Thanksgiving Snow Storm

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“Son of a bitch,” I muttered under my breath as the PA announcement finished. They had just closed the airport and estimated that it would not reopen until the day after tomorrow. That would be the day after Thanksgiving. So much for being home with the family.

I dutifully called my wife and broke the news. She took it ok, better than I expected. She would take the kids to her brothers’ as we had planned. I usually tolerate hanging out with her family, but her brother’s wife does make it tolerable. Jackie is good looking and a bit flirty in private after a few drinks. I would miss her low cut top and the view of her cleavage as she would bend over server the mashed potatoes from across the dinner table.

Next call was to the company travel agency. Hopefully they could hook me up with a hotel close to the airport. As I waited for the agent to search, over heard the woman next to me doing the same thing and not seeming to have much luck.

“Mr Johnson, I have managed to get you the last room at the Holiday Inn.”

“Thank you,” I replied and hung up.

The woman next to me was starting to get more colorful in her language. I looked her over. Not too bad, maybe a little over weight.

I grabbed my bags and headed out for a taxi. Please, let there be one and roads clear enough to get to the hotel.

Thankfully there were three in line as I walked out in to the snow. Damn, it was really coming down.

“Holiday Inn,” I barked as I slid into the back seat.

“Want to share the ride?” I hear from behind. It was a young female voice with an eastern European accent. I envisioned college coed.

“Sure,” I replied as I turned to look.

She was definitely twenty something, tall, brunette, and with a cute face.

“Going to the Holiday Inn?” It was the voice of the angry woman from inside.

“Ya, squeeze in.” Chirped the brunette.

With my overnight bag and computer bag on my lap the brunette pushed up against me, making room for the angry one.

“Hi, my name is Kati. It looks like we could be spending time together until the airport opens again,” said the brunette turning to me. Maybe being stuck here for Thanksgiving will not be to bad if I can hang out with Kati.

“Hi, I’m Bill.”

She turned to the angry woman, who was looking a bit more calm now.

“Hello, I am Alison. So, where are you from Kati?”

The cab was making slow progress through the blowing snow.

“I live in San Diego.”

“No, before that. You accent.” Alison drilled.

“Oh, I was born in Poland and moved to the US when I was ten.”

“Have you been back to visit?” Alison continued.

“Ya, my parents would send us back for a few weeks every summer to visit family, and keep up our language skills. Have either of you visited Poland?” She asked turning toward me.

“No,” I replied. “The closest I got was visiting Prague and then Berlin on…”

“I haven’t been out of the US,” cut in Alison.

“That’s too bad.” Kati said without breaking eye contact with me. Her deep brown eyes were magical. “What did you like best about Prague?”

“I didn’t really see that much because I was on business. The old bridge across the river was interesting, with the artists and peddlers.”

“That is too bad, there is so much more to see. You should go back on vacation some time.”

“So, Kati, what do you do?” It was Alison again.

“I am a freelance writer and do some modeling. What about you?” Kati countered.

“I’m in sales. And you Bill?”

“I am business consultant.”

The car stopped.

“I’m, but not pulling off the street. The snow in the lot is too deep and I want get home. That will be fifteen bucks” The driver didn’t seem to sorry about it.

I handed over a twenty, as the women fumbled for cash. “I got it. Keep it,” I said starting out the door.

Standing in the snow I turned to see Kati following me. I held out a hand as she slipped climbing out of the taxi. She grasped my hand and nearly pulled me down on her as she regained her balance.

“Thanks,” she said, holding tight to my hand.

Alison had exited the other door and was coming around the back as the taxi spun it’s wheels pulling away.

We trudged through the snow. Ankle deep on the street, but approaching my knees crossing the parking lot to the hotel lobby. Reaching for the door, Kati released my hand. I let the women pass in before stepping in myself.

Alison was at the counter first. Kati engaged the second staffer at the registration desk.

“Do you have any rooms free?” Kati asked.

“Alison Jackson, you should have a reservation for me.”

“I’m sorry Miss, we don’t have any open rooms. I can give you the numbers of a couple other hotels not to far from here,” the receptionist replied to Kati.

“Ok, thanks.” Kati looked a little yavuzeli escort sad, but waited patiently.

“Ms. Jackson, I don’t see any reservation for you and we don’t have any open rooms. Did you have a confirmation number?”

“No, damn it. I just called a couple minutes ago.” She was back to being angry again.

“Mr. Johnson?” The second receptionist asked, handing Kati a slip of paper with the candidate hotel numbers.

“Yes,” I replied.

“You were the lucky winner of the last room. They are cleaning it now, so it will be a few minutes before it is ready.”

“Thanks.” I handed over my credit card and completed the usual check in process.

Alison was still arguing with the receptionist and Kati was calling on her cell phone.

“Mr. Johnson, why don’t you wait over there and I’ll let you know when your room is ready.”

“Ok, thanks,” I replied, heading over to the lobby couch.

Alison was now demanding that the receptionist call around to other hotels to find a room for her, and not getting far. The receptionist as digging in her heals, clearly not going to budge and inch to help the angry bitch.

“Darn it!” Kati half shouted, and turned to receptionist again. “None of them have rooms. Do you mind if I hang out here an the lobby? Unless you have any other options.”

“Well, with the weather the way it is outside, we will not kick you out.”

Kati came over and dropped onto the couch next to me. “Hey, off my bed.” She said playfully, while Alison was demanding to speak to the manager.

“So, sorry.” I quipped. “I’ll be out of here soon.” Leaving my bags I went back up to the counter.

Alison was clearly fuming still. Waiting for the manager to come out from the back office.

“Is there a hide-a-bed in my room?” I asked the receptionist.

“No, sorry. Just a queen size bed, desk, chair, and a TV.”

“Any roll aways?”

“Sorry, those are all out too.”

Well, so much for offering to share the room with Kati.

I walked back to the couch. Kati was now stretched out, leaving no place for me to sit.

“Mr. Johnson, your room is ready.” The receptionist called out.

I waved my hand to acknowledge and say thanks.

“Since you are stuck out hear, if you like you can stop by my room and I’ll give you a chance to shower and freshen up.”

“That’s sweet. Thanks, I’ll take you up on that right now.” She popped off the couch and grabbed her bag. We headed off to find room 269. We climbed the stairs and wandered down the hall.

I opened the door. Typical hotel room. Everything in it’s usual place.

“I’ll wait in the lobby to give you some privacy,” I offered after dropping my bags by the desk.

“Oh, no. Don’t go. It will be fine.” Kati dropped her bag and coat near the door and headed into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Damn. I couldn’t stop thinking of what Kati must look like stripping off her clothes.

Kicking off my shoes I landed on the bed, grabbed the remote and started channel surfing. I could hear the shower running. Nothing on the tube so far. My mind was doing much better with the images of the warm water on Kati’s body … shoulders, breasts, back. Stomach, legs, ass, and toes.

She didn’t lock the door did she? Did she want me to come in? My imagination was running with the idea of stepping into the shower with her, touching her, being touched by her. Feeling her lips on mine, feeling her lips on my cock. Which was growing hard, pressing hard against my Dockers.

I clicked through more channels as my fantasy continued to roll on, still lying on the bed.

The shower stopped and my fantasy followed. Kati drying every inch of her sexy body, and then putting on her clothes again.

The door opened. Hair wrapped in a towel, and another around her torso. The second towel was barely wide enough to cover her breasts and still cover her crotch, allowing an unhindered view of her long legs. Drops of water still dotted her shoulders. Damn, she was beautiful. Don’t stare. Don’t stare. I could feel my face turning red.

“Anything good on?” She asked as she came over and sat on the end of the bed.

“No. And I have been around the horn twice.”

“Thanks for the shower. Can I buy you dinner in return? I still owe you five bucks for the cab.”


She grabbed the hotel binder from the desk and flipped over to room service. Rather than sitting on the end of the bed she climbed on next to me. It was all I could do not to stare at her bare legs or turn and try to cop a peek at her cleavage.

“Not too much to choose from. I think I’ll just go with the standard hamburger. Not too many can screw that up,” she said holding the binder open so I could read the menu too.

“Sounds good to me, and add a beer.”

She reached over, dial room service, and placed our order.

“It will be about thirty minutes before they bring the food. That shower really felt good. Why don’t you take one. It will also give me a chance to get dressed.”

“Gee, I don’t know about that,” I joked as I grabbed my shave kit and searched for clean clothes in my bag. Grabbing the t-shirt and workout shorts I had not used, I headed to the bathroom. I glanced back at Kati lying on the bed in the towel, legs crossed and breasts straining against the towel. Capturing the image of the moment I had been the closest to being unfaithful to my wife.

I closed the door to the bathroom and stripped of my clothes. Kati’s were piled on the floor still. A matching set of lacy bra and panties toped the pile. I made my pile next to hers, wondering what she would have on when I emerged.

I started the water, tested the temperature, and stepped in. My cock was half hard just thinking of the image of her in that towel, on my bed. Then I noticed what look like one of her hairs on the shower wall. As I grabbed the soap there were a couple of curly brown hairs. So, she was not totally shaven down there … This rekindled my fantasy about her. With now a nearly rock hard cock I let my mind continue to wander as I soaped and rinsed in the warm water.

Turning the water off, I began drying off. I dressed in my workout clothes, wearing again the cleanest pair of underwear I had. I would have gone without, but I didn’t want to end up poking unrestrained woody at Kati.

Exiting the bathroom I found Kati still lying on the bed, but now wearing one of my wrinkled dress shirts. The ironing board was out and there was a digital camera sitting on it, pointed toward the bed.

“Hi, I hope you don’t mind,” Kati said smiling. The flash went off. “Bet you can never guess what kind of modeling I do…”

I just stared at her for a minute. Her long damp hair flowing down on her shirt, my shirt. Just like the stereotypical pictures. The top couple buttons undone, sexy legs appearing out from under the shirt. The curve of the breasts filling out the against the material, with the nipples protruding.

“Would you take a couple more pictures of me? The self timer works ok some times, but it is really better when someone does it. It will give us something to do until the food comes.”

I grabbed the camera as she moved on the bed. I took one picture. She moved her head a bit.

“Go ahead, don’t be shy. Take as many as you can. If they turn out bad, I’ll just delete them. No big deal.”

As she moved and I snapped pictures, she was careful not to reveal her pussy or a direct shot of her nipples. She was so sexy! Showing just enough ass to tease, just enough breast. It was driving me crazy as I clicked off more pictures. I was glad I had my underwear on, trying to hold back a raging hard on.

“Bill, I have to ask you. Can I take a few pictures of you?”

“You have to be kidding.”

“No, I like the way you look and think you would photograph well. Come on, just a couple.” She stood next to the bed, reaching out for the camera.

I handed to her and she immediately snapped a shot.

“We can look them over and delete any you don’t like.” She clicked a few more.

“Cool. See, you look great.” She held out the camera to show me my picture on the tiny display.

“How about a couple with your shirt off?”

What the hell I thought, and pulled my shirt off. She snapped a few pictures while I did so. I tossed the shirt on the bed and she got a couple more.

Knock, Knock. “Room service.”

“Just a sec.” Kati called, as she retrieved her walled from her bag.

She opened the door and the young man almost dropped the tray of food.

“Please set it on the desk,” she instructed.

The young man complied and returned to the door holding out the charge slip. Kati pulled out a few bills and handed them over.

“Thank you.” She dismissed him. Dumbfounded he just stood there as she closed the door.

“I’m starved. Let’s eat.” She said moving to the food. She poured a little mustard and catsup on her burger and climbed up on the bed.

I added what I wanted to my burger and joined her on the bed. We munched away without talking.

“Shit!. I’m so sorry.” Kati bolted from the bed and put half her burger on the plate. Stripping off my shirt she headed to the bathroom. “I dripped catsup and mustard on your shirt. I hope it will come out.”

Totally naked she took my shirt to the bathroom and started to rinse it off. Trying to prevent a stain from setting. Damn the shirt, it was worth it just to see her. She rung out the shirt and hung it over the shower curtain.

“Well, I think I got it out.” She walked back out, totally unashamed of her nakedness. Grabbing her burger and a napkin she climbed back up on the bed. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Not if you don’t.”

She smiled.

We continued on the burgers. Then I felt a drip on my chest. Looking down there was a spot of catsup.

“I go it.” Kati started to reach out with her napkin, then leaned in and licked it up.

Hmmm, that felt good. Moving slightly to the side she flicked her tongue on my nipple. At about the same time I felt her hand on my stomach. Her hand slid down under my shorts until she had a grasp of my cock.

“Hmmm,” I let out a low moan.

“You like?” She taunted, as she moved her face up to mine.

I stared into her dark, brown eyes as she handled my cock. Then she leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back. It all felt so good. But it was wrong. I was cheating on my wife. I reached up and grabbed her breast.

“I’ve been wanting you to do that since I got in the shower. What took you so long,” she whispered between kisses.

Kati pulled her hand out of my shorts and rolled on top, straddling me. Grinding her pussy on my cock, while pressing her tits in my face. I obliged and began kissing and licking her tits and nipples. The smell of her skin was intoxicating, even through the hotel soap.

I could feel her wetness soaking through my shorts.

“Let’s see what we have here,” she said as she backed down and grabbed the waist band of my shorts and started to tug them down. I raised my hips to allow her to slide them off. She dragged off my underwear too, letting my cock spring free.

Leaving my clothes around my ankles she caressed my dick with one hand as she kissing the tip and licking it.

“Oohh,” I moaned again. It felt so great, like my college girlfriend. My wife grudgingly gave me blow jobs , but they were never that satisfying. Some how knowing she didn’t enjoy it ruined it for me.

Kati took me full into her mouth and moaned her self. I leaned forward and reached out to fondle her boobs. She responded with more moans. She started twisting around until she was perpendicular to me, then resting on one hand, she used the other to push me back down.

With my cock still in her mouth she swung her leg over me, placing her ass right in my face. I reached out with one hand to grab a breast and with the other began caressing her ass. The skin on her as was smooth, with a light tan, just like the rest of her body. I began kissing the beautiful curve of her ass.

She swallowed me deep. I could feel her lips around the base of my cock and her nose on my balls.

Using both hands I pulled her cheeks apart, kissing my way to her pussy lips. Using my tongue, I licked her swollen lips and parted them, tasting her, as she moaned and allowed my cock to slip from her mouth.

“Oh, baby.” She called. “Don’t stop.”

She pressed her pussy into my face as a shiver ran through her body. I continued exploring with my tongue, finding her clit I began working it. She managed to get my cock back in her mouth. I was getting close, I could feel the blast building. Sensing my closeness, she eased up, but her breathing deepened and increased as she too approached orgasm.

Licking away I looked over her tight little asshole. I suddenly had the urge to like it. I probed her cunt a couple times with my tongue and then ran it all the way back to her bunger. I circled my tongue around a couple times before allowing it to cross right over the hole.

“More, more.” Kati cried, as I licked around. “Harder, deeper…”

I licked harder. I wasn’t sure about deeper.

“Oh, please, deeper.”

I backed off a bit to lick her pussy and could see she was relaxing her asshole.

What the hell, I moved my tongue back, licked around and then plunged it in. She moaned and rocked. I plunged back in and wiggled my tongue around. She responded with more moaning and rocking.

“Thank you!” she called, as she pulled away and turned to face me.

Mounting me she slid my cock in her pussy and began rocking as she leaned in and kissed me.

“That felt so great. You wife is a lucky woman.”

I didn’t say anything. Reaching out I grabbed her tits and began kneading them.

Moments latter I exploded in her. As I finished depositing my load, she squealed and went into convulsions as an orgasm swept over her. As she finished she collapsed next to me on the bed.

Looking into her eyes once again I said, “That was fantastic. Thank you.”

She smiled.

With our naked bodies intertwined we drifted off to sleep.

I was aware that the shower was running, then it started to come back to me. I opened my eyes and the space on the bed next to me was empty. I started to roll over…

“Have a good nap?” It was Kati’s voice.

Completing my roll, I found her sitting in the desk chair looking at her camera. She was wearing my t-shirt and a pair of her own shorts. She snapped a picture of me. The bathroom door was closed and it sounded as if someone were in there.

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