The Cabin Ch. 15

Ava Addams

Chapter 15

“Chels,” I say calmly. “I think your ex is here to see you,” I say, glaring at him. I’m not thrilled to have a gun pointed at me, but my anger towards him beating my cousin is currently outweighing my fear.

“Evan, what the fuck! Put the gun away!” Chelsea screams and he hastily forces me back inside and kicks the door shut.

“Wanna get yourself killed, that’s a great way to do it!” he shouts at her.

“What are you doing here? We’re done, we’re over. Go be with, whoever he is, I don’t care,” Chelsea pleads with him.

“I came to accept asshole’s challenge. You think you can take me, huh?” he grins sadistically as he presses the gun to my forehead; obviously he called my bluff. Of course, I wasn’t totally bluffing. I may not be Taken worthy, but I did learn to defend myself over the past few years.

“Put the gun down and find out,” I challenge him. I know he’s got military training, and he’s obviously lost his mind, so this won’t exactly be an easy fight, but I do believe I can handle him.

“Took a few karate classes, did you? Think that makes you a big man?” he mocks me.

I keep my mouth shut; there’s no sense in pushing him further.

“Take a seat,” he orders me into the swivel desk chair in the room but I refuse. He pulls his gun-hand back to hit me with and the little bit of training I’ve had kicks in, so I grab his wrist in both hands and direct the gun away from the girls. However, he’s faster than I anticipate and I suddenly feel cold and hot all at once as a sharp pain in my abdomen halts my actions.

I stumble back into the chair he’d ordered me to sit in and stare at the six-inch blade in his hand. I feel dizzy as the blood pressure in my head suddenly drops.

“David!” Chelsea screams and then rushes to my side; before she can say anything, Angel is at her side with a small towel to press against the wound.

“That was better than I was expecting,” Evan says, “but I was definitely expecting something,” he says cleaning the blade on the bed sheet before putting it back in its holster. “Now, Chelsea, correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t these two your cousins?” he asks, his Tennessee accent starting to come through.

Chelsea glares at him over her shoulder. “Go to Hell,” she spits at him.

He laughs. “I’ll save you a spot,” he retorts. “So, you’re fucking your cousins after divorcing me for a one-time, drunken mistake with a buddy of mine?”

“You cheated on me!” she screams at him. “This obviously happened after I left,” she says and then shakes her head. “Dumbass,” she mutters under her breath.

“What was that?” he demands.

“DUMBASS!!” she shouts this time. “I don’t know how I ever fell for you in the first place; you’re the dumbest fucking person I’ve ever met,” she says and I wish she’d stop because he’s the psycho with the gun who has already stabbed me and insulting him will just escalate the situation more. Angel seems to be thinking the same thing, so she grabs Chelsea’s forearm and shakes her head slowly before standing up and facing him.

I’d hardly noticed until now, but Angel was wearing only her bra and thong; which makes sense since we were getting out of our dinner clothes to get ready to “punish” Summer soon. Shit, Summer…she’ll be off her shift and heading here soon. We have no way of stopping her from coming and getting herself caught up in this mess.

“Evan,” Angel says in her most calm and sweet voice. “You really don’t want to do this, do you?”

“Sit down and shut up before I shoot your ass!” he threatens her.

Angel doesn’t obey, though, and continues to step slowly and deliberately towards him. “Oh, you’re not going to shoot me,” she says and surprises us all with her own southern accent; something about it trips Evan up, though. He almost shakes his head in confusion at the barely subtle change in her voice. “No, you wouldn’t shoot a body this nice and this…willing, would you?”

Evan looks her up and down, his eyes are definitely wider than they were before. She’s attempting to seduce the gun away from him and, so far, it’s working. Forgetting the gun for the moment, his hands slowly move up to my sister’s perfect tits. I refrain from showing my anger and hatred towards Evan, so I don’t accidentally thwart my sister’s plan.

“You three really are sick, aren’t you?” Evan says in a distant voice, completely entranced by Angel’s amazing body. He squeezes and massages the beautiful mounds on her chest, completely forgetting about his gun. I nod towards them to Chelsea and she shakes her head at me but I nod a little more insistently. Chelsea closes her eyes in reluctance; she knows she’s the only one who can attempt to get the gun from him, but she also knows that if she makes too sudden of a movement, he’ll catch her and then it’s all over.

Chelsea slowly turns towards Angel and Evan, keeping a hand on the towel pressed against my knife wound.

“I guess if I had a sister this hot, I’d probably fuck her too,” he confesses with an obnoxious malkara escort chuckle. He looks over to see Chelsea still holding the towel to my side, but that she’s now facing him rather than her back being to him. “But to fuck your cousin AND your sister…dude, that’s a whole new level of sick. At least when I had my one time with Chad, we had something traumatizing that connected us; all you three have is DNA,” he says and then laughs hysterically as he begins to roughly squeeze Angel’s tits. She winces slightly as he pinches her nipples and he grins evilly at the pain he caused her. Of course, from this angle I can’t tell if Angel truly enjoyed it or if it hurt her and she’s putting on an act for him.

As he becomes more and more distracted by her, Angel is able to slowly turn him so his back is to his gun. It takes several minutes to get him to let down his guard enough for Chelsea to inch towards it, but Angel manages to distract him enough for Chelsea to try and make her move. Evan suddenly grows more aggressive and wraps his arms around Angel’s back and buries his face in her tits. Angel runs her fingers through his hair to hold him there but looks pointedly at Chelsea and then at the gun.

Chelsea hesitates for a moment but quietly moves towards the pistol, keeping her eye on Evan as she does. Then just as she’s about to grab the weapon, Evan pulls his head away from Angel’s chest, laughing boisterously. His head turns with a wide grin on his face as he attempts to egg Chelsea on no doubt but finds her going for the gun. He’s quicker than that and snatches it up before she can grab it.

“Bitch!” he shouts at her. “And you!” he turns on Angel, grabs her arm and shoves her to the floor at my feet. “I’ll give you credit, that was a clever trick. And, Chelsea, if you’d been a little quicker, it might have worked. Now,” he says, pulling back the slide of his pistol, “we need to start eliminating threats.”

“Threats?” I question. “Threats to what?”

“My goddamn peace of mind, that’s what. If it weren’t for you two abominations, I might have had a chance to win my wife back,” he says and that’s when I realize just how delusional he is. Even if the three of us hadn’t fallen into our incestuous love tripod, there’s no chance in hell Chelsea would have gotten back together with him, not after he’d hurt her like he had.

“Evan, that was never going to happen,” Chelsea says calmly.

“You think so?” he says, turning the gun on her.

“Evan, you almost broke my arm before I caught you with Chad. You would hit me if you had more than two beers. There was never a night you didn’t yell at me for something,” she tells him.

“Oh, don’t be so fucking dramatic!” he raises his voice.

“Hey, keep it down over there!” a voice shouts from next door.

“MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!” Evan shouts back, pointing the gun towards the wall behind him. If it hadn’t been for my knife wound, I would have considered tackling him away from the girls, but as it is, I’m feeling weaker and weaker.

“That’s it, I’m calling the police,” the muffled voice says.

“Do that and I shoot!” Evan threatens.

Just then someone knocks on the door. The three of us exchange a look; Summer is here from work.

“Expecting someone?” he asks, aiming the gun at us each in turn.

“Yes, a friend we made recently. We were all going to go out for drinks,” Angel says.

“Get rid of them,” he commands.

Angel stands up and moves to the door, opening it to block her mostly naked body. “Hey, Summer,” she says flirtatiously.

“Hey, wow, you’re already…ready,” she says with a nervous laugh. “Can I come in?”

“Actually, no, David’s stomach is upset; I think he had more to drink that we realized and he’s not doing too well. Can we do this again tomorrow night?” Angel lies beautifully.

“Is there anything I can do? I feel awful for what happened and really want to make it up to you. I have a great hangover recipe; I can go get the stuff and come back,” she spills out very quickly.

“That’s really sweet, and, honestly, don’t worry about the shit that went down. We all said and did things, so you’re totally forgiven. David is pretty irresistible, so I understand why you would want to try and hook up with him,” Angel gushes.

“Well, it wasn’t just him,” Summer replies in a sultry voice; if not for the state I’m in right now, it would have been a total turn-on.

Angel giggles seductively and then leans forward to whisper something to her and then they both giggle playfully.

“Is that right?” I hear Angel’s voice say in response to something Summer obviously said.

Then the next thing I know, the door is kicked open and two armed men rush in shouting, catching Evan completely off guard. He falls to his knees, dropping his pistol on the bed and holds his hands up. One of the men rushes around and zip-ties his hands behind his back while the other keeps a shotgun trained on him. They’re not in uniform, maltepe escort but they act with so much authority that they show that they’ve got some sort of training.

Summer helps Angel to her feet and quickly brings her back to me and finds her a shirt to put on so the two men who’d burst in through the door don’t get a show they weren’t expecting. Once Evan is bound up and led outside, Summer kneels down in front of me to check out my wound.

“He definitely knew what he was doing; he didn’t hit any organs but was just hoping you’d bleed out, I bet,” she says and then excuses herself before rushing back outside.

“What the fuck?” Chelsea stammers and then looks to Angel.

“When we were whispering, she told me she’d gotten here a little early and saw Evan approaching with a gun, so she called her brothers who were home on leave for the holidays. She told me to play along like we were still flirting and when we giggled, that was the cue for them to rush in; she tackled me to the floor to get out of their way,” she explains.

Summer comes back with a first aid kit and begins to patch me up, disinfecting the wound, taking out the gauze and even stitches me up. We all look at her like she’s an alien when she’s done.

“Where did you learn to do that?” Angel asks.

“I’m putting myself through medical school; on the weekends I put my hours in with the local paramedics at the Fire Department. I’ve done a few stitches,” she says.

“So, everything I said at the door about you being forgiven,” Angel begins.

“Yeah,” I interject, “this more than makes up for anything that happened.”

A couple minutes later a couple local Sherriff’s vehicles pull up and take statements from Summer’s brothers, and then they come in to check on us. Somewhere in all the excitement, though, I begin to fade, probably from the loss of blood. I wake up later in a hospital bed, both Angel and Chelsea chatting quietly together in chairs across from the foot of the bed.

“What happened?” I ask groggily.

They both get up and take a side of the bed. “You fainted,” Angel says, taking my right hand while Chelsea holds my left. “You did lose a bit of blood, but they said it wasn’t too much,” she adds.

“Yeah, they even complimented Summer’s suture job,” Chelsea says.

“Is she here too?” I ask.

The girls shake their head. “No, she went home after they got you in here,” Angel says.

“How are you feeling?” Chelsea asks.

“A little weak, but not too-” I wince in horrible pain as I try to sit up more. “Never mind,” I correct myself. “That still really hurts,” I confess.

“Poor baby,” Angel says.

“I guess we’ll have to nurse him back to health, won’t we?” Chelsea adds.

“Yes, yes we will,” she agrees. “Maybe start with these,” she says pulling my hand up to one of her ample tits. I squeeze the best I can but I don’t have much strength. “He really is weak right now,” Angel says showing true concern.

Chelsea rolls her eyes. “He’ll be fine in a couple days. We’ll just have to do most of the heavy lifting, so to speak,” she says leaning over and kissing me deeply. “Well, at least you can still do that really well,” she says quietly.

“Oh, by the way, we had to call Mom and Dad; they’re still listed with your insurance as your emergency contacts. The hospital just let us do it instead of them since we were with you, but they insisted on us calling for some reason,” Angel says.

“Are they coming up here?” I ask.

Both girls shake their head. “No, but they’re calling their lawyer that they were already hiring for me to go after him for abuse; they’re adding this to the list of charges,” Chelsea says.

“Good,” I say. “I’m just glad no one got seriously hurt.”

“David, you’re in the hospital,” she says incredulously. “You got seriously hurt,” she corrects me.

“You know what I mean,” I say, the pain in my side intensifying briefly.

“Are you okay?” Angel asks.

I shake my head. “No, I was stabbed recently,” I tease her, “right here,” I add, pointing to the wound.

“You’re gonna milk this one, aren’t you?” she asks, a smile toying at her lips.

“As long as I can,” I admit.

“Speaking of milking,” she adds reaching across my lap to my flaccid cock.

“This probably isn’t the best place for this,” Chelsea warns, looking towards the door.

“Why not? It’s not like he’s going anywhere,” she argues.

“Yeah, but we had to tell them the truth that you’re siblings,” Chelsea reminds her. “That way they wouldn’t question why you weren’t his primary contact.”

“What’d you tell them when they found you practically naked?” I ask her.

She looks at me like I’m crazy. “I put clothes on before they got there,” she tells me. “You don’t remember that?”

I shake my head. “Not really, after Summer’s brothers came in, things got a little blurry,” I explain.

“Hello, Mr. Stone, how are you feeling?” the RN asks interrupting our conversation.

“Okay manavgat escort considering,” I answer.

“I think she’s looking for a literal answer, not the tough guy response,” Chelsea says with a wink.

The mid-thirties nurse grins at her. “Thank you,” she says.

I sigh. “I can still feel where I was stabbed, and I’m a little weak still and I got a little dizzy when I tried to adjust how I was sitting,” I tell her. “But, I’m conscious, so that’s progress,” I add.

“Very true,” she says checking my vitals. “Your heart rate and oxygen look good, I’d like to check your blood pressure,” she says and then takes the compression cuff from the side of the bed and straps it around my arm and squeezes the ball rapidly to compress it around my arm. After making her assessment she decompresses the cuff and removes it from my arm.

“How am I doing?” I ask curiously.

“It’s still a little low, which would explain any dizziness. I think with a good night’s rest, you should be okay to go. Just take it easy until those stitches are ready to come out. No heavy lifting, no extraneous activity, just plenty of rest until you’re all healed up. Of course, the doctor will tell you the same things later and I’m sure he’ll have a pain prescription for you. Do you have a local pharmacy you use here? Or is CVS okay?”

“I guess CVS is fine; we just put an offer on a house and haven’t moved up here yet,” I tell her.

“Congratulations,” she says. “Well, I suggest you head back home in the morning and rest up until you’re ready to move. That shouldn’t be for a few weeks anyway, right?”

I nod. “Yeah, there’s still plenty of time before the big move,” I agree.

“Good,” she says. “Hit the button if you need anything,” she says and then leaves the room.

“Where were we?” Angel teases, reaching for my cock again. I roll my eyes and she doesn’t continue.

“We’ll stay here as long as they let us,” Chelsea says. “Anything you need, just let us know and we’ll take care of you,” she tells me.

“Thanks, babe,” I say and then my cheeks flush.

“Don’t worry, no one is in earshot,” she says.

I look to Angel who quickly hides a look of jealousy. “Sweetheart,” I say and her face brightens and she shakes her head before letting me continue.

“Don’t,” she says, “you don’t have to say anything. I know you love us equally,” she assures me. “In no time we’ll all be calling each other something and not knowing who we’re referring to,” she says and we laugh.

“That’s probably true,” I agree with her and then yawn. “Wow, I didn’t realize how exhausting getting stabbed could be,” I say.

“Get some rest,” Angel says and then pulls the hospital blanket further up my body before kissing me softly on the lips. “I love you,” she says.

“I love you, too.”

Chelsea kisses me as well; she doesn’t say anything but winks instead. I let my head fall into the pillow that suddenly feels much softer and quickly drift off to sleep.


Someone shakes me awake. I look over and see that it’s Chelsea and she’s nodding at the night nurse who is telling us we need to leave and that David will be fine. I don’t want to leave him, especially without him knowing, but he’s resting so well, I don’t want to disturb him. I get up and kiss his forehead; Chelsea does the same and then we head back to the motel room. They’d comped us for one more night after the event at their offer. I was shocked, but we were very grateful for the offer.

We settle in quietly, not saying much; I don’t think we’ve spent much time together just the two of us so I’m not sure how we should act.

“It’s weird without him here, huh?” Chelsea asks, voicing my thoughts.

“I was just thinking the same thing; it’s like he was always with at least one of us,” I agree with her.

“Do you think he’ll be okay?” she asks truly concerned.

I study her face, memorizing every concerned wrinkle on her forehead, the wideness of her sad eyes, her subtly quivering lip. It’s then when it hits me just how deeply in love with David she is. I thought I’d convinced myself that I loved him just as deeply, but seeing her like this now, as much as I love them both equally and they love me the same, their love runs a little deeper. But, for now, I have to put aside my feelings to be strong for her.

“Yeah, he’ll be okay. They’re taking good care of him, and you heard the doctors praising the stitch job Summer did. Plus, Evan’s locked up, so we’re safe now. We can just live our lives, the three of us with no one getting in the way,” I assure her.

She smiles gratefully but I can still see sadness in her eyes. I want to make her feel safe and loved; what would David do right now? Fuck that, what will I do? I love her too; I can take care of her in my own way.

“What would you say to a nice hot shower?” I offer. “We can wash away the night, get some sleep and get to the hospital as early as possible to see David.”

Chelsea’s eyes smile a little this time. “You’re just trying to get me into bed, aren’t you?”

I grin mischievously. “Do you blame me for trying?” I say and then giggle. “No, but I’m serious. I think a hot shower would be good for both of us. I know it’s what I do when I’m stressed about something and need to do something active to work through it.”

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