The Last Escort Part Twenty-One Chapters 81-84


Chapter Thirty-ThreeThe first week of work in London had been a successful one. McKinley felt a lot better about leaving Niles Lindhurst in charge of the London office after getting to know him better. Sure, he was a bit high maintenance, but his attention to detail was a plus.The second week would be long and tedious, as was typical of these transitions. So, Mac would make sure this weekend included plenty of time to enjoy being a tourist with Grace.“What do you feel like for dinner tonight, Grace?” Mac asked as he loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt. “Any kind of food works for me; I’d just like to get out of the hotel tonight.”“Hmmm,” she pondered the thought for a moment. “How about noodles?”“Italian or Chinese?” he asked, clarifying.“Chinese,” she said as she shimmied out of her navy-blue pencil skirt.Mac felt his cock twitch when he saw Grace standing there in the dressing room of their suite wearing nothing but a lacy red thong.“Fuck!” he said, realizing too late that he’d said it out loud.Grace laughed and said, “Later. I’m starving. What kind of clothes are we putting on?”Mac grinned wickedly. “If I had my way, we wouldn’t wear any clothes at all. But, since my hard-working assistant needs to eat, how about jeans and something sexy on top?”“Gimme ten minutes to get ready,” she said. She wasn’t sure if this was her boss making sure his assistant got fed or if this was a night out. He hadn’t mentioned his feelings for her all week, even though they continued to grow closer. So, she opted for an outfit that would be acceptable in either scenario.Nine minutes later, Grace appeared in the living room wearing straight-slim, light-washed jeans, a black lace cold shoulder top, and black slip-on Skechers. Her hair was down tonight in loose waves. She grabbed a light gray sweater and her cross-body handbag and said, “Let’s go!”Mac was amazed at how quickly she’d transformed herself from conservative businesswoman to casual sophisticate. He couldn’t help but wonder if she’d left the lacy red thong on or not.The Uber was waiting for them by the time they stepped out of the front doors of the hotel. Mac held her door open for her as she got in and slid across the seat. He got in next to her and confirmed the address of their destination with the driver.McKinley had selected a very casual restaurant called Ned’s Noodle Bar because it was close to the London Eye, and it was casual. Not that he minded fancy dinners. But it was nice to experience something a little more laid back once in a while. The food was delicious, and being out with Grace was delightful.After dinner, Mac held Grace’s hand as they walked along Belvedere Road. “The next stop on our date is The London Eye,” he said.Grace’s heart was aflutter. So, this was a date! Of course, it seemed like a date. But to hear him say the words out loud made her feel ridiculously happy inside.“Everything okay?” he asked her, sensing she had something running around in her head.“Better than okay,” she smiled.“You’re not afraid of heights, are you, Gracie?” Mac teased.“No, why do you ask?”“Because our ride will be a little longer than normal. I’ve arranged for a private pod, so we’ll be rotating for Ankara bayan escort about a half-hour.”“A private pod? Isn’t that rather expensive?” Grace asked.Mac tilted his head, “Grace, what’s the point of having shit tons of money if I never spend it on anything fun?”Grace laughed. He wasn’t wrong.“Besides, I wanted to be alone with you. I want to be able to kiss your neck without some horny teenager leering or some cranky old lady telling us to get a room.”Grace shivered a little. Just the thought of him kissing her neck had her aroused.During the first rotation, Mac was a perfect gentleman. He pointed out the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, and other iconic landmarks. She shared her wish list of places she wanted to go if time allowed before leaving London for Vienna. Mac tucked those away in his head. He’d make sure Grace saw as much as possible this weekend.He was about to kiss her when his phone rang. It was Alice. Mac surprised Grace when he let it go to voicemail.“Won’t she be upset that you didn’t take her call?” Grace asked.“If it’s important, she’ll leave a message,” Mac said, taking her into his arms.“Who are you, and what have you done with my boss?” she teased.“Your boss isn’t here right now, Gracie. Tonight, I’m your lover, and no one else in the world matters except you and me,” he said as he stared deeply into her eyes.He took her face in his hands and kissed her. It was slow and sensual and sent sparks flying for both of them.“I’ve never wanted a woman the way I want you, Grace,” Mac said as he broke off the kiss.“I’ve never wanted anyone like this before you either, Mac,” she replied. “You make me feel things I didn’t expect to feel.”Mac stepped away from Grace and went to the large window to look out over the city. He kept his gaze in that direction while he spoke. “If I’m cautious or seem hesitant at all with you, it’s only because Louise broke my heart. I never thought I’d allow myself to have feelings for anyone after her,” Mac admitted.Grace moved behind him and put her arms around his waist, resting her head on his back. “We’ve both been hurt, Mac. The scars of betrayal take a long time to heal. Maybe fate has finally decided to cut us each a break.”Mac turned to her and said, “Let’s go back to the hotel after this so we can make love. Then tomorrow, we can check out some of the places on your list together.”“Sounds wonderful!”When they walked into the hotel, the desk clerk stopped Mac. “Mr. Stewart! If you could wait just a moment, I have some messages for you. Hang on!”Mac took a quick peek at the messages and who they were from, then he tucked them in his pocket and turned his attention back to Grace. “Shall we go upstairs?” Chapter Thirty-FourAfter the first round of lovemaking, which had Grace riding on his cock while her gorgeous tits bounced up and down, Mac found himself curious about her piercing. He flicked the little gold ball. “So, I’ve never been with a woman who had a piercing here. It looks sexy. Does it, um, enhance things for you?”Grace laughed. “If by things you mean sex, then yes.”“Is there a special name for that type of piercing?” he asked.“Mm-hmm. It’s called Grace’s Escort bayan Ankara spectacular pussy piercing,” she said impishly.“You’re awfully sassy tonight,” he teased, giving her bottom a swat.“Maybe I just need to be spanked,” she said, almost taunting him.“Maybe you do,” he grinned wickedly.He rolled her over, so she was across his lap and used his hand to spank her bottom till it was a rosy pink. Then he reached between her legs and slid a finger into her wetness.Grace moved into a cat stretch pose before settling down to treat Mac to some erotic cock worship. She teased the head with the tip of her tongue and licked up and down his shaft. Then she took him all the way in her mouth, devouring him.Mac responded by adding another finger inside her. He moved his fingers in and out of her juicy wet pussy and made her moan.The vibrations on his cock from her moaning made his already hard cock feel like steel. He added a third finger and fucked her while she deepthroated his cock. Within minutes, they came together. Grace drenched Mac’s hand while rope after rope of his cum slid right down her throat.They lay there for a few minutes, enjoying the afterglow. Then Grace curled up next to Mac with her head on his chest.“I think I might be falling for you, Mac,” she said quietly. She hadn’t meant to say it out loud. But there it was.“I think I might be falling for you too, Grace,” he admitted while hugging her tightly.“What do we do about it?” she asked. She noticed he had followed suit and not used the L-word.Mac pondered the thought for a moment. “I think we keep enjoying each other and see where it goes. Does that work for you?”Grace nodded. “Yes, that works for me.”“I just…” Mac started.Grace cut him off. “Let’s not overthink this. Let’s just continue to get to know each other better both in and out of bed.”Mac smiled, “Fabulous.” He kissed the top of her head and asked, “Round three?”Grace picked her head up and grinned at Mac. “I’m quite satisfied, but if you really want another round of sex, I’d never turn you down.”“I’m good for now, but maybe we can have more dessert later,” he said.They continued to cuddle closely and were so cozy that they drifted off to sleep for a bit. A little after midnight, Mac was woken up by Grace’s tongue in his ear. “Want that extra helping of dessert now?” she whispered erotically.“Fuck yeah, I do!” Mac said, flipping her on her back. He lifted her legs in the air so that her ankles were resting on his shoulders. As he moved to enter her, his cock made an accidental detour and poked at her puckered rosebud.Grace laughed and said, “Baby, if you want that hole, you’ll need a lot more lube.”Mac was flustered. “I wasn’t aiming for that, sorry.”She smiled, “Well, just know that if you ever decide that you want to aim for that hole, I’m willing to give it a try despite your rather impressive package. Just make sure you’ve got lots of lube on hand.”Mac raised an eyebrow. “So noted,” he said. Then he sunk his thick meat into her hot, wet pussy.“Oh, God, Mac!” she moaned. “You’re so deep in me. It feels so good!”While he thrust into her pussy, he couldn’t help but think about how tight her ass would Bayan escort Ankara be. The thought got him so revved that he started pumping into her like a jackhammer. He reached down to play with her clit and had them both exploding in seconds.“Holy fuck, Grace!” Mac cried out as he erupted inside her. “You’re so fucking amazing!”Grace looked like a wanton slut with her tousled wavy hair and her flush cheeks.“Mmm, ditto!” Chapter Thirty-FiveMac woke up first, so he slid quietly out of bed and grabbed his messages from the night before, along with his phone.One message was from Alice, who was irritated with the fact that he’d let her call go to voicemail on his cell, so she had rung the hotel and left a message to please call her back. He’d call her in a bit.The second message was just a phone number and a request for a callback. He shrugged and dialed the number. A man with a French accent answered, “Allo?”“Hello, this is McKinley Stewart. I received a message to call this number,” Mac said.“Ah, oui,” the man said. “Thank you for returning my call. You were inquiring about Grace Remy. The information you sought was buried by someone with very cunning skills and high-security clearance. Fortunately, I was able to use some of my connections to uncover it. For that reason, the cost will be more than my usual fee. You understand, of course.”“Of course,” Mac replied. He felt a pang of guilt as he glanced toward the bedroom. He’d made this inquiry the night Grace had gotten ill after bumping into a former lover who had abused her. Now, he wasn’t so sure he actually wanted to dig into her past this way. But he’d committed to paying the private investigator, so he couldn’t back out now.“Once you send the additional funds electronically, you will receive my report via email. Thank you for your business, Monsieur Stewart.”Mac arranged for the payment and then decided to call Alice before he opened the email.“Hello, Alice. I’m sorry I didn’t return your call last night. I had a meeting that ran late, and I was tired.” He wondered why he felt compelled to lie to her and not just admit he was out with Grace.“Of course,” Alice said, sounding a little miffed. “I was trying to reach you to let you know that your housekeeper put in her notice. Her husband got a new job, and they will be moving out of the area. So, I’ve arranged for a cleaning service until you can hire someone new.”“For goodness’ sake, Alice. Surely you can place an ad for me and find a new housekeeper. I trust your judgment,” Mac said, a little annoyed.“Well, I just thought, perhaps, if Ms. Remy was still in need of employment when you return from Europe, that it might be nice to offer her the position,” Alice explained.“You want me to offer Grace a job as my housekeeper?” Mac asked incredulously.“Well, she will be out of a job when you return. I thought it would be a kind gesture.”“Alice, I doubt very much that Grace will want to clean my house and office. Just place an ad, please, and hire me a new housekeeper.”He shook his head and wondered why something that could have been handled with a text or an email was important enough in Alice’s mind to warrant calling the hotel. After he ended the call, Mac checked his email. He debated opening the report but decided to wait.The final message was about availability for a tour of the inner circle of Stonehenge. Mac called the tour company and made the arrangements for a sunrise tour the day before they left for Vienna. He thought it would be a lovely surprise for Grace.

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