Sex is good for one, enjoyable for two and amazing

Sex is good for one, enjoyable for two and amazing
This is one of my stories from another site and is a part of a series about the Lovett Diamond. I am putting this on this site while I finish the story I am writing for this site. All incidents are fictitious as are the names. I hope you like it,. Jake

It must have been about 9pm when I came too, still laying where we had dropped off. I was glad to find the weight on my chest was Carrie Anne for a brief moment as I awoke I thought Oh my gawd I’m having a heart attack. My cock was still inside her sleeping body and thinking about that it started to erect inside slowly penetrating as it hardened….

“MMMMmmmm,” her asleep voice moaned in my ear.

Guys will understand hell lets be honest the gals will too those that wake up in the morning wishing they had been fucked awake by some guy that they had met the night before instead of him/her sneaking out while you’re still asleep. So gently I started to use her hole as a sort of wanking machine slowly at first but gradually faster as she in auto mode started to fuck me back.

As my morning woody started to get close to cumming I could feel her cunny literally sucking my cock willing my balls to empty inside her. I wasn’t used to being so selfish but on a different level it was fantastic and when I shot it was unbelievable. Hard to explain the feeling really but just using this beautiful woman made it feel that much better than a normal cum. I eased her onto her side.

“Noooooo Jake”

“Shhhhhhh, I have to see a guy about that photo on your phone……. I’ll come back.”

She seemed to understand and as for me looking down on her naked body my cum just seeping out of her, well let me tell you it was one of the hardest things to do and that was get dressed and leave. But leave I must.

I needed to see a friend of mine well not exactly a friend I once cut him a deal when I was a cop and from then on, he helped me out on occasions. He was a little bit of an oddity here. He had a French accent with a Mexican name (Rafael Sandoval) and was small and really slim for a 32-year-old. His size enabled him to pass for a tall young boy or infact girl for that matter, which came in handy if I needed someone to get in through windows or dog flaps. One other thing that Rafael was excellent with, that was computers and gadgets so if he couldn’t enhance the picture he would know who could.

I stood buck naked looking at the strewn clothing it brought back the earlier encounter with Carrie Anne shucks I would have liked to go back for seconds but heck I knew where to find Rafael right now so quickly finding my stuff i headed for the door. My car was still in the driveway so I got in and headed across town.

Getting across town at that time of night was a nightmare more so because everyone seemed to be driving about. But hell, in this city 10 pm was time you went to a club or took the person you had picked up to a motel, hotel or if you couldn’t afford it the local dogging site. Pulling into a car park I headed into the back of a pool hall.

Rafael sat at a work bench covered in gear with soldering irons smoking and computers working away.

“Hi Jake, you must be after something, I heard you had been cut dead!”

“Never mind that Raf, I need you to enhance this picture from this cell phone you think you can get something from it recognisable?”

He studied the picture on the cell then said, “I think so, when you want it?”

“Sorry about this but I want it like yesterday ok!”

“Sure, sure,” he said then as I stood beside him, he started to load the picture onto the nearest computer.

The blurred picture slowly appeared on the screen as blurred as it was on the phone. I was a little disappointed till he told me all he had done was transferred the picture, the programme would start working on it in a minute.

As I stood there next to his arm I felt his hand slip up onto my thigh. He knew I wasn’t really into men but sometimes you have to grease the wheels with things you don’t like. I am sure there are many females that would understand what I mean even if the guys don’t.

I tried real hard to ignore his hand but as it gently stroked my length I started to harden. You would think my little brain had had enough sexercise but know it reared slowly up.

He eased down my zip which was almost at his face height. Try as I might I couldn’t get my damn cock to behave it not only raised but hardened like a broom shank and as he started to wank me my lust factor killed my abhorrence for making out with another bloke.

I felt his mouth slowly slip over my cock head and all I could see was Carrie Ann but Raf really knew how to give head. Every so often he came off and spoke.

“Jake, she tastes lovely any chance I could share. Her juices are the sweetest I have tasted, even if you just let me tongue fuck her and have her arse.”

His words had my dick so hard I thought I was going to burst as he really blew me. Who was blowing me didn’t matter then. All I needed was to cum and I grabbed his ears and started to push my cock deep into his throat. Raf was an expert at this and never gagged just sucked and sucked my body trembled and I felt my balls harden then that magic rush you get as your cum propels itself into the mouth sucking you..

“Ohhhhhh Gawd you bastard RAF…”

He just started to wipe his chin with a big grin on his face, “You still taste as good as ever but her cum is expensive I want to taste her ok?”

“No promises ok but she likes sex so maybe I will be able to double team her but later!”

As I spoke a little flustered I saw the picture coming onto the screen that was almost perfect. Shoving myself away in case I dripped I got Raf to print the picture off for me but he still had a little something up his sleeve.

“Want me to tell you who she is?”

“You know her?”

“Noooooooooo! But we will pretty soon!”

Saying that he typed out quickly some stuff and pictures fleeted across the screen I thought best not to ask especially when it looked like he had tapped into the police computers…

The red oblong with match started to flash up on the screen and Raf simply printed both the documents out. The first was the picture but the second was a rap sheet. She was no lady this one.

Name Sandra Lovett. Australian Citizen, but used fake passports and her good looks to travel about all over the world. This woman was a one-person crime wave. She had quite a varied career. Thought nothing of using her lithe body to get what she wanted. I had to laugh at that comment I knew a few women who would use their bodies to get what they want.

She was still wanted for questioning about the theft of four old masters after she had tricked her way into a Lords residence on the pretence of being a sex worker. They could only assume it was her as his lordship’s description of her was sketchy finishing off with very hot, best fuck he had ever had.

That’s all I needed a nymphomaniac con artist running around with a diamond that once she touched it would make her about ten times worse. Look out guys Sandra’s on the way… A smile hit my face and I was about to leave when Raf said hey they have a better picture here.

His printer started that whirring sound as it printed the picture on the screen. It would really be hard for me to describe the picture because my words could not do it justice. She was 31.

A really good looking brunette with sort of shoulder length hair. I could see why blokes were easily conned by her because her body which was totally on show in this picture was amazing. Her face had a very distinct beauty, the sort that made a guy roll over and play dead if that’s what she asked him to do.

I thanked Raf and with my pictures jumped into the car and headed towards the Grande Hotel. It was already too late to ring Amanda so I left her a voice mail so that she could try and find out any usual haunts this Sandra had.

It was well named ‘The Grande’ It had a regal look about it, even just the out side and when you walked onto the foyer carpet you sank into that thick Persian pile. Heading to the desk I saw a blonde bust answering the phone so I parked myself next to her and leaned on the counter.

“Just a moment Sir,” she said matter of factly, “I’m almost done.”

I said nothing just winked and stood smiling. Many have said that I have the most disarming smile and to get the information I needed I was about to try and charm the pants off her. Though I hoped it wouldn’t go that far my body was tired now, maybe all that donating cum was sucking the sap out of me.

The thought gave my Ice blues the twinkle they needed and I knew it had worked when I got not only a smile from her as she put the phone down but a very sensuous

“What can I do for you, Sir?”

Her voice was like liquid sex appeal. Yes! you guessed it my little brain was responding. He just didn’t know when to quit. I leaned close and with the deepest voice I could muster said.

“Probably a whole lot,” pausing to give a little laugh which made her blush and laugh too, “I am hoping you still have a particular Lady staying here it’s very important. Her name’s Lady Amber Haverlot”

I had thought about pretending to be a lawyer but as my picture had been in all the papers through the cop shooting I figured this time honesty was the best policy. Before she got the chance to speak I added after looking at her name badge with out making it look as though I was staring down her cleavage.

“You don’t mind if I call you Helen, do you?” Smiling again flashing my eyes, “I have an envelope for her and I am being paid to deliver it, I think it has some important documents in it for her.”

Saying this I pulled an envelope out of my pocket. Not letting her see that it was unsealed, just that it was reasonably tattered and bulging.

“It was supposed to get here last month,” I said waving the envelope, “but the person delivering it had an accident and when I contacted the family they asked if I could deliver and they would pay me!”

Okay, okay it wasn’t brilliant but you see if you can think of something off the top of your head when your brains trying to fall 3 feet to your cock. She smiled and looked about as though she was a secret agent.

“Lady Haverlot left about 4 weeks back, and we are not supposed to give out forwarding information.”

“Oh, not even to the guy that’s going to take you out tonight.

“Who said I would go out with you?” I just smiled.

“Anywhere you fancy on me, but if not this Lady Haverlot is going to be really pissed when she finds I couldn’t deliver this from her dying Grandmother.”

“Erm, well if you put it like that, but I want to go somewhere nice like ‘The Ivy’ and for dinner!”

“You’re doing the right thing Helen; her grandmother will be ever so pleased.”

She typed a few things into the computer on the desk and said, “We only have a care of address, it’s care of Ms Sandra Loversee and I’ll bring the address with me when we have that meal.

Her smile was lighting up the foyer so I thought well I need that address I can chalk it up to expenses, “What time do you finish tomorrow or we could have a private meal in one of the suites upstairs when you finish tonight.”

I hoped she would do the private room upstairs tonight.

“Tomorrow will be fine, you can pick me up here at 7. I’ll bring the address with me!”

We smiled and said our Au revoir’s and I headed back to Carrie Anne’s place. It was almost all in darkness as I buzzed the doorbell and got the soft voice over the tannoy,

“Who is it?”

“Carrie its Jake,” I thought she sounded a little put out hell it was only just a quarter of 1.

“Push the door; we are in the Dining Room.”

The “we” had me flummoxed though she did have the richness about her to probably have servants I doubt a servant would be having tea with her at this time in the morning. Just in case I checked my trusty 38 and the spare clip fill in my pocket. I have to be honest I liked the 44 magnums but I’d had to hock it to Danny the Screw till I could afford it back again. He also had anything else that would bring me meal money.

The “we” in question was Rafa. This did not make my mood any better I hadn’t given him the address nor Carrie’s name.

“How the hell did you get here and what do you want?”

“Jake,” he looked nervous, “Jake I have a lead on that Lady you were asking about!”

Carrie just smiled and said how Rafa had kept her laughing while they waited for me to arrive home. Probably just as well the receptionist had said no because Rafa’s other talent was getting into a woman’s knickers. Judging by the fact that Carrie appeared to be really relaxed his evil silk tongue had started to open her legs as much as the booze they had consumed.

“Your friend is fascinating Jake, he knows loads about you and is so flirty he makes me feel as though I am 19 again!”

“You flatter me Carrie,” Raf said, “It’s easy to be relaxed in such a beautiful and sexy lady’s presence,”

Raf’s arm was about Carrie and she seemed as comfortable snuggled into him as she had been snuggled into me I guess this was going to be the price for getting his information and he knew it had better be worth double ganging this woman because I really liked her.

I threw off my coat and sat on the opposite side of Carrie to Raf. He was already touching her knee and even though she leaned over and gave me a kiss and cuddled into me, her body never moved nor complained about Raf’s hands which were already starting to move ever so slowly from her knee to just under the hem of her skirt.

I kissed her gently, letting my warm mouth and tongue set fire to hers. Her hands moved into my shirt. My other hand went to the opposite knee to Rafs and proceeded to ease itself slowly under her skirt hem.

It wasn’t long before our hands were doing longer strokes and she was moaning into my mouth. Slowly our hands moved higher till our fingers were just touching ever so lightly the crutch of her panties. We were taking it in turns to move our hands up each one of us touching her cunny lips over her knickers.

She was really moaning now the kissing having been totally forgot about she was laying spread-eagled on the sofa. Her legs wide as she watched both of our hands working up and under her skirt. We looked at each other and both of us lifted her skirt to her waist. Those beautiful legs on show did it for me; there was no turning back now.

Her lilac panties already showed that her juices were flowing by the darkened patch just over where her cunny lips were. We both took it in turns to rub her. Her body was reacting now each time we stroked her she tried really hard to get up onto our fingers. She was biting her lips and licking them then she said,

“Are you okay with this?”

I knew what she meant but I also knew we needed this information and this was the way to get it. I just smiled and pulled her tightly to me kissing her to reassure her. Then whispered,

“If you are ok I am, if you want to stop I’ll throw him out.”

“I can’t STOP”

We eased off her panties and Raf slipped between her legs all the time I was kissing and working on her tits. His tongue not only speaks sex it is sex and soon she was fucking his face for all she was worth. Gripping tightly onto me she suddenly gave a huge lift.

“Ohhhhhh Gawwddddd I’m going to cum!”

Raf never stopped he just brought her totally over the top then looking at me virtually ripped his trousers off and stood there like a little sapling with a tree trunk growing from where just a limb should be. He was about 10 or 11″and maybe about 3″ thick. No bloody wonder he hadn’t grown bigger all his growth hormone must have gone on his dick.

As he slid into Carrie she held me tightly and said, “Ohhhhh Gawwwwwdddd Jakeeeeeee HEeee’s so FUCKING BIG, I’m Cumminnggggg AAggaaain!”

It’s hard to smile at the pleasure your woman is feeling from another guy, unless you have confidence in your own technique or size and ok I wasn’t as big as he was but my technique had been honed over many pussies. Raf was now slamming into Carrie and each thrust brought a shout from her.

“Yes, you bastards fuck me. OH, Yes more. Don’t stop. I want more.”

I let Raf ease her onto the floor on her side as I lay right behind her my cock virtually drowning in their juices. Taking it I rubbed their juice over her little puckered hole. This was what Raf wanted to feel. My cock sliding along side his, inside this beautiful woman. Slowly I let it slip into her.

“Ohhhhh GAwwwdddd NNNOooooooooo. I have never had it there, Noooooooooo.”

Then there was nothing but the movements of her body as she acclimatised to feeling both our pricks going into her we stopped still to let her fuck us both on the front motion she pushed fully onto Raf on the Back stroke she filled up with me. At first, she was doing it fast forwards and slowly backwards

Soon though she was slamming both ways shouting at the top of her lungs.

“Oooohhhhhhhhhh Yyyyyeeeeeeesssssssss, Yeeeeesssssss, Yyyyeeeeeeeessssssss, this is FAaannnnnnnttttttaaassssssstic. Yes I am going to go mad….. Fuck fuck fuck fuck….
Oohhhh I’mmmmmmm Cumming againnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!”

We all three shot together Raf filling her up the pussy me shooting deep into her arse and my precious Carrie cumming all over both of us as she literally squirted her juice out.

We lay for a while Carrie slowly drifting off into a contented sleep, then Raf eased out and stood up saying I’ll Leave the information on the side board and lock the doors on the way out you know where I’ll be if you want me. Me I just smiled watched him shove his big dick away and cuddled Carrie to me. Lifting her in my arms I headed towards the bed. She looked fabulous. Yes, everything else could wait till tomorrow!

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