Secret Smiles and Three Little Words Pt. 07


Chapter 10*

Alex woke to a soft argument. She looked around tiredly. Gavin wasn’t in bed with her and she frowned because of it. How did he slip from beneath her head without waking her? The last thing she remembered she was laying on his stomach looking at his beautiful cock. Then she remembered how exhausted she was after her evening with Gavin.

The voices were familiar and she tried to sit up. That’s when the pain hit. Nothing horrible. It felt more like she had just started a new workout regimen. The muscles ached all over her body. That’s two days in a row now. She smiled. Two days of Gavin’s sexual prowess. She rubbed her thighs together and her sex was very sore! She was going to have to start some sort of physical workout routine, perhaps some stretching. Yoga perhaps, if she was going to keep up with this lifestyle.

She eased from the bed with a hiss. It was a pain that brought pleasure. Pleasure of the memories of Gavin. His magical fingers, his magical tongue. His magical cock! She stood and picked up his shirt which was thrown on a nearby chair. She slipped her arms in it and as soon as his scent hit her nose she became squishy.

“Jesus girl!” she chastised. “You are a freaking goat!” She chuckled as she made for the bedroom doors and the argument that continued to rage.

Opening the door stopped the argument. Gavin turned to her and shook his head.

“I’m sorry little one,” he said immediately. “We didn’t mean to wake you!” Elizabeth looked on her with a broad smile.

“Hey Alexandria,” she beamed.

Alex tried to fix her mussed hair but that was useless.

“Hey,” she smiled back a little embarrassed. Not many had seen her like this.

Gavin went to her and ran his hands on her face.

“I’m fine, Sir,” she assured him.

“Sore?” he asked.

“Of course,” she laughed. “Sir.”

“A hope a good type of sore,” he arched an eyebrow at her knowing it was.

“Of course!” she laughed. “Like you could do anything else?”

“Your confidence in me is astounding,” he grinned.

“It’s well deserved,” Elizabeth chimed in. This caused Gavin’s smile to dim slightly.

“I’m headed for the shower,” he told them. “Are you ladies hungry?”

Alex nodded. He tilted his head.

“Shit!” she barked. “I mean yes, Sir.” She remembered he didn’t like being nodded at.

“Better,” he kissed her temple gently and moved by her.

After Gavin had disappeared into the bedroom toward the bathroom Elizabeth danced a little dance in celebration of Alex’s sexual night.

“What are you dancing about?” Alex asked her embarrassedly.

“I now know what a freshly fucked, barely able to walk look is!” Elizabeth laughed coming to Alex and hugging her. “And I must admit, that ‘I’ve been fucked into submission hair’ looks good on you!”

“Thanks?” Alex said shaking her head as she didn’t know how to respond to that sort of compliment.

“Well, give me details,” Elizabeth insisted.

“Like what?” Alex asked embarrassedly.

“Like everything!”

“You get to fuck him all the time!” Alex pointed out.

“Yes, but Gavin doesn’t fuck everybody the same!” Elizabeth told her. “He caters to what the sub needs!”

Alex closed her eyes. Holy fuck! A man that tailor fits his fucks? There is no way this man is human. He must be some sort of sexual alien sent here to satisfy earth women’s one pussy at a time. This caused her to bark out a laugh to herself. Maybe not just satisfied pussies. Could an ass be satisfied the same way? Are anal orgasms a thing?

“Explain that laugh,” Elizabeth demanded her face going serious.

“I just didn’t realize Gavin was some sort of sextraterestrial,” Alex said with a giggle. Elizabeth furrowed her brow. She shook her head. “Bad joke.”

“C’mon,” Elizabeth smiled. “I have an idea…if you are up to it?” Elizabeth flicked her eyebrows diabolically.

“What do you have in mind?” Alex ask suspiciously.

“Well, I could use a shower,” Elizabeth shrugged innocently as Alex’s smile broadened. “You look like a shower is in your future…Gavin is in the shower…I’m all about the environment. Shall we save water?”

“How big is the shower?” Alex laughed as Elizabeth pulled her towards the bathroom.

“Who cares?” Elizabeth laughed as she nearly danced giddily towards the bedroom and then the bathroom inside. “We want to be close anyway!”

The girls stopped outside the bathroom and got undressed. Elizabeth turned and pushed Gavin’s shirt off Alex’s body revealing her. Alex reached up to start pulling on buttons on Elizabeth’s clothes and her eyes sparkled their approval. Alex felt uncomfortable doing this as she had only undressed one other woman. Lena who came home in a drunken state covered in vomit.

This was not that! This was hot! Elizabeth allowed her fingers to guide Alex in her endeavor. Helping pull her underwear down. Elizabeth took hold of Alex’s hands and guided them up her naked body. Making sure to push Alex’s fingers into her dampening pussy. bursa escort Elizabeth smiled in approval as Alex blushed.

“I could so fuck you right now,” Elizabeth said to Alex as she suckled on Alex’s fingers. Elizabeth moved her hands down between Alex’s legs and found her sex equally wet. “It looks like you want me to fuck you!” Alex felt her head nod but she didn’t tell it to. It was as if it had a mind of its own!

“Another time,” Elizabeth whispered as she brushed her lips across Alex’s. Her hot breath causing Alex to shiver with excitement. “Let’s go play!” She pulled on Alex’s hand and they quietly entered the bathroom. The steam billowed out of the shower stall with Gavin inside. His head back letting the hot water cascade down his head and back. His eyes closed unaware the girls were drinking him in.

“If that isn’t the hottest thing you have ever seen…,” Elizabeth whispered into Alex’s ear.

“It most certainly is!” Alex marveled.

She had never seen a man shower before aside from TV or a movie. None showed the beauty that was Gavin. His body wet, his manhood softly hanging with water dripping off of it. It made her squishy but she didn’t know if her poor pussy could handle another intrusion. Looking him over completely from head to toe. She didn’t give a fuck. She just had to have him!

Elizabeth led her to the shower with a smile that reminded Alex of being a little girl with her sister headed down stairs to see what Santa brought. A naughty smile as they held hands in solidarity as they approached the tree on Christmas morning while their parents slept.

The glass door opening brought Gavin out of his solitude and he looked to the beautiful women entering the shower. Alex was guided to the front of Gavin while Elizabeth went behind him, the water spraying off the three of them.

Alex dropped to her knees submissively and Gavin’s eyes twinkled in approval.

“Oh my,” Elizabeth gasped. “That is utterly beautiful! I see why you love it so! Is it the hottest thing you have ever seen?” She whispered in his ear as she wrapped her arms around Gavin from behind.

“No,” Gavin disagreed. “You should see the way she fucks!”

“I can’t wait,” Elizabeth smiled as she nibbled on Gavin’s back. Her hands went down to his cock and began to stroke his hard cock. “Sir? She merely kneels at your feet and you get rock hard?”

“She has an effect on me I can’t explain,” Gavin said as he let his eyes flutter closed at Elizabeth’s manipulations.

“I did well then?” Elizabeth smiled.

“You were a very good girl!” Gavin told her as he kissed her while she stood behind him. Elizabeth reached out to Alex and pulled on her head towards Gavin’s cock and Alex took him in greedily.

“Ok,” Gavin grinned as he looked down as Alex looked up hungrily at him. “Maybe that is the best thing I’ve seen!” Alex grinned satisfactorily around his cock.

“Can she take you all the way down?” Elizabeth asked. On command Alex tried. She held it as long as she could but pulled back as she gagged.

“God damn!” Elizabeth gasped. “That is fucking hot!” With the compliments that she took as words of encouragement she went after Gavin’s cock with a vigor that caused him to hold onto her head.

“No, no, little one,” he whispered.

“No, Sir…please let her go!” Elizabeth begged. “I want to watch her swallow your delicious cum!”

“I don’t know if she is a swallower or not!” Gavin said hoarsely as he released Alex’s head and she returned to her vigorous head bob.

“Nobody would refuse your cum!” Elizabeth said, warning Alex with her eyes she had better not stop until his cum was in her mouth.

“That may not be a boundary she is ready for,” Gavin smiled as Elizabeth reached between his legs to massage his balls.

“She doesn’t seem to be slowing at all,” Elizabeth pointed out. As they watched her work his shaft with her lips.

“No,” Gavin smiled. “She doesn’t.”

Alex sucked for a few more seconds before pulling off long enough to swirl her tongue around the head of his cock.

“What would please you, Sir,” Alex asked him as she never stopped working his magnificent cock. “That is all I want…to know what would please you!”

“A Dom’s cum is never to be wasted,” Elizabeth answered for him. “Whatever hole he is in, be honored when he coats it with his cum!”

“Alexandria,” Gavin asked her causing her to look up at him hungrily. “What would you like?”

“I want your cum in my mouth, Sir!” Alex smiled as she nibbled on the helmet of his cock. “I want to feel it slide down my throat as I watch your face as you put your precious seed in my body. I’m sorry, your body! Use my mouth as a cum receptacle!”

She didn’t know if that type of talk would turn him on. She remembered it from a porn video with a past boyfriend. At the time she thought it to be a bit chauvinistic and degrading even, as if that was all women were good for. A cum receptacle. Now she hoped it would please Gavin. Her Dom. What a difference this life was making for her. bursa otele gelen escort

“Holy fuck!” Gavin gasped. “You are going to be the death of me!” He grinned. Elizabeth winked at her satisfactorily.

“Suck his cock!” Elizabeth demanded.

“As you wish,” Alex winked back.

“But don’t swallow it all,” Elizabeth warned. “I want some too!” Alex’s eyes told her she didn’t understand completely. “Don’t worry, I’ll show you!”

Gavin reached back with his fingers and slid them inside Elizabeth as she kissed him while watching Alex work. His fingers sliding in and out causing her to gasp repeatedly. His free hand fell to Alex’ bobbing head as she worked his shaft. Her eyes drifting from Gavin’s face as she sucked him, to Gavin’s fingers as he plunged them into Elizabeth, to her face as she enjoyed the manipulations of Gavin’s talented fingers.

Elizabeth was beautiful, Alex thought, when she came on Gavin’s fingers. Her body rigid, her face flushed as he gently pushed her over the edge of her orgasm. Alex smiled around Gavin’s cock as it happened.

Gavin pushed Elizabeth to her knees and she joined Alex on the floor of the shower stall. Alex moved slightly as Elizabeth came in to join in the sucking of Gavin’s cock. He watched as the two girls shared his cock. His head fell back against the tile of the stall when the girls both put their mouth on his cock, one to a side, sliding up the shaft, meeting at the head to kiss before going back down the shaft to the balls and their tongues danced as they licked his balls together.

Elizabeth moved off and pushed Alex’s head down on his cock. She wasn’t as gentle as Gavin in her encouragement in trying to deep throat him. Pushing hard and holding her head when she wanted to come off as she gagged when it went too far down. Finally she released her head and Alex pulled completely off afraid she was going to vomit from the ordeal.

“Elizabeth!” Gavin chastised. “She is not ready for that!”

“She looks soooo fucking hot as she struggles though!” Elizabeth smiled sinisterly.

“Coach her,” Gavin was looking sternly at Elizabeth and it was obvious to Alex he wasn’t happy with what she was doing to Alex. Alex took a pleasure in that.

“Does that please you when she does that?” Alex asked him looking up into his eyes. “Force my head like that?”

“You suck my cock the way you want to,” he smiled as he traced his finger around her face.

“I want to throat you,” Alex told him.

“You will,” Gavin smiled as he leaned down. “In time.”

“It’s about relaxing your throat,” Elizabeth smiled as she moved in. “It’s hard at first as your body doesn’t know how to do it, it’s protecting you from choking yourself. It takes time and practice.”

“I like to practice,” Alex said looking up at Gavin.

“Oh, little one,” Gavin smiled.

Elizabeth took him fully in her throat and Alex marveled at it. Holding him there she took Alex’s hand and put it to her throat so she could feel the swelling there with Gavin’s cock. When Alex looked up at Gavin, he wasn’t looking at the woman who had his cock in her throat. He was looking at her.

“Now you try,” Elizabeth said looking up and finding the same thing. There was a flash of jealousy on her face that neither of them saw as they looked to one another.

Alex leaned in and thought about the two types of saliva on Gavin’s cock now. That would normally repulse her. Now it was different. It was Gavin’s cock and nothing was going to keep her from pleasing him.

She slowly put her mouth on but locked onto his eyes. They were encouraging her.

“Go slow,” Elizabeth instructed.

As Alex reached the end of her ability, there was still a few inches left out.

“Wait,” Elizabeth continued. “Let your throat become accustomed to it.” Alex held her gaze on Gavin and was lost in his secret smile.

“Now very slowly think about swallowing pills,” Elizabeth cooed. “Then drop your mouth down a little more.”

Alex tried, but wound up with the same result. A gag and had to withdraw. She refused to pull her mouth off all the way. Again she lowered herself down, following Elizabeth’s instructions. Again she failed. Alex backed off.

“It takes time,” Gavin assured. “You will do it before you know it!” He was so encouraging.

“Elizabeth,” Alex whispered. “I want him in my throat.”

“In time,” Elizabeth smiled.

“No,” Alex said firmly. “Now. Hold my head down, I want him in my throat.”

“Alexandria,” Gavin cautioned his face firming up.

“I want you in my throat,” Alex smiled up. “Even if it just for a second!”

“Go slow,” Elizabeth smiled as she put her hands in Alex’s hair.

Alex went slow and reached her gag point.

“Hold there,” Elizabeth whispered in her ear like the angels and devils from Saturday morning cartoons. The little Jiminy Crickets of conscious. One for good, one for naughty. “Focus on relaxing your throat.”

Alex tried her best but all she was thinking about bursa türbanlı escort was how hot Gavin looked as he looked down at her admiring her.

“Work on breathing out of your nose,” Elizabeth whispered as she nuzzled Alex’s ear. Alex’s nostrils began to work in and out as she focused on that. “Now swallow the pill.” Alex tried and Elizabeth pushed on her head. Alex’s eyes clamped shut instinctively.

“Swallow, swallow, swallow!” Elizabeth repeated in her ear. Alex forced open her eyes and realized she was much further down than she had been able to before. She looked up and Gavin was biting his own lip and Alex nearly danced. She got her Dom to bite his lip, something she was forbidden to do to herself in the moment of pleasure.

Doing her inner dance caused her to forget what she was supposed to be concentrating on and her gag reflex kicked in and she began to push away. She got her mouth off and she gasped for air.

“Dammit!” She barked angrily at her failure. She stroked his cock as she stared at it angrily. A new nemesis. His size and her desire to have him in her throat.

“Why must you push this now, little one?” Gavin asked her.

“I want all of you in my mouth!” Alex told him.

“Later,” Gavin smiled appreciating her desire.

“No, Sir,” Alex shook her head. “Now!”

Gavin took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. In the corner of her eye Alex saw Elizabeth grin as she recognized the look on Gavin’s face. Elizabeth moved back.

“If that would please you,” Gavin whispered. Alex nodded. “Oh little one, you are a switch!” Alex bit her lip as he put one hand on her chin the other on the back of her head. Alex looked up at him. “I’m going to fuck your throat.” He answered her questioning eyes. Inside, part of her danced as the words sounded like music.

He started off slowly, and she was pushing into him as he pushed with his hips. He watched down at her as she peered up. Slowly he began to drive deeper and deeper hitting her gag reflex put pulling out before she gagged. His eyes grew hard and she loved it.

He forced his cock down as far as he could go as he pulled on her head. Instinctively as he entered her throat forcefully she pushed on his thighs to pull off. He was much too strong as he held her there. Soon her hands were slapping at his thighs as his cock had cut off her air. He released her after a few moments and she sucked in a sharp breath but he never let go of her head.

“Again,” he demanded. She tried to say something but his cock was back in and driving down her throat repeatedly. Her eyes began to water with the intrusion. Forcefully he pulled on her head while driving his hips forward. Now her nose was closer to his trimmed pubic hair. Again he released her head and she gasped for breath.

Now she was driven, she was closer than ever before to having his whole cock in her mouth. She didn’t wait for Gavin to put his cock back in to her mouth. This time she put it in herself and he began to fuck her throat again.

She tried to keep herself from fighting off but he kept going, watching her the entire time. She knew he would pull off before it was too late and he did. She barely had her mouth off before she sucked in a breath and took him back down. He growled in satisfaction at her aggressiveness.

Over and over they did this, then it finally happened. He held her head there, her nose nestled into his pubic hair. Part of her danced, another part was fighting for air, another looked up and saw the ultimate satisfaction in his face.

He released her but she wanted him back.

“Easy little one,” he cautioned but she whimpered as she took him grabbing hold of his buttocks as Elizabeth had done. Gavin released her head and she pulled herself now down all the way.

Over and over she forced his cock deep in her throat, relishing in her accomplishment. Gavin’s thighs began to shake. Alex pulled back and continued to suck as her fist pumped on his cock while she tried to catch her breath with her mouth just around the head.

“Little one,” Gavin growled as he wrapped her hair in his fingers.

“Cum in my mouth!” Alex begged. “Sir! Please!” Gavin watched her eyes as his cock erupted in her mouth, blast after salty blast filled her mouth as he growled in a mixture of ultimate pleasure and a tinge of pain at the strength in which he came.

“Don’t swallow all of him,” Elizabeth whispered in her ear like the devil on her shoulder. Alex smiled as his load filled her mouth. She cupped her tongue to keep it from going down her throat.

Squeezing the last of his load into her mouth, her eyes twinkled her happiness to him as he winked at her approvingly. Elizabeth pulled on her chin and Alex had her mouth slightly open and Elizabeth smiled as she saw the pool of white cum in her mouth.

“Lift up on your knees,” Elizabeth smiled. Alex fought the urge to swallow as she nodded slightly with the cum balancing like an overfull cup of coffee. “Then just let some slide from your mouth, into mine.”

Alex raised on her knees as Elizabeth tilted her head, measuring her lips carefully, Alex let some of Gavin’s cum release from her mouth in a string into Elizabeth’s hungrily waiting mouth. Alex closed her mouth after she deposited a fair amount into Elizabeth’s. Some landing on her lips and cheek as Alex got her aim right.

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