The Beginnings of a Submissive Pt. 02


(This story picks up at the very end of part 1 so be sure to read it first.

I’m not as thrilled with how this one came out compared to the first but i still hope it’s good. Your rates and comments are much appreciated. They also let me know if I should continue this story or not.

A special thank you to deadeye_76 for editing this story.)


Once inside, Jamison went to her room and plopped down on the bed, her mind racing with the events of the day. She wanted nothing more than to go back and continue where they left off but she knew she had to wait. She stood up, pushed her dress down to the floor, and kicked her flip flops off. She climbed under the blankets on her bed, naked, and cut off the TV for the night.

About an hour later Jamison received a text from her new master, “Just a forewarning for tomorrow. During our play sessions I’ll be calling you different names, ones like slut, bitch, and whore. Just thought I would be nice and give you a heads up.”

Jamison was surprised by this but didn’t object since she always liked the idea of name calling but had never actually done any.

“I don’t mind at all master,” she replied.

A couple minutes later her phone went off again. “Also, tomorrow bring some lingerie, a baby doll any color will suffice. If you do not own one I suggest you go buy one tomorrow before coming over. See you at 6pm on the dot slut.”

Having a feeling tomorrow would be a big day Jamison went to bed early and managed to fall asleep quickly. She slept like a log. The next morning Jamison woke up later than normal, at about 9:30, and felt rested for her day ahead. She went through her morning routine of taking a shower, getting dressed, and eating breakfast. She kept her dress for the day simple, just a T-shirt and a pair of jeans, nothing fancy. Knowing she needed a baby doll for the night she grabbed her purse to head to the mall to find one.

As Jamison drove she couldn’t help but feel eager to show off her tits or do something similar to her ride with master yesterday, yet she resisted. Once at the mall she went inside and went straight to Victoria’s Secret and looked through their baby doll rack. Jamison picked one out, went to the dressing room, closed the curtain behind her, stripped down, and put on the baby doll with matching thong. She looked herself over in the mirror and liked it. The black lace baby doll with thin straps was dark enough to hide most of her treasures while still transparent enough to show them off. The top of it held her breasts nicely, displaying the area between them, while the dark flower pattern on it covered her nipples. The black thong underneath was a perfect touch to the baby doll. Happy with the choice she changed back to her original clothes and left to go pay for it.

Back in her car she drove home and went inside, leaving the baby doll in the bag by the door. She went to her room to lay down and relax until it was time to change and head to Zach’s. The hours flew by and at 3PM she ate a frozen TV dinner for lunch before returning to bed to relax.

The next thing Jamison knew it was 5:15pm. She quickly got out of bed and stripped naked before going through her closet. She found a white crop top that covered her chest and went down to just above her belly button. She slipped it on. Next she found the black skirt she needed and pulled it up her long legs. Between the top and skirt they showed off every curve of her body perfectly. The skirt only covered a quarter of her thighs and she thought it would be perfect for tonight. Once dressed and ready to go she grabbed her purse and went to the door. She pulled the baby doll and matching thong from the bag and stuffed them in her purse before heading to her car.

She pulled into Zach’s driveway at 5:59, went to the front door, and knocked right at 6pm.

“Right on time,” she said to herself, her pussy already getting wet just thinking of what tonight would hold.

Zach opened the door and smiled, looking her over, “Lovely outfit, suits your body perfectly,” he stated as he stepped to the side to let her in.

Once Jamison stepped inside she knew the rule, so she set her purse down pulled her top over her head, and pushed her skirt down her legs to the floor.

“And you look even better naked,” Zach remarked, looking over her body.

“Follow me,” he said as he began walking.

They walked to the back door and headed to the garage the same way they did yesterday except the garage door was already unlocked this time. As Jamison stepped in she noticed the podium with the sybian on top was sitting in the middle of the room instead of off to the side.

“I know how wet you were yesterday and I’m sure you still are today so me being the nice master I am, I’m going to let you have some fun on this.”

Jamison smiled, she had never been on a sybian but had always heard how good they were. Zach walked over to the podium and pulled up a step stool to help her get on.

“Come here,” he stated.

Jamison walked over to the sybian, climbed the steps, and threw a leg over it like Gaziantep Onkoloji Escort it was a horse so she could sit down on it. Zach removed the step stool and stepped behind her. He put a Velcro strap around each ankle and hooked them to the top of the podium so her full weight was on the machine. Next he threw a rope over a wooden beam overhead and Velcro strapped her wrists together before he tied them to the rope over her head.

Jamison sat there, fully exposed, helpless, yet extremely aroused from it all.

“Now I’m going to put it on random. The speeds will fluctuate up and down. It may hold one speed for 3 seconds or 3 minutes, you never know, so just sit there and enjoy the ride.” Zach smiled as he turned the knob to random.

The first speed was slow but still felt amazing as it vibrated right against her clit perfectly.

“Oh yeah one more thing, I’m having a dinner party here tonight with some guys from work, so don’t be surprised when you see cars pulling in the driveway after a while.”

Jamison was confused by him saying that she would see them as all the windows were covered, but she soon got her answer. Zach walked to the garage door with the row of windows across it and pulled the curtains down, giving Jamison a good view of the driveway and road.

“Don’t worry. I highly doubt they will look in here, but if by chance they do see you and ask me about it, I’ll send them in here to get an up close view.” Zach smiled as he left out the side door, closing it behind himself.

After Zach left the speed of the vibrations intensified and Jamison began to moan from it. She could already feel an orgasm slowly building inside her. The speed jumped up to the highest one, making her moan loudly, before it dropped back down to a moderate speed. As her orgasm built inside her she saw the first car pull into the driveway. An older man, probably in his 40s but in shape, stepped out of the car and walked inside never noticing her in the garage. The speed jumped up to its fastest and this time remained there. Her orgasm quickly grew along with her moaning before it finally hit. The orgasm she had been craving finally washed over her as she moaned loudly in the empty garage. She ground her hips forward and back against the sybian to try and prolong her orgasm. The machine finally dropped back to its lowest speed as Jamison’s orgasm finally passed. She panted heavily, slowly regaining her breath as the vibrations continued.

Within 5 minutes Jamison was back to moaning loudly another orgasm building within her. At this point another 3 cars had pulled in the driveway, and all 3 men walked inside never noticing her as another orgasm hit. By her third orgasm one more man had arrived to go inside.

It had only been 30 minutes since Jamison had been left in the garage, but it felt like an eternity before Zach finally opened the side door and walked in.

“I hope you enjoyed yourself for the past 30 minutes. All my guests are here now so it’s time for your entrance,” Zach stated with a smile.

Zach cut off the sybian and undid the Velcro straps holding her wrists and ankles. He brought their step stool over and helped Jamison off the machine, her inner thighs coated in her own juices.

“My, I see you did enjoy this you little slut.” Zach smiled at her mess before handing her a towel to clean up.

“So where is your baby doll?” Zach asked, watching her clean up her thighs and pussy, and even the machine itself.

“Inside by the front door in my purse.” She replied.

“Well you have 3 options.” Zach began saying, “First, you can go through the house and hope the guys don’t see you walking around naked, they are in the dining room so you could just avoid that room. The second option is to walk around the front of the house and go in the front door. And there’s the third option, which is that I go get it for you, but there’s a catch with that one. If I have to get it, all 5 guys will be given permission to do whatever they please with you; fucking, blow jobs, whatever they want.”

Jamison thought for a moment. “I’ll take the first option,” she said, laying the towel over the sybian.

“Well get to it and good luck at not being seen,” Zach replied, holding the door open for her.

Feeling nervous yet oddly excited Jamison left the garage and went to the backdoor of the house. As she stepped inside she could hear all the guys talking to each other so she quietly worked her way through the house. Luckily for her everyone was in the dining room like Zach said. She passed by one door leading to the dining room that was cracked open and made it to the front door. She began putting on the baby doll while she could hear Zach in the dining room talking to the guys. Once dressed she fixed her hair, made sure her boobs were set in the top nicely, and waited there for Zach.

About a minute later she saw Zach come around the corner and gesture for her to follow him to the main entrance to the dining room. Zach whispered into Jamison’s ear.

“You look delicious slut. They will wish you had picked the third option. Now walk in there. They still don’t know you are here and you are our waitress for the night.” Zach gave Jamison’s ass a small smack to send her into the dining room.

Feeling nervous about the whole thing but knowing she couldn’t disobey him, she walked into the dining room with a smile, seeing all of the guys heads instantly turn towards her. One guy gave her a whistle while another asked “Well who do we have here? You certainly don’t look like one of the sweaty old workers at work.”

Jamison giggled at his comment before speaking up, “I’m Jamison, I’m Zach’s new submissive and I’ll be your waitress tonight.”

She loved feeling all of their eyes glued to her exposed flesh while she talked.

“Okay my dear, go grab the plates and begin the evening.” Zach said behind her.

“Yes, sir,” she replied with a smile, before spinning around and heading to the kitchen, swaying her ass more than usual at the guys.

She didn’t know what came over her, but once she introduced herself she felt comfortable around them. She knew none of their names yet she felt like she knew them all personally.

As Jamison grabbed the plates she heard Zach speaking in the dining room.

“So here’s the deal everyone. Hands free, no touching her unless she drops something. If she drops anything, even a small piece of food, then you can begin touching and feeling her up all you want.”

Jamison’s heart began beating faster as she carried the plates into the dining room, setting one in front of each person before returning for drinks and silverware. She repeated the same process with the drinks and silverware and then went back for a large pan of food and set it in the middle of the table.

“Dig in,” she said, smiling, before returning to the kitchen.

Jamison heard the guys chatting amongst each other, every now and again there was a comment about her. She ate a small plate of food in the kitchen and put the empty plate in the sink when a guy called her. She quickly went into the dining room to see what he needed.

“Can you get me some more drink? In out.” The man asked her.

“Not a problem.” Jamison smiled before taking his glass back to the kitchen to fill it.

From the dining room she heard Zach yell, “Before you bring the drink back grab the pie from the fridge and bring it in here!”

Jamison set the drink down to get the pie first. “Yes, sir!” She yelled back as she carried it in there, set it in the middle of the table, and removed the empty pan.

Back in the kitchen Jamison put the pan in the sink, grabbed the glass, and headed for the dining room. Unknown to Jamison the guys had made a plan to try and make her drop something by scaring her. As she stepped into the room one of the guys was hidden in the corner behind her. He yelled as he jumped forward and grabbed her sides from behind, Jamison screamed and jumped but managed to keep hold of the glass, not spilling a drop. Jamison smiled, proud of herself as the guys sighed, Zach laughed to himself at their failed attempt.

Once everyone was finished with dessert they chatted amongst one another while Jamison remained in the kitchen. After about 30 minutes Zach called her into the dining room.

“So we have been talking and we came up with an idea. Since you are so good at holding onto things, we will go to the sink with my glass that still has some ice in it. I’ll then pour it into your hands and if you hold all the ice cubes, you win. If you drop even one, when the guys leave you have to remove the baby doll, leave the thong on, and hug everyone bye topless. Sound like a plan?”

Jamison thought for a moment before agreeing. “Sounds like a plan.”

Everyone went into the kitchen as Jamison stood at the sink. She cupped her hands, leaving cracks for the water to run out leaving the ice. Zach stepped up beside her and held the glass over her hands.

“Ready?” Zach asked.

Jamison nodded and Zach poured the ice into her hands. She caught all of them until the last one slid out the glass, hit the top of the ice, and slid off. She tried to catch it but it hit the sink. All the guys cheered. Jamison smiled at their little game as she rinsed her hands off.

A little time had passed before all the guys got ready to leave. Standing by the door waiting, Jamison grabbed the bottom of her baby doll and pulled it over her head. She dropped it to the floor, leaving her tits free and exposed. A couple guys whistled as the first one stepped up to hug her, squeezing her tight before letting go and stepping aside. Each one repeated the same process until the last one let go, each guy with a smile on their face. Jamison opened the door to let them out and closed the door behind them. As soon as the door closed Zach spoke up.

“Remove the panties,” he stated.

Doing as instructed she quickly pushed them down and kicked them next to the baby doll on the floor.

“Follow me,” he said before turning around and walking off.

Jamison followed him to the bedroom.

“Stop,” he said as she stepped in the room.

As she stopped, she watched Zach stand next to the bed, turn to face her, and began unbuttoning his pants before pushing them and his boxers down to his ankles. Sitting on the bed he kicked the pants off and motioned for Jamison to approach. Her eyes were glued to his flaccid cock, even flaccid it was 5 inches long and thick as a chicken egg. Zach took a hold of her forearms and pulled her down to her knees in front of him.

“You say you have done oral a bit in the past, let’s see how good you are.” He parted his legs and pulled Jamison closer, until her face was inches from his cock.

Reaching out, Jamison wrapped her fingers around his girth, still surprised by how big it was. She leaned forward and flicked the tip with her tongue before beginning to lick around the head. His cock slowly grew in her hand as she licked. She slowly began stroking him as she licked up from the base to the tip, then back down again. Making her way back to the head she opened her mouth as wide as she could and took the head in her mouth and began sucking. She ran her tongue around the head while sucking, stroking the remaining length until it was fully erect. Jamison leaned back to see his full length, 9 inches long and as thick as a water bottle.

“Wow I’ve never seen a cock so big in person before,” Jamison thought to herself before taking the head back in her mouth again.

Jamison continued sucking Zach off for another 10 minutes before he pushed her head back. “You are pretty good at that.”

Jamison smiled, a bit proud of herself as Zach stood in front of her and helped her to stand up. He spun her around and pushed her back onto the bed. “Spread your legs bitch.” Zach dropped to his knees in front of her spread legs. He reached up and grabbed her hips, sliding her whole body to the edge of the bed.

Zach began kissing up her left inner thigh, around the top of her shaven pussy and back down her right inner thigh, leaving kisses every inch. He moved his head between her legs, inches from her pussy and used his fingers to part her lips, exposing the pink color inside. He kissed each of her pussy lips and nibbled on them slightly, still avoiding her clit and hole completely. After a few minutes of teasing her he leaned forward and took her clit into his mouth, holding it gently in his teeth and sucking. Hearing Jamison’s moans and seeing her arch her back assured him he was doing a good job. He moved south slightly, pushing his tongue as far as he could inside her, lapping at her inner walls, tasting her sweet juices.

As Jamison laid there, pleasure flooded her mind Constant signals from her pussy flooded her head with each contact Zach made. Within minutes she could feel an orgasm slowly growing inside her, each lap at her pussy slowly bringing her closer.

Jamison felt overwhelmed; no man had ever eaten her out like this, nor brought an orgasm up so quickly. As she grew close she squeezed her thighs around Zach’s head holding his head in place. When her orgasm was about to hit, she moaned loudly, then heard Zach speak up from her pussy.

“You may not cum until you ask permission slut.” His speech was mumbled from his mouth being pressed against her pussy.

Hearing him call her a slut pushed her even closer.

“Please master… please let me cum… I need this release brought on by you.” She spoke between moans and deep breaths as she held off the best she could.

He didn’t respond right away forcing her to hold it in even longer, driving her crazy.

5 minutes passed before she heard Zach speak. “You may cum my little slut.”

Within an instant her orgasm hit hard, the biggest she had ever felt in her life, and every muscle in her body convulsed as she moaned loudly. Her fingers were playing in his hair as her thighs held his head in place like a vice. Her orgasm lasted a solid minute and white lights flashed in her eyes before she finally, slowly began to come down from her amazing high.

Once Jamison’s thighs released their grip of Zach’s head, he leaned back licking his lips, satisfied.

“I could get used to your taste slut, very sweet.”

Jamison could only muster a smile as she panted heavily, trying to regain her breath once more.

“Now let’s see if you can fuck as good if not better then you suck,” Zack said to Jamison as she laid on her back still panting.

Zach reached for Jamison, grabbed her hips, and rolled her onto her stomach. “Get on your hands and knees bitch,” he commanded, climbing on the bed behind her.

Doing as instructed Jamison managed to get up onto her hands and knees, her energy slowly coming back as she regained her breath.

With Jamison now in place Zach moved closer, his cock inches from her pussy. Grabbing the base of his cock he slid it along her pussy lips, covering his cock in her juices before slowly pressing forward. Jamison let out a moan as her lips spread wide to take Zach’s girth. She felt every inch of him slowly sliding inside her, spreading her more then she thought possible. Jamison laid her head on the bed and pressed her ass back to Zach as she felt his balls resting on her pussy’ All 9 inches of his thick cock was buried deep inside her pussy and she was in heaven.

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