The First Summer

Big Tits

The boy lay on his back on the sand. He gazed casually along the beach, half asleep in the warm sunshine. His family had been on holidays there for three days now. There wasn’t much else to do except swim and lay on the beach.

The beach was deserted. It was next to the cabin where he was staying, but most people walked around the headland to the main surfing beach where the waves were better. He had done that the last two days, but the beach was crowded and noisy, and all he wanted to do today was to relax.

As he lay there he dreamed that he was on the beach in Hawaii, surrounded by dusky maidens in grass skirts who were dancing the hula. He had never had a girlfriend, and had not even kissed a girl. He was a bit shy and awkward around girls. He had no sisters, or even female cousins, and none of his friend had sisters around his age, so he hadn’t spent much time with girls. And of course all of the girls at school hung out together in groups and wouldn’t talk to him.

Through half open eyes, he saw a figure come out of the bushes a bit further along the beach and walk in his direction. As the figure neared him, he saw that it was a girl. He watched her as she approached him. She was wearing shorts and a little top that was knotted at her waist. She looked to be about his age, but she was tall with slim tanned legs and long brown hair. She smiled at him as she walked past.

He thought that she was the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen.

He watched her walk along to the end of the beach, and then she crossed the headland and went over to the surfing beach. On an impulse, he jumped up and set off in the same direction.

He walked all around the beach but he could not see her anywhere. Then he saw a towel Alanya Escort escort on the sand that looked like the one that she was carrying. She must be in the water, he thought. So he dropped his towel near hers and went into the surf. It didn’t take long for him to find her, and he managed to ‘accidentally’ run into her in the surf. He stood up to apologize, and she smiled at him again.

He offered to teach her to catch the waves, and she agreed. She squealed each time she was dumped by a wave, but she soon learned to surf well enough for both of them to have fun.

They walked together up the beach to where they had left their towels, dried themselves a little, and lay down on the sand. She wore a white two-piece swimsuit, and her skin was very brown.

Her name was Danielle, and she was French. She lived in Canberra with her family, and her parents both worked at the French embassy there. This was the first time that she had come to the coast for a holiday.

She was easy to talk to, and she had a delightful laugh. He loved her accent, as she sounded exactly the same as French girls that he had seen in the movies. They talked for a long time, and then they decided that it was time to return home. They crossed the headland and walked along the beach until they came to the track that led up to his house. He stopped. She simply said ‘goodbye’, smiled, and continued along the beach to her cottage. He watched her until she disappeared into the bushes.

The next morning he was up bright and early and went to lie on the beach. He lay in the same place as he had done yesterday, but this time he did not feel the least bit sleepy. He saw her as soon as she walked out of the bushes onto the beach.

He Alanya Escort bayan fixed what he fondly imagined to be an engaging smile on his face, sat up and waited for her. When she reached him she stopped, smiled and said hello. Then she asked him if he was going to the surf beach today. He said that yes, by coincidence, he was just about to go there.

They spent the day together at the beach. As they were walking back home he mentioned that there was a movie showing in the open-air cinema that night, and asked if she would like to go with him. She said yes. They agreed to meet outside the cinema at 7:30.

As they watched the movie she sat close to him. Her presence, and the smell of the perfume that she was wearing, gave him strange feelings like nothing that he had ever experienced before.

Towards the end of the movie she said that she was a little cold. He reached out and put his arm around her. She said that was nice and snuggled up next to him.

They held hands and talked about the movie while they walked home. When they came to her front gate, she turned to him and kissed him softly on the lips. Then with a whispered ‘see you tomorrow’ she ran into the house.

They met on the beach again the next day and spent the day together, but she did not seem to be as happy as usual, and she didn’t talk very much. He wondered if he had done something to upset her the night before.

When they reached the path behind his cottage, she turned to him and he could see that there were tears in her eyes. She told him that her family would be leaving tomorrow. Then she said ‘meet me here tonight at 8 o’clock’, and she turned and ran down the beach.

They met on the beach that night as planned. Escort alanya He was glad to see that she was more cheerful than she had been earlier that day. They sat on the sand and talked for a while, and then she said, “let’s go for a swim!” Before he could reply, she stood up and pulled off her T-shirt. In the moonlight he caught a tantalizing glimpse of one of her breasts. Then she peeled of her shorts and ran giggling into the water.

He took of his shirt and shorts and ran after her. The water was only waist deep here, and there was no surf. They laughed and splashed each other, and she seemed to be back to her old self. Then she stood up in the water and faced him. Water droplets glistened on her breasts in the moonlight. He thought that she looked like a water nymph rising up from the sea. She came up to him, put her arms around his neck, and kissed him. He was amazed by the intensity of her kiss, and when her tongue found his he thought that his head was going to explode.

She unwrapped herself from him, took his hand and led him silently to the beach. At the water’s edge she turned and kissed him again. Then she whispered, “Make love to me!”

She pulled him down onto the sand, and they made love in the moonlight, slowly, wonderfully. He had thought about this moment, dreamed about it a thousand times, but nothing that he had imagined could compare with the sensations, the emotions that he was feeling now. And he loved the way that she responded to him, and her little moans and sighs of pleasure that became more and more urgent until they both erupted together in a tremendous climax.

They lay together for a long time, not wanting the moment to end. Finally she said that she had to go. They dressed, and she gave him a final kiss and said that she would always remember their time together. Then she turned and walked away in the moonlight.

He watched her until she disappeared into the night, and then he turned to go home. He knew that he too would always remember that summer on the beach.

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