The Bisexual Man’s Chronicles

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Winter grips the City of Ottawa, Ontario, in its icy grip. Adler Stephens, a big and tall young Black man originally from Dorchester, Massachusetts, still isn’t used to the harsh winters of Ontario after nearly five years in the province. This morning, however, the young African American gentleman, international student and adventurer finds himself in something of a bind…

“Come on, let go of my arm,” Adler Stephens said to Maria Chan, and he looked pointedly at her hand, which gripped his arm in an Iron grip. They were on the second floor of the Carleton University library, and Maria, the most sweetly bipolar Asian gal of them all, was having one of her, ahem, moments. Adler had just about enough…

In the movies and trashy, poorly written novels, there’s usually some deluded female character with a Gay male friend who listens to her whine endlessly about her boyfriend, or her clothes, or whatever. Adler Stephens, while forthrightly Bisexual and fairly open about his life, doesn’t subscribe to such stereotypical bullshit. He’s got about as much patience for whiny gals as the average straight man does, which is to say, very little…

When Adler met Maria Chan a couple of years ago, the young Asian woman seemed really nice, and she was cute, too. For a long time, Adler considered asking Maria out. After knowing her for a while, Adler was glad he never pursued her. Maria Chan was certifiably bipolar, and she sometimes get verbally and physically abusive if the males in her vicinity don’t pay enough attention to her…

Adler is one of those brothers who’s sometimes too nice for his own good, and Maria Chan usually knows how to push his buttons. She has great insight into him. Adler is cute, and seems to be somewhat odd, for he has posters of barely-clothed female models and barely-dressed male athletes on his bedroom wall. He’s usually friendly and sensitive to Maria Chan’s needs, which is why she’s mad at him today. Adler seems to be quite reluctant to deal with Maria for some reason…

“Adler, you’re not listening to me,” Maria Chan shrieked, her fingernails grazing his skin through his winter jacket and the shirt underneath. Adler made the mistake of lending Maria a sympathetic ear when she came toward him, whining about her mother, or her boyfriend, some Asian dude named Jay. Or perhaps both. No good deed goes unpunished, and now Maria was holding Adler hostage…

I got to get rid of this bitch and quick, Adler thought. He took a look around the crowded library. If he pulled away from her, Maria Chan was likely to cause a scene, the last thing Adler wanted at this point. With graduation a few months away, he wasn’t trying to fuck up. This requires careful handling…

“I’m not your boyfriend, lady,” Adler said, at his wits end, and Maria Chan gasped in shock. He took advantage of that moment to yank her arm away from him. Adler got up, grabbed his backpack and made a beeline for the elevators, perhaps a hundred meters away. He briefly glanced over his shoulder, and saw Maria Chan glaring at him murderously. This bitch is crazy, Adler thought.

Rushing into the elevator, Adler headed to the fifth floor, a place he seldom visits because it’s loud, and full of peons…what he calls underclassmen and women. He found a computer, sat down and logged on. He took off his winter jacket and draped it at the back of his chair, and briefly inspected his arm. Mercifully, Maria Chan’s long-ass nails didn’t break his skin, and Adler thanked heaven for small favors.

As Adler began to do his homework for his Statistics class, he felt…it. The indescribable feeling of being watched. Looking up, Adler saw one of the Prowlers. This filled the normally studious young man with quite a bit of trepidation. All I want to do is get my work done and get my ass home, I don’t need to be hassled by weird chicks or weird dudes, Adler thought, annoyed.

Prowlers are Gay males of various ages who walk around college campuses, shopping malls, washrooms, parks, parking lots, public libraries and other so-called public spaces, in an endless patrol in search of D.I.C.K. They make eye contact with random males, trying to sniff out the Gay males and the Bisexual men among the throngs of oblivious Heterosexual men.

Once they lock onto their prey, they don’t give up. Things like personal boundaries, basic decency and self-respect don’t matter to them. What makes a Prowler dangerous is that he acts without much thought. A Prowler is ready, willing and able to have sex without protection in a public washroom with a male stranger whom he doesn’t even know. Prowlers don’t seem concerned with their personal safety or health. They’re willing şahinbey escort to basically die, just for the dick…

“Don’t come here,” Adler mumbled to himself, as he glanced at the Prowler. Tall and thin, wearing a jacket and pants that were definitely too tight, the fake-smiling Prowler came toward Adler, and then began to hover in his vicinity while pretending to look at his phone. The Prowler hovered for a few minutes, while Adler ignored him as best he could. After a while, the Prowler wandered off, presumably in search of more interested prey…

One of the things that Adler absolutely hates about being a Bisexual man is the fact that Prowlers have the ability to sense him. Adler doesn’t fully understand it himself. It’s almost as if they have some kind of supernatural ability to spot any man who isn’t entirely straight. As a Bisexual man, Adler finds himself on the Prowlers radar, to his everlasting chagrin.

Adler looks, acts and sounds like a normal brother, as far as he knows. Adler doesn’t have a girly voice, nor does he make funny hand gestures or walk funny like a lot of dudes in the lifestyle seem prone to do. He dresses like a regular guy too, loose-fitting jeans and dark-colored T-shirts for the most part, nothing too bright and nothing tight. Most of Adler’s friends are straight Black males, and he’s more than okay with that. They’re the least dramatic bunch out there…

While the Prowlers can sense Adler, he can’t sense most men in the lifestyle unless they’re the obvious, girly-sounding and girly-acting types. Still, he has noticed that a lot of men who aren’t straight make a lot of eye contact with him, for obvious reasons. So if a straight-looking and straight-sounding guy looks him in the eye too often, Adler rightfully assumes that the dude plays for the same team of which he’s a reluctant, part-time member…

Adler thought of a certain store at the Saint Laurent Mall, where a Gay Ethiopian dude named Hailu happened to work. Adler met Hailu while on the bus, and the two of them became casual friends. All was cool until Adler noticed that Hailu fawned over him like a chick would, and acted really shocked and jealous whenever he caught Adler checking out a woman. This dude really wants me and the feeling definitely isn’t mutual, Adler thought.

“Hailu, seriously, stop fawning over me, I’m not your boyfriend, buddy,” Adler told the funny-looking little Ethiopian guy, during their last conversation. Hailu acted like he was shocked, and for some reason, went around gossiping about Adler with his female co-workers at the store. Adler had no idea what lies Hailu told his female co-workers, nor did he want to know. He wanted to cut the little guy out of his life…and so he did.

Whenever Adler came in to shop, Hailu gawked at him and so did his female co-workers. For Adler, the whole thing was both frustrating and completely avoidable. Bozos like Hailu caught feelings easily and couldn’t take no for an answer. That’s why I don’t deal with Gay guys and only play with other Bisexual men, Adler reminded himself. After a while, Adler simply stopped coming into that particular store.

Come to think of it, Adler has had to distance himself from a lot of people lately. There’s his older sister Nadine Stephens, who felt the need to tell her psychotic boyfriend Mike the Ugandan that Adler is Bisexual. For the life of him, Adler couldn’t figure out how or why his Bisexuality came into any sort of conversation that his sister Nadine would have with Mike, her weirdo of a boyfriend. Seriously, what the fuck?

After Adler and Mike nearly came to blows, Adler became estranged from his sister Nadine and the rest of their uptight family, which sided with Mike, for some reason. That’s my plight as a Bisexual Black man, Adler mused. The way he figured it, Black families could accept thugs, bandits, wife beaters, and even downright psychopaths, but they could never accept a brother who swings both ways.

After finishing his homework, Adler decided to chill and listen to music for a bit. He went to YouTube, and checked out a video by the controversial artist Delli Boe. The video, Bisexual Problems, was garnering a lot of attention online. In the video, a slim, dark-skinned young Black man lay in bed with a big-booty, light-skinned female and a slim, effeminate male. Sandwiched between his two lovers, the artist rapped about his struggles as a Bisexual Black man…

“Rock on, my brother,” Adler said, nodding along to the controversial song as he watched the video. Adler really likes big-booty gals and admired the artist Delli Boe’s choice of girlfriend. Adler didn’t care for effeminate men, but he couldn’t fault Delli Boe for liking what he liked. To each his own, Adler thought, smiling as he watched the video.

Besides, Adler admired the artist Delli Boe for being upfront about his Bisexuality. Too many brothers out there were hiding because they were afraid of being rejected by their females and their male friends for swinging both ways. Adler was out to family and friends, but kept to himself. The sexy but close-minded females Adler met usually felt disgusted when they found out he swung both ways, and the queer males he encountered were too girly and boring for him…

Adler thought of Paul Calixte, the last guy he had a thing for. Paul, a tall, handsome young Black man originally from the island of Haiti who made Adler melt. Adler met Paul at a meeting of the Black Student Alliance at Carleton University, and the two of them really hit it off. At the time, Adler was slowly getting over Evelyn Nesochi, a beautiful young Nigerian woman who simply couldn’t handle the fact that he swung both ways.

Paul and Adler had a lot of fun together, in and out of the bedroom. After graduating from Carleton University with a degree in Biomedical Engineering, Paul returned to the island of Haiti, to work for the fledgling Haitian National Ministry of Health. The young Haitian professional had a lot of work ahead of him as Haiti sought to rebuild its health care system in the aftermath of the cataclysmic earthquake.

Last time Adler checked up on Paul, the dude was doing well. Paul has a wife, a beautiful young Haitian woman named Florence, and they have a son together. Rather than feeling jealous or nostalgic, Adler wished Paul and his family nothing but the best. Adler isn’t one of those men who hates seeing his former male lovers in relationships with women. Far from it. Adler wants to have a wife and family someday, so seeing Paul succeed gives him hope.

“Someday I’ll find what I’m looking for,” Adler said to himself as he exited the Carleton University library. The young man headed home, and then took a shower. Lying in bed, he decided to order himself some fun. Grabbing his phone, Adler decided to call up the beautiful, mysterious and intoxicatingly dominant lady known as Mistress Jordana.

“Good afternoon, my pet,” Mistress Jordana’s warm, friendly voice chimed in, and Adler smiled. He’d been seeing the professional dominatrix for quite some time now. As a man with dual desires, Adler desperately needed a lady in his life who understood. As much as Adler enjoys normal male/female sex, and the occasional man/man experience, there are certain things he craves which only Mistress Jordana can provide…

Adler Stephens is into BDSM, a world quite separate from that of sex, whether one loves women, or men, or in his case, elements of both sexes. The women in Adler’s life, young curvaceous beauties from the Afro-Caribbean or Continental African Diaspora, often found his interests quite peculiar. The men also found his fetishes quite weird. Adler simply needed someone who understood…

“Greetings, madam, I’d like to book a session for this afternoon, in two hours,” Adler said, and Mistress Jordana chuckled. Two hours later, he showed up at her place in the suburb of Vanier. Mistress Jordana’s door swung open, and Adler smiled, greeting her. Tall and curvy, with rapturous chocolate skin, long curly dark hair and lively gray eyes, Mistress Jordana is a Creole beauty originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

“Welcome back, my pet,” Mistress Jordana said, and Adler smiled at her. The lady looked terrific in a Black tank top and Black leather pants which hugged her curves the way the Ottawa River hugs the Rideau Canal. They shook hands, and he followed her into the townhouse. They went down to the basement, which Mistress Jordana transformed into a dungeon, her own private den of iniquity.

“It’s good to be back, madam,” Adler said to a smiling Mistress Jordana. The lady looked at her most faithful client, this tall, dark-skinned and handsome young Black man who, from the get go, told her that he likes both women and men. Mistress Jordana didn’t have a problem with Adler’s sexuality. What she needed from him as a dominant is the gift of his absolute submission…

“Hmm, you look good, Adler,” Mistress Jordana said, inspecting him as he stood naked before her. Adler has a nice body, in spite of being big and tall, and he’s also got a nice thick dick. If I still did escorting I would have sucked and ridden that dick till he cried out my name, Mistress Jordana thought as she admired Adler’s manhood.

“Thank you Mistress,” Adler said, adhering to protocol, and Mistress Jordana smiled. They’d done much exploring together. Adler’s eagerness for new experiences filled Mistress Jordana with joy. For the curvaceous Creole beauty, there was nothing more fun than dominating a ready and willing male, especially one like Adler.

“Let’s break new ground today,” Mistress Jordana whispered into Adler’s ear as she came up behind him. She licked his ear, and then caressed his firm buttocks with her gloved hands. Adler groaned as Mistress Jordana began stroking his cock and balls like only she could. Just as he was beginning to rock against her, feeling great pleasure, she squeezed his nuts, and he cried out in pain…

“Yes Mistress,” Adler said, wincing, and Mistress Jordana grinned. Taking some cream from a nearby bottle, Mistress Jordana dipped her Index finger in it, then inserted the digit inside Adler’s tight ass. For a Bisexual man, Adler certainly had a tight ass, a fact which surprised Mistress Jordana. That’s why the sexy Creole dominatrix endeavored to stretch Adler’s ass and help him reach new heights…

“Hmm, sweetie, you’re going to give me that sweet ass,” Mistress Jordana whispered into Adler’s ear while grabbing his nipples and twisting them. Once more, the gorgeous African American hunk groaned, and the sounds he made were sweet music to her ears. This is going to be so much fun, Mistress Jordana thought excitedly.

“Just take it, Mistress,” Adler murmured, and Mistress Jordana laughed, twisting her finger inside his butt. After massaging Adler’s supple hole, Mistress Jordana donned her favorite toy, a shiny ebony strap-on dildo, and proceeded to poke Adler’s ass with it. This she did without penetrating him, of course. When it comes to Mistress Jordana’s submissive types, teasing them is half the fun…

“You don’t tell me shit, Adler, your ass is mine,” Mistress Jordana hissed at him, and she gripped his hips before leaning into him. Adler gasped as Mistress Jordana shoved the dildo up his ass, and that’s when the young man screamed loudly. Relax and enjoy, Mistress Jordana thought as she began fucking Adler up the ass with her strap-on dildo…

“Oh yes, Mistress, fuck me,” Adler cried out, and Mistress Jordana fucked him good, digging up his ass with her favorite strap-on dildo. As a professional dominatrix, Mistress Jordana loved to learn her subs limits, and push them beyond what they thought were possible. Adler, a masculine Black man already used to pushing the boundaries of sexuality by banging both women and men, now, he required special handling, and Mistress Jordana was glad to give it to him…

“I’m going to bang that ass even harder than you bang your bitches, male and female,” Mistress Jordana whispered in Adler’s ear. Adler moaned softly as she continued to plow into his ass with her phallic toy. With his male lovers, Adler was always a top. He used to bend Paul over and stuff the young Haitian man like a Thanksgiving turkey, and relished every second of it. Secretly, though, like a lot of tops, Adler felt curious about the other side…

“Oh fuck that feels good,” Adler croaked, and Mistress Jordana fucked him good. In her practice as a professional dominant, she came across a lot of men who saw themselves as tough, macho types. For Mistress Jordana, there was nothing more pleasurable than turning the tables on such men. What made them attractive targets and worthwhile challenges was their mindset, and nothing else. Poetic revenge and all that jazz…

Adler, being a Bisexual man with control freak tendencies, liked to be in charge, whether he was bedding a woman or a man. Mistress Jordana felt it would do Adler some good to not be in charge for a while, so she royally fucked him up the ass with her strap-on dildo. From the way Adler bucked against her phallic toy embedded in his ass, Mistress Jordana could tell that he really enjoys getting fucked…

“Cum for me,” Mistress Jordana ordered, and she leaned harder against Adler. Grabbing his dick and balls, she massaged them gently while bucking her hips, burying the dildo even deeper inside of him. Adler cried out as Mistress Jordana stimulated him, his dick hardening and lengthening in her expert hand. Moments later, Adler cried out louder than ever before as he came, an explosion of masculine passion. A job well done, Mistress Jordana thought, smiling.

Half an hour later, Adler Stephens exits Mistress Jordana’s townhouse. The brother is all smiles as he gets into an Uber and heads home. Sex with ladies and fellas is certain fun, but for Adler, nothing quite lifts his spirits like a session with Mistress Jordana, the only professional dominatrix of African descent living in the City of Ottawa, Ontario. Feeling refreshed, Adler heads home. He’s ready for anything, feels great, and owes it all to Mistress Jordana.

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