Son is the New Man of the House Pt. 02


Chapter 9 – They Impose a New Rule

A few weeks later, I came upstairs for dinner and they were at the table; there was no food, but there was a package on the table. My son said “sit down Dad – we need to talk”. I sat on the chair opposite the two of them. After an awkward silence, he continued “you know Mom is mine now, right”.

I responded looking down at my lap, “yes, I know”.

Then he said “Mom is my girl now – you don’t get to fuck her anymore – ever again”. He went on “we know you have been listening to us having sex, lurking outside our bedroom door, and jerking off”. I gently nodded my head, still looking down. “Well, we are not going to have that anymore. It’s disgusting”. “And disrespectful”, my wife added. I didn’t say anything in response – what could I? They were right. I am not sure how things got to this point – how I let it all happen.

My son then added “We have a fix for this, and you are going to go along”. He then slid the package across the table to me.

I reached into the bag, and pulled out the item inside – it took my breath away; “a cock cage?”, I said.

“That’s right Dad. You are going to wear this – and I mean all the time! We don’t want you to wear any pants or underwear in the house – we want to make sure you are still wearing your little ‘restraint’ at all times. You can wear pants to go out, but as soon as you come in the house, you take them off at the front door – understand”?

I said “You can’t be serious? I know you have taken my wife from me, but now you are going to take away what little sexual pleasure I can give myself?”

My son then stood up, and came around the table, and put his big hand around my neck, pinching me with an iron grip – “That’s right – because you have misbehaved, we have to correct that; now, are you going to cooperate, or am I going to have put you in a headlock, strip you and force this on you?”

My wife said, in a cajoling tone – “Come on dear, let me help you put it on. It won’t be so bad . . .”. Slowly, I got up; acquiescing to their new rule for me, I removed my shoes and socks; then my pants.

“Come on Dad – go ahead and lose the underpants. I know you have seen my big cock lots of times – you have nothing to be ashamed of.” Josh said. I moved over to my wife, still holding the package – I held it out to her, and with a sigh of reservation, lowered the last piece of clothing covering my genitals.

My wife took the cock-cage out of the package – apparently a high-end version – ‘CB-6000S (extra short – for small cocks?)’. She gently put the ring around my balls, and then slid the cage over my shriveled penis. Hooking the cage and the ring together, she then slid a small padlock through the connection of the two. With a ‘click’, it was all in place.

“See, that wasn’t so bad, was it Dad?” my son quipped. I nodded grimly.

“OK, let’s see what I can whip up for dinner!” my wife said cheerily. “Why don’t you two go watch TV while I cook?”. My son and I went into the living room, and took our usual positions. What was different for me, of course – I was wearing nothing below the waist, except for the metal cage.

My son asked me “Tell me what I have taken from you?”.

I sullenly said “My wife . . .”.

“What else?” he added.

“You have taken away my cock”, I replied.

“That’s right Dad – I took your wife, and now I took away your cock. I am now the man of the house, and I expect you to treat me like it. Do we have an understanding?” I slowly nodded – and that seemed to satisfy him.

We ate dinner – they acted like the couple they are now, apparently. I was totally left out of the conversation, and just sat in silence and ate my meal.

Since it has been so long I’m going to try and catch you all up with where things are. Their first time openly having sex in front of me on the couch was before Christmas. Since then they have become something of a real couple. They are full on open about it at home and as they grow more confident and comfortable they get more daring out of the home.

The big obvious change is that my wife has moved out of the bedroom. For weeks she slept in his bed before deciding to make the move permanent. Once that happened they decided they wanted more space. My wife had contractors in to “update” their space. There was a wall between their bedroom and a small room that we used as a gym room but it hadn’t been in use for a long time really. There was also a half bath next to it. This was mostly used when we had people over and they could come in from the back yard and use it without going into the house or using the “main” bathrooms.

The contractors changed the layout and consumed this small room and the bathroom. The bathroom was also made into a three quarters bathroom by adding a stand up shower. My wife didn’t consult me in her decision but said that they needed the space as our son would be living at home longer, and that as she was sharing his room they needed the space. I didn’t sultangazi escort put up too much of a fight because of how their relationship blossomed and, really, it did increase the property value according to a few people that I talked to. It was a surreal discussion as she openly talked about them sharing a room though. It was practicality mixed with the insanity that she was in a full on romantic and sexual relationship with our son. He also dropped more talk about “when the baby comes”. My wife just agreed and smiled. She wasn’t pregnant but now it was just assumed that they would have a baby. Very jarring.

Work for me opened up a bit and had to go into the office a couple of days a week. This created a new dynamic. Since I wasn’t home so much it took me out of their life a bit allowing them more time together and returned things to sort of ‘normal’ for me. At first I didn’t get anything done (not that I did much while I was home). I constantly thought about them and what they were doing. They hadn’t slowed down at all and their passions still ran high. I had thought that they would run hot and heavy then trail off or that all the time together would temper things. This really wasn’t the case. I came home to them napping naked on the couch a few times and it was obvious they they had had sex in the living room. The other strange thing was that my wife became more relaxed in her dress but was more modest around me at times. So it was common to see them both in their underwear or sometimes openly having sex but my wife would cover herself sometimes in front of me. For example In the kitchen one morning I came in while my son was hungrily kissing and groping his Mom. Her robe open as he kissed her mouth and breasts and she encouraged him with light moans and ran her hands through his hair. When I walked in though she pulled her robe closed and said good morning. She stayed in his embrace allowing him to grope her under her robe but not show her flesh. It was if she only showed her nakedness to him now. That me seeing her exposed was ‘wrong’ somehow.

My son was almost the opposite. He delighted in his new freedom. There was a little hesitation in the beginning but once the new dynamic was established he took right to it. In the car one day he told me how he had wanted to fuck his Mom since high school and also bragged about how much they were having sex. He got pretty graphic about their relationship and I asked him to stop. He brought it up a few more times though. He always had a big smile when he talked about it. I knew he wanted to brag and rub it in but I really didn’t want to hear so much. I know that is odd considering how I spy on them but that is how I felt.

Him crassly getting his ‘first nut’ in the kitchen in the morning was a thing that went on for a couple of weeks also. He’d bend his Mom over and fuck her always when I would get to the kitchen for my morning coffee. It was obvious he delighted in his new ‘power’ (I don’t like that description but I can’t put to words the right idea). My wife teased me at first by calling me a pervert and asking me if I got off watching them; unfortunately, with the cock cage on I couldn’t even get hard. It was exciting to watch them, though – and my cock routinely pushed the confines of its cage during these exhibitions. There were positions that they would try in these times that were obvious attempts to display they they were having sex and so that I could see his cock inside his Mom.

The first time I came home and forgot the ‘new rule’, underlined how things would go. I was sitting in the living room reading the paper when my son came in. “Dad, did you forget something?” He said, menacingly.

“Oh, sorry. I forgot. It was a long day at work.” I said.

He countered with “OK – get up, lose the pants”. I complied without question.

He then took my belt out of my pants and said “Get over the arm of the couch – I apparently need to reinforce rules with you!”.

“There is no need for that – I will remember in the future” – I tried to dissuade him from his plans.

He then rushed me, and wraping his big arms around me, forced me over the arm of the couch; and then began beating my ass furiously. After about twenty strokes, I was sobbing and pleaded with him “Please, no more!”. He slowed down, and let me slump to the floor.

“Let that be a lesson for you. Don’t forget in the future – pants come off immediately when you come in the house” he emphasized to me.

“I won’t” I said, still sobbing softly.

Chapter 10 – My Son Asserts His Role

As I said though, they became a real couple. They would have discussions about what they wanted for dinner. I was left out of that. I became more of the passenger or third wheel. It still delighted them that I was there and they wanted me to see their love making but it also alternated to them wanting there own privacy.

Since everyone was wearing masks, their suluova escort time out of the house as a couple went quickly to the ‘we’re a couple’. The laughed and made little comments at the grocery store (the few times I went with them). They went out a couple of times to eat when that was first allowed. Both times ended with vigorous sex. The first time they came back they did it in the garage inside the car then again in their room. The second time they were still dressed as they went at it hard and fast. My son with his pants pulled down and my wife with her dress up and panties around one ankle. It was very intense!

My wife asked me many times in the beginning to come watch them in their room (before she became more shy about her body around me). I only did it once though. I wanted to do it so many times but I couldn’t step over that threshold.

The only time I joined them in their bedroom was a just a few weeks since their first open coupling on the couch. My wife actually pulled me by the hand and led me to their room. They had obviously planned this moment because they had a chair waiting that I was to sit in. This was what many examples of cuckolding are. I watched them make love. This was a much different display than the time on the couch or when I had spied on them. My son and wife undressed each other. They kissed and touched each other as more flesh came was exposed.

Once they were both naked they laid sideways in the bed facing me. My wife on top of my son. I could see how ready and excited they were for each other. His cock sought her opening almost as if it alive with need. They kissed and then ground their sexes together for a bit. I just watched dry mouthed. Then my wife descended and moved sideways allowing her to both look at me and take our son’s hard cock in hand. He pulled her hair to the side so he could see her face as she began to make love to his cock with her mouth. I know that it sounds sappy but that is what she did. She didn’t suck him off or give him a blow job. The actions were similar but her passion and how she did it were different.

My son told me “Mom gives the best blow jobs” he said a little ignorant to what I was seeing. “I’ve had my dick sucked a lot at school and she’s the best.”

“And Mommy likes sucking it.” The she added after taking her mouth off him again “I think your Dad likes seeing me suck your dick” she said with a smile at me as she resumed her oral love.

As she sucked him, he started touching her. Rubbing her ass and then playing with her vagina. As he fingered her and I could hear how wet she was. It wasn’t long before he told her to move over. She stopped sucking him and move into a sixty nine position with him. She looked right at me and said “see that? I don’t have to ask him. It doesn’t have to be a special day. He just likes to eat my pussy.” This was a dig at me because I didn’t do it as much as maybe I should have. He did it a lot. Probably more than most guys, but I knew that she wanted more blowjob/pussy eating parity and I didn’t give it to her.

I sat there unable to get hard due to the cock-cage and uncomfortable watching as they orally pleased each other. My wife was more vocal. This I know pleased my son. She also used it as a way to keep him from cumming. I noticed when he would get more energetic she would pause and back off while talking to him. She told him how good he tasted or how big he was and how she loved sucking his cock. All building his self esteem up. I know that I would have liked what she was saying and I was sort of oddly proud. I know that’s odd but I was happy that my son was good at sex and a good lover.

Then the big moment came. “Why don’t we go all the way for Daddy hmm? Show him how much fun we have? She asked him lifting her leg and moving off of straddling his face.

They repositioned on the bed. My wife laid back on the bed ready and open for our son. He was hard and ready as he got between his Moms widely spread thighs.

Then she gave me a gut punch. She extended her hand and said “take it off”. I was puzzled for a second and then it hit. She made sure that there was no misunderstanding: “take my wedding and engagement rings off”. I rose and did so as my son watched with a very big smile.

When I got it off she said “Now kiss me. Kiss me goodbye”. She had this look of just complete acceptance that I would. I of course did, though. I was so turned on that I gave her a hungry open mouth kiss. She kissed me back with equal passion. She groped and squeezed my cock in its cage.

I sat in the chair while watching them. My son making small thrusts and grinding into him Mom. She moved her head to above his left shoulder. I could see the pleasure on her face. Her mouth partially opened and small throaty noises escaped as he began to slide in and out of her. Soon his thrusts grew in speed and power and then they were truly mating. My wife’s eyes sort of glazed over and I don’t know if she could even sungurlu escort see me the way she looked unfocused. Her body soon went taught and she held him tight. One of her arms was around his shoulders and the other gripped his ass pulling him into her.

Watching them was something on the next level. My son kept up a steady hard pace. All the sex they had been having no doubt got him to learn that when she was going to cum to keep the pressure on and keep the pace the same. He used his whole cock too. Almost tip to base. I could see in a real measurable way how much she leaked for him. The sounds and sights of their sexual union were just indescribable. Their need and strain for each other was held back by their bodies. A red flush washed over my wife’s face, neck, and chest.

She let out these throat noises like she was choking. Her eyes squeezed shut and she held him tight. Our son leaned over and kissed her neck and said “yeah cum for me Mommy”.

She tried to say something but it was broken up “love ugh cum ugh oh god” And then she wrapped him tighter. She pulled him to her and groaned into the base of his neck. Her mouth was open and she drooled on his neck. Her whole body spasmed. She shook and her eyes fluttered almost like she was blinking in the blinding sunlight. Her spasms happens for several long second before she said ” Stop stop oh god stop” and pushed on his chest”. She breathed heavy as he leaned back. He stayed inside her and held himself up with his arms on rsi the side of his Mom. I could see her wetness coating both of them and how wet the bed was beneath them.

Her chest heaved with deep breaths as she if she had sprinted a long distance. She was still beat red but is was fading and she had a sheen of sweat on her body.

She reached up and caressed our son’s sides and chest saying “oh god baby I’ve never cum like that before.” She said as she tried to catch her breath and with eyes only for him.

“Yeah you really came hard. You’re soaked.” He said looking down to where their bodies joined.

She covered her face “please don’t say that. It’s embarrassing”.

“No Mom. I love it. I love feeling you. I love being inside you. I love how wet you get. I love looking into your eyes as you cum for me.”

It was as if I wasn’t there at all. I just watched them in this intimate moment forgotten.

“You’re so sweet baby. I love you so much.” She said.

“Come here. Kiss me” she pulled him into an embrace.

He once again laid fully upon her and they kissed passionately.

Their kissing turned to more caressing and then to a rhythmic grinding of their hips. Which lead to him once again sliding forcefully in and out of his Mom.

Looking up at him she breathlessly said “I love you. Make a baby in me today. I want your Dad to see you make a baby in me. Oh god I’m so close again. Make me cum again”

“Oh Mom I’m close too. I want to cum in you. Oh Mom I’m gonna get you pregnant. You’re gonna have my baby” he said, breathing heavily with sexual exertions.

“Yeah make a baby in me. Show your Daddy. Oh god. Oh god you feel so good” She called out.

My son speed up his thrusts and I could tell they were both close. Their sexual sounds filled the room along with the steady knock of the bed.

Then my son grabbed the head board and really started to slam home inside his mother. Savage hard thrusts. He only gave a half dozen or so before he growled out that he was cumming and his whole body spasmed. He grunted through his teeth and he emptied his seed deep inside of his mother.

His mother his sides and urged him on “yes baby. Oh yes baby I can feel it. Fill Mommy up. Give it all to me. Gimme that seed. Yeah give it to me. Oh my beautiful boy.”

I could do nothing but sit there, with my excited cock trying to break out of its plastic prison.

After his peak he relaxed and he laid on top of her and they kissed. He was still firmly inside of her.

“You know I’m probably pregnant now” she said to him.

“Are you serious?” He asked.

“Do you want me to be?” She replied.

“Yes. You know I do. I want to get you pregnant. I want this.” He said seriously.

“Oh my sweet baby” she said running her fingers through his hair before pulling his head down to rest next to hers.

She turned to me and said “now you know what we are.”

They stayed like that for a bit. I got up and went to go to my bedroom. It was hot to watch them but it was also odd because it was so intimate and torturous because it was my wife and son – and of course frustrating, as I couldn’t relieve myself.

Soon after they were at it again but with the door closed.

A few weeks later, things took a turn for the even worse. I had become somewhat resigned to the new rule – going around the house with no pants on. I had tried to stimulate my cock when I was alone, but it was totally encased in plastic – there was no way to get sufficient access to it. But that morning, when I came out of my bedroom to get my morning coffee, my son was already at the kitchen table – completely naked! “I have been waiting for you Dad. Mom is apparently suffering from morning sickness – I guess I finally knocked her up!”.

I replied “How does that affect me? I get the sense that you guys are totally cutting me out of your life?”

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