Some More Money Ch. 02 – BJ Contest

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(Author’s notes:

This is chapter 2 of a multi-chapter story. It will make the most sense if you read Chapter 1 first.

All characters involved in sexual activity are at least 18 years old.)

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Two mornings later, I was back out on the beach, this time in the crowded part in front of our hotel. Ryan, Josh, and Tanner had their gear in hand, loaded and ready. Ryan described the story line of the next video to me. Just like the last one, he told me as little as possible, and he waited until the last possible moment. And just like before, my task was to recite a few lines, then react to what happens. The actual scene, though, was quite different. I asked, “Does all porn have this much plot?”

He laughed. “Not even close. I think having a little bit of story makes my videos a bit more interesting and realistic than the usual on-line porn, and that’s a big reason why my site does as well as it does. I get comments from my subscribers like, ‘I really like how your scenes seem like they could happen to me,’ and ‘I feel like I’m there and it’s my dick in her mouth and pussy.'”

“But this one isn’t very realistic. In fact it’s rather silly.”

I expected him to argue, and defend his concept, but he simply said, “Yeah, it probably is. We won’t spend much time on the plot, either shooting it or screen-time in the final edit. In the end it’s just a little bit of set up for the ‘action,’ a reason for the sucking and fucking to happen. That’s still more than most other sites.”

I could see that Ryan was getting impatient to start shooting, so I didn’t ask anything more. He gave Josh and Tanner a few last-minute directions, and I focused on my role. Like the scene at the beach house, I found it easy to slip into character.

Ryan said, “Roll,” Josh said, “Speed,” and Tanner said, “Speed.” I extended my arms, lifted one over my head, and clapped my hands together like an alligator, something they said would enable them to synchronize the video from the two cameras and Tanner’s audio.

With cameras and microphone all recording me, I smiled at the sky. It was a beautiful day out on the beach. The sun was bright, the sky was an intense blue dotted with cotton-ball clouds, and a gentle surf rolled up every few seconds, which I think is one of the most soothing sounds on earth. The sand was soft, the sky was bright blue with a few cotton-ball clouds, and a gentle breeze blew in over the water. It was perfect in every possible way with one exception: a tiny-bikini-clad ball of fury standing in front of me.

“You bitch!” she hissed. “Sean is my boyfriend!”

“Not according to him,” I answered. “He says he doesn’t have a girlfriend.”

“You’re lying, you douche,” she hissed, drawing stares from several people nearby. She lunged at me, throwing a punch which I easily sidestepped. She lost her balance and fell to the sand. Before she could scramble to her feet, a handsome guy in a lifeguard tank top stepped between us. “That’s enough of that,” he said, calmly. “Why don’t you go that way,” and he gestured at me and down the beach one direction, “and you go that way,” and pointed the other way at Angry Girl.

We glared at each other, but didn’t engage any further. I turned in the direction the lifeguard suggested, and he said to the gathered crowd, “Move along, folks, nothing to see here.”

Angry Girl only pretended to walk away. She stepped in the intended direction until the lifeguard no longer watched her, then circled around, caught up with me and said, in a low-volume but hostile monotone, “I know you’re lying, and you know you’re lying, so just give up and leave him alone.”

I looked around for the lifeguard. He seemed to have moved on. I said, “No way, bitch. Sean is free to do what he wants, and what he wants is to go out with me tonight.”

She leaned forward, getting so up in my face her forehead touched mine. “You’re still lying — why in the world would he choose you over me?”

“Well, for starters, he says you give sloppy blowjobs.”

Her face turned so red I thought her head was going to burst. She drew her arm back to throw another punch, but the lifeguard reappeared and grabbed her elbow. He said, “I thought I told you two to cool it. Separate yourselves right now or I’ll call beach security and they’ll write you both citations for public disturbance. That is not a cheap fine.”

He glared at Angry Girl, still holding her upper arm. “If I let you walk away, where are you going?”

She gestured at the nearest hotel. “I’ll go to my room. I don’t think I care for the lack of class on the beach this morning.”

He said, firmly, “Go now. Go straight to the elevator, and straight to your room. Don’t go to Starbucks, don’t go to the gift shop, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Stay in your room for at least an hour. Clear?”

“Clear,” she hissed at him, and stepped away.

“You,” he said to me. “Are you going to your room, too?”

“No, it’s nice out, adana seks hikayeleri or at least it will be if she goes in. I’m staying out here.”

“Is that your hotel too?”


“Okay. If you change your mind and go in, wait at least ten minutes before you do.” He got out his cell phone. “I’m calling hotel security. They’ll be on the lookout for any hijinks from you two. If you see her, just turn and go the other way. Clear?”

“Clear,” I said. I turned toward the sand and walked out of the shot.

Ryan waited ten seconds or so and said, “Cut.” Josh lowered his camera, and Tanner lowered the microphone he had been pointing at us, and took off his headphones.

“Not bad,” Ryan said to me and the lifeguard, who was one of Ryan’s cast. His name is Dick Wood. Seriously, that’s his real name. With a name like that, of course he’s a porn actor. ‘Dick Wood’ is also his screen name. It’s a no-brainer that anyone in porn adopts a screen name, but he doesn’t because nobody would ever believe that’s his real name.

“Okay,” Ryan said, “we’re done outside. The rest of the shoot will be in our suite.”

I followed Ryan inside. While we waited for the elevator, I asked, “Do you have signed releases from all those people out there? I doubt if Joe Blow Accountant from Boise or Akron would be very tolerant of finding himself or his family in the background of a porn video.”

Ryan said, “I’m impressed. No cast member has ever asked about the legal issues of shooting in public before. We’re very careful with our camerawork so that only our people’s faces show. We shoot everything extra-close-up or from odd angles, from waist height upward for example. In the rare instance a stranger is identifiable, I either blur their face or I use the shot from the other camera.”

We rode up the elevator to his suite. This was the first time I saw it. The middle part was like a living room with a sofa, a matching love seat, and two armchairs surrounding a big-screen TV. There was also a dining room with a table that seated eight. It would have, that is, if it hadn’t been covered in laptop computers, extra-large monitors, external hard drives, and cables, which Ryan told me was his video editing setup. There was a full kitchen off to one side.

“This is a hotel room?” I asked. “I don’t see a bed.”

Ryan grinned. He thought it was cute that I had never been in a hotel suite before. He showed me that doors led to three sleeping rooms, two smaller ones on one side of the living room, and a larger one on the other. The larger bedroom had its own bathroom with a tub and a shower, and the two smaller ones shared one with a combination tub/shower. Josh and Tanner each slept in one of the small ones, and Ryan slept in the large one.

“This must cost a buck or two,” I said.

“It’s actually less than five separate rooms,” he said, “which I would need for Josh, Tanner, and me for sleeping, one for editing, and one for shooting scenes. And I write the expense off my taxes.”

“I thought you owned the beach house where we shot day before yesterday.”

“I do, but I stay here for the duration of the shooting. We review footage every night, to make sure there are no technical problems. It would cost me over an hour’s sleep every night if I had to walk home every evening and back every morning. And, my house doesn’t have room service.”

The larger bedroom contained two queen beds. It would have been quite roomy, but all available space was filled with a couple of cots and multiple video lights on poles. It was Ryan’s sleeping room, but it was also staged to look like a group of college guys were staying in it. It was quite realistic, strewn with dirty clothes, towels, empty beer bottles, and pizza boxes, some of which weren’t completely empty. Ugh!

“This is where we’ll shoot most of the rest of the video,” he said. “You have the only part that doesn’t occur here in the room. Let’s go shoot that now, it’ll only take a few minutes.”

Ryan, Josh, Tanner and I gathered in the hall near the elevator. The guys got their equipment ready. Ryan said “Roll,” Josh and Tanner said “Speed,” they all aimed their gear at me, and I did the gator clap. I pushed the elevator call button. We waited a minute or so, and the elevator arrived, fortunately with no one in it. I stepped in, waited for the doors to close, and as soon as they did, hit the ‘Door Open’ button. It did, and I stepped into the hall, as if I had just ridden up from the lobby.

Using a trick they showed me in my earlier shoot, I talked out loud so the viewers would know what I was thinking. I turned to the right and said, as the elevator door closed behind me, “My room is this way, but…” I turned around and faced the other way down the hall and said, “Sean’s room is this way. He’s not expecting me until later, but I think I’ll just drop in and tell him about running into ‘Miss Thing’ outside.” I set off walking down the hall. Ryan said, “Cut.” When we all watched the final video later, I saw that one of the cameras zoomed in on my butt as I walked away. I never realized how much I sway my rear end when I walk, or how small the bikini bottom Ryan provided was from behind. At the risk of sounding arrogant, my ass looked pretty darn good as it filled the screen!

It only took a minute for Ryan and the guys to get in position, one camera on either side of the door to the large bedroom of the suite. They rolled, I clapped. I waited a few seconds then stepped into their shot and knocked on the door. I expected Sean to answer it; imagine my surprise when Angry Girl did. She hissed “You!” and drew her fist back to throw another punch at me. Sean grabbed her arm and stopped her.

He invited me in. I looked around at the room and its unmade beds, cots, and trash, and said, “Nice!” He ignored my sarcasm.

Sean introduced me to his faux roommates, Serge, Buster, and Rocco. I didn’t say anything, we were in the middle of a scene and I didn’t want to wreck it, but I thought, ‘Really? Who picks your names, Dr. Seuss?’ I didn’t even know yet how eye-rolling silly their screen names were! I found out a little later that Rocco was just Rocco, the implication being ‘rock-hard,’ get it? (groan) I guess he was also going for that one-name mystique, you know, like Beyonce or Madonna or something. Serge was Serge Steele (bigger groan), and Buster was Buster Hyman… I didn’t know whether to giggle or barf!

Despite dumb names, they were all nice-looking, fit guys. All four of them were wearing board shorts. Serge and Rocco had on tank tops; Sean and Buster were shirtless.

Angry Girl pointed at me and screeched, “She-” but Sean interrupted her, impatiently barking, “Shut up, Maggie.” Wow, I’m glad he doesn’t talk to me that way! But at least now I have a name for her, she’s Maggie. Her real name is Janelle; I met her at dinner a few nights ago. She’s one of Ryan’s regular ‘actresses,’ and seems quite nice, in real life anyway. Sean said to me, “I don’t even need to ask why you’re here. Of all the people to run into each other on the beach, it would be you two.”

He focused on me and said, “I’ve already gotten an earful of her side of the story. You want to give me a quick version of your side?”

“Not much to say,” I said calmly. “You and I met last night, and had a great time.” I stared at Maggie, this next part was for her. “We spent the night in my room and made plans for today and tonight. Then, before you joined me out on the beach, Maggie is all up in my face ordering me to back off, claiming that the two of you are ‘an item.’ Any truth to that?”

He smirked and said, “I don’t know where she got that idea. I only met Maggie a few nights ago. I didn’t spend the night with her.”

Maggie exploded out of her seat and screeched into my face, “She said I give sloppy blowjobs. I don’t give sloppy blowjobs, I give great blowjobs, right?”

He rolled his eyes and said, “Well…”

Maggie leaned into his face and screeched, “Take it back!”

He didn’t say a word. She screamed, “I give great blowjobs. Even if my blowjobs aren’t great, I’m sure they’re better than hers,” and she pointed at me. “I’m better, and I bet I can prove it.”

Sean rolled his eyes again.

I laughed. “How would you ‘prove’ it?”

“Easy,” she said, “We both blow Sean, and he tells us which one is better.”

I laughed and said, “Let me guess, you go first, right?”

“Sure, why not?”

“Because the first one is easier, and you need every advantage you can get.”

She scowled. “Then what do you suggest?”

“There are four guys here. You blow two and I blow two. Then we wait a half hour or so for them to recover, and we switch and blow the other two. Then they vote.”

Maggie didn’t look happy at the prospect of giving four blowjobs. She protested, “What if the vote is two to two?”

I didn’t have a quick answer to that. Rocco offered, “Then whoever got all four to cum the fastest overall wins.”

The room was silent. All four guys looked thrilled. Maggie didn’t. Sean broke the silence. “I think we should make it more interesting.”

I laughed and said, “More interesting than two blowjobs each?”

He said, “I think the loser should go down on the winner.”

Serge, Rocco, and Buster heartily agreed. Maggie screamed, “I don’t do girls, asshole!”

I said, “So you admit you’re going to lose?” Ha! She had no comeback for that.

After a long, awkward pause, Serge said, “So… how do we get started?” If he was trying not to look over-eager, he failed.

Maggie said, “I’ll do Sean first.”

I couldn’t respond quickly enough. “Wait, not so fast. You obviously think that gives you some sort of advantage. I think the guys should decide.”

Buster said, “How about we each choose which girl does us first?” The others nodded.

I said, “That’ll work. Who picks first? Anyone but Sean — he goes last.”

Buster said. “I’ll go. Okay?” Everyone agreed.

He said, “I’ll take… Louise.”

Rocco said, “Maggie. Then I get to finish with Louise.” Ha! Advantage me!

Serge nodded and said, “Maggie, same reason.”

That left Sean, who said “That leaves Louise.”

I said, “I would like my guys to be sitting on the edge of the bed.”

Maggie said, “Works for me.”

Buster and Sean sat at the foot of one of the beds, Rocco and Serge on the other. Ryan and the crew guys positioned themselves at the outer corners of the beds, Ryan nearest Maggie, Josh nearest me.

The guys all stood, took off their board shorts, and sat back down. They were all already nicely hard. This was my first look at any of the guys’ cocks. They were all quite nice, and all bigger than average, which makes sense for guys in a porn video. At least none of them were freaky huge like Tom the day before yesterday. Thank goodness!

I knelt between Buster’s knees, Maggie between Rocco’s. Maggie looked at Sean and said, “On your ‘go.'”

I said, “Wait. Are there any rules?”

Maggie said, “We don’t need rules. It’s simple — we blow the first one until he cums, then we blow the second one until he cums. Someone then will need to time how much longer it takes you to finish both of your guys compared to me. Then we wait a little while, trade places, and do it over with the other guys. Then the guys vote, and I win.”

I ignored all her shade and said, “I think we need one rule: no stroking with our hands. We can use our hands to steady ourselves, and hold the base of their cocks still, but no stimulating their cocks with anything but our mouths. This is a blowjob contest, not a handjob contest.”

Her face fell. Obviously, her regular technique used her hands extensively. She didn’t say anything, but she was clearly trying to think of a reason not to have that rule. Apparently she couldn’t. She finally said, “Okay.”

Buster asked, “Anything else?”

At first no one said anything, but Ryan leaned away from his camera and whispered something into Serge’s ear. Serge’s face lit up in a bright smile. He waited for Ryan to get his camera re-aimed and focused and said, “You can lick our balls.” I’m sure Ryan was thinking of me when he said that, and I’m positive he was thinking that he’d like me to lick even lower than their balls. In my mind, I went, ‘Ka-ching, I’m going to make an extra $1,000.’

Maggie said, “Yuck, no! Who’d want to do that? Ugh!” But ‘for some reason,’ the guys were all very enthusiastic. She finally said, “Oh, okay…”

A moment ago, I was pretty sure I was going to win this contest. Now I had no doubt. It would take longer to rim each guy, but time spent would only be a factor if the vote was two to two. Based on Maggie’s reluctance to even lick their balls, she wasn’t going to rim anybody, and if I rim all four guys, obviously the vote will be four to nothing.

Sean said, “Anything else?” When no one said anything, he said, “Okay, ready? Three, two, one, GO!”

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Maggie tentatively lick Rocco’s dick, almost like she was afraid of it. That won’t win anything! I stood in front of Buster. He expected me to drop to my knees and start sucking him, and his cock throbbed in anticipation. Instead, I shimmied my boobs, inches from his face, and reached my hands behind my back. I let him see that I was pulling the lower string of my bikini top, and his cock pointed even higher up in the air. The knot released, and I lifted the top over my head, swaying my hips from side to side, letting my boobs wiggle in his face.

Maggie lifted up and squawked, “Hey, you can’t do that!”

I started to reply, but Sean beat me to it. “She’s not stroking him with her hands. That’s the only rule.” She looked disgusted, but took her top off too, nowhere near as sexily as I had.

I dove in on Buster’s cock. I sucked him in, heavy on the suck, slow on the in. His dick trembled and he moaned. I held him deep in my mouth and swirled my tongue on his underside, and pulled off slowly, sucking hard and swirling the whole way.

I stroked him a couple of minutes like that, slow and deep, and he seemed on the verge of cumming already. That was good, I’d love to finish them all so quickly I’d win convincingly on time. Even better, though, would be to win on votes. I had no doubt that slow, heavy sucking would win each guy’s vote for favorite, but I knew another way that was even more of a sure thing.

I pulled off of Buster’s cock with a loud pop, and lowered my mouth down to his balls. A previous boyfriend of mine taught me that a guy is sensitive down there not so much on the internal testicle itself, but on the skin of the nut sack. I sucked on Buster’s, sliding around to cover as much area as possible. He moaned again.

While I worked on his scrotum, I put my hands under his knees and lifted, raising his thighs and giving me full access to the underside of his balls. When his legs were raised I pushed more until his knees were full up against his ribs. I licked his nuts some more, then went lower.

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