Sexual Liberation Through Chemistry


The fire exploded, and rained hot metal over floors. Panic spread through the plant. As people rushed in confusion, feel unconscious, and died. Janice Argent lay crumpled on the floor. Cuts open on her body. Janice watched as the chemicals found their way into body. She lay their watching her only son Rudolph dying slowly.

“Rudolph, baby hang on. Help will be here shortly just hold on. Momma will make it all right again” she said, her voice barely audible even to herself. The last thing she saw before the world went dark was a picture of her grandson Charles. She thought what a handsome boy he had become. Then the world went black.


Sheri Argent hurried through the house. After almost a year since the accident that had claimed her husband, her mother-in-law, was finally ready to become part of the family again. Unlike most in-laws Sheri got along very well with her late husbands mother and the children adored her. Young Charles was becoming an even more impressive figure of a man than his father had been. He was such a shy boy though. Then little Hannah had blossomed into womanhood with splendid results. She was certainly going to be turning heads. Young, little, she thought. They were each twenty-four and eighteen now. Well no time to doodle she thought.

“Children hurry up have the servants bring down your things and get into the limo. Your Grandmother is finally ready to renter the world after her ordeal and I’ll not have us keeping her waiting” she spoke with authority. Argents never yell, her husband had been fond of saying and she had taken that saying to heart. While she did project well and with authority, she never yelled.

Charles came striding down the stairs first…a small duffel bag around his shoulder, and a hanging bag in his other hand. He walked purposely in his charcoal gray suit, white shirt, and emerald tie. Sheri Argent took a moment to study her son. Charles was tall with deep coppery orange hair. A bit on the thick side, but with a warm smile, hazel eyes and a kind gentle sprit. She was proud of her boy and it showed in her smile, as his 6’2 frame walked up to her. Hanna came next her baby. In her school uniform…Janice always got so proud when she saw her granddaughter in her old schools uniform. It was a nice touch. Yes her little girl was growing up. Hannah’s chest budding out nicely, the last two years of volley ball and field hockey toning and further defining her body making her every man’s wet dream.

“Come on short stuff, let’s move along…or did you pack so much you can’t carry your bags again” Charles teased her; Sheri knew he loved his sister. They really got on quite well but he did love to aggravate her.

“Just because the rest of us didn’t get your, your freakish size, doesn’t mean we are small.” Sheri had to suppress a giggle at that. Like Sheri and Janice, Hannah was never going to be a tall woman. Sheri stood at five feet even, and Janice stood at a mere five two, so Hannah was going to do well to meet the five foot mark. For some reason fate had made Charles a physical giant in the family. Rather tall to most people with the diminutive size of the rest of his family he was a Goliath.

“All right you two, lets behave please. Now let’s be off. Charles Keep that Tie where it is. I don’t want you loosening it like you normally do, or undoing the button underneath it. Your not at the office now, here I and your Grandmother are in charge” she said with true Argent authority

“Yes Mother” he said as he bent down and kissed her on the forehead, as Hannah smirked at the sight of the giant being lectured by the elf. Their things were packed and they settled in for the short drive to their Grandmothers house.

They pulled up to the large estate; it was the family cottage home.

The house stood three stories tall, and no telling how many square feet. As they all approached the double front doors, the doors swung open like a scene from a Frank Cappra movie…and karataş escort bayan they entered to see Janice Argent standing there in evening gown with servants at the ready to collect their bags.

As they entered, Sheri couldn’t help but notice how tight the gown was on her voluptuous mother in-law. The gown was quite out of character for Janice. She was, or had been so conservative in her dress before. Then again…seeing her only son die, and nearly dying with him, she could be expected to change. As they walked in Janice gave them each a big hug. Charles first, pressing her large chest deeply into his. Next Hannah, was it her imagination or did Grandma just run her hands along the sides of her breasts. Finally, Sheri, as Janice’s hands accidentally gave her ass a small squeeze as they hugged.

“Well now my children, let’s all retire to the dinning room and have a bite of supper and catch up on old times” Janice announced to them. Janice gave them all a warm smile they remembered as she said, Go on dears, I just need to give the staff a few last instructions and

I’ll be right behind you.” They turned and walked to the dinning room as she said something quietly to the butler and then turned to follow them. Watching the firm backsides of her daughter-in-law, and granddaughter as she went, her lips tuned into a glaring grin that would put a b-movie villain to shame.

They were all seated as the soup was served. They talked mostly of trivial things during dinner. What Hannah was doing at school, was

Charles seeing someone, a question that had him blushing. It never ceased to amaze Hannah. He big brother went toe to toe with Bill Gates, Donald Trump, and Ted Turner on almost daily biases as the head of Argent International and held his own. Yet, simply asking him about a girl or give him a compliment away from the board room and he blushed and became embarrassed as if he were fourteen again. Finally dessert was finished and Grandma turned to Charles and got a serious look on her face.

“Charles I just want you to know what a wonderful job I think your doing with the company. I don’t think your father or Grandpa ran it as well, and certainly couldn’t have done it this well at twenty-four yet when several competitors are showing signs of recession we are expanding and showing huge profits. Rudolph and your Grandpa would be extremely proud she said with a painful smile, as she leaned forward and patted his hand.

As if on cue Charles face turned slightly crimson color and mumbled a thank you. Hannah had to shake her head a little she could almost swear Grandma had leaned forward enough to give Charles a peek down her dress. Just like Hannah did when she flirted with boys showing what cleavage she could. She wasn’t the only one to notice as Sheri was thinking exactly the same thing. Then both of them quietly laughed at themselves and put it down to their imagination.

At that Charles gave a slight yawn, “Oh excuse me, I guess I am more tired than I thought. Don’t know why it’s hasn’t been all that hard a day. Still all of a sudden I feel like I just got hit by a ton of bricks.” Around the table his sister and mother were showing signs of similar fatigue.

“Oh you’re not the only one Charles” Hannah said it the yawning speech of a truly tired person. Sheri nodded her agreement with the statement.

“Oh you poor dears do forgive an old lady for keeping you up so late. I am sure you all had full days. I have so enjoyed your company that I have kept you up to late. I forget not everyone gets to spend the day as he or she pleases. Well you all go right off to bed this second” She told them all with Argent Authority. “Oh, it’s not you Grandma, we are all just tired I guess. We will be better company tomorrow I promise” Charles said as he leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. All of them were too sleepy to argue and were eagerly awaiting the chance to get to bed. Yes you will be karkamış escort bayan my dears thought Janice as she watched the trio head off to bed. Once again the movie villain smile appeared.


Charles awoke with a jump. He was restrained he notice first. He was strapped into a chair. Charles felt the cold metal against his back and butt. Also, he was naked; there was a small ring around his penis. At first he thought it was a nightmare. Then as time passed and nothing happened and he didn’t seem to be waking up. The reality of the situation began to settle in. “Hello” he cried out in the horse voice of those just waking up.

“Ah finally the last member of our little group is up” he heard his grandmothers voice. The lights came up and found himself in a large gray room with a screen in front of him. A large I.V. bag with a green substance in it stood beside him. He looked over and saw his sister and mother on either side of him in a similar contraption and state of dress. Just as two metal bars swung up and locked his head in a forward view. Then from out of dark corner walked his Grandma. She was in six inch heels at least and nothing else, her large firm breasts standing out proudly. Rather firm for a woman of any age Charles had to admit especially one of fifty seven. Janice’s nipples were sticking out proudly. She circled them like a jungle cat does her pray. Charles saw her hips swinging seductively. Janice’s ass was round and firm with the right touch of softness to it swaying back and forth. “Grandma what’s going on; How did we get here; what’s happened to you” he yelled out in disbelief.

“All in good time my dear, all will be made clear” she said to him. She walked up beside him, stroked his face, patted his thigh and then cupped his balls. “Ah they are nice and full, that’s good.” She saw her grandson glance at her nipples. “So you like Grandma’s DD’s do you. Well that’s good you’re going to be able to explore them in much more detail later. However, first there are a few details to take care of. Then I’ll answer your question before we get to what brings the three of your down here” as she spoke she stroked his shaft. Charles rose to his full hardness. Janice then took a large metal tube and slid it down his shaft until the top was around the base of his cock. Janice plugged the tube into two spaces in the chair. “There now, you were the last one I had to fix before we could get started. I already have similar devices shoved up the pussies of your mother and baby sister.

“Now to your questions, first I’ll tell you how you got here.

Well my darling boy everything the three of you ate tonight was laced with a mild slow acting sedative. Normally it was just have made you a bit drowsy. However, you ate it through the entire meal. So that the staff could move you all down here, strip you and strap you in without waking you up. I have been terribly impatient for you all to wake up. I am afraid given your size we overdid yours a bit so you took a bit longer.” “Next what is going on my dear boy, it’s really quite simple. The best way to explain what’s going on is to answer your last question. Namely what has happened to me? It all happened in that dreadful explosion at that little pharmaceutical research and development lab. I won’t go into to much detail. It changed me though both physically and mentally. It took years off my body as well as making me want to fuck like a bitch in heat. Unfortunately this is where the mental changes come in to play. You see dear the last thing

I saw before I went out was your picture. It seems no matter how hard I try I can’t cum with anything or anyone unless I pretend it’s you. At first that’s all it was. Unfortunately that didn’t last. After a week and a half, I had become obsessed with you my dear. I knew I had to get you into my bed. I knew you wouldn’t go willingly. I also knew that once I got you their after our kilis escort bayan first time, I’d be your virtual sex slave. I couldn’t have that. So, I began experimenting. Until I was able to find a derivative of the chemical concoction that change me. Oh it only took a month. Finally I found a way to make you as obsessed with me as I am with you. That way we will be on even footing” she finished as she fondled her breasts.

“Grandma, we can get you some help. Best Doctors in the world. We will find a way” Charles pleaded.

Janice just laughed “My dear boy if I wanted a cure I could have found one myself. I told you I am quite obsessed. So I am afraid I have to reject your kind offer.”

“Well please let Mom and Hannah go at least. Your not obsessed with them.” “That’s quite true my dear boy, but I have also found that I have lost all inhibitions, almost all human decency. I find I am quite attracted to women as well as men now. I am sure that as long as

I can have you from time to time I’ll be able to cum with others. Besides I couldn’t risk them interfering with my fun with you. Besides I want you to have any women you want. Your mother and sister included. We will all be one big happy fucking family. It’s a pity the derivative will take longer to change you than my own transition. That’s were the screens come in. The will have intense subliminal messages to help program you to your new life and make things both faster and easier for you. Besides I can’t wait to see the changes take place. I am most pleased with was the gamma and beta derivatives have done to my house hold staff. They worship me now. That’s why they all helped me. You three are Argents and can only bow to me. So you get the Alpha derivative. Well let’s begin” she finished as she hit a button along a control board at the back of the room.

The room went black and the screen came to life. Charles felt the I.V. start to pump the chemicals into him. Images and words flashed on the screen to fast for him to comprehend them. As they did the device around his cock began to send pluses down his shaft. Soon he was having an orgasm and shooting all over the room. It just kept on and on. Weather he could understand it or not his mother and sister were undergoing a similar experience. His mind was being violated by the images, his body infected with chemicals, and all the while the strange rod made him cum and cum. This went on till the last of the green chemical flowed into his body. He then proceeded to pass out.


Sheri awoke slowly, feeling the coziness of the blankets against her skin. Odd she thought she remembered putting on her night gown. She stretched luxuriating in how she was feeling this morning. So alive, she got up and studied her naked body in the mirror. At five foot she wasn’t ever going to be a fashion model. However, her smaller bodies did have its own delights. Her 32A tits sat high on her chest; they were nicely shaped and on her smaller frame looked larger. She had a small waist, and her hips flared out nicely. She turned to study her ass. Oh she didn’t know what it was but she never realized how nice her ass was. It was so tight and firm. It’s roundness offering hits of the sexuality of the women. Her body almost had the look of a little girl. She knew for a lot of men, and women that would be a real turn on for. She wondered what Charles would think of her body. She wondered where that came from. Then she decided it was time to get ready and spend the day with her family.

Janice Argent watched her family from her control room. Having cameras placed in all the rooms was a brilliant idea. She watched as her granddaughter and daughter in law studied their nude bodies in the mirror. Well, it was nice to see their programming was working. Their conversion to bisexual had been so through that even the sight of their own bodies was turning them on. She watched as they began fingering themselves. She even heard them let out Charles’, hers’ or each others names while doing it. Things were proceeding far ahead of schedule. She hadn’t expected those two to get to that point for at least a week. Then she looked in on Charles to see him energetically fucking one of the upstairs maids. Christina she thought a sexy little Cuban girl. My things are defiantly ahead of schedule she thought.

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