly fading away. The obese man had taken a lethal combination of Viagra and cocaine, which caused a heart attack that killed him.

Sister Riley is terrified. She is stuck in this torture chamber and nobody else is around for miles. She tries to step close to the remote, hoping to be able to kick it away, but the weights are getting to low before she can even get in the vicinity. If the device shocks her, she will be immobilized and she won’t be able to switch it off. It would be a long and painful death.

If only her arms were not tied behind her back. She needs to open the cuffs, but she has not keys. Is there anything that she can use to open these damn cuffs?

She looks down and realizes that the sounding tools have very thin wires. But she can’t reach them. The heavy sleeve on her cock pulls it down as well. Sister Riley needs a way to flip her cock upwards. She takes a few painful steps backwards and bends forward, trying to reach the wires with her teeth. No matter how hard she tries to flex her cock, the heavy sleeve pulls her cock down too much.

After taking few deep breaths, she prepares herself for the upcoming pain and leans backwards until she lands on her back. Her tits are aching, but her dick has now flopped upwards. She bends forward until she can bite down on one of the wires in her cock and starts pulling. It won’t budge. She painfully realized that she was pulling on one of the deeper ones. She needs to retry a few times until she gets the upper most tool. Screaming with clenched teeth she ignores the pain and keeps pulling until the rod is dislodged from her cock.

Sister Riley drops it to her side and manages to grab hold of it. Blindly, she pokes around with the wire until she can insert it into the key hole of her cuffs. Her entire body is tormented by pain, but she keeps jerking around until she can finally hear a click. Quickly she pulls out her arms behind her back and holds onto the ropes tearing on her nipples.

The woman groans a massive sigh of relief, as her nipples stop feeling like they are about to rip off her breasts. While firmly holding onto the ropes, she slowly inches herself forward until she reaches the remote with her legs. She kicks it away and finally let’s go off the weights.

Sister Riley is lying on the ground for minutes. Her body is still in excruciating pain, but it does not matter. She managed to survive. She switches off the sleeve on her cock and removes all the various sounding tools from her cock. Afterwards, her tired arms remove the needles from her nipples and the rope from her nipple rings.

She struggles to get up on her two feet with her ass stretched out by the two massive dildos. But she can’t remove it yet, as the latex body suit keeps it in place. The zipper is locked with a padlock and the material is too sturdy to be ripped apart.

Sister Riley carefully approaches her master and checks his pulse. Nothing, he is dead. Which means this time, it is not a trick like in the video. He was the last descendant from a multi-million-dollar family and now lies dead in his sex dungeon, not to be discovered three years later by curious hikers. But she has to focus on her own survival for now. Where are the keys? She searches the entire hut and finds various useful items, such as a bottle of water and car keys. But it takes her an hour crawling around with her stretched ass until she can find the keys to the padlock outside in the grass. He must not have not intended to release her anymore. This hut would have been her grave.

She undoes the lock and strips off the latex suit, finally able to remove all the toys in her ass. In the car she finds a knife, which she uses to cut the latex suit into somewhat wearable pieces of clothing with pants and a top. Somewhere on the ground is a shirt of her master, which she wraps around her hips in order to hide her massive cock. It still looks ridiculously oversexualized, especially with her massive tits, but she will be somewhat able to step out in public.

She hops in the car with her bag of goods and switches on the engine. Maybe she had learned how to ride a car in the past, but that knowledge would be forgotten by now. Nonetheless, over the course of an hour, she somehow manages to get it to move and drives down a dirt path, that leads to a gravel road and eventually to a proper street. However, after a few miles the tanks is empty and she has to abandon her only form of transportation.

After walking for a while, a truck appears behind her. She quickly waves her arms and jumps on the street, causing the truck to stop next to her. The man inside seems puzzled about the unusual woman.

“Uh, are you lost, young woman? What are you wearing? You don’t look like a hiker to me.”

Young woman … the trucker is probably thirty years younger than her. But she is just glad that he seems like a normal person. Don’t scare him away by the story of her dead master.

“Oh god, I’m so glad I found someone. My car broke down and I have not the slightest idea where I am. Can you just take me with you for a while? Just to some sort of civilization?”

He squints his eyes in doubt.

“I’m sorry, but that looks so fucking fishy …”

For fuck’s sake. Admittedly, her clothes and massive tits do look a bit unusual, but the truck driver is a man, so just override his logical thinking. Sister Riley pulls down her top, holds up her gigantic tits, and looks at him with big eyes.

“Please, mister. I’ll suck your cock if you just let me join you for an hour.”

The man is first a bit shocked, but quickly drops his defenses.

“Well, maybe I can help a damsel in distress. Hop in!”

She closes the door behind her and they drive off. A minute later, she unzips his pants and gives him the best blowjob he ever received. He can’t hold back for long and soon after shoots his load in her mouth. When he pulls down her window, she gives him a confused look. He tries to explain.

“You can spit it out if you want.”

The beauty smiles and waves him off.

“Oh honey, I never spit.”

“Alright, alright, we are going to be good friends.”

After 30 minutes, he inquires a bit more.

“Soon the hour will be over. So, get ready for more walking.”

Sister Riley rolls her eyes, but has to smile at his clumsy attempt of bargaining with her.

“Ok, what can I do to stay in the truck?”

“Well, I give you another 10 minutes if you remove your clothes.”

“How about 15 minutes?”


She removes her clothing and initially tries to hide her dick between her legs. However, eventually her giant cock slips out between her soft thighs. The truck driver is shocked just by its sheer size.

“What the hell is that? Are you a man or a woman?”

“I’m a woman… but I do have a bit of … a penis…”

“A bit? That is a telephone pole between your legs!”

The woman seems to get a bit uncomfortable with his remarks.

“… but don’t worry, honey. I still think you look beautiful.”


After an awkward silence his curiosity gets the better of him.

“So, does that thing still work?”

“How many more minutes if I get it fully hard?”

“I’ll give ya five.”

“And if I come in my own mouth?”

“Hot damn, you are nasty! … But, fucking hell, I wanna see that. I put another 15 minutes on top of that.”

The trucker almost swerves off the street three times, as he can’t keep his eyes of the incredible show. After a while he keeps asking if she has any more tricks for more time. Eventually, he gets to fuck her in the ass, fist her ass and even piss in her mouth.

She manages to keep the man interested for 2.5 hours, but eventually notices a street sign she had seen before.

“Wait. Why are we at the sign again? Have we been driving in circles?”

The tucker nervously looks around while his head slowly turns red in shame.

“Ah you got me. I wanted to see what you can do. So … we have been driving in circles for the last hour.”

The woman sighs, suppressing her anger.

“You are such a … that was uncalled for.”

“I’m sorry… but thanks for the show?”

“Just drop me off at the next sign of civilization. And no more driving in circles.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

After a while, his bad conscience gets the better of him and he offers her his spare jeans. Now she can at least wear pants with the dead master’s shirt.

At dusk, she sees a building with a few motorcycles and trucks outside. This must be a restaurant. Maybe she can get more help there rather than being driven in circles.

“Here, let me out here.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, this is perfect. This place called … ‘Angles’.”

The trucker does as he is told and lets her jump out. He did not bother to correct her spelling of the sign ‘Hells Angles’. While the truck drives off, she straightens her clothes and adjusts her hair in a mirror.

When she gets inside, she realizes that the building is not a restaurant, but rather a bar … or a club? She gets an uneasy feeling and considers turning around, but she is already called out by one of the men.

“What do you want?”

“Good evening, gentlemen. I’m just looking for a place to stay. But I don’t have any money… Maybe I can do some dishes in return?”

“We already have a dishwasher.”

“or … I could be a cleaning lady for the night…”

“Do you think this place is dirty?”

“Uh, no, I’m sorry, it is actually quite clean already, I see it now.”

“Can you make yourself useful or not?”

Sister Riley gets nervous by the aggressive questioning and resorts to the only thing she knows.

“I could … well, I don’t know if any of you have ever been with an … escort. Uh, I could …”

She clears her throat.

“I could provide more intimate services…”

“Is that so? How much do you charge?”

She now realizes that she has not seen money for an eternity. Are dollars still a currency?

“How about … a hundred dollars for an hour?”

The men have slowly started approaching her. Subconsciously, sister Riley has been backing towards the exit, but eventually bumps into a guy blocking the door. Panic starts to rise. She wants to get out, is already surrounded.

The leader of the men steps in front of her and blows cigar smoke in her face.

“You are not sure whether we have been with an escort? You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about, are you? We do many kinds of businesses and one of them is to pimp out whores. But you are none of our whores, so what do you think you are doing on our property?”

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.”

“Who sent you? Who is trying to start a war with us?”

“No one did, sir. I am here by myself.”

“No pimp to protect you?”

“Uhhh, I don’t know … what do you mean?”

“You know what? I think I am considering your services. And as payment, how about we may or may not spare your life?”

This is not going well for her. It seems no matter what she says, she keeps digging her own grave. But she needs to do something. Sister Riley decides that she should shut up and get to work. She calmly gets on her knees and unzips the leader’s pants. Moments later, she sucking on his old cock. The men had all anticipated that she would try to run away and were ready to catch her. Seeing her blowing their leader at least removed some tension in the room. They are grinning at the girl and each other and start some music on the jukebox.

After she swallowed the leader’s load, she calmly gets up and undresses. She gets a cheer for removing her black latex top. However, the room goes silent when she pulls down her pants to unveil the by far largest cock in the room.

One of the men breaks the silence.

“Fuck me, she is full of surprises. She has a cock!”

No one else seem to speak up. Sister Riley can sense their insecurity and decides to rip the band-aid off. Go all in. With a smile, she asks the room.

“I do. Now anyone raise your hand if you don’t want to fuck me anymore.”

For a moment, the men look at each other nervously until they all gradually start to smile, nod at each other, and approach the naked lady in the room. Initially, they were nervous, as they thought the twelve of them would not be able to get their turn. However, sister Riley drained their balls swiftly in less than an hour and a second time after another hour.

When the men sit exhausted in the chair, calling for a break, she suggests to get their two dogs inside that she heard occasionally barking. Their jaws drop when they see her expertly fuck them both and eventually downs their loads as well.

Witnessing her rare talents, they keep asking for more and soon after find themselves fisting her ass past the elbow over and over. One of them thinks he can test her limit and inserts his empty beer bottle in her ass, but is surprised when she easily swallows up the entire thing.

Now, the men scour the room for other bottles to cram into her fascinating ass. She subsequently shows that she can fit in a wine bottle, which is then replaced by a 1.5 liter (50 ounces) bottle and then by a 2 liter (0.5 gallons) bottle.

They watch in amazement as the woman sits on the huge object, grunting while she slowly shoves it into her guts. Once her sphincter is closing around the bottle neck they cheer, but stop soon after when they notice that she continues pushing. A few moments later, even the bottle cap vanishes and her ass closes shut with the entire objects buried inside her guts.

However, instead of pushing it out again, she gets up and walks to the next man, sucking him hard. After a total of four hours the show is over and the men sit around the room, completely exhausted, but with a smile on their faces.

The leader beckons the girl and tells her to follow him to his office. They sit down and he inquires about the mysterious lady.

“I have not introduced myself yet. My name is Angelo. I am the leader of this enterprise. What is your name?”

“I’m sis … my name is Riley.”

“Good evening, Riley. I think this is a good time to be honest with each other. My men outside are probably wondering what we are discussing right now, because, originally, we would have killed you after the gangbang, because you were trying to whore yourself out in our territory. To us even! We pimp out numerous prostitutes ourselves and you dared to approach us? … However, I just saw that you are no ordinary prostitute.”

“You are not going to kill me?”

“I’m too curious about you to have you killed. I don’t think there is a woman in this state who can do what you can. For example, do you still have the large bottle in your ass right now?”

“Oh right, I have, but I have gotten used to that.”

Angelo pauses and strokes his chin.

“Are you, by any chance, from … the institute?”

Sister Riley looks shocked at him and does not know what to say. The man starts to smile.

“I take from your silence that I am right. I don’t know much about that rich people place, but I thought the women there are not allowed to leave.”

“I guess the cat is out of the bag… Normally, they stay inside, unless they are sold. I was sold to a client, but eventually managed to escape.”

“The women there can be bought?”

“Yes, by the end of our lifespan our prices drop to an affordable amount.”

“By the end of your lifespan? How old are you? 30?”

“I’m over 80 years old.”

“What the fuck do you mean? You don’t look that old.”

“I’ve been modified to look younger. But from what I understand, I’ll soon die of old age.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“While I wouldn’t know how to prove that to you, I also don’t know what I would gain from lying about that.”

The man looks a bit surprised about her answer, but eventually nods in agreement. But he is still suspicious.

“So, what do you want?”

“I need money. Maybe 10,000 dollars.”

“Hm, this is getting interesting. A person who is about to die usually needs basic things like food or shelter, but not money. What do you need that money for?”

Sister Riley pauses for a moment, wrestling with what to say to that man in front of her who almost killed her. But he is the first man in years who somewhat talks to her like a person. Eventually, she sighs and continues.

“My granddaughter is still in the institute and I think she is in danger. I need to warn her, but the only way to contact her is to pay for a private chat in her daily streaming session. And those cost a lot.”

Angelo raises his eyebrows and processes the unusual story.

“What is her name?”

“Sister Mary.”

“I knew I didn’t mishear. I have heard that these women are referred to ‘sisters’… So it isn’t just Riley then. It’s sister Riley, right?”


Angelo smirks at his successful deduction, but proceeds to sit up straight with a more stern look.

“I still don’t trust you, but I want to see where this is going. Here is the deal. You are allowed to prostitute yourself in our territory, but you give us 75% of the money you make. We will allow you to sleep in our base, but you will be locked up and serve us as we please. Do we have a deal?”

“Can I use your internet when I have the money to message her?”

“Hehe, sure.”

“Ok, we have a deal.”

They shake hands and return to the other men, explaining the agreement. After showering, they show her a small room with a bed that she can use for the night. However, sister Riley asks them to be driven to the street to start working the same night instead.

A while later, she stands on a dimly lit street still with her makeshift latex bra and wide jeans. The other prostitutes ignore her and scoff at her weird clothing. In her solitude, sister Riley watches one of them getting approached by a client and subsequently drive off in his car.

However, it does not take long for another car to approach the new woman with her gigantic breasts.

“Holy shit, I have never seen such huge tits!”

“You can see them for 10$ and touch them for 20$.”

He hands her 10 dollars and once she removes her top, another 20 when he sees how great the look. When she offers him a titjob for another 40$, he can’t refuse. While he is breathing heavily from her great head, she offers to swallow for another 40$, which he readily throws at her. Five minutes later, she is 110$ and one load in her stomach richer.

A while later, she hears one of the prostitutes cursing out a car that stopped next to her. The man drives to the next woman just to be scolded again.

“What the fuck do you think I look like? Get the fuck out of there!”

Sister Riley becomes curious and steps close to the street wondering what the man wants. When he drives up to her, he looks a bit scared and asks.

“Hi there, do you have a dick?”

Sister Riley smiles, unzips her pants, and pulls out her massive 30 cm (12 inch) cock. The man gasps and does not say a word until she puts it back in her pants.

“How much?!”

“What do you want? You can touch it, suck it, get fucked by it?”

The man is still mesmerized and needs a moment to process it.

“All of it! How much?”

“100 dollars if we do it around the corner. 200 if you want me to come home with you.”

The impatient man hands her 100 dollars and two minutes later he is sucking on her glorious cock. Then she fucks him in the ass, where he can’t handle her entire length. But she is gentle with him and gives him a reach around. For another 50 dollars, she swallows his load and is standing back on the street 10 minutes later.

It seems that word has gotten around and more men come to see the new sensation. Initially, she can handle them one by one, but after a while, too many clients queue up and they eventually agree to a six-man gang bang.

At three o’clock in the morning, one of Angelo’s men picks sister Riley up and brings her back to their base. The leader is surprised when she hands him 1600 dollars. However, she didn’t get to keep her share of 400 dollars, as the men had bought her a few sets of normal clothes and working clothes.

The other prostitutes have complained that sister Riley has taken too many customers. As a result, Angelo decides to put her into their brothel instead, hoping that the competition would be fairer. However, most men came to see her anyway and despite working for 13 hours a day, she can’t satisfy the demand. On the first day, she brought back 3000 dollars and on average 4000 dollars each consecutive day.

Sister Riley quickly gets into her working routine, trying to earn as much as possible. However, a week later, Angelo wakes her up with a different bycasino giriş job.

“I got a great deal on some heroin from Mexico, but I have no drug mule available. However, your ass may be able to do the job. I’ll pay you 1000 dollars for every kilo you can smuggle across today. What do you say?”

“I want to say yes, but … I don’t know how that works.”

“We will give you a fake passport and you drive with one of our men by car across the border at Tijuana. Then you cram was much capsules of heroin up your ass as you can and drive back here. You look Caucasian, so they probably won’t even check.”

Sister Riley agrees and empties her bowels with the help of some laxatives and enemas. Without any breakfast, she sets off with Luke, her driver.

After a long drive, in which she has to blow him twice, they finally arrive at the address in Mexico. The seller looks visibly nervous, constantly on the lookout out of the window.

He leads them into the basement, where he presents them five backs with five tightly packed bags filled with white powder.

When he sees the large bundles, he gets angry at the seller.

“What the fuck is this? I’m here with a drug mule. Give me capsules! What am I supposed to do with these huge packages?”

The merchant shrugs and shakes his head.

“I thought you would come with a suitcase. I don’t know what to tell you, man.”

“Do you have anything smaller?”

“No …”

“Motherfucker! You fucked me over!”

Sister Riley, jumps in between and tries to defuse the situation.

“Please, don’t fight. Maybe I can still get it inside my ass …”

Luke gives her a confused look. He shakes his head in disbelief, but manages to calm himself down.

“Alright Riley, do your thing. You can try. If we can bring back one, it won’t be a waste of time.”

Sister Riley gets to work and starts filling her ass. To the surprise of both men, the first two packets go in easily. However, the third and fourth can barely get inside due to their rigid shape. Once the fourth is inside, Luke wants to leave, but sister Riley insists on trying for the last kilo as well.

Luke helps her by pushing the ones in her ass deeper inside. She then sits on the last packet, managing to get most of it inside. For the rest, she goes on all for, asking Luke to push the last in with his knee. She has to suppress her groans and loud breathing in order to not raise any suspicion. After a long fight against her guts, the last package is shoved inside and her ass closes shut.

While Luke is paying the man, she puts back on her clothes and checks in the mirror if the contents show on the outside. Luckily, due to her slender figure, her belly still barely shows. After walking for few steps, she slowly gets used to her overfilled insides and manages to walk in a somewhat inconspicuous way. When she approaches the two men, she can hear the seller warning Luke.

“And please, don’t tell them, OK? This is just between you and me. You haven’t been here.”

“Don’t worry, my ass is on the line as well. You better be silent as well.”

Luke takes the confused girl by the arm and they enter the car. Once they are back the street, she is curious what the seller meant.

“The man seemed so nervous. Who are you not supposed to tell?”

“He produces drugs for the cartel, but decided to start his own side business. This was his secret lab. He hides it in his own basement, so they can’t find it out.”

“What happens if they do?”

“Then he is toast.”

After a few minutes of driving, they suddenly get a call from Angelo.

“Luke, you can’t drive through the border. We have intel that some third party has reported your license plate to the border control. They will pull you out if you drive through.”

“Fuck! We have five kilos of cargo with us, Angelo.”

“Jesus Christ, five kilos? Is that all inside the girl??”

“Yeah, I couldn’t believe it myself, hehe. But, what should I do with the stuff? I can turn around and try to sell it back to him.”

“Uh, I would not risk that. Whoever ratted us out, probably got to him as well. I wouldn’t be too sure if he is still alive.”

“So, what should we do then?”

“Shit, I think we have to cut our losses, Luke. Dump it in some river and get back safely. I hope that fucker is dead.”

“Fuck! That is so much money down the drain, Angelo!”

Sister Riley clears her throat and tries to speak up.

“Are they only after Luke and the car? What about me? If they don’t look for me, I could get out of the car and walk across the border. Then I could meet Luke on the other side.”

After a moment of silence, Angelo replies.

“Hm… the report only mentions Angelo, nothing of the girl … it could work. But that is a two-mile walk. There will probably also be a waiting line. Do you think you can go for that long? Your insides must be almost bursting.”

“You promised me 1000 dollar per kilo, Angelo. So, if I could make it, you would give me 5000 dollars?”

“Hehehe, you have quite the spirit. Yeah, that was the deal. But if you manage to safe the cargo, I’ll gladly double it to 10,000 dollars.”

“Then let’s do it. See you in a few hours, Angelo.”

Luke gives the girl a phone for navigation, lets her out the car a mile before the border, and drives off. Just as predicted, the border control pulled him out and searched him and the car for an hour, but found nothing. They reluctantly let him go and he gets safely past the border.

Sister Riley starts walking and notices soon that the stuffed packages do not conform well the insides of her guts. Despite her body urgently wanting to expel the packets, she keeps walking while hiding any anguish she is feeling inside.

Eventually, she finally arrives at the border. She is half way done! But then she sees a long line of people waiting to go across. With no other option, she clenches her ass and stands in line.

After an agonizing wait time of two hours, she finally reaches the check point. With the last bit of energy she has left, she musters a smile and hands over her passport.

The man checks the photo, checks her face, and suddenly notices her gigantic breasts.

“Ma’am, what are those globes under your dress? Are you hiding something? Maybe we need to do a check?”

She can’t go any longer, there is no time for a stupid check. How can she get past this guy?

In a last ditch effort, sister Riley pulls down her top, exposing her massive tits to the passport examiner.

“Oh, these? These are just my breasts.”

The man gasps, stares for a second, but gradually turns red when she keeps smiling at him. He quickly shoves back the passport back to her and waves her through.

“Never mind, ma’am, feel free to go, welcome back to the United States.”

Sister Riley winks at him, pulls her top back up, and proceeds past the border. For a moment, she has a genuine smile on her face, happy about the successful plan. However, her ass quickly reminds her about its imminent collapse. She speeds up and eventually reaches Luke’s car.

As soon as they drive off, she groans as her ass expels the packets onto the ground. Angelo is happy when he sees them both return with the goods and sister Riley is deeply grateful for the 10,000-dollar reward. He lets her believe that she got a great bargain and hides the fact that he can sell the drugs for more than hundred times of what he paid her.

The men let her go to her room, but sister Riley asks to go back to work for the rest of the day.

The next day, she asks to talk with Angelo.

“I have been thinking… I have not told you in what danger my granddaughter is. The manager, father John, wants to secretly remove her from the institute and use her for herself. I didn’t know where he could put her, but the drug dealer from yesterday gave me an idea. Father John will need to locate her close to the institute, but in a house that he owns. I think I know where that could be, but it means I will have to engage him myself.”

“So, what is your plan, sister Riley?”

“I’ll need someone to drive me to Houston, some M99, a lock picking set, supplies, and the online chat with my granddaughter.”

“Fuck me, that is quite a lot. Originally you wanted 10,000 dollars. But you are asking for a lot more now. How about … let me see … you work until you can pay me 20,000 instead of 10,000 and I’ll even send one of my men to scout the house. This way you won’t go there for nothing.”

“It’s a deal! Thank you! … why are you suddenly helping me this much?”

“That drug heist you pulled off was damn impressive. Apart from that … I have a granddaughter as well. My son won’t let me see her, because of … my career choice. I think I’ll eventually get shot or end up in prison, but with the money I make here, I can give her at least something. I don’t care much about you or your granddaughter. But seeing you succeed would give me hope that so will I.”

A few days later, Angelo shows her pictures that the scout made in the basement of the address she gave them. Her eyes are tearing up as she scrolls through the images in shock. It was right there in the basement: another milking machine. She needs to get sister Mary out of there.

Sister Riley works 14 hours each day. Nothing is off the table, she fucks client’s dogs, horses, and lets them torture her. She needs to get money as fast as possible, every day counts.

As soon as she has gathered enough, she goes online and finds the stream of sister Mary, who quickly notices a user with the nickname “GrandpaLottie”. Once the user pays for a private chat and keeps telling weird stories about milking his cattle, an old cow escaping, and his most important cow about to be slaughtered, she finally understands. She lets her grandmother know that she may know someone who can help her and to stay in contact.

Sister Riley drives to Texas and sets up base in a cheap hotel with internet. A week later, sister Mary tells her in the chat that she found someone who will buy her. From then on, sister Riley hides in front of the house of father John and sees him drive up with a box and some young man helping him get the box inside. At first, father John drives off and two hours later so does the young man.

Sister Riley quickly breaks into the house and finds her granddaughter tied to a pole, warning her that father John will come any second. Sister subsequently hides behind some boxes and lays in wait. When he comes back, she finally gets the chance to sneak up to him when he faces sister Mary long enough and injects him with the tranquilizer.


Father John listened to her story very carefully without any a slight of emotion on his face. After a short pause, he finally speaks up.

“I don’t understand. Why would someone buy sister Mary? Who would possibly help you?”

Sister Mary sighs.

“A long time ago, I was on a hunt with a few men. They were riding with my stallion and sire. However, when they saw my foal, they chose to bring it as well.”

Father John clenches his teeth.

“That is not allowed. The wolves may attack the foal.”

“Well, that is exactly what happened. But I managed to fight the wolf off and safe the foal. Because I kept quiet about it, they said I can have a favor. So, I asked them to buy me.”

“Buy you for 100 million dollars? AS A FAVOR?”

“They would return me within the 30 days. All we needed to do was to make you believe that I will be gone, to make you act.”

Father John shakes his head.

“It still makes no sense. How did you know about my house, sister Riley?”

“It is the very same house that the old lady pretended to live in, when I tried to escape.”

“But how did you know it was mine? No one told you during the escape.”

“The old couple told me the next day, during the picnic.”

“But … that was … decades ago… there is no way in hell that you could remember that. Your brain can’t make such memories anymore.”

“That is true, I can’t. But I made notes in a notebook.”

Father John looks puzzled.

“We don’t provide any means to write something. How could you have access to a notebook?”

“It was smuggled in a long, long time ago, in the socket of a trophy I had received.”

Sister Riley pulls out an award, reading ‘winner of the most naive sucker of the year’. She opens a secret compartment at the base and pulls out a disheveled notebook. Father John stares at it in disbelief and closes his eyes, trying to put everything together.

“Who gave you that? Wasn’t that the client of … sister Casey? He … he bought her a few years ago …”

Sister Riley puts the notebook back into the compartment.

“She had learned that the drugs would destroy her memory and told her master about it. Therefore, he planned to smuggle a notebook into the institute. Since sister Casey felt bad for me, she asked to get me one as well.”

“Why the fuck would he do that.”

“Because he loved her. And she loved him”

“A slave??? But he tortured her every time he visited her.”

“Yes, so no one would know. He always planned to buy her, but knew that you would increase the price if you were aware of it.”

“That son of a bitch gave you this stupid notebook… and you kept making notes? And read it?”

“There were no cameras in the bathroom. So, I was able to read it there. Every fucking day, I had to read that I was a rapist, that I was turned into a woman against my will, that there was a staged escape plot at my expense, that my own daughter is braindead and strapped into one of those milking machines. I forced myself to relearn all that, even though the knowledge killed me every time.”

Father John laughs about her story.

“Why did you torture yourself for decades?”

“I don’t know. I think I didn’t want to let you take away who I am. And in the end, it was worth it, because I was able to safe my granddaughter. I came back from the depths of hells to get her back. You will never understand the sacrifices I had to make to safe my kind. Instead, you sit on your throne, selling your own children away as sex slaves.”

He stops laughing.

“What do you know? Do you even know what I had to do to get my son out of the institute? I risked my position and my life every day, raising him in secret. All you did was whore yourself out. And then what? What can you provide to your granddaughter once she is free? Working as another prostitute just like you did? No, not Chris. He will get the best youth serum, made from sister Mary’s milk. The head of the sacred family is now dead, because I spared her for the sake of my son. I was willing to bomb an airplane to make it look like she had died. And you have to gall to say I didn’t make any sacrifice for my kind?”

Sister Riley slowly raises her knife towards father John.

“No, you won’t. You have lost, father John. For once, you are the prisoner and I am in control. But I’ll untie you and let you live, if you promise me to not go after my granddaughter.”

Father John looks at her and chuckles. Without saying another word, he tenses up his body and breaks the ties behind his back.

Before she can even react, he gets up and smacks the knife out of sister Riley’s hands. The two women look in horror, as he calmly picks up the ripped plastic pieces.

“Cable binders? You think I can’t break those? Such a sweet offer to let me live. So optimistic. Don’t expect me to return the favor.”

Father John grabs both girls by the neck and throws the on the ground. While his large hands slowly tighten, suffocating the two girls, he gets close to sister Riley’s ear.

“You are the one who lost, hahaha.”

Suddenly, the door is kicked open and men in uniforms storm inside, tazing father John. The two girls manage to escape his grasp and watch as the soldiers shackle him with proper handcuffs.

When they pull him up on his two feet, he sees that the men are not from the police. They are from the institute. Did they hear him? Father John immediately panics and tries to break free, but is quickly overpowered and gagged.

The two girls and father John are shoved into vans and escorted to the institute. After some time, one of the soldiers reads a message on his phone and turns to sister Riley.

“The head of the family is on the way to the institute. She heard everything father John said. Your plan with the cable binders worked, but, fucking hell, was it risky.”

Sister Riley is still under shock and needs some time to answer.

“I know, but he would have never admitted his wrongdoings to you guys directly.”

“How did you know he would talk?”

The solider gives her an admiring smile, but sister Riley is too exhausted to smile back.

“Thank you, young man. I knew about his two weaknesses, but that knowledge costed me so dearly… he engineered my daughter to be prideful like him, which he used to constantly pit her against me, to the point that I lost her. Father John is a calculating man, but he starts playing with his food if he gets to prove someone wrong. I knew he would enjoy making us feel safe with the cable binders just to show us that he was in control after all.”

“And his other weakness?”

“His son, Chris. He basically made a clone of himself and finally manages to get his offspring out of the servitude of the institute. It is the only time he did truly something for someone else. He would never allow an old whore belittling his efforts.”

After they reach the institute, all three are brought to the office of father John. The sidewalls are lined with soldiers and members of the administrative staff.

Everyone waits in silence, until a woman enters the room and the soldiers promptly salute her. The woman ignores them and walks to father John, shackled to a chair.

“Father John, you have fathered a son outside the institute and betrayed the sacred family. You are stripped of your titles and will serve the rest of your life as a slave. Where is brother, uuuuh, Robert?”

A man in suit steps forward.

“Here, I am brother Robert.”

“You have the most points from all the candidates. This means you will be the next manager, and shall therefore be named ‘father Robert’. Make sure that your grandfather will be punished accordingly. Now, who is the woman who uncovered his fall from grace?”

Sister Riley timidly looks around for a moment and eventually breaks the silence.

“I think that was me. My name is sister Riley … and this is my granddaughter, sister Mary. If you don’t mind me asking … who are you?”

“I am the head of the sacred family. Thanks to you, his disobedience was uncovered. Is there anything I can do for you in return? What do you want, your freedom?”

Sister Riley calmly shakes her head with smile.

“I am at the end of my lifespan and don’t need anything for myself, but I would give anything, if my granddaughter could be free instead.”

The head of the family pauses for a moment and then nods.

“So be it, sister Mary shall be free.”

Sister Riley immediately hugs her granddaughter, who is still can’t realize what has happened. However, the head of the family promptly interrupts the celebration.

“But I have an offer to make to her. Unfortunately, brother John is at the end of his lifespan as well, which means his punishment is too short-lived for my liking. From what I understand, your milk is still the best for making the youth potion, possibly able to add another five or ten years to his punishment. Here is my offer: You can have the house of brother John, live in it and come in once a week to provide milk until he dies. What do you say? I can offer you the freedom of sister Riley in return.”

Sister Mary smiles at her grandmother, about to accept the offer, but sister Riley makes a gesture of refusal.

“With all due respect, but this is not what I want.”

The head of the family seems offended and raises her eyebrows, but choses to hear her out.

“I’m a rapist, who probably belongs here and I have barely any life left anyway. Please, I beg you, release her daughter instead. Her name is sister Julia.”

Her granddaughter immediately objects.

“No, after everything you have been through? You can’t go back to the institute. You need to help me in the outside world.”

Sister Riley hugs her and kisses her forehead.

“You truly are compassionate. I’m of no help to you out there. Look, I was outside and ended up right here again, in the institute, hehe. I’m an empty husk with no memories, belongings or goals. The only thing I have is my family. Let my last memory of you be watching you and Julia gain their freedom. We both know it is the right thing.”

Sister Mary sniffs and hugs her grandmother for a while and eventually turns to the head of the sacred family.

“I’ll accept your offer, if you release sister Julia.”

The woman closes her eyes and curses.

“Fuck, another good one … fine, we will release her as well.”

Father Robert has brother John placed in a level chamber and afterwards brings the two girls down to the basement, where they remove sister Julia from the milking machine. The little girl looks dazed at the two women.

“What … what happened? Why are you two still here?”

“Because we are family and you are my daughter. Let’s go home. We will explain it to you on the way.”

Mary and her daughter get some clothing and say goodbye to sister Riley, who gets weekly visits every time sister Mary comes to provide milk for the institute.

After a long time, brother John receives a master with two sisters in tow.

The two men sit down and enjoy getting blown by the girls. After the girls drain their balls, the master instructs brother John to continue fucking the other girl. The master, on the other hand, drops exhausted into his chair.

“You know, I was a great admirer of your work, father John.”

He slows down his thrusting momentarily, but picks up speed soon after.

“It’s only brother John now, master. But I admit I was very proud of my work back then.”

“You know, I run a few businesses and one of them is a brothel. My whores do a good job, but they don’t come close to what I get here at the institute. I saw that when one of your sisters temporarily worked for me.”

Brother John keeps thrusting, but throws a suspicious look at his master.

“You don’t happen to go by the name Angelo, master?”

“Hehe, impeccable memory. That is me indeed.”

“I wish you had shot her that night as you originally intended. I would still be the manager then.”

“That is true. If it is any consolation for you, she just died of old age a few months ago.”

“Ha, that stupid bitch is finally dead. I guess I won after all, hehe.”

“I helped her granddaughter financially until she got on her own two feet. So I know that sister Riley was working until her last day. The institute made her live with new sisters, as she was great at teaching them.”

“What a waste of time, the sisters don’t need to be taught.”

“Not the pureblood ones, yes. But the external sisters do thrive on the training. For example, come down the throat of the girl you are fucking right now.”

Brother John pulls out of her ass and dumps is load deep into her stomach, while Angelo continues.

“She was the last sister she trained. Honey, would you please stand up for me?”

The girl wipes her mouth and stands up, towering almost at a height of 7 feet. Brother John is somewhat confused and looks at his master.

“She is tall, yes. What about it?”

Angelo smiles.

“Tall like her father. You said that you are victorious over sister Riley, but she at least managed to get two family members out of the institute. This girl, on the other hand, was a horny little fucker who came back to his rape victim in the basement, despite his father’s orders. This allowed the institute to get a hold of him.”

Brother John steps closer to the frowning girl that he just fucked in the ass.

“Chris … is this you?”

“Sister … I’m now called sister Christine.”


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