The Making of Megan Ch. 02

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Things moved faster than Megan had anticipated. As the two girls were being bundled through the undergrowth to the side of the alleyway. Before she could say anything she and Kelly were being subjected to the same. All the captors’ eyes turned to Megan waiting for her to say something. She didn’t. Within a few moments they were all in amongst the small wooded area nearby. Megan could just see the other two some twenty meters away. From what she could see they were having their blazers removed and she could here them protesting loudly.

Megan took a breath to make her all-important announcement. As she did so the two girls who had hold of her arms began fumbling with her blazer.

‘Get off!’ she demanded.

She could see the same happening to Kelly who also protested. As Megan’s blazer was pulled from her shoulders she managed to speak out,

‘Leave me alone I am a teacher!’

Instead of stopping her captors laughed.

‘You’re joking,’ said one.

‘You’re only our age how can you be a teacher?’ said the other.’

Megan protested and repeated herself. She could see that the other two girls were how without their blazers and skirts.

‘Not my skirt,’ begged Kelly as they fumbled with its clasp.

Megan then realised that hers too was being undone.

All then went quiet when one of the girls holding Megan announced for them all to come over. Megan wondered what had caused her to say such a thing; maybe she believed that she was a teacher. That was not to be the case. Megan went bright red as the girl announced to the assembled crowd, including Estelle and Kelly, that Megan was wearing black underwear! In her desire to look the part she had fikirtepe escort not worried about her bra and knickers, she hadn’t imagined they would be on view.

The leader of the gang spoke,

‘In our school we are not permitted to wear provocative underwear. Only plain white undies and bra are permitted!’

She then ordered to two girls holding Megan to give everyone a better look! With this they pulled at the buttons on the white shirt and it was soon removed.

Megan could not believe what was happening to her. Standing in woodland only wearing black French knickers and a skimpy black bra, angel socks and black shoes. The girl in charge walked around her making comments about her slim body. However, she was mortified when she shouted out,

‘Her tits are so small she doesn’t need that bra!’

Megan was aware that she had small breasts but had leant to live with the fact that they had not grown much since she was fourteen. Then came the command to get the other girls down to their underwear. Which was carried out with much noise and jubilation plus a host of insults about the girls’ bodies. Fortunately they were all wearing approved underwear so what subject to as much humiliation as Megan.


For a few moments all seemed to go calm. Some of the Hazelmere girls along with their leader went off in to a huddle. They could be heard giggling and laughing. Estelle reasoned to herself that now they had been suitably punished they would probably let them go. The girls dared not to speak out. Megan felt incredibly guilty. She had promised to help her friends and had instead made everyone ten times worse. If only she had been more street-wise. gebze escort She plucked up courage and spoke to one of the Hazelmere pupils who were nearby.

‘Please have a look in my blazer, I can prove I am a teacher.’

The girls, to her amazement, did not argue but instead picked up the blazer and began fumbling through the pockets. She then produced the ID card and Driving Licence. She then smiled,

‘Good forgeries or did you borrow them from your sister?’

Megan tried to explain but the girl just walked off taking the evidence with her. She then handed to the leader, who looked briefly before placing them in her pocket.

The huddle then broke up and Megan hoped that her ordeal would be over. She was partially right. For it was not her that was now going to be the centre of attraction. Suddenly and without warning girls sped towards Estelle. She was grabbed by four of the girls including the leader. She was hurriedly taken back to the other clearing. They could her muffled cries. She was on the ground and they strained their necks to see through the vegetation, whilst their arms were held fast by the other four captors. Soon they could see one girl holding a white bra in the air like a trophy. Then another held a familiar pair of white knickers aloft. Shoes and socks were to follow. They then saw the bedraggled figure of Estelle being lead back. Her long blond hair fell on to her shapely pert breast as she stumbled across the harsh uneven ground. Many had commented that she had the pose, body and looks of model. May be it was that which had lead to her rivals singling her out for this treatment.


Whilst the others were shocked they içerenköy escort were also a little grateful that it was not them. Estelle at times did annoy them with her posing and constant talk of possibly becoming a model. As they pondered these things in their minds they couldn’t help but notice that Estelle was held by her arms, making it impossible for her to cover her nudity.

Kelly was grateful that it was Estelle they had singled out and not her. The other girls often talked down to her as they perceived she was not as academically gifted as they. Seeing Estelle stripped bare gave her a feeling of superiority which she very rarely felt. The added thrill of seeing a teacher, albeit a nice one, humiliated did her the world of good. How many times had teachers put her down and made her look stupid.

As she stood there in her underwear she was reminded of how in her second year at the school she had her Gym clothes taken from her locker. The teacher had made her wear her underclothes rather than excuse her the lesson. How ridiculous she had felt and how her friends and classmates giggled and mocked for months after the event. For any other girl in the class it would have been bad enough, but Kelly was had developed and blossomed a great deal more than they. She remembered how with every exercise and activity her breasts tried to escape from her lacy bra.

The final insult to the whole event was when Estelle and Any presented her with the missing gymwear that lunchtime! Seeing she was upset they made a half-hearted apology. Kelly had put the whole incident to the back of her mind, until now.

If there was a way she would keep the rest of her clothing on and prevent her breasts being revealed and ridiculed she would be one op on her so-called friends. Kelly wasn’t that she was gigantic in that department, in fact only 36B, just a size or two bigger than them. If she had to make them suffer a little to save herself she surely would.

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