Saree Shenanigans Ch. 01


“Ugh, this wardrobe is a disaster!” I groan, pulling out dusty sarees and forgotten scarves on a Saturday afternoon. My loose hair tickles my neck as I bend down to reach a forgotten box. Suddenly, I felt a strong tug at my pallu, startling a yelp from my lips.

“Caught you red-handed, Mrs Bose!” My husband, Manoj, laughs, his voice warm against my ear. I turn around, cheeks flushing, to find him holding the ends of my green saree mischievously.

“Manoj! Leave my pallu!” I swat at him playfully with my right hand while holding the pallu at my shoulder with the other hand, but he only pulls on to it revealing my crimson-colored low cut blouse. I regretted not pinning the saree to my blouse’s shoulder. With a teasing flourish, he dropped the pallu and gazed at hint of my cleavage visible.

I covered my chest with my arms as his eyes flickered down my naked midriff and cute bellybutton and waist areas. “Whoa, there was a firecracker hidden under all that drapes,” he murmurs as heat shoots through me despite the afternoon heat.

“Give me that back!” I moved forward for the pallu, but didn’t notice that he had hsi feet stamped on the loose end. As a result, the knot at my waist became loose and soon he started undraping me from the remaining saree a playful glint in his eyes.

Soon, it became separated from my body and i found myself in the white petticoat I had worn tightly along with the blouse. ” Dropping the saree on the floor, he came near me as a blush explodes across my cheeks, hot enough to rival the summer sun. Removing my hands from my chest a smile tugged my lips as he whispered, “You must admit you look stunning like that. He then lowered his hand on my waist and helped me stand upright as I moved back till I hit the wall.

His hands lingered niksar escort on my waist as he helps me stand upright. “You’re getting a little thicker around here,” he teases, his fingers digging playfully into my sides. As I blushed looking at the naughty smile on his face, he then gave a sharp pinch on my left waist. I swat him away, but a shiver runs down my spine from the touch.

“Stop it!” I giggle, but before I can move, the back of his fingers brush across my belly, tracing a circle around my navel. My breath catches.

“Mmm, your tummy button is missing me,” he coos, his fingertip gently nudging the small indentation that lay 3 inches of my petticoat. A jolt of electricity shoots through me, making my knees weak.

“Manoj!” I gasp, pushing his hand away, but he’s relentless. He circles my navel again, this time pinching the soft flesh inside the rim playfully. A gasp escapes my lips, a mixture of annoyance and secret desire as I saw him staring at my heaving breasts covered by my blouse and bra inside.

“See? You like it,” he smirks, his eyes gleaming with mischief as his other hand squeezed the side of my waist. A part of me wants to scold him, tell him to get a grip. But another part, a hidden, yearning part, can’t deny the thrill that courses through me at his touch.

“Maybe I should help you with this cleaning some other way,” he whispers, his voice husky. My heart hammers in my chest without knowing what he has in is mind. He soon drops to his knees

“Manoj, stop it! I need to finish clearing this wardrobe before dinner.”

He chuckled, his gaze lingering on the expanse of my bare waist. “Alright, alright. But a reward for such hard work is necessary, wouldn’t you agree?”

Before I could answer, he leaned in closer, nilüfer escort his breath tickling my belly. He brought his lips oh-so-close to my navel, sending goosebumps erupting across my skin. Then, with a playful puff of air, he blew on my bellybutton.

A gasp escaped my lips. The unexpected sensation, both playful and weirdly intimate, was enough to make me melt. However, my hand flew to his forehead instinctively, as if to shield myself from his further advances.

His eyes twinkled with amusement. “Sensitive, are we?” he teased, his voice a low rumble. The heat in the room seemed to intensify with my situation. My breath was caught between a playful retort and a shiver of anticipation. Before I could form a reply, he grabbed my wrists with surprising speed, his playful grin turning a touch more serious.

“Gotcha!” he exclaimed, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. My eyes widened as he expertly looped the saree around both my wrists, tying them securely to a hook above my head.

“Hey!” I protested as I tried swatting at him with my legs adding to the fluttering in my stomach. The fabric of my blouse now exposed the sweat patches on my armpits due to the heat although I had shaven them that morning. Rahul easily dodged my light kicks as he knelt on my feet rendering me immobile now from my legs as well.

“Uh oh, looks like the cleaning lady needs some assistance,” he teased, his eyes sparkling with a familiar glint. A mixture of annoyance and a strange thrill bubbled within me as he poked various spots on my belly.

He brought his index finger again, tracing a line across my waist. As his fingertip reached my navel, it dipped inside the small indentation, sending a jolt of electricity straight to my core.

My breath nişantaşı escort hitched. “Manoj!” I squeaked, a mix of mock outrage and something else entirely. He grinned, his fingertip gently swirling inside my navel. It was a simple touch, yet it felt impossibly intimate.

“See?” he murmured, his voice husky. “You can’t deny it.” He was right. As much as I tried to maintain a facade of annoyance, a delicious shiver ran down my spine. This playful teasing, this forbidden touch, it was a secret thrill that ignited a spark I hadn’t felt in years.

He removed his finger, but before I could breathe a sigh of relief, he leaned in closer again, his lips brushing the soft skin of my stomach just above my navel. My breath caught. He was so close, the scent of his cologne mixing with the familiar warmth of our home. Then, his lips found their target, landing a soft, lingering kiss right on my navel.

A jolt of electricity shot through me, making my legs weak. A gasp escaped my lips, a mixture of surprise and something deeper, something I couldn’t quite name. It felt forbidden, exhilarating, a secret shared only between us in the quiet confines of the wardrobe.

“Manoj!” I screamed, but a giggle escaped my lips, betraying the mock sternness in my voice though it seemed to sense my hesitation. “What?” He smirked, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Just giving your cute button some company. It seemed lonely.”

Then, with a mischievous grin, he instantly put his index finger back and then, with a playful snap, flicked his thumb against my navel, eliciting a yelp of surprise. “Hey!” I exclaimed, a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. He chuckled, his eyes twinkling. “That one seemed to wake it up,” he teased.

He wasn’t wrong. My skin tingled where his touch lingered. The forbidden nature of the situation, the playful teasing in the confines of our home, it all added to the excitement so much that I didn’t even notice that my panty had become slightly wet and my nipples became hard through the confines of my bra and blouse.

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