The Dance of Sex


I suppose I should tell you a bit about me. CV’s, university application forms and so on, I spend so much time giving my details that I sometimes forget who I am.

Well here goes my name is Tom, I am 18 and I am in the sixth form at an all boys School, I am very bright at least that what my teacher tell me. My mates think I am a nerd, they also think I am a virgin that hurts even though it was true up to about a week ago. I do like girls and in fact have a big crush on Emma Watson, I am really looking forward to the last Harry Potter film especially that scene everyone’s talking about.

I would like to tell you how I lost my virginity. Well I would like to tell someone and you will do.

It was at the school dance, you know where the boy’s school gets together with the local girl’s school. I was not looking forward to it, I have been to enough in my time and they usually land up with the boys on one side and the girls on the other, the sum total of human interaction being texting each other.

Still I made my appearance; and have spent the evening avoiding bumping into people having my feet trod on and drink to much Cola. Oh yes, a number of visits to the toilet, gross, at this sort of do they reek of testerone and body spray.

I was just thinking of leaving when I spot this girl, I swear I went from 0 to 80 in about a second flat, still my hands covered my crouch in Side escort record time.

She had noticed me to and came over.

“Hi, I’m Katie”

“Hi back, I’m Tom”

Wow I managed to say it and get the words in the right order. Still, it was rather like one of those conversations you had in French lessons. Well it turned out that we did have things I common and we could talk quite easily. We had friends in common and here brother was in Year 11, a right prat, but I was not going to tell her that. We had a good laugh about a friend of hers that was into Snail racing as a hobby. Then, things went south.

“Tom, would you like to dance?”

I wanted to vanish

“I can’t dance, I have two left feet”

She looked put out; at least she had the grace to chat for a bit longer before heading into the crowd. Well one more cola and then home. It was then I spotted her talking to a boy in my year. I’m jealous where did that come from? I join them and soon it was just Katie and I.

“Tom, I really would like a dance”


It turned out that I was not that bad that was until I landed up on my backside. If only the floor could have swallowed me. Katie went bright red and after checking I was all right headed off into the crowd for the second time. I had one more cola a final visit to the toilet, and then I grabbed my coat. I stopped, I had Side escort bayan to save face, there was one dance move I was good at, the worm, my sister said I could do it better than anyone she knew. So to impress Katie I decided to show off. It was going so well until I hit the floor too hard. I let out a high-pitched yell.

She came over to me and helped me up we sat on a bench.

“Tom, are you alright”


She then puts her, well there.

“It seems a little swollen to me”

Well it wasn’t, but it sure was now.

“Tom, its too hot in here, shall we go outside?”

She did not give me a chance to answer she just walked to the door and I followed. Well she lead meet outside only to lead me back in through another entrance.

“Katie, where are we going?”

“I would like a talk and I know just where”

“OK, then”

We ended up in the basement.

“What do you want to talk about?”

“Well I want to do something with my mouth, but its not talking”

She kisses me, an open mouthed kiss. If she told me that she had in mind I would have been out of there. I always considered that sort of a kiss gross; luckily she did not because to my surprise I was enjoying it.

“Tom, it is hot in here as well”

At this, she removed her dress.

“Tom, do you need me to undress you,” a

“No” escaped Escort side from my lips and I strip of my shirt and Jeans.

So we were sitting there in our undies.

“Tom, I will rub it better for you”

I was not given a chance to reply and any way I had lost the ability to speak.

She then removed my boxers

“Tom, will you help me take my bra off”

“Tom, will you help me take my knickers off”

So now we were sitting there stark naked.

She then took my cock placed it in her mouth and started do some strange thing, I liked it liked it a lot in fact so much I came very quickly,

“Katie, what about you”

She did not answer, but began to stoke my cock while massaging her clit. I was hard again in a very short time. She then helped my cock into her pussy.

“Tom, help me out here, thrust, you know in and out”

At first it did not work very well my cock kept and falling out. Then, I got the hang of it, we got a steady rhythm going. She was enjoying it I knew by the look on here face and by the sounds she was making.

Then she grabbed onto me and went rigid, had I done something wrong.

“Katie, are you alright”

I thought she had not heard me

“Tom, of course I am alright, more than alright, girls can orgasm as well as boys”


Then she thrust hard against me a few times and I came right inside her.

Neither knew what to do so we just laughed.

We then put our clothes back on and went back to the dance.

The tempo was slower now and finally we did dance, a slow dance, up close and personal. Not as a prelude to sex, but as a finale.

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