

Subject: Snort it like a champ, Chapter 1 (incest) This is just fantasy. I, the writer, don’t condone any of what is depicted here, and I don’t encourage my readers to practice it irl. If you like my story don’t hesitate to give me your feedback either via email or on my socials, or we could just have a chat (: This first chapter is an introduction. Some sexual things happen but I feel like I had to develop the characters first so you guys understand their lifes. I hope you guys enjoy! ?? Also, don’t forget to check out my other story “Family of three”. Wickr: pulevamax Telegram: crngl Twitter: ganirelatos Kik: Ganimedes12 Also, don’t forget to donate and support Nifty! It’s the reason why we can enjoy these amazing stories! My name is Frank, actually the only person who calls me that is my girlfriend, the rest of the people I love call me Franky. I am 17 years old. Tall, almost 1,90 cm (6 feet 2). Nice Athletic body from playing different sports, tho my favorite is football. I’m brunette with wavy hair, complementing my green eyes perfectly. I look a lot like my mom, or so say my uncle and dad always. My favorite feature from my body is my ass. I love it, it is perfectly round and hard as a rock. I can’t wear suits or jeans without my girlfriend and her friends fixing their eyes on it. I have good abs, a good back, great legs and arms, but my ass is amazing. It even turns me on squating in front of my bedroom mirror and admiring it, or posing like a gay bottom to look at it. It is just perfect. If only I could clone myself just to fuck that ass… I have wished that so many times that I have already lose count. My body is not hairy at all. Well, I mean, is naturally hairy, but I keep it smooth as a baby. When you play a lot of sports and you wanna be clean, having hairs only make it extra hard. It isn’t imposible, but it just needs extra work that I’m not willing to put up with. I like to be waxed clean, and my dick hairs at least trimmed. To let you know me a little bit better I will tell you more about my life. I live with my uncle and dad. When I was born my mom died. Car accident. My uncle moved in with my father after this to help him with a fucking baby. My father worked, and still works, a lot, so making money to keep me alive, feed me, bathe me, basically take care of me while at the same time having to work his ass off just wasn’t possible. He wasn’t willing to give up his perfect job (perfect just because he makes a lot of money) if there was any kind of solution, and that solution was my uncle, his brother. My uncle took the role of my mother, and he started working as a stay-at-home mom. I really view him as such, to me he’s my father, period. My dad, eventho I love him to death, is just my buddie who’s cool as fuck, but he has never acted like a father to me if we dont count bringing in the money. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate all that he’s done for me and I’m not one of those kids who resents their father, but I’m always totally honest and I just don’t see him as a father. When I was a little kid, it was my uncle who took me to school and picked me up. It was him who made breakfast, lunch and dinner not only for me, but for my father as well. He also took me to every single practice, came şişli travesti to see every single game that I had… He basically acted like both my father and my mother. I never really missed her, I simply didn’t think of her, because my uncle was the only person I loved like a real parent. To me, he was the one who birthed me, eventho that wasn’t possible. I remember how he would take me to the park to play with other kids, or how he would drop me off at friends’ houses or pick them up and bring them home so we could play and hang together. He always looked after me, and I really do believe he considers me his real son. We’re happy, a lot, and I wouldn’t change him for the world. Since my dad worked a lot, and earned a lot, he could afford a good house. It had three bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, two backyards, one of them with a pool. The first floor was where the kitchen and living room were located. The second floor was where the bedrooms and two empty rooms that were once the “toys rooms”, as my uncle called them, were. One of them is used as a storage and the other one is where I have my video games and a little cinema where we enjoy movies. My friends love that room. Then we had a basement, where my father decided to build a gym, big enough so we didn’t have to go to a different one, and a little shower room, that had both a shower and a jacuzzi and, of course, a toilet. You can imagine that all my friends always wanted to hang at my house, even when we were kids, and my uncle welcomed all of them any day of the week, he loved being around boys, but there was one day when I wasn’t allowed to invite people over, and that was Sunday. Sundays were an “uncle and nephew day” according to my uncle, and he’d take me on walks, to the beach, camping to the countryside, to watch a movie away from our at-home cinema… He always said it was because Sunday was the only day my dad had to rest, and kids were not rest-friendly, so the best thing was to take me out of the house so he could just relax and unwind on his free day… See why my uncle is my real dad? Again, I dont hate my dad or dislike him for this, but it would’ve been nice to have been with my dad during the previous 16 years for more than whenever he was available to have lunch or dinner. I never went on a trip with him, or on vacation, he never took me to spend dad and son time… It was all my uncle. From time to time my dad would spend time with me, like some random Friday afternoon that maybe he didn’t have to spend at work, but it was on rare ocassions. Despite all of this, he always tried to be great, would come to my birthday parties, to anything important at school or important games that I had and always had a gift. I guess he just did as best as he could, that’s why I wasn’t mad at him at all. Now, like I said already, I’m 17 years old, and I don’t need my uncle to take me out of the house every Sunday so my dad can “rest”. I have a partner, her name is Laurel and every single weekend I hang out with her and our friends. She’s a good person, pretty and funny, but to be totally honest I’m only with her cause she fucks. I consider myself straight, but sometimes I’ve fantasized with men, I’ve even jerked off with my mates. Just your regular wanks beylikdüzü travesti with your friends, nothing out of the ordinary. It was Sunday, and over the breakfast we discussed our plans for the day. My uncle had plans of going to the beach with his new boyfriend. I forgot to mention it, but he’s gay. My dad wanted to rest as usual and I was going to hang out with my girlfriend. “You should go out too, dad” I told him “You only have one day totally free and you spend it at home…” “I’m rarely ever at home. Let me enjoy the house that I’ve paid for all these years” he rolled his eyes “You two have some fun. I’ll have my own kind of fun.” “What kind of fun is that?” “Taking the longest nap of my life after I work out on the gym” The time to go out came, so I got ready. I was wearing just a pair of short jeans, a white tshirt and a black hoodie. It wasn’t cold outside since it was summer, but it could chill at night so I liked to be prepared. I came out and saw my uncle wearing just a very short pair of swim trunks and a tank top that showed off his arms and pecs perfectly. Since I grew up to be older and he didn’t have to be with me all the time he started to use the gym more, and it showed. My dad was laying on the couch wearing only his underwear. I didn’t know what his type of “fun” was but you didn’t need to be a detective to understand that he was in position to jerk off the moment we walked out of that door. In my house we had always been very “natural” I guess you could say. We walked around in our underwear, if my uncle brought a dude over, or if my dad brought a woman, it wasn’t unusual to hear them fuck and moan and grunt, and it even happened to me with Laurel. We walked around naked some times… We were just not afraid of nudity I guess. You can assume by now that my father and my uncle are two of the dudes I fantasize with, cause they are hot as fuck. I left and met with Laurel and our friends. I was suppossed to sleep at Laurel’s, but after her refusing to have sex I just decided it was best for me to go back home. I had really started to question my sexuality, and having sex with her was the only moment I didn’t think of it, but if we don’t have sex it almost seems like I’m hanging out with a regular friend instead of my partner. I didn’t only used her to fuck, but I did want to fuck whenever we met. She was kind and all of that stuff, but she wasn’t affectionated or acted like a girlfriend out of sex. It was getting boring. I returned home, almost two or three hours after leaving. I got in and went towards the kitchen. I needed a glass of water and was ready to hit the bed. My kitchen was pretty big, and from where I stood I wouldn’t be able to hear the TV back in the living room if it wasn’t loud as fuck, but I guess that day it was. I paid attention and could perfectly hear moans. Somebody was watching a porn video. I knew it was porn and not the real thing because the voices spoke in a different language. I went to the living room in total silence. Maybe my dad was jerking off, maybe my uncle and his boyfriend were fucking right then and there… The curiosity was getting the best of me, and I just wanted to see some sexual action after what had happened with Laurel. istanbul travesti I hid near the living room and tried to look through the door, but all I could see was somebody sitting, almost laying, on the couch. I could not figure out who it was. I could see the TV, and I was right. Whoever that was, he was playing regular straight porn, so I automatically assumed it was my father, because my uncle would play gay porn. I was still kinda curious, so I decided to grow a pair and get closer, just to see who it really was. I walked slowly, almost making no sound, towards the couch, and when I was near I could see it was, in fact, my father. He was asleep, and the porn was about to finish. He was completely naked and his clothes were laying on the floor under his feet. It wasn’t the first time I saw my dad naked, but this time… it was different. The tip of his cock was shinny, and I could see the dried cum over his stomach. Probably he jerked off and after cuming her fell asleep. The porn was still playing in the background. For the first time I had my father in an erotic setting in front of me. I could easily take advantage and make my fantasies come true… Would he wake up? I got closer and accidentaly kicked the little table that was in my way. “Shit” I whispered, holding my foot. I looked at the table mad and then I saw it. Over the table there were white lines, a lot of powder and a think metal Straw… Was my dad doing coke? I of course knew what coke was. I had try it before with my friends, and I even had one friend who’d share sometimes with his own father, but I didn’t know my dad did it. I mean, I wasn’t surprised cause he seems like the guy that would do it, but I guess you never expect your own dad to be coked up. After the long day I had I decided to grab some. I got on my knees, grabbed the metal straw an inhaled one of the lines my dad had prepared before falling asleep. Then I turned around and looked at him again. He was still out, and this time his one-eyed snake was looking at me. I could see a clearish white drop on it, and I thought it was my time to try it. Try my dad’s cum, what could go wrong? I was never a guy who had remorse about anything. If I did something it was because I felt like doing so, so I’d never feel bad about it afterwards. I gathered courage and took his cock with my hand. Then, without missing a beat, I guided my mouth towards it and put his head inside my mouth. With my tongue I licked and swallowed the drop and, eventho the flavor wasn’t great, it wasn’t disgusting either. I started licking it like a lollipop. I had never sucked a cock so I didn’t know what to do, but I guess my dozed out dad was enjoying it cause it was getting hard. I had a boner under my pants, but I was too scared of taking it out right at that moment, so I just focused on jerking off my dad. I kept Licking the tip while rubbing my hand up and down his shaft. “Can I deepthroat it?” I asked to myself. I decided to go for it, but right when I was about to do it I heard the footsteps inside the house. “Fuck! My uncle” I whispered. My dad moved and, totally freaked out, I ran towards my room leaving the coke, my naked dad and my uncle behind. Without taking my clothes off I got inside my bed and covered my head with the blanket like I was a lil scared boy again. I could hear laughter, and I assumed that my uncle and his boyfriend found my dad the way I left him. But then, the porn started playing again, tho it sounded too real. To be continued…

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