Star Student Ch. 02


The darkness was like black velvet in my drunken drowsiness, like someone had heaped soft quilts over me; thick and heavy, weighing me down to my bed, making its comfort even more inviting.

Between my blurred vision and the pitch blackness of my room at 3 AM, I couldn’t see a thing. The faint glow cast by my alarm clock barely illuminated the movement in my sheets.

“Is someone in my bed with me?” I thought, “Or am I inebriated so completely that the movement is my own? Is that possible? To be so drunk that you can’t feel yourself moving?”

My queries prompted me to investigate. I fought for motor control as I drifted in and out of consciousness, but my struggling was half-hearted. My gentle captors, the darkness, intoxication, and my comfortable bed, kept motivating me to give in.

After struggling like a turtle on its back, I gave up with a sigh and a flop, letting myself sink back into my bed. The darkness slowly swallowed me back in as I drifted back to sleep.

Just as I was about to let go of my weak grasp on consciousness, I felt a heavenly warmth radiating from my lap. The sensation was enough to stir me back to hardly awake, although my brain had already disengaged my body.

I laid there still, unable to move, not even wanting to had been able. The warmth was delightful. I was able to pinpoint the feeling to my crotch, where I could feel that my cock was tensed into an involuntary erection.

I was able to make out other sensations… rubbing, and was that… wetness? It had me reeling. Yes, something warm and wet was definitely working my cock.

“Am I dreaming?” I thought to myself, with the lines of awake and asleep still blurred.

If this was a dream, it was vivid enough to feel real. No, that can’t be it. I’d have more control in my own dream. Intoxicated and hardly conscious, all I could do was lay still and enjoy it.

“Am I ‘sleep wanking?’ Is that a thing? Jacking off while unconscious?” I wondered. When I first saw movement in my bed, I pondered whether I could be so wasted that I didn’t realize I was moving. Could this be a case of that, too?

I was doubtful. I couldn’t have gotten my hand lubed up in my state, and my cock was slippery wet. Plus, I could feel weight pressed against me. Somebody or something had to be laying on top of me.

I fought to see once again, peering out into the darkness. I managed the ability to move my neck and head, to where I could look down to where the mystery massage was happening.

It was hard to see, but even with my bleary-eyed gaze I could tell that someone was definitely in bed with me. Had I brought someone home with me and forgotten about it in my drunken haze?

I sifted through my foggy thoughts, trying to remember if I had met anyone that may have ended up in my bed. A couple of buddies had taken me drinking to celebrate my birthday, so it was possible.

There were a couple of cute girls I definitely remember chatting up while I was at the bar… but I also recalled that the bartender put me into a taxi when I got too sloppy – alone, since my “friends” stayed behind to chase pussy.

Since I was now sure that someone was definitely in my bed, and utterly clueless as to who it could be, I got concerned.

The worry began to stifle the buzz enough to allow me use of my arms again. I raised a heavy limb and ambled it forward, attempting to grab whoever was with me. It fell, landing in a glancing slide, falling onto my thigh.

I felt hair… longer, soft hair. It was a woman (hopefully), and now I could tell that her face was what had been working my cock as I laid helplessly. Whoever she was, she was taking advantage of me, sucking my dick while I was in my hindered state.

“Lyds?” I slurred, trying to learn the identity of my covert cocksucker.

Oh god, I sure hoped it was Lydia. Since I hadn’t brought any girls home, the culprit was limited to the ladies in the house – which meant it had to be either my sister or my mother.

“Mmmhmmm,” Lydia hummed, answering with my cock still stuffed in her mouth.

I felt her take a couple of deep slurps before letting my cock fall out of her mouth and whispering, “Happy birthday, coach!” with a hushed giggle.

I sighed, relieved that it wasn’t some random stranger – or my mother – who had ended up in bed with me, with my cock in her mouth. Lydia’s surprise blow job would have been wonderful to wake up to, had I not been so thoroughly inebriated and tired.

I sunk back into the mattress, my heavy eyes refusing to stay open now that the mystery had been solved. I could feel Lydia’s hand grasp my hard-on as she put me back into her mouth, picking up where she had left off.

A sleepy but happy “mmmm” was all I could muster as the sensation of her lips sliding all the way to my base caused a tingling and tightening throughout my loins.

“Lyds, I’m sorry…” I whispered through bumbling lips. “I’m so drunk. I’m so tired.” I apologized profusely to express my regret that all I could do was lay there.

Recently, escort gaziantep ucuz bayan Lydia had begged me to show her how to give a blow job that would keep a man happy. She was trying hard to show me how wonderful of a student she was by giving me a spectacular sucking, as a surprise birthday gift, no less. All I could do was lay there, a catatonic captive to my limp body.

Ever since her blow job lesson, Lydia had been eager to have another session. I couldn’t tell if it was because she wanted more practice, or if I had unintentionally turned her into a ravenous cock vampire, and I was easy, convenient prey.

Regardless, Lydia’s attempts to corner me were always thwarted. It was always too risky. We had to make sure we wouldn’t get busted by our parents. I always had to put my foot down, which translated into me making excuses as to why I couldn’t let her go down on me, and promising her another lesson soon.

I suppose Lydia had finally decided to take matters into her own hands. As intoxicated as I was, she knew I wouldn’t resist now. She was also keenly aware that her blow jobs were exceptionally good. Lydia was unusually skilled for a novice, and knew that if she could get my dick in her mouth, all concerns about getting busted by our parents would melt against her warm lips.

Our parents! In my drunken stupor, I had completely forgotten that they were not only home, but sleeping in the master bedroom on the other side of my wall.

“Lyds!” I groaned as I struggled to move in protest. “Stop! Mom and dad! They-“

Lydia cut me off by quickly crawling up my body and pressing a shushing finger to my mouth and whispering, “SHUT. UP.”

“But they could-” I protested, being stopped again by Lydia putting her palm completely across my mouth, muffling me.

“SHHHHHHH!” she hissed, making me aware that I was speaking in my normal conversation voice – which would be loud enough to wake them up if I didn’t stop.

I stopped trying to speak once my drunken mind finally understood. I looked Lydia in the eye and nodded to let her know she could remove her hand.

She didn’t. She kept her hand across my face while her other hand kept stroking my cock. I sighed in pleasure as I relaxed a little, realizing that our parents were sound asleep.

Lydia looked at me with a sly smile and whispered, “Do you want me to stop?”, never breaking her rhythm with her stroking hand.

I shook my head and breathed heavily as my original feelings of worry faded away with her touch, and my libido returned.

“Good, neither do I.” Lydia said, releasing my mouth. She scooted back down to her original position and plunged my shaft deep into her mouth, sucking me with vigor, as if I had interrupted her and she had an important task to complete.

I let out a soft groan of pleasure when I felt Lydia’s mouth return to my cock and whispered, “I’m so sorry that I can’t do anything but lay here.”

Lydia popped my meat out of her mouth and stroked it as she quietly said, “It’s ok, coach. It’s your birthday, and this is my gift to you. So you just lay back and enjoy it.”

It was still too dark to make out details, but I could tell she was smiling by the way she spoke.

Sober me would have probably protested more, since Lydia’s sneaky sucking was incredibly risky. It was the dead of night, and all it would take to wake up our parents would have been a careless moan or the bed unintentionally bumping against the wall.

Yet I wasn’t sober. Far from it, in fact. Instead of being careful, I did what Lydia asked – I let myself enjoy it. I let go of any concern or control that I was futilely clinging to, giving in to the unique bliss that only my sister’s generous, eager mouth (coupled with the comfy warmth of intoxicated relaxation) could deliver.

My altered state gave me a different, pleasantly surprising blow job experience. As I floated between conscious states, it grew difficult to feel details – instead of being able to feel both the up and downstroke of my sister’s mouth on my cock, it felt more like one constant state of ecstatic, warm, slippery friction.

The warmth of her lips felt like it was spreading from the tip of my penis, radiating down my shaft, through my entire lap, and then all the way to my extremities, ebbing and flowing in waves of pleasure.

There were moments where time seemed to distort, as if we were a vinyl record, and someone’s hand was slowing, stopping, and racing our movements.

At times, it felt like Lydia’s mouth was gagging my cock down with the rapid bounce of a jackhammer. At other times, it felt like it took ten minutes for her mouth to go from the head to the base, and another ten to retreat.

I couldn’t tell if my perception was hopelessly off, or if Lydia really was intentionally moving at those random, extreme paces. I didn’t care either way. Even if I did, I could still hardly move.

The amplified sensations of my psychedelic fellatio made short work of my sexual escort gaziantep ukraynalı bayan stamina. I could feel my entire body tensing, starting at my fingertips, as my muscles slowly coiled as my orgasm was building.

“I’m gonna cum,” I mumbled as I felt the coil get closer to my groin. “Try to swallow.”

Lydia stopped sucking to quickly ask, “Okay, what do I do?”

“Just put it as far back in your throat as you can, unless you want to taste it.” I instructed through a quiet groan. “Then try to swallow every drop.”

Lydia did as I said, dropping her head back down onto my cock, stuffing it as deep as she could. The head pushed against the back of her throat, triggering my climax.

I let out a series of heavy gasps as I tried to keep from moaning, fearful that my orgasm could wake our parents. I could feel my cock twitching as it released several quick shots of cum down Lydia’s throat.

At first, Lydia took it like a champ, gulping down each load as my cum filled her gullet. Then, my hips bucked uncontrollably in an orgasmic shudder, pushing my cock deep enough to make her gag and recoil.

Lydia pulled her mouth off my cock, which was still shooting rockets of cum like a 4th of July firework gone wrong. The cum that didn’t splatter into her retreating face shot skyward, showering back down onto my lap and sheets.

Once my cock had been spent, staying conscious was impossible. The release from the orgasm, along with the weariness and drunkenness, brought me crashing down.

As everything was fading back to the deep, comfortable black, I could hear Lydia’s voice in a distant, distorted voice.

“I’m so sorry, sir! I’m sorry I didn’t do it right!” she whispered. “Please don’t punish me!” She pleaded and added, “I’ll get this cleaned up.”

I was too far gone to reply. I let out a long sigh and the dark consumed me. I was officially down for the count.

A loud pounding on my bedroom door startled me awake.

“Ken! Get up!” my father yelled as he knocked on the door.

I startled to attention, and a hangover headache punched me dead in the face. Although all my lights were still off, the morning light still felt like someone had put its brightness setting to 100. I squinted as I tried to get my bearings.

When my eyes finally adjusted, I saw that Lydia was still in bed next to me. She put a finger to her lips with a wide-eyed expression of surprise.

After a few seconds of silence from me, dad added, “Look, son, I know you were out late and are probably… ‘under the weather’ this morning, but I need your help.”

I looked at Lydia, confused and terrified. Dad obviously didn’t realize we were in bed together, but it wouldn’t take much for him to discover it. My door wasn’t locked, and all he’d have to do is peek his head in to talk.

I prayed fervently that he’d stay outside, but it was too late. I heard the jiggling of the handle as my dad took my continued silence as permission to enter, or a reason to be concerned enough to check on me.

Lydia moved in bullet time as she quickly ducked beneath my comforter, curling up with her head resting in my lap. I tossed my excess pillows on top of her, making my bed look like an artful mess just as dad peeked his head around the door.

“Hey, buddy,” dad said with a shit-eating grin, well aware that I was hung over. “Happy birthday!”

I sat there like a statue, frozen in fear of him discovering my little sister in bed with me. My adrenaline had quickly burned off any hangover haze as my body had kicked into a “fight or flight” response. I did neither. I just sat there, terrified and dumbfounded.

My father mistook my shocked countenance as a by-product of being startled awake and hung over.

He chuckled at me and continued, “Hate to do this to ya, but I’ve got someone coming by later to look at my motorcycle. I’d appreciate it if you could mow the lawn and clean up a little before they came out.”

Dad was selling his Harley, and he was a stickler for first impressions. Before I could ask him why he couldn’t do it, or speak up in any other manner, he added, “Your mother and I have to pick up Lydia’s car from the garage, and do some other shopping, so I won’t be able to do it before he comes by this afternoon.”

He obviously didn’t realize Lydia was under my sheets, her warm breath blowing against my cock as she panted in fear. Her breath and the adrenaline made my cock stiffen on its own.

As I felt my drowning member pressing into Lydia’s face, I renewed my focus as I attempted to make dad exit as quickly as possible. If Lydia giggled or decided to get playful, it could tip dad off to the cavorting happening just a few feet away from him.

“Uh… yeah… yeah, okay, sure,” I stammered as I nodded rapidly. I gestured to my naked upper half and said, “I still have to wake up and get dressed.”

“Yeah, I know,” dad replied. “I’m just getting you up. After your night, I figured you’d escort gaziantep üniversiteli bayan sleep in if I didn’t. I’d ask Lydia to do it, but Stacey picked her up for cheer practice early this morning.”

I instinctively glanced at the mound of bedding that concealed my sister, then quickly back to my father, trying to deflect attention.

Dad closed with, “It’s supposed to rain a little later, so knock it out now,” turning around as he exited.

“Got it, no problem,” I said as the door shut behind him and his footsteps retreated. “See you later!”

We waited a few moments before Lydia slowly peeked out from under my comforter, scanning the room to make sure the coast was clear. Lydia and I sat there looking at each other in shock, marveling at how close we had come to getting busted. Once we heard the front door shut and lock as our parents made their exit, we breathed heavily in relief.

“HOLY SHIT!” I gasped in astonishment, followed by cathartic laughter.

Lydia laughed along, holding up her phone and pointing to it once more as she chuckled, “I texted him early, telling him I had practice, so he wouldn’t wonder why I wasn’t in bed when he woke up! I didn’t think he’d bother waking you up today because of your birthday!”

“I thought you’d have the common sense to lock my door!” I replied incredulously. “Do you realize how close we were to getting caught? Thank GOD you didn’t sneeze or cough!”

As the gravity of what could have happened hit me, I grew angry. Lydia’s carelessness came very close to having family-crushing repercussions. My chuckles faded into a stern gaze.

Lydia picked up on my displeasure, quieting her own laughter and scooting back from me on the bed.

“I’m really sorry,” she said in a nervous voice. “I-I didn’t want to accidentally wake them by opening and shutting your door last night and laying against you was so nice and I was so tired I-“

I cut off her rambling by holding up an annoyed hand, hushing her. I stared at her in silence, letting my angry countenance push my timid sister into groveling more.

Since we hadn’t actually been caught, I wasn’t truly upset, but I knew how to work Lydia. I knew she’d be scared that I was angry, and would do anything to fix it. I was going to use that to my advantage.

“I’m so sorry, Kenny, it won’t happen again.” Lydia assured me with a downcast gaze.

“It certainly won’t!” I snapped back. “No more. No more lessons. No more of this.”

Lydia looked up at me in hurt surprise. “Are you serious?” She asked. I didn’t reply.

“I was just trying to do something nice for your birthday!” She cried. “Please please don’t make me stop! I need more practice!” She begged, grabbing my arm.

I shook away from her grasp with a curt, “No,” as I pushed her away me.

“Oh come on, sir, please?” Lydia persisted, leaning in close to me as she grabbed my now flaccid cock, trying to coax it awake. She wanted to “kiss and make up” the way she knew I liked it.

I pulled her hand from my lap with another, “No,” thwarting her attempt to distract me and make me hard.

When Lydia thought she would lose the battle, she turned aggressive. “I’ll tell mom and dad about you skipping this semester!” she said with her angriest face.

I didn’t react.

“I will!” Lydia shouted, interpreting my silence as disbelief.

“No you won’t,” I said in a deadpan reply.

Lydia stared at me, confused, after my unexpected calling of her bluff.

“I know you could, but you won’t,” I added confidently. “You don’t want them to kick me out. You might be upset at me, but not so upset to get me practically disowned.”

I’m not sure if Lydia had ever thought it out before now, but she knew I was right. Lydia scrunched her face in frustration and turned her back on me, letting out an angry “GRRRRR!!”

She crossed her arms, keeping her back to me as she sulked. Her frustration was that of a teenager not getting her way. She was more angry about not being in control than she was about the prospect of our sexual encounters ending.

I let her fume for a few minutes before saying, “I guess I could be persuaded to keep teaching you…”

Lydia turned her head and looked at me curiously, while still maintaining her glare.

I softened my tone as I began to make my demands. “You’d have to promise to let this secret about my school die. No more threats, and obviously, you’d have to promise to never tell mom and dad that I lied to them about being enrolled this semester.”

“Of course!” Lydia replied excitedly, turning around to face me once more. “I promise, I promise! Let’s just have a friendly arrangement instead!” Her animosity had quickly faded as she thought that the matter had been settled so simply.

“AND…” I said with an elongated pause, making Lydia stop and stare with focused attention.

“And what?” she asked impatiently.

“And I have to punish you for being so careless.” I added. I looked her in the eye and asked, “You know what that means, don’t you?” Lydia gulped and widened her eyes in fear.

When we had first began these “lessons,” I had laid out rules, establishing me as her dominant coach and teacher, and her as my completely submissive student.

The rules were pretty straightforward – do exactly as I say, when I say it, and do it happily (more or less). If Lydia disobeyed, questioned me, or tried to do things her way, I promised a specific punishment.

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