The Internship Ch. 06

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Author’s Note: This series simply could not have been written without the help of a special person—Mr. X, aka “Daddy Q”—friend, editor, biggest supporter and toughest critic.

For anyone wondering about a sequel—I definitely see Dave and Stacey’s story continuing beyond the Internship, but I have no concrete plans at the moment. Please see my Author’s page for any updates.

Again, thank you so much for your comments and feedback! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading as much as I’ve enjoyed writing.

As usual, all characters engaged in sexual activity are over the age of 18.



“Well,” said a man with a German accent. “Congratulations, Dave. I think this is going to be a wonderful partnership.”

Another man with a French accent got up to shake Dave’s hand. “Yes, congratulations! Here’s to a long, lucrative enterprise.”

Dave Wilson was standing in a circle of men, dressed in his best suit, smiling broadly with relief and happiness. He’d done it.

It was two weeks after the confrontation in his office with Fred, Paula and Kathy, and Dave was in a posh hotel room in Washington, DC. Stacey was back in Raleigh relaxing and looking forward to their trip. When he’d told her he had an urgent matter to attend to that necessitated a quick trip up the coast, she immediately wanted to know why.

“But what are you doing there?” she demanded.

“I’m meeting with my contacts and I’m going to try and make this deal. Now, with no delay. Before the convention.”

“Wow!” Stacey exclaimed.

“Yes, honey. It’s the best way. I have to try and get a head start on these assholes and head off any problems. Wish me luck, baby girl!”

Before he’d left, Dave had had a long talk with a whipped, frightened Fred, telling him, “I’ve thought about this and I decided the best course of action is to let this plan of Preston’s play out exactly as he has it planned. I believe you when you say it can only get worse. So let them think it’s all going to plan. Talk to Preston. Carry on. If they want to call in a tip-off, let them. If you get hauled in for questioning, go right ahead. But in that case, here’s what you’re going to do…”

Meanwhile, Dave called all of his contacts within the foreign auto companies he knew to set up a “preliminary” meeting. They were all in the country anyway conducting various business meetings ahead of the convention. They were all happy to meet, thinking he wanted to go over terms one last time. They had no clue that when he flew up he had a hefty check for $3 million in his briefcase, as well as new, updated financial statements showing his true net worth.

At their meeting, the men were very pleased. David Wilson had come through in a big, big way. They were delighted with his new financials and furthermore he was such a pleasant man. If anything they wanted to sign the papers as quickly as possible, before he changed his mind.

But right before Dave had to sign, his pen hovering in front of the papers, he spoke.

“There’s just one thing, gentlemen… I need your cooperation with a little matter going on down in Raleigh, before I sign this agreement. Would you hear me out?”

Later, his plans in place, the cooperation of the auto companies guaranteed, his franchise a done deal, Dave flew back on a late flight, eager to get home to Stacey, his mind and heart lighter than it had been in a very long time.

When he arrived home, he found Stacey was fast asleep in his bed. He showered and curled up next to her, spooning into her body and never feeling so at peace.


Dave was awoken what seemed like minutes, but was in fact hours later, by Stacey’s voice and a punch on his arm.

“What happened?!!”

Dave sat up, smiled deeply, and spread his arms wide. “It’s done, baby girl. You’re looking at the new CEO of ‘Wilson Elite Auto Repair’—a Division of Wilson Enterprises.”

“Oh Daddy!” Stacey cried. “I’m so happy for you!” She leaned in for a romantic hug, kissing his face and neck.

“Now that’s a nice welcome home! Come here. I love you too, baby.” Dave gave her a deep, sweet kiss.

“I can’t tell you how much it means to me to be able to come back here and share this news with you,” Dave said. “I couldn’t have done it without you. And I mean that.”

“What will people say when they find out?”

“Well, I asked my contacts not to say anything about it for the time being. I want them to announce it only when I tell them the time is right. I think we have a few more things to take care of first, don’t you?”

Stacey smiled. “Hmmm… I guess so. What do you have in mind?”

Dave laughed. “Well… I’m going to take my beautiful daughter to her favorite resort. We’re going to celebrate in private,” he whispered. “And while we’re down there, we’re going to… meet up with some old friends. On my terms. What do you say?”

“It’s perfect…” Stacey murmured, as she pushed her body into his. She couldn’t wait to “celebrate!”

“Tonight, baby…” he whispered. “We have a long illegal bahis trip ahead of us. Speaking of which, I have an idea.”

“Yes?” she smiled. His ideas were always good.

“What do you say we take a little side trip and visit your campus? You haven’t been there yet. We can walk around and see the sights—Hey, hey, what’s this?”

Dave saw that Stacey’s eyes had filled with tears.

“Hey, hey,” Dave said again, holding her chin and looking in her eyes. “None of that. I want you to be happy, and excited.”

“I am,” Stacey said in a choked voice.

“But…oh!” She leaned in again and hugged him so tight Dave could barely breathe.

“Honey, it’s only a few hours away. ” Dave kissed the top of her head. “We’ll see each other all the time. Plus, with this franchise, I am going to be doing so much travel—I’ll hardly be here.”

Stacey couldn’t speak and just held him tighter.

“I won’t be able to do my job unless I know that you’re happy. You’ll be studying, and meeting so many new people. It’s a good thing, baby.” But Dave couldn’t deny his chest had become terribly constricted and a horrible ache was already erupting in his heart. “Shh… We have long day ahead of us. There’s another little side trip I want to make on the way down.”

He pulled her away from him and saw that Stacey had stoically managed not to burst into sobs.

“Good girl,” he said smiling. “Let’s get ready. Aren’t you looking forward to the beach?”

She nodded reluctantly.

Dave laughed. “So am I.” He reached down and caressed her hips, her waist, and up to her breasts. “Don’t you want to show me some of those new bikinis?” His hand reached her hair and he pulled her lips in for a deep, slow kiss, whispering, “Let’s have a wonderful time, just the two of us…”


Dave noticed Stacey was in a glum mood as they began their trip, so he tried his best to cheer her up.

“Well, don’t you want to know my plan?”

“Oh?” She perked up. “By the way, I forgot to tell you, Joyce is bringing Jamal with her!”

Stacey absolutely adored children. She was looking forward to some time with Joyce and her son on the beach.

“And Josh…” she said, knowingly.

Dave laughed. “Josh and… Joyce?”

“Yes! Don’t laugh. They’ve been spending some time together. What? He’s hot!”

“Well, I guess, you would know. It’s just… he’s quite the country and western. He just doesn’t seem her type. And how is she explaining that to her son?”

“Well he’s not staying with them! He’s got a hotel, I think. And, well, I’ll be happy to take Jamal off her hands in the afternoons.”

“I’m sure you would.”

“Ok, tell me your plan.”

“Well… remember what you noticed when you read Fred’s dismissal letter? You said, ‘If there was nothing to it, why didn’t they arrest him?’ Remember?”

“Yes, I remember.”

“So… I’ve told Fred, and Paula and Kathy, not to say a thing about what’s happened. As far as Preston and those fucks know, I’m about to get ‘caught’ embezzling from my own company. I want them to keep thinking that! Meanwhile… wouldn’t it be nice to expose who the real criminals are?”

“But how can we do that?”

“Oh it’s all Fred. He has tons of evidence against Broughton—letters and documents. And if he gets brought in for questions about my company, guess whose company he’s really going to be spilling the beans about?”


“Of course. Though not right away. He’s going to wait. And I’m going to make it seem like I’m in big trouble. Daddy’s name and company could be dragged through the mud. And I’ve told our three friends Fred, Paula and Kathy to just let it all happen.”

“Sneaky, Daddy.”

“So you better be prepared. Some bad press could be coming my way.”

“But what about your deal? Won’t it affect it?”

“The deal’s done, baby. I told my contacts all about it. They know exactly what’s going on. They’re not stupid. They know local business can be petty and cutthroat. So when I explained what’s going on, they were completely understanding. Of course, handing them $3 million and telling them my company is worth twice what they thought didn’t hurt. I simply asked them to do nothing and say nothing until I tell them the time is right.”

“Clever!” Stacey said, smiling.

Dave noticed Stacey was in a much better mood. Good. Once she had something to challenge her, a project to occupy her mind, and once she delved into her studies, she’d be fine, he knew it.

“And little girl, remember Daddy’s No. 1 Rule: Daddy’s always right!” They both laughed at this remark that was so personal to them.

When they stopped and walked around Stacey’s new school, a small college within the UNC system, Dave made a point of keeping her mind focused on work, talking up the business program, her course of study. And it really was a beautiful place, nestled at the foot of some mountains. It was only three hours away—an easy trip, which he stressed to her.

“We’ll see each other all the time. casino siteleri And look, this is just gorgeous here, isn’t it?” he said as they walked taking in the sights with his arm around her shoulders.

Stacey had to agree. Wooded hills surrounded the quaint campus, which had an old Southern charm to it. It gave her a warm feeling. If she had to leave him, this was a nice place to go.

“Yes,” she said, giving him a big smile. “Thank you for bringing me here. I’m glad you did.”

As soon as they got back in the car, Stacey asked Dave, “So what was this other side trip you mentioned?”

Dave hesitated. “Well… I’m not sure, maybe you won’t want to go.”

“What is it? Tell me!”

“Well, honey, we’re not too far from where I grew up. I was thinking of going back there and visiting the old place.”

Stacey looked at him in surprise. “Of course I want to go. I’ve been wondering about it ever since that meeting.”

“Oh? What happened at the meeting?”

Stacey looked at him. “Daddy. When are you going to tell me the truth? All those things Fred said, about you being a ‘hick’ and a ‘redneck’ and ‘white trash.’ Is that true?”

“Actually, honey, it’s true.”

“Well why didn’t you ever tell me? Why didn’t you ever talk about it?”

“Ah… I guess I thought you were too young to understand. Or you just didn’t need to know about all that.”

“It’s my family, too. I want to know about it. Tell me.”

“I can do better than tell you, I can show you. You want to go then?”

“Yes. Where is it?”

“Just a little town outside Greenville. Jesus. I haven’t been there in years.”

Stacey suddenly recalled the vague memory she had of going to her grandfather’s funeral. “That’s right! When I was ten! You took me. I remember.”


“What about your mother? My grandmother?”

“Oh she died a couple of years ago.”

“Didn’t you go? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“There was no funeral. She was all alone. I took care of it. Stacey, I was not close to these people. I hated bringing you down there. Why bring you just to take care of some formalities?”

“So then why do you want to go now?”

“Oh, I guess… we’re here, after all. And things are all sewn up with this deal. Perhaps it feels…”

“Safe?” Stacey said.

“Yes, I guess. I want to really put it behind me.”

“Let’s do it, Daddy. I want to see.”

As Dave got off the highway and started driving through meandering country roads up into the mountains, he thought, “Well, this does seem appropriate. They had just visited the scene of Stacey’s future… why not go visit his past… which was her past, as well.”

They arrived finally at a tiny little town. Barely a town, just a few buildings. He kept going, taking a few more turns until they got to a very desolate, dirty looking spot with some abandoned trailers, septic tanks, rusted cars, and random chickens pecking through the mess. He parked his luxury BMW SUV in the dirt. No one was around. His family was all gone. Further back, up against some trees where heavy woods began, he could see his old house.

Despite himself, no matter how far he’d come, he couldn’t help feeling the old anxiety. Heavy emotions pressed on his body. Here he was. David Wilson, CEO of a brand new, national chain of elite auto repair shops. And it had all started here, with his desperate days and hours spent working on cars, reading manuals, teaching himself everything. He could still see a few old cars dotted in the landscape. Here he was, with his daughter, revealing the past he abhorred, while showing her what a wonderful future he imagined for her.

He took Stacey’s hand and they walked up a little ways to the old house.

“Not much, is it?”

“It’s your life. I want to see. It’s fine.”

“Well it’s not just me, baby girl. I never told you this, but you spent some time here, when you were very little.”

“I did? I have no memories of that at all!”

“Good!” Dave laughed. “Thank god for that!”

“When?” Stacey asked.

“When you were just born. I brought you up here and Mama and Daddy took care of you for a while when I couldn’t. I was just trying to get on my feet, was dirt poor and needed to carve out a life for me and my baby girl.”

“Wow…” said Stacey, trying to process this information. “Look at this place!”

It was truly a sad-looking house, more like a shack, with two big rooms and a porch. “I can’t believe this is where you grew up.”

“Yep, this is it. Not much.”

They walked around the area for quite a while holding hands, while Dave talked and Stacey listened. He told her everything—his parents, his childhood, how much he hated it and couldn’t wait to get out; and then, having her, coming to visit her, his worry about her. He talked for an hour, just letting it all out in an unrelenting stream of both confession and embarrassment. Stacey was quiet and let him talk, surprised at how much he’d kept from her. She held his hand tight, knowing this was important poker siteleri for him to do.

Finally they ended up in a secluded spot. Dave sat down under a tree while Stacey lay down with her head in his lap gazing up at him. She held one of his hands while with the other he caressed her hair and face.

“Thank you for letting me tell you all that. Are you sure you don’t mind?”

“Of course not. It’s my life, too. And I think you are an incredible man, David Wilson.”

Dave laughed. “Is that so?”

“Yes! You’ve come such a long way! Look at where you are now!”

“Yes,” Dave said, with more happiness that he had ever felt. “I have, haven’t I?”

“And the best part of all is that I have you.” He gazed down at her sparkling green eyes. She had never looked so beautiful. “Baby, listen to Daddy. Anything can happen in this world.”

He gazed down at her for a minute before he leaned down to kiss her. Stacey grasped his head of curly hair and pulled his mouth down hard on hers.

Dave pulled back, stroking her hair and looking at her. “If anyone had told me twenty years ago that I’d make this deal, that I would become the CEO of my own national chain… I would have said they were crazy! Or that one day you and I would be…” He trailed off.

“What…?” said Stacey, smiling.

Dave groaned and rubbed her stomach. He felt himself getting hard as he smiled at her sweet loving face, knowing he was going to be with her later on… God he couldn’t wait! He ran his hands up to her breasts and found her nipples.

“I do so love fucking my beautiful baby…” he whispered. “Do you like it, honey?”

Stacey smiled at him, her eyes bright and promising. She arched her back so her breasts pushed towards him, her hard nipples straining through her shirt. “What do you think, Daddy? Oh!”

Dave was squeezing her breasts, studying them, thinking about how he wanted to see them later, in the firelight. How he wanted to revel slowly in her body and make her come again and again.

“I think… you want Daddy’s big cock in you again…” he said as he kissed her deeply.

“Oh!” Stacey feigned shock. “Is that all?”

Dave laughed. “What else did you have in mind?”

“Oh, much more,” Stacey said as she leaned up to kiss him hard. “Let’s go…”


By the time Dave and Stacey arrived at the beach house, the sun was setting. Emerald Isle was just a long, narrow, practically uncultivated strip of land attached to the mainland, where the actual convention would take place. But most people stayed on the island. It was the southern Hamptons, dotted with huge mansions for the wealthiest to come and get away. Dave had found a small little place at the very tip of the island; it was completely sheltered by palm trees and flowering gardenia bushes. A narrow pathway led down to the rocky beach.

The house had an outer deck with a sunken hot tub and a fire pit, large comfortable lounge chairs and a little bar. It was small but luxurious.

As soon as they got in, Dave and Stacey threw their stuff down and headed right to the bed. Dave got on top of her, looking into her eyes and smiling before kissing her. His hands roamed down to her breasts and hips as Stacey moaned and kissed him back.

Dave’s hand slid between her legs and up under her skirt.

“I have an idea…”

“Yes?” Stacey whispered.

“Hmmm, let’s take a quick shower first and clean up from our drive. Then I’ll get a fire started outside…” he said, kissing her neck, “And Daddy will do something very sweet and special for you.”


“Come here, baby…” They discarded the clothes they had worn the whole day, piece by piece, leaving a trail of their modesty as they walked to the luxurious bath.

Dave led her naked and sensuous body into the shower where they kissed and caressed and touched in delicious anticipation. Stacey gently soaped Dave’s soft cock while he lathered her breasts and his hand slid down to her pussy.

“It feels like you haven’t shaved in a while…”


Dave nuzzled her neck and whispered, “Let me do it for you… that was my idea… it feels like you need it, that’s good.”

“Oh!” Stacey gasped. “Oh that’s so hot!”

Dave turned her around and circled his hands on her slim waist. “I love the idea of shaving you!… I promise I’ll be very gentle.”

Stacey’s face was flushed and her nipples had jumped to attention, sticking out far from her body in electric excitement at the idea.

“Oh, yes, please!” she said, as Dave leaned down and took one hard, aching nipple in his mouth.


He turned off the water. “Ok, just put your robe on, baby girl, nothing else, and meet me on the deck.”

Stacey toweled off and dried her hair, then padded to the kitchen in a short silk robe while Dave went out to start a fire. She fixed something to eat and made Dave a strong mixed drink. What a wonderful day, and what a beautiful night! She pushed aside her anxiety about leaving for school and walked out to the deck full of lustful anticipation; he had a small fire going in the pit and had pulled a big comfy deck chair close up. Stacey handed him his drink.

“Oh, fantastic, honey, just what I needed. Now just a second, I’ll be right back.”

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