The Ladies of Summer

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Adrianna Chechik

Mme. Suzanne Rouchelay stood before the window of her quarters, looking out into the courtyard at the rows of flowers lining the path between the gate and the entrance of the house. It was quarter past noon and she was expecting her friend, Mlle. Louise for tea. They had met last month at a gala of a friend of her husband’s, the prominent socialite M. Claude Louise. Mlle. Louise was his daughter, no more than 19, and yet she found her company quite engaging as she herself was only of 25 years. Mme. Rouchelay had married quite older, M. Rouchelay himself being nearly 53. However, his higher society status and wealth accumulated over the years helped convince her to marry a man that was her elder by so many years. All the same he wasn’t a bad man to her, and in this instance he had his benefits for Mme. Rouchelay had been quite fond of Mlle. Louise’s company. As she stood there now, glancing into the gardens, reflecting on various things, Mlle. Louise passed into the gate.

Raymonde Louise walked gracefully into the courtyard of the Rouchelays on this warm day in a lavender dress that softly contrasted with the red and yellow foliage of the courtyard, a matching hat shading her tender face from the bright sun. Knocking on the door, she was at once greeted and admitted by the man servant of the Rouchelays, Alexandre. He bowed, took her hat, and directed her to meet Mme. Rouchelay in the tea room, then ascended the stairs to gather his mistress. Raymonde sat down on one of the chairs set up at a small tea table near the center that was covered by a nice white linen with a small vase in the middle. She heard footsteps descending the stairs and stood to greet Mme. Rouchelay as she entered the room. Alexandre left to the kitchen to fetch the tea.

“Bonjoir, madame,” said Raymonde Louise cordially as she curtsied. Mme. Rouchelay looked very lovely in a turquoise dress that was accented by a gold necklace which was adorned by turquoise jewels, speaking highly of her husband’s riches.

“Good day to you, Raymonde,” replied Mme. Rouchelay, “and nothing of this madame nonsense, please, call me Suzanne. No need to be so formal.”

“As you wish.” They both took a seat at the table and soon Alexandre had returned with the tea, pouring them both a cup. Mme. Rouchelay excused him from the room to give them privacy and they began to chat, discussing trivial things such as the lovely weather and the news of the day.

“Have you ever though of marrying?” questioned Suzanne, changing topics. “You are of age now to consider such things, you know.”

“I have,” Raymonde responded, “however I am yet to find a suitor whom I feel amorous enough towards to consider. My father introduces me to plenty of young men of good upbringing, and a few are nice enough I suppose, but many are rather haughty and full of themselves.”

“Would they support you well?” Mme. Rouchelay countered.

“Most certainly,” answered Raymonde, “however it is wise to marry more for than just wealth, is it not?”

“Do not underestimate the value of security in life, Raymonde, things like love can always form later.”

“Surely you are not supposing I should consider an unhappy life just for the riches, are you?”

Suzanne paused, collecting her thoughts for a moment. “Raymonde, would you think I am unhappy with my life?”

“Madame?” replied Raymonde, puzzled at Mme. Rouchelay’s question.

“Just a second ago you seemed to suggest that a woman who marries for wealth is one who lives an unhappy life. I am merely asking you if you think I am an unhappy woman.” Suzanne sipped her tea, looking over the top of it at Raymonde’s expression.

“Did you not wed M. Rouchelay for the love which he bestows upon you?”

“M. Rouchelay is indeed a very good man and I have grown quite fond of him over the years, however I shall admit that I was more enamored with his abundance of francs than with his charm when we first engaged.” Suzanne noticed the shocked face of her companion. “Oh, not to say I did not think much of him personally, he was and still is a good friend and I should never be away from his side, but I do find that I can share his wealth while having lovers on the side.” Through this whole revelation, Raymonde remained as still as a statue, staring wide-eyed as Mme. Rouchelay confessed her deviances to her.

“Do you not find that dishonest?” queried Raymonde.

“Oh pooh,” said Suzanne, “the man maintains his happiness in having me on his arm for eternity. He rather enjoys treating me like a queen, and as his queen I maintain my happiness by remembering I am still something of a young lady and need a bit more than the body of a graying old man. I say, why do you not do the same, Raymonde?”

Raymonde Louise could only latch onto her tea cup and stare down into her unfinished portion. Suzanne Rouchelay sensed her younger companion’s apprehension at the idea and backed off for a bit, sipping at her own cup again during the pause. Suddenly, as though spurred on by sudden sarışın porno inspiration, Raymonde spoke up.

“Have you… have you had many lovers?”

“Oh, heavens no, not many, just a few young men on an occasion here or there when the mood hit me. However, I kept none of them around too long as I would tend to grow tired of their frivolous attempts. I sometimes get the suspicions that so few of them can truly make a queen of me after the excitement of the affair wanes.”

“Would you think me capable of having lovers on the side?” asked Raymonde, whom the idea was beginning to grow upon after silently reflecting on all the well to due men her father had courted her with that were nice enough, but not quite what she needed. Mme. Rouchelay looked her over and smiled pleasantly.

“A pretty young girl like you could do quite well for herself one would think,” replied Mme. Rouchelay. Raymonde Louise’s face glowed with the compliment.

They continued to chat for a bit, nothing of much importance, but their fondness for one another’s company grew as they finished their tea. Occasionally they would glance across the table at one another, exchanging smiles and peering into one another’s eyes as though sharing the same thoughts of happiness. Mme. Rouchelay stood up after an hour and rang the bell to summon Alexandre to clear the table. She led Mlle. Louise over to the window, and then turned to her speaking up.

“I was thinking, Raymonde. Today is such a lovely day, it would be a shame to waste it indoors. I know of this spot outside of town that I like to frequent that’s just lovely. It’s a bit out of the way, but to be out in nature is just so peaceful. Would you like to join me?”

“Most certainly, madame,” said Raymonde.

“Then it is settled, let us be off!”

Summoning Alexandre once again, Suzanne had him go out to fetch the carriage as herself and Mlle. Louise gathered their hats and strolled through the garden before meeting Alexandre out front. As he held the carriage door open for them, the ladies stepped inside and Suzanne gave him orders to chauffeur them to her favorite spot. Alexandre began the horses and they were on their way, passing through town and into the countryside. Mlle. Louise watched out the window of the carriage as the scenery changed from townhouses, chatteus and cottages to the grassy French countryside that was speckled with flowers in bloom. They reached a heavily wooded area and the trees blurred past them as the carriage rolled on, the overhanging branches shading the road. It was in this wooded area that Alexandre stopped the carriage on the side of the road to let his passengers out.

“Thank you, Alexandre, please wait here for us. I shall be taking my usual tryst in the woods with Mlle. Louise here, so it may take a few hours.”

“As you wish, Madame Rouchelay,” nodded Alexandre, closing the carriage doors before tending to the horses.

“Come, Raymonde, this way.”

Suzanne led Raymonde through a little worn path through the trees, eventually becoming out of site of both the road and Alexandre. Raymonde looked around her setting as they walked, seeing not much of special interest in which she could figure would make Mme. Rouchelay desire to come here so often. By all appearances, pretty much no one traveled this small trail and it would appear to be a secret known only to Mme. Rouchelay. Sure, being out here in nature on such a fine summer day was a very pleasant change from the life in town, but it was quite the distance to travel for what was essentially a wooded path. Suddenly, as though embarking into a new world, the pair burst back out into the sunlight to find a wonderful large pond that made the center of this forest it’s home. The pond sat in the middle of a grassy area that slightly sloped down into it, creating almost a bowl of green filled with pristine water. Spotted here and there amongst the grasses were dandelions and it was then that Raymonde realized this was most likely what Mme. Rouchelay enjoyed about this area. In fact, she looked over at Mme. Rouchelay and could see her smiling with eyes closed facing up into the sunlight, enjoying the warmth on her face.

“Is this not just wondrous, Raymonde?” asked Suzanne. “I discovered this quaint pond one day after our carriage had hit a rock and busted a part that Alexandre needed to replace. The joys one can see just wandering off the beaten path.”

“Oui, madame,” agreed Raymonde, “It is very lovely. The sights, the scents, everything is fantastic.” Raymonde looked over at Suzanne to see her removing her hat. Beneath it lay Mme. Rouchelay’s chestnut brown hair, held up in a bun, a golden tint to it as the sun shone down upon her face. As she continued to watch her, Mme. Rouchelay reached up and let down her hair, the curls tumbling down to her mid back. Raymonde had to admit to herself that Mme. Rouchelay was indeed a beautiful woman.

“Would today not just make for a most wondrous swim in sert porno pond, Raymonde?” queried Suzanne as she felt the warmth of the daylight on her face.

“Oui, madame,” agreed Raymonde once again, “however it is something of a shame we haven’t our bathing clothes.” Suzanne looked over at her with a smile.

“Have you never gone in without?”

“I have never! That would be quite indecent, madame.”

Suzanne cocked an eyebrow at her at once for again being referred to as madame. “My apologies, Suzanne,” rectified Raymonde.

“You really ought to try it, it is quite exhilarating and refreshing. Perhaps today, as it is a most splendid time of the season to do so.”

“But perhaps we were to be caught,” protested Raymonde hastily. “The embarrassment and humiliation would be unbearable!”

“Pooh! We most certainly would not. Why is it do you think I have Alexandre chauffeur me here so often; for the scenery?” With that, Suzanne began to unbutton her dress as Raymonde looked on with astonishment painted on her face. Raymonde could not believe her eyes as one by one the buttons were undone, revealing Suzanne’s neckline and eventually her cleavage. Sliding the puffed sleeves down her shoulders, she slid the dress down into a pile at her feet. She stepped out of her shoes and the dress all at once, letting them lay in a pool on the grass. Raymonde could not believe her eyes, as Suzanne now stood before her in her undergarments and corset. She blushed at the exhibition and looked away.

“Are you shy about seeing me disrobe?” asked Suzanne.

“It is not something I should watch, Suzanne.”

“Fret not, I do not mind, and after all we are both ladies here, I haven’t anything you have not seen before. Besides all that, it’s more rude not to look at one at whom you are speaking.” At that thought, Raymonde made up her mind to turn and face Suzanne again who she found attempting to undo her corset.

“Hang it all,” exclaimed Suzanne in a frustrated tone, “these damned things are so bothersome to remove.” Raymonde was wide-eyed at hearing Mme. Rouchelay use such rough language, however she remained too speechless at the reckless abandonment of Suzanne’s clothing to say anything about her language. Raymonde remained very stunned as she stood there, almost staring, both shocked at the lewd display by Mme. Rouchelay and the fear of being caught.

“Ah, there we have it,” said Suzanne as she finally got her corset undone and tossed it aside on her growing pile of clothing. She looked over at Raymonde, now wearing nothing but her bloomers, stockings and camisole. She read the shock all over Raymonde’s face and chuckled, interrupting her thoughts.

“Here I take the good graces to invite you to my private spot, to invite you to swim with me, and allow you to watch me disrobe, yet you continue to stand there as a statue, not even giving me the honor to join me. I am almost insulted.”

“Oh, well… ” muttered Raymonde, snapping out of the trance this unforeseen event had put her in, “I just, well, it’s not to say your invite isn’t welcome, but, you see… ” Raymonde looked around the area as though she were looking out at an audience in a theatre. “I’m just not quite sure it would be safe.”

Suzanne smiled and walked over to her, helping Raymonde off with her own hat and tossing it to the ground. “My dear, I have done this dozens upon hundreds of times, and haven’t been seen but once. Now I insist you disrobe with me and join me for a swim. I promise you will not regret it. Or do I have to disrobe you myself?” She passed Raymonde a glance that both suggested she was joking and at the same time quite serious.

“I suppose then I shall do it myself,” said Raymonde shyly, letting down her own long, raven black hair. Giving the potential audience another look around, she began fumbling with the buttons on her dress, simultaneously stepping out of her shoes. She blushed knowing that Mme. Rouchelay stood no more than five feet from her watching and was amazed at her power of influence to get her to do such a thing. Slowly her own body was revealed and her skin flushed even more crimson now standing in stockings, bloomers, garter belt and brasierre. Mme. Rouchelay looked upon her, quite interested.

“No corset, Raymonde?” she questioned. “That is something of a surprise. You have such a wonderful hourglass figure, I though for sure you wore one.” Raymonde could only smile shyly as she detached the garter and rolled down her stockings. Suzanne had removed her own as Raymonde was fumbling with the dress buttons and was now lifting the camisole over her head. Raymonde stopped dead as she saw the magnificently large bosoms of Suzanne Rouchelay appear before her, her creamy skin looking wonderful in the bright sun. Slipping her bloomers down her legs, Suzanne finished exposing her body and stood before Raymonde waiting for her to finish, if not allowing her a chance to look her up and down. Raymonde did just that, unable sex hattı porno to avoid it. Suzanne was a lovely woman, from her chestnut curly hair to her large bust and full hips. Between those hips Raymonde’s gaze froze, realizing that her friend’s whole sex was on display, her thick brown pubic hair creating a lovely patch covering it. As she realized she was staring, she looked away quickly, causing Suzanne to snicker.

“Don’t worry, Raymonde, it is quite natural to want to look upon the body of another, as soon I will to yours.” This only cause Raymonde to blush further. “Hurry it up now and finish undressing so we can bathe before the sun goes down.” Raymond at once undid her brasierre, letting out her own pair of lovely breasts, although not quite the same large set that sat upon Suzanne’s chest. When she bent over to slide off her bloomers, Suzanne took the opportunity to have a glance at Raymonde’s behind. Suzanne thought is was such a perfect bottom, nearly the shape of a heart when bent. Looking over Raymonde, she adored her whole body. The handfuls of breasts, the thin waist, the round bottom, shapely legs, and of course her dark bush to match the hair on top.

“So very lovely, ” Suzanne said at Raymonde who maintained a solid blush across her face. “Come! Let’s go in,” she said and then sauntered slowly into the water. She stopped about waist deep before turning around to beckon Raymonde into the water. Raymonde looked upon the image of a beautiful woman’s torso popping up out of the water, the chilly waters making her nipples quite hard. Slowly, she followed Suzanne’s beckoning finger. The moment she was even in up to her knees, she felt her own nipples stiffen from the coolness of the water combined with the slight breeze blowing over them. As Raymonde reached the spot where Suzanne stood, she had to admit it felt very good to bathe in the nude on such a lovely day. She soon began to forget her own overexposure and laid back in the water, floating on her back on the surface as her legs dangled beneath her, only moving as the pond took her. She closed her eyes and felt the warmth of the sun on her bosom, a very relaxing feeling sweeping over her. If it had not been for Suzanne’s interruption, she could have gone into a trance, leaving her alone and at peace in this world.

“You are like a goddess of the lake floating there,” commented Suzanne, “very lovely indeed.” Suzanne licked her lips looking over Raymonde’s taunt body.

“Thank you very much, Suzanne,” replied Raymonde, “You were quite right about taking this swim, it is quite lavish.”

“Mmhmm, yes is is,” Suzanne said as she laid her head back, standing upright in the water, feeling the sun once again. Her hands were beneath the surface now, on her abdomen. Slowly she pushed them upwards, feeling her own skin until she cupped her own large breasts. She moaned again, causing Raymonde to look over.

“You are looking quite beautiful like this yourself,” said Raymonde.

“Do you like my body?” asked Suzanne. Raymonde could only nod a feeble “yes”. Suzanne smirked, knowing she had Raymonde’s full attention. Turning over, Suzanne stretched out on the surface to take a few long swimming strokes across the pond. Raymonde stood where she was, watching Suzanne’s lovely naked body as she swam. She found herself enjoying Mme. Rouchelay’s bubbly buttocks that stuck right out of the water as she swam. Raymonde herself didn’t even notice that while watching Suzanne her hand had slid into the water against her lower stomach and her fingers were now stroking her pubic hair. Catching herself in the act, she quickly pulled her hand away.

“Come join me,” called Suzanne from across the pond, waving her over. Raymonde swam over to where Suzanne was, allowing Suzanne an opportunity to check out her younger companion’s bottom as well. The middle of the pond was too deep for them to stand, so they both kicked their legs slowly and treaded their arms out to keep their heads above water. The ladies exchanged smiles as they swam in place, the fun of the afternoon painted on their expressions. Suzanne took Raymonde’s hands in her own, causing Raymonde to jump a bit.

“Don’t be so timid, Raymonde, we’re just swimming,” said Suzanne.

“I know, Suzanne, and it is a fine swim I’ve been having, however I’m just new to being so intimately close to another naked person like this. We are not children in a bath, you know.”

“Oh pooh,” exclaimed Suzanne roughly, “how can we have fun if you shall fear experience.” With that sentiment, Suzanne suddenly pulled in Raymonde closer and held her around the waist. Raymonde was shocked. “There, my girl, we can be no more intimate than our naked bodies being against one another and there is nothing left to fear.” Raymonde pushed away and turned her back.

“Madame Rouchelay! That is so improper!” Raymonde spat out, flustered and blushing, and pushed herself away facing back towards shore.

“Hang it all, just relax and have a good time, would you? Here I bring you to my favorite spot to enjoy yourself and you have done nothing but worry and complain. What at all is so improper about two ladies having a spot of fun in a secluded area? So we are without clothes, is that something so wrong that you should not even look at me?”

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