The Factory Pt. 02


Hope you all enjoy part 2 🙂

“You have been selected to take part in some research trials. From tomorrow onwards you will no longer be required on the Factory Floor. Please report to R&D 10am sharp.

Dr. Fuller.”

I clutched the letter in my hand as I sat in the reception area of the Research and Development department, my foot tapping nervously in anticipation. I had re-read it so many times I knew it off by heart, but it didn’t stop the million questions I had running round my mind.

The reception was a bit chilly and I cuddled my arms a little. Even though I wasn’t on the Factory Floor, I still had to wear my white panty uniform. I eyed the young receptionist with jealousy. She was wearing a nice white blouse and black skirt. She looked so smart. Although the more I looked I realised how sheer her shirt was…I could see her breasts! She stood up to file something away and as she leaned over I couldn’t help but peak. I gasped as I watched her skirt hitch up…no underwear?!

She caught me staring as she turned to take her seat. I blushed and my hands tightened around my bare chest. I didn’t actually feel cold anymore, just turned on, a little tingle that made me wiggle in my seat.

A door clicked open and an attractive middle aged man in a lab coat came out of an office. He smiled when he saw me. “Hello, I’m Doctor Fuller, I’m glad you got my letter. Would you follow me please?” He gestured to the room and I hopped up, making my way into his office.

The door snapped shut and Dr. Fuller guided me to a seat opposite his. He sat behind a big desk and looked at me as I shifted nervously in my seat. He picked up a clipboard and pen and smiled at me.

“My colleague Dr. Pine saw you on the Factory Floor yesterday, he said that you enjoyed our latest product? Would you say that was accurate?” I blushed and nodded as he chuckled a little. “Glad to see our hard work is paying off.”

He flicked through his paperwork again and made a few more notes. “As my letter stated, you have been selected for research trials. We want to keep making products that bring people pleasure and I think you would be a perfect candidate. Are you going to help me?” He flashed me a brilliant smile and all I could do was nod, finding myself smiling back at him with gusto.

“Excellent!” He clapped his hands together and rose to his feet. “Before we begin properly we will need to make sure you are fit and healthy enough to take part. Just a few little tests and examinations and then we can begin in earnest.” I felt a bit nervous about that, but he was already guiding me up and through a side door before I had time to think about it.

In the centre of this new room was some kind of gynaecological examination table complete with stirrups. I faltered in my steps and I felt Dr. Fuller bump into me. He stroked my arm and gave me a squeeze, “Don’t worry about that dear, everything will be just fine,” he reassured. I swallowed hard and let him guide me towards the table. “If you could bend over the table first please, like you do for your security checks, that would be wonderful.”

I did as he asked and gripped onto the vinyl as I waited for him to start. I felt him pull my knickers down and they dropped to my ankles. He tutted “Mistress Hatch is far too harsh,” and he ran a hand over my sore cheeks. “I’m just going to take a quick photo, I want to chart how long it takes for your skin to heal from this.” I heard a little click and blushed, pressing my cheek onto the cool material.

He pressed a little harder and I squirmed. It was OK to sit on, but my bottom was still sore when it was pressed like that! “Oh I’m sorry dear,” he said adana escort and gently pulled me back up to standing. “Please hop up onto the table now and we’ll continue.”

I struggled a little on the table but finally got comfortable. I didn’t need to put my legs in the stirrups just yet, but sitting there naked was embarrassing enough. Dr Fuller came and sat next to me and he placed a warm hand on my arm again. “I want you to relax, you are in good hands. I am a Doctor and I’m going to take care of you. I don’t want you to feel embarrassed about anything and I want you to be honest with me. If you do that, we should get along just fine.”

I looked at him for a moment and my heart stopped racing just a little. “Yes Doctor” I said and he smiled wide. “Good girl.”

The examination started quite simply. He started by checking my eyesight as he shone a light in my eye. I was still blinking the dots away when he told me to open my mouth. He pressed my tongue down with a depressor and I tried not to gag as he pressed down further. Satisfied, he removed it and took hold of my cheeks, slowly rotating my head, checking my mobility.

“Excellent, all looking good so far. Now I need to do a breast exam, so try to relax, you are doing so well.” I smiled coyly at his praise and exhaled deeply to show I was being good. First my arms were pushed up above my head and he poked and prodded at my armpit. Then he cupped my left breast, and squeezed. My nipple perked up at his ministrations, and he took the opportunity to pinch at it gently. I tried my best to be still but it made me squirm!

“I thought you were going to relax for me?” he said sternly as he pinched and twisted a little harder on it. “I’m sorry Doctor, it just feels so….uhh good.” I stuttered as he twisted harder still. “Ah I see. Now tell me, when I do this,” Dr Fuller pinched my nipple again. “Where do you feel a reaction? And remember…I want honesty young lady!”

He did it once more and I squirmed again. “Please Doctor, it’s my…pussy.” He hummed in approval, “Good girl. Well that’s nothing to worry about, just try to be still now, otherwise we’ll be here all day.”

I nodded and resettled myself in the chair. Dr Fuller moved his hands to my right breast repeating the treatment. The pinching and twisting seemed even harder this time and I gripped on to the table to make sure I didn’t wiggle around again.

Next he brought out a stethoscope. He pressed it to my chest and told me to take some deep breaths. He then placed the cold metal onto my hard nipples. I wondered what on earth that could be for, but I wasn’t going to question the Doctor! His fingers then started prodding at my tummy and to my shock I started giggling. Thankfully he smiled at me, “Good to see your reactions are normal” and he moved swiftly on.

He moved around the table so he was standing between my legs. “Now my dear, can you please turn over and get on your hands and knees please?” He helped me manoeuvre into the position that he wanted. “I am going to check your temperature and the best way to do this is rectally, from your bottom” he clarified.

“O-okay Doctor” I said as he readjusted my legs so they were open a bit wider. He made a show of letting me see the thermometer which was actually quite small and he put some lubricant on it as well before he disappeared behind me. Then I felt a cool sensation in my hole, but thanks to the lube it slid in very easily.

“We’ll leave that for a moment,” he said as he made his way back up beside me. His hands made their way on to my dangling breasts and he gave them a firm squeeze. “These are quite eskişehir escort lovely. In fact everything I’ve seen so far is lovely.” I smiled, “Thank you Doctor,” I said quietly.

After a few moments he headed back down to my rear and gently removed the thermometer. “A little elevated but that would be normal with all the stimulation. Perhaps we might revisit this later.” I remember thinking I would be quite happy with that.

I was then helped back on to my back and he guided my legs into the stirrups. “If you are a good girl this won’t take long now. Just have to finish the examination with your vagina and rectum.” I nodded, taking hold of the edge of the table again.

“I’ll start externally alright my dear, remember to try and relax.”

His gloved fingers pushed and pulled gently at my pussy lips, he stretched them out and used another finger to stroke gently along my slit. I exhaled again, trying to relax but it felt so good. “You are quite wet down here my dear, Dr Pine mentioned that in his report. This is really excellent news”. I gave him a strained smile as he pressed around until he found my sensitive clit. He rubbed harder and harder until I was squirming and moaning under his fingers and then, to my disappointment, he stopped.

“Good sensitivity and more wetness,” he said, more to himself than me at this point. He moved away momentarily, then returned with a speculum. I had always dreaded these things but he added lots of lubricant so I felt a little more at ease. With another reminder to relax I felt the cold metal slide into me. I puffed out a breath and he pushed it further in. I heard the clicks and felt my walls being spread wider and wider until he was satisfied. Then to my surprise he began to take photos. “Don’t worry, it just helps when I am writing up my notes later,” he explained as he took more pictures. He finished by taking a little swab from inside and then slowly removed the speculum.

“Almost there,” he said with a warm smile on his face and he helped me scoot closer to the edge of the table. With fresh gloves on he lubed his finger and pressed it into my bottom. It was nothing like the guards, he was gentle and methodical checking every inch of me.

He then pushed another finger into my pussy. As he pressed I felt them almost meet inside of me. “This is wonderful dear,” he said almost sounding a little strained. “And look at you, dripping all over the table!”

I blushed scarlet again, “I’m sorry Doctor,” I pouted wishing I could control myself.

“No, no my dear, it’s very good! I’m not like Mistress Hatch, I like seeing pretty girls like you making a mess of themselves. It’s a very good sign!” I still felt embarrassed but a little less so at his words. He removed his fingers and I couldn’t hold in my moan of disappointment.

He smiled as he stood up and picked up his clipboard and read it.

“Well I am pleased to say, you are going to be perfect for our new trials! You are almost finished here, I wanted to discuss some things with you, and I have an assignment for you.”

I was intrigued and nodded at him to signal my interest.

“Dr. Pine mentioned a few things in his report to me and I would like you to tell me if you agree with his assessment”

“Yes Doctor.”

“Spanking arouses you?” I blushed “Yes Doctor.”

“Restraint helps you to achieve orgasm?” I squirmed “Yes Doctor.”

“When you were using the dildo you put fingers in your mouth to simulate oral sex?” I cringed “Yes Doctor.”

“You squirted?” I simply nodded, unable to speak further.

“Today I noted strong reactions to sakarya escort nipple and clitoral stimulation, would you agree?” Shakily I agreed, “Yes, Doctor I liked that very much.”

He made a few more notes on his paper and set it down. He then uncovered a tray which had two toys on it. Both of which I’d seen on the Factory Floor. The first was a moderate sized butt plug and the other was a big dildo, that was made to look like a cock.

First he held up the butt plug. “You have a lovely tight ass my dear, but for our work tomorrow I need to make sure you are nice and open, otherwise we will be wasting time opening you up tomorrow.”

I’d never had anything like that in me before, but I was quite excited about it and with what tomorrow would bring.

He then held up the dildo and passed it to me. “Your gag reflex could use a little work so I would like you to practice on this. See how far down you can get. I am also keen to see how oral sex intensifies your orgasm, so getting used to something like this will be ideal.”

It was really heavy in my hand, and it really did remind me of a thick cock and I was already dying to put it in my greedy mouth.

“Since you have been such a good girl today, I will help you with the plug insertion. A reminder though, that you are still at work and your good behaviour is paramount.” He eyed me with a stern look to which I replied with a sincere “Thank you Doctor!”

His stern look was replaced with another warm smile and he began preparing the plug with lots of lube while I pushed my bottom down to the end of the table again. He sat down again and began stroking up and down my slit, which was still soaked from all the earlier attention.

This time, he began pressing and rubbing harder at my clit, pleasure running through me, making my toes curl. Another finger pressed into my pussy, pumping in and out as the Doctor worked harder on my clit. “Doctor please…” I moaned and shook in my seat. “Use the dildo sweetheart” he ordered and I immediately pushed it into my mouth, sucking hard as it filled my mouth. I imagined it was Dr Fuller’s cock, that I was pleasing him, and he was calling me his good girl.

I barely reacted when he added two, then three fingers to my pussy. As I moaned like a little whore he fingerfucked me hard and reached a hand up to pinch my nipple. I cried out even louder and I could hear him praising me. Suddenly my orgasm, which had been building quickly, was crashing over me like a wave. As I thrashed under him, Dr Fuller slid the butt plug into my asshole, my body much more relaxed and less able to resist.

He stroked my pussy gently as I came down from me high, my legs twitching and my hands clasped firmly around the dildo that was still in my mouth. I sucked on it, and it was almost like I was drifting away into a dream when I felt Dr Fuller pull gently away from me.

“What do you say?”

“Thank you Doctor,” I mumbled drowsily

“Good girl, clean up your mess” he said and offered his fingers to me. I willingly opened my mouth and licked at the wetness. I felt an urge to please him again and did my best to take in as much as I could.

“Now, now, don’t tire yourself out little one, plenty of time for that tomorrow.”

He removed his fingers from my greedy mouth and helped me to sit up. It was only then that I really became aware of the plug in my bottom. The look of surprise must have amused him as he chuckled when he said “I assume it fits well and is comfortable?”

“Yes Doctor…just a bit weird….”

“You’ll get used to it. Now I want you to head back out to reception and Milly will show you to your new room. Take the rest of the day to rest and do your homework and we will see you tomorrow at 10am again.”

I nodded dumbly and pulled on my panties which had been left on the floor and bid him goodbye until tomorrow.

This new job was certainly odd but I certainly think I could get used to it! Well that’s what I thought anyway…

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