The Foibles of Self-Pleasuring Ch. 02


A few days after my first misadventure with “individual sexual activity”, I was still feeling that itch that I had gone without for so many years. How do men get any work done, with all that sex on their minds all day long? My time was just not my own, as my mind continually drifted from its scheduled activities (paying the bills, balancing the checkbook) to more preferable ones (imagining my husband taking me from behind against the kitchen counter or thinking about the sexy outfits I’d wear on our Vegas vacation later that summer and how they would drive him crazy). How can anyone concentrate with a mind that can’t stop thinking about sex?

And yet, there was no way I was going to attempt to bring this to closure with a handy vibrator-assisted orgasm. We all know how that went last time! I didn’t want to spend another entire day trying in vain to pleasure myself. How depressing that my mind was suddenly in the mood and my body decided not to cooperate.

So, I decided, why waste the pleasure and the excitement and the orgasm on myself and an empty house? Why not wait until later that evening when I could share my newfound enthusiasm for sex with a willing participant? Couldn’t I just wait until after the kids were in bed and attack my husband? Maybe there was a way to feed my sexual pleasure and keep it going all day so I’d be ready for some real sexual adventures later in the evening.

After I finished exercising, I showered and went to my closet to get dressed. Rather than the usual comfy underwear, I dug into the back of my lingerie drawer and pulled out a thong. I’m not usually a big fan of them, but I figured that feeling that skinny swath of cloth between my legs all day would help keep me turned on.

OK, escort bayan what else can I do to make myself feel sexy? I thought for a while, and then even went into our ‘sex drawer’ to see what props from our past adventures I could find. I rifled around, pushing aside the vibrator (still needs batteries), the butt plug (which I like but won’t admit it out loud), the soft handcuffs (ditto), and the hairbrush (no comment). Aha! During one of our adventurous vacations without kids, my husband had brought these rubber band things that wrap around my nipples. The bands place pressure on the nipple, causing that ever favorite pleasure/pain combination.

This is what I’d do – wear the nipple bands and cover up the evidence – my extremely pointy nipples – with a padded bra. No one would know but me, and I’d have the pressure of the band wrapped around my nipples all day, turning me on so that I’d attack my husband the second the kids were deposited in their beds.

I grinned as I put the bands on, pleased with my creativity and knowing my husband would be wild with desire when he found out what I’d done. I got dressed and headed downstairs to work on the bills, the checkbook, all the things I couldn’t get into earlier.

About half an hour later, I headed up to the bathroom to get ready to go out to the grocery store. Walking into the bathroom, I stuck my hand down the back of my pants for the tenth time, to pull the thong underwear out of my butt crack. Turns out the thong was more annoying than sexy – but I was sticking with it for now.

I put on my lipstick and was all ready to go to the store, when I decided to check out the state of my nipples. They were a little sore, but I couldn’t really altıparmak escort bayan feel the nipple rings, so I thought I’d adjust myself in the bra, or touch myself, or something to help supplement the pleasure I was supposed to be feeling on a steady basis with the rings.

I lifted up my shirt and pulled back my bra to reveal my left nipple. It was stretched out and a bit red from the nipple ring. It felt quite sore when I touched it and I decided that perhaps wearing them all day wasn’t so wise. When we had ‘played’ with them before, I think I wore them for about ½ hour before we took them off. So much for my sexy plan, I thought as I yanked at the ring. It was NOT easy to rip that thing off my nipple, and I yelped in pain as I rolled the band off my very sore nipple.

Then, I pulled back the other side of my bra to reveal my right nipple and gasped. It was purple! I had somehow managed to completely cut off the circulation to the nipple! I couldn’t believe I was going to go to the store with these on! I could have completely cut off the blood supply to my right nipple and ended up nipple-less! And for what? Because I was horny? I had to get this sex thing under control!

But first things first – I had to get this nipple ring off my nipple before I lost all sensation in my nipple for good! I tried to pull the ring off as I had done with the left side. “FUCK! That hurts!” What an incredibly painful piercing feeling! Guess it wasn’t completely numb yet.

I tried again, rolling the nipple ring to get it off my nipple. “FUCK FUCK FUCK!”

I cursed. The dog looked up at me. “OK, I know I’m an idiot! Don’t look at me like that!”

I had to act quick. nilüfer eskort I was in a lot of pain and I was afraid it would just get worse. I tried one more time – pulling as hard and as quickly as I could. “YOW! OW OW OW OW OW OW!” No luck. It wasn’t budging. I pulled out the little pump device that I had used to attach the ring, to see if it would help me detach it. “YOW!” No luck. I tried to pull the ring off again, screaming in pain. More pain – no movement.

How was I going to ever get this thing off? I could try to cut it, but that would cut my nipple for sure – no good. I had already tried pulling with all my might with no luck. Was I going to have to take myself to the emergency room and admit my problem? Or, worse, call my husband and ask him to come home from work to help me? How does he explain to his co-workers that I pulled him out of his meeting because of a sex toy mishap? What if the kids got home from school and I was still in the emergency room? I would be the laughing stock of the neighborhood. Was that better or worse than going through life with no right nipple?

The more I thought about these options, the more desperate I got. I finally took a deep breath and then firmly grabbed the ring and pulled. I focused on the task and tried to ‘breathe through the pain’, like I had learned in Lamaze class. I pulled and breathed and pulled and breathed and finally, the ring came off. My nipple was purple and seriously sore, but at least there would be no emergency room trip now.

I breathed a sigh of relief and then got dressed. My nipples were carefully housed in my softest padded bra, but now very uncomfortably sore. So much for a little sexual excitement. There was NO WAY anyone was touching these nipples tonight!

Well, that was it for me that day. Whatever sexual desires or needs that were distracting me from my daily grind this morning were GONE for sure by now. I resigned myself to another ho-hum day, changed back into my plain old underwear, and headed out to the grocery store.

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