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Blue Eyes

His door wasn’t closed, but it was only partially open. Partially. That meant that she had a 50/50 shot of not getting in trouble for interrupting. As she stood in the door, nervously shifting from side to side, she weighed the consequences. “Fuck it” she breathed as she pushed through the door and softly approached the desk.

Hearing her come in he, didn’t raise his head. Sometimes she came through quietly collecting dishes or clothing or some other random bit needed in another part of the house. He felt her move through the room, her nervous energy apparent by her uneven breathing. As she stopped at his elbow he finally looked up, sensing her waiting for him.

Ahh.. he knew this look. Had seen it before, but it had been a while. When they had first met it had taken weeks of constant aggressive pounding to fuck the need out of her eyes. Every now and then some small thing, like the smell of spring, would trigger the need and she would come to him, hesitant to ask, pensive, tense. So needy, but never knowing how to ask.

She fundamentally needed it to level her. Her reset switch was at the back of her cervix. He, and he alone, knew the combination to the lock. Not even she could fix this problem.

She hated bothering him and worried that he would resent the intrusion. Over and over he had insisted that she needn’t worry about coming to him for help, especially with that. The pleasure was his, he insisted. Positive that he had no idea, she maintained that the pleasure was, in fact, all hers. As he looked up and met her eyes, first inquisitive and then knowing, he shook his head. She knew he knew and he knew she knew as well.

“What is it, girl?” he growled low. Not because he was bothered, but because that look set something off in him. His body responding to her proximity and her need. He felt his muscles tense and coil.

So afraid he would say no. So afraid the need would continue to grow if not addressed. “I have an itch, and I can’t reach it. If you have a minute, can you scratch it for me?” Even as she was still speaking he started to clear papers, books, and his coke can off the solid oak desk in front of her.

Knowing her game he waited patiently for her to throw out the random unreachable place that he would start with as they progressed toward the intended end. “It’s here, right in the center of my shoulder blade”… She pulled her shirt over her head as she spoke, releasing her heavy breasts. The light from his office window caught and held them gently in the morning sun.

“Bend over and let’s take a look” as he ran his hands up her side, lingering on the side of her breast, but not progressing. He rose from his chair as she bent over, placing her elbows, hands and forehead on the desk. As he admired the view he let his hands wander down the length of her soft back, across her full hips, and down the side of her legs. Her exhale gaziantep escort was telling. He was getting warmer and she had long been hot.

Placing both hands flat on her back he asked her to guide him to the place that needed attention. He started to knead and press into the soft flesh around her bra line. Standing directly behind her and pressing in he could feel her heat as she, no doubt, could feel his growing interest in solving this problem of hers. “Guide my hands, Minka”.

Taking full advantage of his location behind her, she started a subtle slow rub against him as he ran his hands over her back. “Right there, please. I can never reach that part and it has been tense all day” she sighed as his body started to respond to her call. His strong hands bit into her back as he worked on the knots in her shoulders. Her long, deep sigh was followed by ragged shallow breathing. This wasn’t so much relaxing as it was building. “Please.. Just a little lower”…

Her hips continued their gentle, but so very deliberate press into him as his hands continued to work slowly down her back. “Let me know when i’ve hit the mark, baby.” Her back arched as his hands continued their descent lower, working her back at the line of her yoga pants.

“That feels great… lower, please”. As if she was worried that sudden movements would frighten him off, or cause him to change his mind, she cautiously moved her hands back and started to work her yoga pants down her hips, revealing the thong underneath.

Once around her knees, she released the black fabric of her pants and tried to return to her previous position unnoticed. What she did notice was the position of his cock. The bulge in his jeans lining up and rubbing along her cleft. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on her breathing as his hands started to work every so slightly lower. My God, she loved those hands. They knew her, inside and out, knew what she wanted most.

He wasn’t even sure she was trying to hide it now. Her hips rose and fell along his jeans in just the right spot. Her hunger feeding his growing lust as his hands picked up the pace. It wasn’t going to be that easy though. If she wanted it bad enough, she would beg, and he loved to hear her debase herself as she struggled for what she couldn’t come right out and ask for, even after all this time. “How does that feel, Minka? Am I doing it right?”

Oh, it was right. It was always right with him. His natural need to take her hard married perfectly with her strong desire to be taken rough. Her cheap appeal to his nice guy side was only the trigger to the act. The way his hands held her now gave her every confidence that she was going to get exactly what she wanted. “It’s so good, Zack. Please, don’t stop.”

“Don’t stop what, sweetheart” accentuating that last word as his hand dipped under the band of her thong. Her breathing was labored and ragged as she struggled to find English words. She just wanted him to keep going. Wanted him to wind his hand around the fabric of that light blue thong and rip it off.

He knew. As the massage transformed into his hands running over her ass, circling in a caress of movement, he waited. She had never been a patient girl and this amused him to no end. He never doubted, in moments like these, that he had chosen well when they started dating.

“Please” she softly moaned as her hips continued the grind back against him. His one hand gently moved the lace fabric of the thong to the side so he could see her need. “Please, Zack” as her head turned to look over her shoulder to find him.

“I’m only trying to help, Minka, but I can’t fix a problem you can’t define” his hands pausing on her round cheeks as he gently spread her open. “Just tell me what you need, babygirl. I’m here to help you.” He chuckled as he saw the frustration in her face and felt it in her hips as her backward press grew with intensity.

“I need it. Pleasseeee…Oh my God, Zack” her breathy pleading bringing him to full erect status. He removed his hands from her ass long enough to release his pants.

She heard his jeans hit the floor and didn’t hesitate before thrusting her hips back to feel his warm flesh on her, hopefully soon to be in her. His hands came down between them, preventing contact. Those probing hands traveling over her soft places methodically now. Inquiring, but never seeking full answers. He was going to make her ask. Fuck him. Why wouldn’t he just fuck her?

“It’s the place below your right shoulder blade, right, Minka? The one you can’t reach yourself?” Her body was in full motion now as the squirm and wiggle worked to undermine and shortcut.

He removed both hands and came back to the top her her tail bone with his index finger and slowly started to slide down. Slowly. As he deliberately ran his finger over her ass he had to place his other hand on the small of her back to hold her still.

Still moving south, his finger wet now, he felt her dripping pussy waiting for him. She had stopped breathing in anticipation. Pausing, he leaned over her until his mouth was next to her ear. The weight of his body on hers pressing her into the desk. Rendered immobile, she paused her wiggle and squirm but not her panting. She could feel him against her, twitching, hard. Right there. “Say it, Minka.”

“Ohhhaaaaahhh… Please! Please , Zack. You know what I want” her low whine endearing but ineffective.

“I sure do, sweetheart. You want me to scratch that itch, don’t you?” he nuzzled her earlobe before taking it firmly between his teeth as he waited.

“I want you in me, now!” she asserted as she worked to free her hand, currently pinned underneath her body. If she could only guide him in, get things started, he would take over.

“What do you want in you?” moving his hands to cover hers, pinning them on the desk. “In you where?” moving his hips to grind his erection in exactly the right place. “Just tell me what you want.” moving his mouth down to the base of her neck, nipping around her collar bone.

She was going mad. Frustration and tears overwhelmed her. She was about to give up when she felt his right hand moving over her hips and around to her leaking hole.

He slipped two fingers in deep and started to work her, just like he knew she liked it. “I will give you exactly what you want, but not until you ask. Say. The. Words!” Feeling her tensing for her first orgasm he stood up and moved away from her.

Quietly sobbing, she raised her head slowly and met his gaze. Her eyes traveled down his body to his thick hard cock, as ready for her as she was for him.

“Do you want me to fuck you, Minka? Is that what you want?” he gripped and stroked his cock slowly. An invitation. His grin told her how much he was enjoying her pain.

“Yes. Please… ” her tear filled eyes never leaving his busy hand as the scent of her need filled the room.

“Do you want me to fill you and fuck you hard, Minka? Is that what you want?” growling he moved slightly closer to her as he pulled his TShirt over his head and resumed stroking.

“Zack.. Please.. Yesssss” she started to raise off the desk to assume a better asking position on her knees. Before she accomplished this goal he was on her. One hand fisted in her hair as the other pushed her face down on the desk again.

Her back arched as he pulled her back roughly. “Do it now” his cock lined up with her cunt. “Last chance” he said and she knew it was the truth. Paused at the entrance, ready to ram in, he waited but he was no longer patient.

Driven by her lust and need and her inability to do this any other way she broke. “I want it so bad, Zack. I want you to fuck me hard, please. I want you to take me as deep and fast as you can. Please… please… “

Keeping his fist in her hair, he gripped her hip with his other hand and drove home. Her scream was all the permission he needed to unleash. Going hard and strong, he pounded into her, never slowing until finally he felt the tension growing and traveling. Picking up the pace, he knew he was hitting the spot. Her streaming tears ran for a different reason now.

Tears of submission, tears of thanks, tears of release ran down her face as she focused on wave after wave of crushing orgasms. She felt the tension go, fucked out of her. She was free.

After, he settled back into his chair and pulled her into his lap. He cradled her gently as her head rested on his shoulder. Lightly stroking a circle around her knee, he enjoyed the quiet between them. Her breathing was even and deep, relaxed. “How’s that itch, girl?”

Looking up she met his lips and kissed a long, deep thank you. Peace like this was priceless, and this feeling was worth all that she had to give.

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