Sex and Health


Sex and HealthSex is good for your health, then the obvious next question would be, how should you arrange your sex life so as to maximize the health benefits? Is a series of one-night stands as salubrious as a long-term coupling? Could a few bouts of masturbation be as nourishing and wholesome as a single night of conventional intercourse?Not that masturbation is so bad. A 1988 study found that genital self-stimulation increases pain thresholds and produces an analgesic effect in women, and a 2003 study linked masturbation to a reduction in prostate-cancer risk, which the researchers attributed to ejaculation frequency. But a subsequent study failed to confirm the relationship and, no doubt to the chagrin of many men, concluded that prostate cancer risk was unrelated to a man’s ejaculation count. (Some studies suggest a link between sex and breast cancer, too: One found a reduced risk of breast cancer among women who’d had multiple sexual partners, though another found that women who’d had c***dren fathered by different partners did not have a lessened risk of the disease.)The sexual cure for depression, apparently, involves semen. A survey of Anadolu Yakası Escort just under 300 female college students found that depression (as measured on a depression scale) increased the longer it had been since a woman had experienced PVI. The happiest women in the study were those who had the most PVI, but this antidepressant effect evaporated if they’d used condoms. Students who hadn’t engaged in PVI, or said they used condoms, reported more suicide attempts than those who said they never used condoms during sex. While the study isn’t rigorous enough to provide any solid conclusions, it’s theoretically possible that semen really does have antidepressant properties, since it’s loaded with hormones, neurotransmitters and other chemicals, including testosterone, prostaglandins, and hormones that stimulate ovulation.Read some interesting intimate facts of life. Some of the commonest search words on internet are related to words that concern our intimacy. Internet has also been responsible for bringing these out of the closet. Medindia has put together some of these interesting facts together.a. Guess how Anadolu Yakası Escort Bayan many acts of sexual intercourses happen daily in the world – approx.. 100 million!b. Is kissing good for your health? Apparently so, the extra saliva that is exchanged reduces decay of teeth by keeping your mouths clean.c. Can you lose calories by merely kissing? Apparently so, you lose 26 calories if you kiss for a minute and 260 if you did it for 10 minutes.d. If your girl-friend or wife has a headache it maybe cured yes by having an intercourse but remember to give them orgasm! Research indicates that powerful endorphins or pain killers are released by females during orgasm.e. Do you want to burn your calories in the bed! Have vigorous sex for half an hour and burn 150 calories and you can lose three pounds in a year – if you have sex 7 to 8 times a month. Increase the frequency and you can lose more weight. But mind you it has to be vigorous.f. Do you think of sex several times in a day! Don’t worry you are not the only one. 54% of men and 19% of women think about sex everyday or several times a day.g. Men of Escort Anadolu Yakası which countries seem to be romping most of the time of the year? The Americans and Greeks seem to get the maximum sexercise they do it 124 and 117 times respectively.h. Do you know how many condoms are used in the world every year? The figure is astronomical between six and nine billion.Rules of attractionIt is possible that beauty is not in the eye of the beholder, but rather in the nose of the beholder. We have sex because we have an innate instinct to reproduce. Therefore we are attracted to certain people because they will produce a strong baby. We find out who will produce these strong babies through our noses. For example, when people sweat pheromones are released; revealing their type of immune system. If their immune system is the opposite to the person smelling them, the two will be a good match, and should find each other irresistible.How to tell when she wants itWe all know women are hard to read, but there are several physical clues that can help you to know when a woman wants to have sex with you. Firstly, when a woman is aroused her pupils will dilate. If a woman sees a man who she likes when out, but does not know him, she will give him prolonged eye contact. Her lips will also purse and if you catch her repeatedly gazing at your lips then it is very likely that she wants you. However, if a woman crosses her legs or arms and repeatedly looks away from you, it’s time to leave.

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