The Carving


We had been looking forward to this vacation for months. All our planning, working hard, and saving finally to be rewarded with a week of pure relaxation. We had chosen a winter date for this cruise in order to give us a break from the long dreary February days. Through our time together this was the first extended trip that we had taken, and we intended to make the most of it.

The ship would be docking each day to allow passengers to visit various coastal towns in the Bahamas. Jane had wanted to get some touristy knick-knacks to bring back for our home, so we planned on getting out to do as much shopping as possible during our trip. She is so good at picking out just the right things to make home seem so warm, and her excellent taste makes every furnishing & decoration seem to fit in perfectly. I couldn’t wait to see Jane’s excitement at discovering new accessories.

The first two days when we stopped in port, we were a bit disappointed at the manufactured tourist souvenirs. Nothing unique. Stuff mostly made in Asia passed off as representative of the Bahaman culture. As much plastic and resin material goods as you would find in any junky U.S. tourist trap.

However, on the third day, we pulled into a port to find a shop just as we had imagined. Filled from top to bottom with authentic goods from the island region, complete with a lovely native woman who owned the store. She was quite dark, with a bright, seductive smile. Very tall, must have been close to six feet, and slim. She was dressed in a colorful yellow & orange wrap-type of dress with a small blue box-like hat. She told us that her name was Reni, pronounced Ree-nee. She spoke in a clipped, staccato voice with a slight English accent. Her soft husky whisper was clear and drew you in to listen closely.

Reni showed us some small throw blankets, the kind that Jane loves to curl up with for a nap. Jane picked out a couple, thankfully not too pricey, Escort Keçiören then she spied some woodcarvings that appealed to her. One in particular, a nude woman, was exquisite. Reni told us that it was carved from a tropical hardwood found on the island. The wood was dark, and polished to a high luster. The detail of the features was amazing. In this carving, you could sense the very soul of the person who had been the inspiration for the figurine.

Reni was quick to pick up on our interest in the piece. She said, “Not many people have been as taken with this carving as you both appear to be. It reflects your devotion and love for one another, as you each have been drawn into the carving. That was exactly the intention that the artist had when it was carved. It was meant to further bond two hearts and souls by releasing an aura of eternal love to those who could feel the depth of the soul within the figure.”

Jane asked, “Who is the artist? Did he make any more? There is something almost mystical about this piece, and I know that Ned feels it too, don’t you Ned?” I could only nod my head slowly, as I felt myself staring at the piece being drawn in while feeling closer to Jane than I had felt before. I didn’t think that it was possible to feel more love than we had already shared, but at that moment, I was overwhelmed with the beauty of the figure, as well as the beauty of our lives together.

Reni responded to Jane, saying, “You have made some assumptions, my dear. The artist is not a man, and this is the only piece that has been produced. In fact, I am the artist or the carver. I am a believer in the mystical, and I carved this so that two lovers could find a way to truly unite their souls for eternity. It was meant to work only for those with sincere, true hearts and true love between them. There have been many couples who have looked upon this carving, but you are the first couple Keçiören Escort who have received the gift. Your love has received what other couples can only hope to find.”

We must have looked dumbfounded, but from the feeling that we had all Reni’s words rang true. Reni took us both by the hand, and lead us to the back of the shop, down a flight of stairs, into a large room filled with soothing colors. The walls were draped with fabric in muted pastels, and the floor was layered with pillows of various shapes & sizes. The ceiling was painted in a night sky blue punctuated with stars. It was as if we were in a trance. I watched in a daze as Reni turned to Jane, and kissed her. I wanted to speak, but I couldn’t utter a word. Reni slowly removed Jane’s clothing, and then had her lie down in a cluster of pillows. I remained completely mesmerized seeing Jane’s beautiful shape lying so peacefully, as Reni now turned to me, kissing me deeply, but softly. She removed my clothing, and lead me to lie next to Jane.

I was frozen in place as I watched while a fully-clothed Reni began making love to Jane. She very gently gave her oral pleasure while using her fingers on Jane. It was exciting to watch her dark flesh against Jane’s skin, yet I could only observe, and no amount of effort allowed me to say anything.

Reni slowly kneaded Jane’s breasts with one hand, while the other hand prepared to do something that looked like a dream to me. There in her right hand, I saw the carving. Reni took the carving, and slowly slipped it between Jane’s lips. Like me, Jane couldn’t seem to make a sound, but she did move slightly in an attempt to take more of the carving in her. Reni seemed to know exactly how much to give her at each moment. I saw all but the very base slip into Jane, now being pumped with the work of art. Jane soon lifted up, and the climax had arrived. She trembled slightly, and Reni pulled Keçiören Escort Bayan the carving out drenched with Jane’s juices. Reni had a small taste from the side of the carving, then turned to me.

I could see Jane watching, as Reni pushed me to roll me over. She placed a hand beneath me, and still being wholly mute, I was at her mercy to obey in silence. Reni made me lift my bottom in the air, then gradually slipped the carving, still wet with Jane’s juices, into my hole. I had never felt something like this before. We had used toys this way, but this brought me a unique sensation. All of the feelings that had drawn Jane and I into the carving seemed to be releasing within me from this inanimate object. Like Jane, I soon felt a climax building in me as Reni worked the carving back and forth. I felt the heat rise within me, and I soaked the pillows beneath me with my juices.

Reni turned me around, then spoke to us, saying, “This carving is now a part of each of you, joining you in trust, faith, and love for eternity. Take this with you, and keep it always in your home. This will preserve you with the most intimate and deepest love known to any living being. You will prosper and grow ever closer with each passing day. You must go now, as I must too.”

This all seemed so surreal, but we dressed and left the shop, taking the carving with us. When we had gone about a block away from the shop, walking in stunned silence, we realized that we had neglected to pay Reni for the carving. We walked back, hand-in-hand to the shop only to find that it was boarded up, looking like it had been unoccupied for years. We could barely believe our eyes, but there was nothing that we could do to change this reality.

We returned to the ship, and enjoyed the remaining days of our cruise. Returning home, we placed the carving in our living room, displaying it prominently on our mantel. We still remember that day vividly, but have no explanation as to what was reality and what was a dream. We only know that we have become one, just as promised by Reni, and our lives have been wonderful beyond anything we could have ever hoped. Perhaps some day, we will pass this on to some other equally devoted couple.

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