Shawn and Kendall Ch. 09-10


Chapter 9: Date Night

That cool, familiar breeze rolled in through Kendall’s window just like it did through Shawn’s every morning. It was Saturday, and Shawn was the first to wake up naturally, which surprised him.

Last night almost didn’t seem real as he began to reflect on what had happened. He immediately looked down at Kendall to ensure he wasn’t dreaming. She was still sleeping against him, her arm across his chest and her leg propped over his. He watched her delicate breathing, still wondering how any of this was real. Holding onto the person he had wanted his entire life was dreamlike. But last night wasn’t a dream. They finally crossed the line.

He yawned, causing Kendall to wake up as his chest expanded. She breathed in sharply through her nose and opened her eyes quickly, looking up at him for a moment before closing them again and resting her head on his chest.

“Morning,” she mumbled, exhausted.

“Morning,” Shawn responded, rubbing her back with the arm of his she was lying on.

“You got anything going on today?” She asked drowsily with her eyes still closed.

“Nope,” Shawn answered.

“Good,” Kendall sighed, scooting closer to him under the covers, “because I don’t wanna get up yet.”

Neither bothered to check their phones and see what time it was.

Kendall nestled closer to Shawn, holding him tightly and enjoying his warmth.

“Mmm,” she moaned, “this is the best.”

“Sleeping in?” Shawn asked.

“Well, that,” Kendall answered, “and just doing this with you.”

“We’ve always cuddled,” Shawn snickered.

“No, dork!” Kendall growled, “Bradley and I never slept like this, and he was not a morning person.”

“That guy’s such an asshole. I’m so glad you two aren’t together anymore,” Shawn responded as he rubbed her back.

Kendall suddenly rolled over onto her stomach, facing Shawn directly and giving him a profound look.

“You really were jealous of him,” Kendall said, connecting the dots with Shawn’s behavior over the last few years.

“Of that guy? Yeah, right,” Shawn defended himself.

Kendall stared at him with a raised eyebrow and a doubtful smirk, not buying his front for a moment.

“I always knew,” she said with a snarky tone, “you are so awful at hiding how you feel.”

“Yeah, well,” Shawn grumbled defensively, “maybe I couldn’t help it.”

Kendall stared at him for a moment, silently analyzing him as her mind admittedly enjoyed the thought of her brother secretly wishing he could be her boyfriend all this time, even if he wouldn’t admit it.

Kendall scooted against him, tossed her leg over his groin, and slid onto him. She was now straddling Shawn as she pressed her hands against his collars.

“You sure there’s nothing on your to-do list today?” She asked seductively.

“Just you, apparently,” Shawn answered with a playful grin, his eyes scaling her with delight.

“You’re such an idiot,” she giggled, smiling at him.

Shawn’s breathing escalated as he gripped his hands around her hips and felt her burning hot place against his groin. Kendall gently ground herself against his rock-hard erection with her hands planted on his chest. She moaned as she felt his hands squeezing her thighs. Her perfect breasts were in full view as Shawn gazed at her beauty. The feeling of her rubbing herself against him sent shivers up his body. Kendall became addicted to Shawn’s touch, and her body reacted immediately. She was growing more turned on by the second.

As Kendall leaned forward and pressed her mouth against his, Shawn melted into the bed, enveloped by the feeling of her tongue exploring his. Kendall fumed with desire, feeling him grow hard and throb against her, knowing how incredible he would feel inside her. It was a perfect, quiet morning to have sex for the first time, and Kendall was ready to feel her brother enter her and cross the final line.

The abrupt sound of keys rattling and the front door opening downstairs flattened the intensity instantly. Their faces ripped apart like chopped wood as their gaze immediately shot towards the bedroom door with terror.

“Shawn? Kendall? Anybody home?” Their dad’s voice called through the house.

Both looked at one another in horror as they realized what would happen if their parents discovered them how they were.

“It’s Saturday!” Kendall whispered furiously in disbelief.

“I know what day it is! Get off me before they come up here!” Shawn hissed back, trying to lift Kendall from his groin.

As Kendall swung herself off her brother, she immediately grabbed the first clothing she could find on the ground to cover up. Shawn rolled off the bed like a log, looking around for something to cover himself.

“Bathroom!” Kendall whispered aggressively, pointing at the entrance.

Their dad’s footsteps creaking up the stairs caused Shawn to look toward Kendall’s door with panic.

Go!” She waved him on furiously, knowing they Escort were mere moments away from being caught as she frantically clothed herself.

Shawn darted to the bathroom naked, being as quiet as possible, and pulled the door shut without a peep as Kendall’s bedroom door swung open.

“Wow, thanks for knocking,” Kendall huffed with an attitude as their dad’s head peeked into her room.

“Sorry, I just thought I heard- um,” he replied awkwardly, eyes scanning the room.

“Heard what?” Kendall retorted with her best acting.

She looked curiously in every direction he looked, trying as hard as she could to seem oblivious while picking up clothes and pretending to clean.

“Is your brother awake?” He asked with the slightest hint of suspicion.

“Doubt it,” Kendall sighed with her arms full of clothes, “I just woke up, and you know him. That bum never wakes up before me.”

Their dad stared at her momentarily before finally easing up and stepping fully into the room. Kendall didn’t know what to do except pretend to pick up dirty laundry.

“Hm, it is Saturday,” he pondered, looking down at the ground, “I’ll wake him up. We need help with these bags.”

Kendall’s eyes shot open, and she immediately entered a panic as their dad began to close her door back. Finding Shawn’s empty room would only raise his suspicions again. She looked around frantically, arms full of clothes, searching for an idea to stop him.

“Uh-Dad! Hey!” She called out, slamming her clothes into a nearby basket and running towards the door, “here! Take this downstairs for me. I’ll grab some luggage.”

He stared at the basket without taking it, then looked back at Kendall.

“Honey, we’ve been over this. You’re twenty-two years old. You can take your laundry downstairs like an adult,” he said with a very parental tone.

“Dad, please!” Kendall cried out, trying to be as convincing as possible, “last night, there was a huge spider down there, and I haven’t been able to go back since! It scared me so bad I almost threw up. Please?”

Their dad gave her the most fed-up expression as he huffed through his nose and begrudgingly grabbed the basket from her arms.

“Alright,” he responded softly, “but you gotta quit this, Kendall. We don’t live in Australia. So stop letting these little house spiders ruin your life!”

“I know, I know, thank you,” Kendall whispered with a false look of pain.

“Wake your brother up and go help your mom!” Their dad called from halfway down the stairs.

“Kay!” Kendall complied, listening for him to open the basement door.

The bathroom door silently opened back up, revealing Shawn in the doorway, still naked. He smashed the sides of his head with his hands, making a face of relief and sighing audibly. Kendall compressed her lips, snickering through her nose and fighting the urge to laugh as she approached him.

“Oh, this is funny? You think this is funny?” Shawn asked sarcastically, causing Kendall to smile more as she wrapped her arms around his ribs and looked up at him, laughing through her teeth.

“Yeah, laugh it up, weirdo. Dad’s not going to beat the crap out of you when he catches us,” Shawn grumbled with an attitude as he nudged her away and began walking toward the hallway, Kendall shooshing him.

“There was a huge spider, Daddy!” Shawn mocked her in a high-pitched, whiny voice as he left her room.

“Go!” Kendall whispered, shoving him out the door and struggling to keep in her laughter.

Her eyes curiously analyzed his naked body from head to toe as she peeked into the hallway and watched her brother walk to his room. She chewed her lip and smiled as she held onto the wall, gently shaking her head, realizing how head-over-heels she was becoming for him.

It wasn’t long before Shawn and Kendall walked downstairs together, pretending to be half asleep. Their parents had the SUV backed up to the house with the hatch open and all their bags inside.

Before stepping out of the house, Shawn visored his hand over his eyes and peered across the neighborhood, noticing what an incredible day it was. The breeze was lovely, and the sun wasn’t punishing.

“Hi, Honey!” Their mom’s voice chirped around the SUV, “sorry to wake you like this on your day off. This stuff is so heavy.”

“How’s Grandma and Grandpa?” Shawn asked, pulling three large bags from the vehicle onto the ground.

“They said they miss you,” she answered positively, “so stop being a hermit and come with us next time. You know they love you, Shawn.”

“I’m not a hermit! I just don’t like bugs or humidity,” Shawn defended, hoisting the bags over his shoulders and bringing them into the house.

“Sorry we didn’t call and tell you we were coming home early,” their dad sighed, drinking a glass of water in the living room and wiping the sweat from his brow, “we left on short notice.”

“Everything okay?” Kendall asked, dropping a smaller bag near the stairs.

“Everything Escort Bayan is fine,” their mom answered, “the lake house was nice, as always, but we didn’t feel like staying the whole time this time.”

“Hm, okay,” Kendall mumbled, giving Shawn a curious look.

There was more to it than what they disclosed, but it sounded like they didn’t want to discuss it.

As Shawn and Kendall helped empty their parents’ SUV, they occasionally exchanged glances at one another, making it obvious their minds were in the same place. They were relieved not to get caught but desperate to pick up where they left off. Their parents being home early was an enormous inconvenience that would make it difficult for them to do anything with each other. But, on the other hand, Kendall was feeling an element of excitement from their close call that morning. She had never felt so thrilled, while Shawn had never felt so stressed. He found no enjoyment in the risk of being caught, and Kendall practically had a kink for it.

After several trips in and out of the house, Shawn finally closed the hatch of the SUV and returned upstairs to shower. He had worked up a sweat from carrying so many heavy items into the house and didn’t want to spend his day all grimy. Kendall watched him disappear up the steps as she dropped her last thing outside the kitchen. She carefully checked to ensure their parents weren’t watching before sneaking after him.

Shawn discarded his clothing with a groan as he entered his bedroom. He entered the bathroom and twisted the shower handle as far as it would go. Whether he was frozen solid or dripping with sweat didn’t matter to him. There was only one correct shower temperature. He suddenly heard his bathroom door close behind him as he held his arm under the water and waited for the temperature to reach skin-melting. When he turned his head, he saw Kendall with her back to the door and a mischievous smirk on her face.

“Did they see you come up here?” Shawn asked, concerned.

Kendall shook her head.

“Okay, good,” he deflated, “that was scary, Kendall. I didn’t like that at all.”

“Yeah… Sorry,” Kendall whispered as she approached him.

“You don’t need to apologize. It’s not your fault Mom and Dad showed up without warning,” he responded with an attitude as he pulled the curtain back and stepped into the shower.

“Hey,” Kendall called out softly, wrapping her arms around his body and stopping him from entering.

Shawn looked down at her, noticing the concern in her eyes.

“Don’t worry,” she consoled him, “we’re not going to get caught.”

Shawn could hear the strain in her voice and realized he was likely being a bit dramatic with his worried behavior. However, he didn’t want to stress her out in tandem, so he did what he thought her goofy brother might do.

“Okay, alright,” he playfully messed her hair up with one of his hands, “you wanna get in with me, stinky?”

“What? No! I do not stink!” Kendall replied, fighting him off and trying to fix her hair.

“Come on, stinky!” Shawn jested, sweeping his other arm behind her legs and scooping her up like a bride.

“Shawn! Stop! No, stop!” Kendall shrieked, flailed, and laughed as Shawn stepped into the shower with her still fully clothed in his arms.

“Sssshhh, you’re being too loud!” Shawn whispered, laughing with her.

Oh my God, it’s so hot! Shawn!” Kendall cried out in laughter as soon as the blistering-hot water hit her.

Shawn removed Kendall’s wet clothing, one piece at a time, as they kissed each other passionately beneath the scolding water. Kendall wrapped her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes, feeling overjoyed to have him in this way.

“I really do love you,” she sighed with a growing smile.

“I love you too, weirdo,” Shawn replied, giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead.

Kendall closed her eyes, and her heart fluttered. She was a massive sucker for tiny forms of affection like forehead kisses.

A sudden thudding on Shawn’s bathroom door caused him to grip her tightly against him as they both looked toward the noise in fear.

“Shawn? Where did Kendall go?” Their dad’s voice thundered through the door.

Kendall turned her head back to Shawn and clenched her teeth anxiously at him. Then, she raised her eyebrows and flicked her eyes toward the door, motioning him to answer before their dad became more suspicious.

“Uh-Why are you asking me?” Shawn called back with a fake attitude, “I’m an account executive, not a clairvoyant!”

Kendall snorted through her nose at his lame joke, fighting to hold in her laughter, and he gave her a threatening look, letting her know she wasn’t being cute.

“Well, did you see her go anywhere?” Their dad asked, his tone growing impatient with his smart-aleck remark.

“Nope,” Shawn answered, “I came straight up here after that last suitcase. Haven’t seen her.”

“Tell her to find me when you do, Bayan Escort will ya? I think I hurt my back, and she knows about that stuff. I hope.” Their dad responded.

“Yeah, okay, Dad!” Shawn answered, relieved that he did not investigate further.

Shawn and Kendall deflated, pressing their foreheads together with their eyes closed, holding each other tightly. They had narrowly dodged yet another horrifying encounter with their dad. It would have been the end if he had entered Shawn’s bathroom and seen Kendall’s wet clothing on the floor.

“Think we’ll get lucky a third time?” Kendall asked with a goofy smirk.

“Shut up,” Shawn laughed, feeling his nerves start to unwind again.

They laughed as they held each other, realizing things wouldn’t be as easy as they had hoped.

“Well,” Kendall mumbled, “I should probably see what’s wrong with his back.”

“Make sure you dry your hair,” Shawn replied, looking her up and down as he let go of her body, “Dad’s smart. If you go out like this, he’ll know something’s up.”

“Don’t worry, I will,” Kendall whispered as she stepped out of the shower, looking back at him with a suggestive smile.

Shawn covered his face with his hands and sighed with stress as he listened to Kendall leave his bathroom.

“I’m going to die,” Shawn mouthed as he grabbed his body wash to begin showering for real, “I’m seriously going to fucking die.”

As the day progressed, Shawn and Kendall tried to avoid doing or saying anything that would raise suspicion around their parents. They kept their distance and carried on with their usual weekend activities. They were in the clear now, but they would have to be more cautious from now on. Neither of them intended to slow down or stop the pace of their relationship, but they understood that it was vital to keep it a secret from everyone. Of course, it didn’t help that Kendall’s friends were already suspicious of them, even in a joking way. But Kendall knew she could keep them at bay. All she had to do was accuse them of acting like Bradley and pretend to be upset by it.

Around six in the evening, Kendall knocked on Shawn’s door and found him grinding away with his buddies like usual.

“Hang on, guys,” he casually muted his microphone as he watched Kendall enter, “what’s up?”

Kendall swung behind him and threw her arms around his neck, giving him a loud kiss on the cheek.

“Come out with me tonight,” she said sweetly.

“No can do, Muchacha,” Shawn refused, “these loot runs won’t DPS themselves. And besides, you know that’s not my scene.”

“Oh, come on,” Kendall fought him, reaching down and pressing a key on his keyboard to bring up his equipment, “look at that. Your damage is average. They could totally find a replacement for tonight.”

Shawn turned his head and gave her an appalled look as she belittled his character with hundreds of hours sunk into it.

“Yeah, right!” Shawn called back, “average, my ass! Do you know how long it took me to farm this gear? There’s no way!”

Shawn took his video games beyond seriously and intended to play them until the sun went down. But Kendall was determined to convince him to go out with her tonight. She felt that some time away from their house would be the perfect excuse to indulge in each other again without risking their parents catching them. However, getting him out of his zone on a Saturday night would be challenging.

Kendall reached forward and hit another key to unmute Shawn’s microphone as she held onto him.

“Hey, boys,” she called out.

“Hi, Kendall!” A group of overly-friendly voices greeted her through the speakers, causing Shawn to roll his eyes immediately.

Shawn had spent his entire life listening to his friends ogle over Kendall. Every last one of them had, at some point, disclosed that they wanted to have sex with her because of how stunning she was. To Shawn’s great relief, they were all mere grains of salt in the ocean of men she had blown off over the years. But he still hated listening to them swoon over her.

“Is Shawn’s damage so high that it’s irreplaceable for one night?” She asked with a deliberately cute and ignorant tone.

“I mean, not really,” one voice called out in the mixture of responses.

“It’s decent?” Another voice answered.

“We could still run it,” a final voice added.

With each response, Kendall’s eyebrow raised, and her smirk grew. Shawn could not believe his ears as his group cannibalized him before her.

“Gee, thanks, guys…” He grumbled sorely, giving the mute button an angry slam with his finger.

“Dude, Kendall is so hot, man,” one of the voices began lecturing.

“I know, dude!” Another voice joined in.

“I heard she was single,” yet another voice piled on.

Shawn frantically unmuted and leaned toward his microphone as Kendall’s jaw dropped.

“Not wearing headphones, guys!” He yelled in embarrassment before muting again.

“Oops,” one of the voices jested.

“If the secret’s out, tell her to call me!” Another voice cackled.

Shawn facepalmed and leaned on his desk.

“Come on, Average Joe,” Kendall whispered in his ear before giving him another kiss on the cheek, “let’s find you an outfit.”

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