Tan Twink fun

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Tan Twink funThis is a fiction story based on my fantasy:It was the summer and i was in the city visiting an old friend for a week. When i arroved my friend, Anna, answered the door in a pink t-shirt that had kiss me written across the front and short shorts. “Anna, its’s so good to see you” i said as i gave her a hug. “Oh . . . Roger i thought u were supposed to be here next week” Anna said as she pulled away from the hug. “But it’s no biggy, actually it’s perfect, you see i have to go to Florida for a week and was trying to find somone to watch my cats. If you do that you can stay here for the week. So how does it sound?”I thought about the fact that i could be in the apartment alone, walking around letting my thin, white, naked, twink body free, and decided, “sure i would love too. Can i invite a friend over if i get bored?””Sure just clean up any messes you make.” She grabbed up one of my suitcases and ushered me into the apartment and took me toba side room with a twin bed thay was made up with pink comforter and a pillow covered in a pink pillow case. She walked over to the dresser that was also in the room and set my suitcase down. “Ok so you can put your clothes in this dresser and helo yourself to anything in the kitchen, towels are in the bathroom now let me show you around and tell you how to take care of the cats.”I set my suitcase down and followed her out the bedroom door and into the apartment where she proceeded to show me around and explained how to feed her cats and other special needs that they had, then she told me i could unpack if i wanted or watch some TV, then went into to her room to get ready to leave. I went into my room and began to unpack for the next week. When i finished unpacking i went out to the living room part of the apartment and flopped down onto the couch to watch TV. I flipped through the channels until i landed on the Jery Springer show and watched as yo white girls started punching each other over some schmuck. I can’t believe you watch that crap,” Anna said as she cameout in a bright pink dress that came down to her knees and had a low v-cutshowing off her perfectly shaped c-cup breasts. Her blond hair was up in aponytail and she wore high-heels. Before I decided I was more attracted to menthan women I found Anna very attractive, and she still was, but I had nointerest in bagging her.“Hey, it’s the only interesting thing on right now.”“Hahahahaha well why not watch a porno, their on channel282. There is supposed to be a great gay twink porn-star on tonight,” she saidwith a wink, as I blushed brightly. Anna had been my best friend in high schooland was the first person I had told was gay, which she had supported 100%, andnow she was my college escape sense I had no family. She was very forward aboutall sexual related topics, in fact she was a sex ther****t here in the city,and she knew my most intimate dreams (probably because she was also the oneperson I will drink with and I’m a bit of a lightweight).“I will think about it,” I said trying to cover myembarrassment. She laughed and turned to get her suitcases. “Did you call a cayet?”“Yeah, they should be here soon.”“Want help with your luggage?”“Ha, well duh,” she said turning around with what lookedlike the smallest of her luggage bags, which like most of her positions wasbright pink.I laughed and walked over to grab the other two suitcases,“it’s good to see that the fact that I’m your pack mule hasn’t changed.”She smiled and headed towards the door, “well of course not,don’t you know I’m a helpless flower?” This was entirely untrue, I knew for afact that she was a black belt in karate and was stronger than she looked.We went down to the street to meet the cab which was waitingat the apartment building entrance. The cabbie had popped the trunk and I putAnna’s suitcases in. When I looked up after shutting the trunk I saw the mostdelicious looking twink walk past me. He was wearing tight skinny jeans thatperfectly showed off his round bubble butt, flip-flops, and black a t-shirtthat had Ebello’s bakery and deli on the back. His small hips swayedseductively as he walked and he had tight, brown, curly hair that covered asoft, tan neck that showed every time his curls bounced. He turned into abuilding and was gone. I was on fire. I hadn’t wanted someone more than Iwanted him right now at this moment. Anna came around the back of the taxi andlooked where I was staring off too. “Oh, you looking at Ebello’s?” she saidsnapping me out of my trance.“Oh, ah, yeah. Is it any good?”“Oh yeah they have great French bread and delicioussandwiches,” she said as we walked back towards the cab door. She got in andreminded me to feed her cats and waved as the taxi pulled away. I walked backup to the apartment. When I got back the image of the boys perfect round asskept running through my head and I found my had had wandered down into my pantsand I was rubbing my cock. I decided I would turn on the porno and masturbateand try to get that bubbled ass out of my head. Besides he is probablystraight, that’s how it usually ended up. I went back to my room and grabbedsome lotion from my bag, stripped down and let my 6 in cock bounce free and itfelt good to let my throbbing erection go. I took the lotion on the couch andgrabbed a towel from Anna’s bathroom closet and headed back to the couch. I putthe towel down, flipped on the TV to the porno, then squeezed some lotion ontomy penis. The guy on the screen was one of my favorite porn-stars, he was atwink ha a tight bubbled ass. His black skin already had small sheen of sweaton it and a white jock was sucking his sizable cock as he moaned and I strokedmy own cock as and closed my eyes as I listened to the two türbanlı amasya escort guys moaning on theTV. In my mind the image of the guy with Ebello’s t-shirts’s ass swayedseductively and the moaning on the TV got more intense and I sped up mystroking and began to moan too. Within moments, with the young man’s ass stillon my mind I blew a huge load onto my chest, shot after shot streamed from mypenis. I was breathing heavy as the guys on the TV continued to fuck. I grabbedthe remote and turned the TV off and decided to take a shower then head to bed,it was almost 11:00pm and I had had a long drive to get to Anna’s so I wastired. That night I had dreams of the Ebello’s boy and how wonderful it wouldbe to fuck that perfect ass. The next morning I woke up with a stiff morningwood so I grabbed a homemade fleshjack I had and jacked off for a whileexploding into my makeshift ass. I laid in bed for a while thinking about theguy and realized that I was verging on obsession. So I decided that I should do something aboutit, got up, got dressed, grabbed my wallet, fed the cats, grabbed the extra keyto Anna’s apartment and headed out the door. I got down to the sidewalk anddecided that I would just walk past and see if the guy was in the bakeshop/deli and then probably just go back to the apartment. I headed down thestreet to the shop and as I got up to the large glass windows I looked in andright in the center of the room serving some coffee to a table with his backturned to me was the same guy, except that he was wearing shorts and I saw thathis legs were completely shaved, in fact they were so smooth it looked likethey were waxed. The shorts hugged his beautiful butt and came down tomid-thigh which showed his muscled tan legs. I couldn’t contain myself I had togo in, I had to meet him. I walked over to the door and grabbed the handle asmy hands shacked slightly. I opened the door and a little bell rang as it didso. When the bell rang the guy turned around and my breath caught in my throat.He was beautiful. He had round brown doe eyes that were covered in long eyelashes. He had high cheek bones and a little nose that sat just above twoperfect plump, slightly colored lips. He smiled to reveal two rows of rightwhite teeth. He was about 5.6-5.7 which was great because I was about 5.3-5.4and liked slightly taller guys. I could also see his arms as he held the coffeepot. They were hairless, and tan as well and slightly muscular like he possibleplayed a sport. I just stood there staring. I couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe.Couldn’t think. He just smiled at me for what felt like eternity. “You can sitanywhere you want,” he said. His voice was slightly higher than the averageguy, but it was smooth as silk and it seemed to caress my face. I thought thathe could probably sing a high tenor.“Um, thanks,” I said and walked to a corner both were Icould see the entire room. I watched him working as he went from table to tablerefilling coffee and taking orders. I looked down at my menu for a moment tosee what there was to eat and felt someone standing next to my table. I lookedup and there he was smiling down at me.“What can I get you?”“Uh . . . oh I um,” I looked down quickly at the menu tohide my blush. “I think I will just have a turkey sandwich if that’s ok?”He smiled and wrote my order down, “you can have anythinghere you see,” he said with a quick wink then walked off. I couldn’t help butwatch him walk as his hips swayed seductively back and forth. He turned hishead and saw me watching and smiled. I looked down at the table blushingfuriously. He came back with my sandwich a little later with an ice-creamsundae as well.“Oh I didn’t order ice-cream,” I said and looked up into hisbeautiful brown eyes.“It’s on the house. You looked like you could use somethingsweet,” he said, smiled and walked away. I couldn’t believe it. Was heflirting? More importantly was he flirting with me? Oh God it was too good tobe true. I ate my sandwich and ice-cream in a haze. When I finished he cameback with the bill and I gave him my card and he went to check me out. He cameback with my receipt and said, “don’t forget to check your receipt to make sureits correct,” winked at me again smiled another dazzling smile and went back towork. I left a $20 dollar bill as a tip and hurried out of the shop. When I gotback into the apartment I pulled the receipt and looked at the back and therewas written “I saw you watching me, if you want to go out call Ebello’s andorder take out and request Angelo to deliver it. Talk soon ;)” I couldn’t belieit. A cute guy wanted to go out with ME. I reached for the phone and dialed thenumber on the front of the receipt. The phone rang then someone picked up,“Ebello’s bakery and deli how may I help you?”“Um, hi, yeah could I get a, um, turkey sandwich and some,uh French bread delivered please?” Iasked nervously.“You certainly can, anything else I can get you?”“Um, yeah could you have Angelo deliver it please?”“Sure.”I gave the person the address of the apartment and they saidit would be about 10 minutes. I hung up the phone and turned the TV on andswitched the channel to some random talk show and waited. About a century laterthere was a knock on the door. I jumped up and hurried over to the door andopened it. He stood there framed in the light of the hall. When he saw me hesmiled and handed me a bag that smelled like fresh baked bread.“I had hoped you would call,” he said as he smiledseductively.I blushed and smiled back at him, “when dose your shiftend?”“I get done at 12 tonight.”“oh, that’s late,” I said frowning.He merely smiled at me, “you’re so cute when you pout. I’mfree tomorrow,” türbanlı amasya escort bayan he said as laughed slightly.I smiled shyly, “I don’t know if I will be able to wait thatlong to see you, but if I must, how about I take you to dinner and the movies?”“Sounds wonderful, and just so you won’t punk out on me . ..” he grabbed me and put his mouth on mine. His lips felt so good, so plump andsoft. He pulled away and smiled. “See you tomorrow. Oh and that will be$10.99.”“oh right. Hahahaha.” I pulled out my wallet and paid him.“See you.” He turned and walked away and I watched him still longing for hisperfect ass as it swayed and twitched away, and I longed for those p lump softlips back on mine. After he left I called a local salon and scheduled a waking,I personally hate body hair except perhaps on the arms, face, and head, thenhopped into the shower before the appointment. After my wax where I got rid ofall of my chest, back, pubic, leg, and armpit hair I swung by a adult store andgot some good lube. When I was checking out the cashier winked at me and wishedme a good time. I couldn’t help but think that I would, I would have a veryvery fun time. When I got home I pulled the turkey sandwich and bread out ofthe fridge and flopped down on the couch to with my laptop to work on some homeworkthat my crazy professor assigned over the vacation. After I got done with mywork, and my food, I hopped into the shower to clean up. When I got out I wentinto my room and grabbed my black bikini cut underwear which helped to lift mycock and my butt. Then I put on a pair of black shorts that were loose on mylegs but hugged my hips and butt, I also put on a black t-shirt that had a redroe on the front and a pair of sandals, brushed my teeth and hair. After I wasgroomed I made my bed and set the lube on the dresser, I was really hopingtonight would be the night I finally lost my virginity. After I was all set Iheard a knock at the door and hurried out to get it checking my hair in themirror as I went. I opened the door and there was Angelo in a light green wifebeater and tan shorts with flip flops, but his smile was what took my breathaway.“Wow, you look so sexy, I’m glad you walked into the shop,”he said stepping forward into the apartment. He grabbed my hand and drew metowards him, bent down and kissed me. Oh God his lips were so wonderful andsoft I thought and wanted nothing more than to have him kiss me for the rest ofthe night, but he broke away and sighed, “well we should get going before wemiss the movie.”“I guess,” I said frowning slightly.“Don’t frown the night is still young and I will buy youdinner if you buy the movie.”“Deal.”“And perhaps I will take care of dessert too,” he said as hekissed me again.“That’s so cheesy you know.”“True but it works,” he said laughing.I grabbed my wallet, keys, and phone and we headed out thedoor. The night seemed to float by and I never wanted it to end. Angelo was sogorgeous, and with those tight shorts squeezing his perfect ass it was all Icould do not to explode in my own shorts. After dinner Angelo walked me back tothe apartment and I invited him in. I got us both a glass of wine and we satdown on the couch to “watch TV”. When we finished the wine I turned towardsAngelo who was smiling his perfect smile and I couldn’t help myself and beganto kiss him. He returned the kiss just as fervently. I put my tongue in hismouth to try and taste all of him and he seemed just as eager to taste me. I movedfrom his mouth to his neck and it was as soft as I thought it would be and hetasted soooooo good. I reached down and began to rub the bulge that had formedin his shorts and he leaned back and moaned softly. I took my lips from his neck and looked into his sparklingeyes and whispered, “I want to fuck you so much right now.”Angelo smiled, “well where’s your bedroom.”I grabbed his hand and brought him to my room. He looked atthe bed and laughed, “nice sheets and comforter,” he said looking at the brightpink sheets.“Oh well they’re not mine,” I said blushing as bright as thesheets.“Pitty, we’re gunna have to ruin someone else’s bed covers.”I couldn’t handle it and I grabbed him again and started totaste his mouth and neck once more. I spent several minutes standing therefeeling his body against mine, tasting him, longing for him, then I pulled backand began to take off his shirt. When I got it off I saw the defined lines of asix pack and firm pecks under beautiful bronze skin. I took and began to kisshis chest. I nipped his nipples which made him gasp slightly and began to suckon each nipple as I rubbed his shorts some more. He reached down and pulled atmy shirt and I backed off long enough for him to pull of my shirt. Then I wentback to his mouth as I felt his bare hairless back. He pushed me back for amoment and smiled another dazzling smile, “damn you’re so hot,” he said, thenhe reached down and unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down as my throbbing erectionpushed on my bikini underwear and smiled, “someone was hoping to get lucky I see.”Then he pulled off my underwear and stood back up as he kissed me more andbegan to rubbed my cock. Then I took and turned him towards the bed and pushedhim down onto the bed. I grabbed his shorts and unbuttoned them. When Iunzipped them I saw that he wasn’t wearing any underwear at all.I smiled at him and his mischievous smile, “seems like I’mnot the only one who thought they were gunna get lucky.” I pulled his shortsthe rest of the way off and his penis popped up into the open air and I wasstunned. It was 8 inches long and at least an inch thick with a deliciouslollypop head. I grabbed hi m and pulled him up so türbanlı escort amasya we were standing again thenstepped back. He stood there completely naked, his bronze tan skin coveredsmooth muscles, with his 8 inch cock standing out like a flg pole, and he had acompletely hairless body except for the brown curls on top of his head. I savedthe image away because it was perfection.“What are you looking at?” he said smiling at my stunned expression.“Turn around,” I said smiling at him.He laughed and turned. His back was as good as his front. Hisass was tight and lifted and I wanted to fuck it so much, and his back musclesshifted as he turned to look at me, “well?” he asked.To answer I stepped forward and kissed him again. I turnedhim around and lowered him down to the bed and laid on top of him feeling hiserection push against my stomach. We laid there for a couple of minutes andthen he pushed me back for a moment and a look of hesitation crossed his face. “Ineed to tell you something,” he said.“What?”“I’m a virgin,” he said looking away and blushing, he lookedso damn cute.I laughed and kissed him on the mouth, “so am I.”He smiled at laughed too then reached up and gently nippedmy ear and whispered, “I want you to fuck my tight virgin ass.” I moaned andkissed him deeply. I got up quickly and grabbed the lube and tossed it next tohim on the bed and laid back down on top of him. I started to kiss him more startingat his mouth, working down his neck to his nipples and began to suck them andwear them with my tongue. He began to rub his penis on my chest as I worked hisnipples and he moaned in pleasure. After a few minutes of that and I could feelhis pre-cum beginning to leak onto my chest I worked further down to his sixpack and belly. Then I kissed the shaft of his cock and began to like it comingto his he and liked the tip tasting his pre-cum, it tasted salty sweet andsoooo delicious. I began to suck his lollypop head and he moaned in pleasure. Ireached up and grabbed the lube while I was sucking his head. I stopped for asecond and opened the lube bottle and put some on my fingers and then on hislovely hole and began to rub it. As I rubbed I went back to sucking his headand I put my middle finger into his tight ass and he gasped then groaned deeply,“oh God that feels so good.”I sucked and used one finger for a while then added a secondfinger and Angelo groaned more and reached down to grab my hair. I pushed hisbig cock deeper into my mouth and worked my two figures more and gapped hishole a little more at a time. After five minutes I stuck a third finger andbegan to push faster and shoved as much of his cock down my mouth as I could. AsI finger fucked him faster and harder I pushed his cock deep down my throat andhe cried out in pleasure, “FUCK, OH GOD I’M GUNNA CUM!!!!!!”All the sudden his hips lifted and he stiffened and I movedfaster and harder and I felt his penis begin to grow and twitch and I shovedhis cock down my throat all the way down to his balls and felt his hot semenflow down my throat and I swallowed every bit. Then I grabbed him and flippedhim over and poured more lube on his boypussy and then lowly pushed my penisbit by bit into his ass. He groaned and gasped every time I shoved deeper. WhenI was all the way in I sat there for a second and reveled in the fact that mypenis was in this hot bubble ass and I looked down at his tight round cheekswith my penis splitting them and began to move slowly and he cried out. I beganto move faster and faster and he began to buck and move with me and I movedfaster and faster and my hips made a slapping sound against his chicks. I feltmy testicles slapping against his and he cried out, “FUCK ME FUCK ME HARD, CUMINSIDE ME!!!!!” That just pushed me over the edge and I cried out, my penisgrew, his ass tightened, and shot the biggest load of cum I ever had in my lifedeep inside of him, I shot 5 or 6 times then we both collapsed, and I just laidon top of him panting. After about 10 minutes I pulled out of him and he rolledover and smiled at me and I laid down on him, and we began to French kissagain. We made out for anther 10 -15 minutes and I felt his penis begin to gethard again so I took the lube and began to rub his cock until it was nice andhard. I put some more lube on my own hole then sat over his penis and slowlylowered myself down. I felt his head touch my hole and there was a moment ofresistance then it slipped in and it hurt a little, and I gasped. I slowlylowered myself on his big penis until all of his 8 inches were inside of me, ithurt but I sat there for a while and eventually it began to feel good and I lookedand Angelo who was smiling at me, “you feel so good to be inside of.”I reached down and ran my hand through his now sweaty browncurls and smiled. I began to gently bounce up and down on his penis and hemoaned and grabbed my hips. I moved a little faster but began to slack off andhe grabbed me and put me on my back and began to move in and out of my ass. I felthis lollypop head ru b the sides of my boypussy and I cried out in pleasure.Angelo moved faster shoving his full length in then out of my ass and he movedfaster and faster. It felt sooo good and I began to black out, “FUUUUUUCK” I heardmyself scream then felt my penis pulse and my own cum shot out and landed on mychest and face. Then Angelo cried out too and I felt his hot cum shoot deepinto my body. Angelo pulled out and began to lick the cum off my chest them myface. He kissed me and I could taste my own cum on and in his mouth, it wassuch a turn on. I looked over at the clock and it said 2:00am, we were lying nextto each other and Angelo was blinking his eyes. “Why don’t you just stay thenight?”He smiled and gave me a deep kiss, “thank you I will.” He rolledonto his back and closed his eyes and before long he was breathing deeply. I coveredhim with a shared blanked and feel asleep watching his calm beautiful face, andI ran my hand through his hair and he smiled and scooted closer to me and I putmy head on his chest and pressed my naked body against his.

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