Strangers Come Inside

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Audrey came back from her run and stretched on the deck beside the back door. It was a warm evening. She could hear neighbors outside, over the fences. She could hear someone watering the garden next door.

She stretched as quickly as she could, needing a drink, and went inside, through the laundry door. Nate was in the kitchen, probably cooking. It sounded like he was chopping something.

“Hey,” she shouted, “It’s me.”


She took off her shoes, and yanked at her socks, left them in damp sweaty little balls on the laundry floor.

“Is anyone else here?” she shouted.


“Vanessa isn’t here yet?”

“Not yet.”

She pulled off her running top, wriggling to get it off her arms, then took off her bra. She threw both into the washing machine and went into the kitchen in just her shorts.

Nate watched her. He always watched her like this, even after three years. He liked her half-naked and sweaty and not giving a shit about open windows.

She got a glass, ran water, and drank. Gulped. She left her hand under the tap for a second, then wiped it over her skin, all damp and chilly. Over her shoulders, down her tits, onto her tummy. She shivered, as cold water touched bare skin. She did it again, scooping water as she went, and felt suddenly cooler.

Nate was looking at her.

“What?” she said, and ran more water into the glass.

“You,” he said.

She grinned.

“You’re hot,” he said, and moved over to stand behind her.

“Yep,” she said. “I’m really fucking hot. Like sweaty. So let me cool down.”

He pressed his face to her shoulder, and breathed in. Breathed in the sweaty, running stink of her, and seemed to like it. He liked the messy bits of people, she thought. The messy bits of her. He liked her sweat and her smell and got really turned on if she came home and said she’d been wet all day.

He was sliding his hands up and down her back, all slick and slippery with sweat.

“I need a shower,” she said, knowing it probably didn’t make a difference, but wanting to say it anyway.

“No you don’t.”

“I’m too hot,” she said. “Let me cool off.”


He was kissing her back, licking her damp skin. He knelt, disappeared down behind her somewhere.

“I really wouldn’t,” she said.

“Shut up,” he said, and pushed her forward onto the bench. She almost dropped the glass, and put it down quickly before she did.

He pulled her shorts down, still licking her back. Kissed her leg, and the sweaty patch at the small of her back, and moved her feet wide apart.

She shivered a bit, knowing what was coming. He slid his tongue into her, licked her from behind.

She liked head like this. She really liked it, all raw and primal and with his tongue on her ass as much as her clit because of the angle. It was the same as her kneeling in front of him, she thought. Had all the same dodgy implications.

And she liked those implications. She liked his

She leaned on the bench, and he ate her out until she couldn’t think. Until she was breathless and sweaty again, like she’d been ten minutes ago.

“Please,” she said. “Get the fuck on with it.”

Because sometimes he got so carried away with all his kinky sweaty stuff he forgot she might just want to fuck.

“Sorry,” he said, and stood up behind her, and slid himself in, and she was close, was so close to almost there that it was enough to tip her over the edge.

He was grinning. He knew he was grinning as she came, because he always did. He liked to watch her, like how she got all wriggly and made odd faces.

She had her back to him this time, and he couldn’t see her face, but he stroked her back, and whispered he loved her.

Then he fucked her, hard, just for himself. Fucked her while she lay there, only one foot barely on the ground. Fucked her until he came too, and as he did she tried to grin back at him, but she was cooling down now after the run, and couldn’t bend far around enough to see.

He moved back. Left her where she was, and leaned on the bench behind her.

She stayed where she was, and let him look. He liked to watch her drip, afterwards. Like he was proud of his handiwork, like he’d done something clever, and at times like this, when she was about to get in the shower and it wasn’t going to make a mess, she quite liked it.

She liked how he got turned on just by the sight of her like this.

They both stayed still, until his semen had all run down her leg. Then she turned around and pulled her shorts back up and kissed him. He was looking at her thigh.

Semen had dribbled down far enough there was some showing beneath the shorts, on her leg, halfway to her knee.

He was grinning at her, all horny again. She shrugged. “Go on.”

He knelt down and licked her knee. Then her leg, slowly.

She’d never quite got this one, but didn’t mind him being into it. To her, a cock that had just been inside her was nothing more than a wet cock, one that tasted a bit funny. To him, her after sex was like dessert compared to normal oral. He liked gaziantep rus escort eating his semen out of her, and he also liked kissing her when she had a mouthful of it, which she assumed was related. She went along with it. Oral was oral, and oral after sex always felt nice, if he went gently, which he did.

He pulled her shorts back down and ate her out, sitting her on the bench. He did it differently, made himself feel different on her, licking slower and deeper, like he was nuzzling his way into her past his own semen, or like his lips were lubed by it, or something.

She’d never quite worked out what it was.

After a while, all horny again, he fucked her. She didn’t have to touch him, he got hard a second time just from doing that to her. Sex felt different too, more slippery and lubed, and she quite liked it. Semen was actually a pretty good lube, she’d found. Something that had really only been clear to her since she’d been with Nate.

He came again, and she sat there and grinned at him and said, just thinking out loud, “You should really eat some other guy’s spunk out of me one day.”

He blinked, and his face went a bit odd, and Audrey wondered if she’d gone too far.

She didn’t know why she’d said that. She’d just been sitting there, thinking, waiting for him to finish, knowing she wouldn’t come a second time.

He was still looking at her. She was worried, that there was some line between sexy and gross that she’d just pointed out to both of them. That he only liked his own semen, not anyone else’s. She supposed it was a bit gay, now she thought about it, to have a mouthful of another man’s semen, and that might worry him.

“Sorry,” she said. “I just said it. I wasn’t meaning…”

“You’d do that?” he said.

And she realized no, he wasn’t worried, he was turned on.

“Oh,” she said, and looked at him.

Definitely turned on.

She’d said it though, and didn’t know why, but she was a bit too embarrassed to back down, now it was out there. “Yeah,” she said. “All right. If you want.”

He got hard again.

She sat there and looked at him and was really, really surprised. She didn’t think they’d ever done a third time before. He’d probably been able to fuck like that once, back in the day, but he hadn’t since she’d known him. Twice was the limit they’d always stuck to, at least without a rest between.

He was hard, though, and looking at her like he was about to go all over her if she didn’t get on with it, so she pulled him over and wrapped her legs around his and slid him back into herself.

Inside her, moving, he said, “He’d have to be inside you. This man. To do that.”


She had her face pressed to his shoulder. He couldn’t see her, and she couldn’t see him, and that made it easier to admit.

“You wouldn’t mind?” he said.

“I don’t mind.”

“You’d let another guy fuck you and come inside you?”

She was breathless from running, and breathless from being fucked. He was hard, was really into this, was moving against her steadily.

“Yes,” she said, into his shoulder.

“I want to see you like that,” he said. “I want to see you do that.”


“Someone else inside you.”

“Yes,” she said.

“I want someone else to fuck you,” he said.

“I want that too.”

“Someone else’s semen dripping out of you.”

“Fuck me,” she said, and pulled his mouth over to hers to shut him up. She was turned on, but he was talking too much.

He moved faster, pushed his fingers down between them and she came quite suddenly, surprising herself. She hadn’t realized this was turning her on too, not as much as it was, but she supposed sex with someone else was hot. And Nate being turned on was hot too.

He kept going, groaning a little, while she held him against herself.

She suddenly felt awkward, now she’d come. Now she was thinking too much, suddenly. Like she’d gone too far, and said something she shouldn’t have.

He seemed into it, though, He was still fucking her, still hard, on his third time. So maybe this was something to whisper about during sex, a secret turn-on they shared but never actually did.

He came, and leaned against her, breathing hard.

She eased him back, warm again, and slid herself over to the sink. She got her glass, ran water, sipped. He was watching her again, smirking, all smug. Proud he’d done a third time, she assumed.

She kept thinking that maybe she’d gone too far.

“I want to,” he said. “I’m serious.”

She sipped, and looked at him. She was surprised, but not really given how much it had turned him on.

“Okay,” she said, before she thought too hard.

“You would?”

She nodded slowly. She wanted to. Because whatever it was for him, for her it would be having sex with other people, and they’d been together for three years, and she missed that.

“Someone we know, I guess,” she said. “I mean, he’d have to inside me. Like bareback.”

“I know.”

“He’d have to have sex with me,” she said, thinking. “To get him there.”

“Or you use a turkey baster.” Nate grinned.

“Ah,” she said. “Nope.”

He kept grinning.

“We’re really serious about this?” she said.

“If you want to be, yeah.”

Then the doorbell rang, and Audrey slid off the bench and went to open it in just her shorts, with her arm over her tits, because she knew it was her friend Vanessa who’d been on the way over, and she knew that behind her Nate was scurrying to wipe himself with paper towels and put himself away.

She heard the bin lid close and decided that meant he was safe and opened the door.

“Get in here. Sorry, I’m running late.”

“Yeah,” Vanessa said. “Slut. Of course you are. Hi Nate.”

Nate waved.

Audrey went upstairs and got in the shower, and Vanessa sat on her bed and waited. While she washed her hair, Audrey wondered about the semen thing, and the other men thing, and about someone else coming inside her, and if Nate really was stupid enough to let her try this.

She would, she knew. If he was going to let her, she knew she’d do it. It wasn’t that she ached to have sex with other people all the time, but she missed it a little. If it was offered to her, if it was right there on a plate, she wouldn’t turn it down. And it seemed to be on a plate. The thing she missed most about being stable and happy with Nate was not being with new people. This was the longest relationship she’d ever been in, and she’d always liked sex in the past. Three years was longer than she’d ever not been with someone new, in her life, and if Nate offered, she would willingly change that.

But it wasn’t about that. It was about Nate being happy, and what turned him on, and trying something new, and doing this together.

It would please both of them, and that was a good thing.


Audrey thought quite hard about who she could ask to have sex with her. She was assuming she could get pretty much anyone to fuck her if she asked, but that she needed someone clean, and sane, and not too homophobic, and someone she thought would actually enjoy too. And someone she trusted enough not to laugh at her and tell all her friends her boyfriend was a weirdo.

The more she thought about it, the more it seemed like a good idea. Unprotected sex was a bit risky, but she on the pill anyway, and she’d get someone they knew, and Nate would get to do his thing, and she’d get to fuck someone else, and it seemed like everyone would win.

Unless Nate got upset. Or unless she couldn’t actually find someone kinky enough to go along with it.

She was having trouble deciding which man to ask, and in the end decided none of them. She didn’t know anyone she trusted enough to ask.

So she asked Vanessa, because Vanessa was kind of slutty and knew a lot of people. And Vanessa got all interested, and wanted to join in too.

“No,” Audrey said. “Absolutely fucking not.”

“Go on, it sounds hot.”

Audrey thought of Nate eating semen out of Vanessa, and realized she wasn’t nearly as open-minded as he was.

“Not a chance.”


“Nope. But I need you to find me a man.”

Vanessa laughed at her for a while.

“I’m serious,” Audrey said.

“I know. That’s what’s so funny.”

“Well can you?”


“Someone fairly hot.”

“Ah, yeah. Obviously.”

“But not too big. I don’t want Nate getting threatened.”

Vanessa suddenly got interested. “How big’s too big?” she said.

“Average,” Audrey said. “Stop.”

Vanessa shrugged.

“And clean,” Audrey said. “Someone you’d do without a condom, okay?”

“You don’t think you’re getting a bit fussy? Maybe?”

“Maybe,” Audrey said. “But if I don’t find someone, I don’t, it’s no big deal.”

“I’ll ask some guys, okay?”

“Thank you.”

“And test them out myself.”

Audrey looked at her, and decided she was joking, and that she didn’t want to ask any more.


Vanessa found a guy. Audrey was a bit surprised, had started to think that nothing would actually happen. But Vanessa phoned, and said she’d found a guy, and what was she supposed to do now, just send him over?

“I’ll meet him somewhere,” Audrey said. “Not at home. To see what he’s like.”

“I told you he was all right.”

“And I want to check.”

“Fine,” Vanessa said, and gave her a phone number, and then said, “Are you sure you don’t want me to join in?”

“Go find your own pervert.”

Vanessa laughed and said goodbye.

Audrey met the guy in a bar after work. His name was Oscar, and he was wearing a suit, so she decided Vanessa had taken the clean thing seriously, on a couple of levels.

She got a drink, and went over, and had a feeling he’d been watching her while she waited to be served.

She had no idea how to start the conversation politely, so she just started. “Vanessa said what this is about?”

He nodded, and for a moment it seemed like that was all they had. An awkward silence, until Audrey left. He wanted fuck Audrey, because she met some kind of minimum standard. She wanted his semen inside her for someone else’s kink. That was about that.

She wondered if she should try and get them both to a doctor, to be checked out, but that just seemed way too complicated and uncomfortable. Even asking if he had diseases seemed too uncomfortable. If Vanessa would do him, Audrey was fairly sure it would be all right. She’d been come inside a dozen or so times before, by strangers she never saw again, and it wasn’t like anything terrible had happened. She decided she’d be okay.

“Um,” Audrey said. “Vanessa said about not having a condom, right?”


“And my boyfriend wants to see it. To see you inside me.”

“She explained, yeah.”

“And you like that? You want to do that?”

It was important, somehow. She didn’t mind doing weird kinky shit for people, but she wanted everyone there to be into it, not all feeling as awkward as she might end up feeling.

“I want to do that,” he said.

“Like, bare, inside me?”

He nodded, and was smiling a bit, and Audrey realized he was getting turned on. She couldn’t quite decide how she knew, since they were at a table and she couldn’t see his pants, but he was. Maybe he was breathing differently.

Maybe talking about it too much wasn’t the best thing to be doing, she decided. Not in public, and not when she wasn’t sure yet.

“I’ll talk to my boyfriend, okay?” she said. “Then let you know.”


She stood up, and then remembered. “Um,” she said. “Could you not get off too much the day before. I think it matters to him that there’s a lot. Like he wants to see it.”

Oscar nodded and looked even hornier, which wasn’t quite what she intended.

She’d said it in the hope she shamed him into keeping his hands off himself, out of some sense of competition, but she wasn’t sure it had worked. He might be beating off every hour for a week thinking he was about to do to her.

At least he was into it, she decided. That made her feel happier about trying.

She said bye and they had an awkward moment wondering whether to kiss each other’s cheeks, and then Audrey left.


“I found a guy,” Audrey said. “Vanessa found me one. If you’re still up for it.”

“Ah,” Nate said. “You told Vanessa?”

Audrey stopped. “Of course. Shouldn’t I have?”

“It’s a little personal.”

“Seriously? She knows everything about us anyway.”

“This is really personal.”

“Oh.” Audrey stood there for a while. “Well, sorry, but you heard what I said, right?”

“I heard.”

“So isn’t worrying about Vanessa kind of missing the point? I found a guy. I found us a guy, who wants to.”

Nate nodded.

“Well, you dick,” Audrey said. “Do you still want to too?”

He grabbed her and pulled her onto the couch and fucked her. Really awkward, clumsy, unspeakably hot, half-dressed funny-angle sex that took all of five minutes. So she assumed that meant yes, but thought she’d better check afterwards, just to make sure.

“So do you?” she said, when they were done.


“I’ll tell the guy yes?”


“I’ll get him over here? And let him fuck me?”

Nate nodded slowly.

“I will,” Audrey said. “Unless you tell me not to.”

“I’m not telling you not to.”

“Shit,” Audrey said, a little surprised at herself. “I think we’re actually going to do this.”

Nate grinned at her. “I think we are too.”


Oscar came over, and met Nate, and had a drink. It was a little awkward. Audrey was dressed, and so was he, and she and Nate hadn’t really talked about it enough, in hindsight, for her to know what to do. She didn’t know if she was allowed to kiss Oscar, or if Nate cared if she got naked, or what he actually wanted Oscar to do to her. Other than come.

She wondered if she was supposed to be enthusiastic, or if she was more meant to lie back all disinterested and just get clinically inseminated. Probably join in, she thought, since she’d never not been keen on sex with Nate, but still.

In hindsight, she and Nate should have talked more.

In the end she went and sat next to Oscar and undid his pants. She held him inside his trousers, and he got hard in her hand. Hard and hot and it was a new person’s cock, like she hadn’t expected to ever feel again. She started rubbing him, looking at him. He tried to kiss her and she moved back, shook her head.

He shrugged, like that was fine.

She bent over, and sucked the end of Oscar’s cock, as much as she could get out of his clothes. Oscar seemed to forget Nate was there, seemed to forget everything except her mouth, and that was what she intended. Nate, as far as she could see, just watched.

Oscar pulled her top up while she blew him, and seemed to be trying to touch her. He stroked her back, and after a while said, “Get undressed. I want to see you.”

Audrey sat up and looked at Nate.

“You’re sure?” she said.

He nodded.

She thought about trying to do it all sexy, but felt a bit silly, and just undressed in the end. She looked over at Nate, really not convinced he was okay with what she was about to do, but he was just watching, fascinated.

Watching like he watched porn, the times they’d watched together. So maybe he was okay with everything.

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