The First Time


Against all odds work has summoned me to your town. We have chatted, flirted, sexted, cammed and swapped pics for ages but we have never met. We never expected to meet. The distance between seemed insurmountable. But, weirdly, my work is sending me to your town for three days. I will have a single evening to myself. I let you know but you are not sure you can get out of prior commitments in time to come and see me. I hope for the best. Work puts me up in a shithole hotel. I text you. “Tomorrow any time after 4 or never. xoxo” You text back, “I won’t know until tomorrow after lunch. I’ll let you know asap.” You send a pic of you almost naked. Standing in front of a bedroom mirror I think. You wear that see-thru red bra and panties you know drives me wild. Your right hand is down inside your panties. I want to wank immediately but I also want to save everything for you if we meet. The next 24 hours are almost unbearable. The thought of finally touching your skin, hearing your breath, tasting you… I have brought a bag of fun toys to play with you in case we can get together. I hear nothing from you while at work the next day. I assume you can’t make it. I get back to the hotel just before 4. I shower. I get a raging hard on as I think of your naked Bolu Escort body and imagine you in the shower with me. Again, I want to wank to relieve the fiery urge for you. Again, I resist just in case we actually get together. As I’m drying I see a notification on my phone “See you soon.” I have no time to think about it. There is a knock at the hotel door. I wrap a towel around myself and go to open the door. It is you. You wear straight street clothes. A white, pinstriped, front buttoned, sleeveless dress. Big dark sunglasses. And a fuck me smile. I have a hotel towel around my waist, dripping wet. In that instant, two alternate futures play out in my mind. One, I grab you, throw you across the room to the bed, rip the buttons of your dress, tear off your underwear with my teeth and ravage you, unleashing a year’s worth of pent up lust upon your flesh. Two, something slower and far more delectable. I smile slowly. You go to speak. I put a finger to your lips to quieten you and take you by the arm and bring you inside. I close the door and lead you to sit on the bed. You go to speak again and once more I quiet you with a finger to your lips.I nearly lose it. That touch. My finger on your lips. They are so soft. So delicate. The touch Bolu Escort Bayan is electric. I am so close to just ravaging you.You haven’t worn make up. No lipstick, although you know how well I love your lips bright red. My skin directly on yours. The faint touch of your moist lips on my finger. I feel a burning coal of lust in the pit of my stomach. You go to remove my towel but I hold your hands aside and lie you gently back on the bed. When you are lying back I remove your sunglasses and place my hand over your eyes. I move my mouth so close to your ear you can feel my lips move when I whisper, “Do you trust me?”You turn your head and try to look at me but I keep my hands across your eyes.”Just shake your head, yes or no,” I whisper again. “You have your safe word.” We established safe words early on in our online adventures as a way of telling one another if either of us were pushing too hard. You nod, “Yes.” A gentle movement of your head. So reserved. So slight. Like a breath on a summer evening.”Lie back and keep your eyes closed,” I tell you. You do. You only hear me rummaging about. A bag unzips, things move and brush against each other. I lower a blindfold around your head. Lambskin, soft, elastic around your Escort Bolu head to keep it in place. “Don’t speak. Don’t move.” You hear me toss my towel away. I kneel over your stomach. My legs either side of you. I reach for the first button on your dress. A large one. I see that three of them will get me down to your belly button. I toy with the first one. You squirm a little.I undo the first and tug open your dress a little. It almost exposes your breasts but not quite. The hint of your nipples. You are not wearing a bra. I know you have done that for me. You don’t know it but I am erect now.I undo your second button and pull open your dress further. Now your breasts are displayed for me. I overcome my urge to play with them and undo your third button, pull you dress further open, then the fourth and fifth. You aren’t wearing knickers.Your soft skin so cleanly waxed, smooth and I want it. I want you. I am literally throbbing. Then the last two buttons and your dress is entirely open and laid wide. You are naked before me in the flesh for the first time. I lean down across you. My chest against yours, but I hold my erection away from you. It doesn’t touch your trembling skin.I whisper, “Do not move. Do you understand?” You nod agreement. I get off you and you hear me rummage in the bag again. You feel the trail of a coarse rope across your stomach. You tremble. It nearly tickles. Your anticipation is exquisite. I know it. I let the rope drag across your body so you can feel the snakelike promise of it.

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