The Monastery.


The Monastery.The rain beat hard against his study window,it had rained all morning without any sign of stopping. The old monk sat at his desk looking through a bill for a very expensive,broken stained glass window in the church.The mindless act of vandalism that had caused the breaking of the hundred year old window had been carried out by two s*******n year olds.The culprits had been caught and arrested,but what good was it taking them to court? The monastery would be waiting months,if not years to recuperate the cost of fixing the window. The Abbot Benedictus,now sitting at his table in his candle lit private study decided it was time for a draconian course,a course of action that would see the two miscreants repent for their wrong doing,and yes,bring some satisfaction to the old Abbot himself.He had already sent for the two errant teenagers who lived in the locality.He felt a smile cross his lips and became excited at the prospect of what was yet to come,for the chastisement of those teenagers brought back memories of his past,a past spent in the education of boys through the medium of corporal punishment. However this time would be different,while one of the miscreants was a boy,the other was girl!The Abbot Benedictus was in his forty-fifth year as a Franciscan monk.He spent thirty of those years in education.He taught the Classics,Latin,Greek,Philosophy and Cathecism.While teaching he did employ corporal punishment.His favoured method was six slaps with a strap on the bottom of his errant pupil.The very thought of those bygone days now brought a feeling to him that he had not experienced in a long time.He took a deep breath and waited for the arrival of the two who would now experience corporal punishment at his hands. He looked at the clock on the wall,it said 10am;thirty minutes before they arrive he thought. He opened his Bible and went straight to Proverbs 20:30,”Blows that wound cleanse away evil,strokes make clean türbanlı eskişehir escort the inner most part”. He contemplated the sayings of Proverbs; “The rod and reproof give wisdom….” So many sayings,the course was set.He stood up and went to the window.He looked out at the rain and the traffic moving slowly along the main road,outside the gates of the Monastery.He stared at the gates as if wanting his miscreants to come quicker.His thoughts led him to be aroused and he took another deep breath but his erection stayed ,caused this time by the appearance of the two teenagers.They walked inside the large old gates St. Gabriel’s Monastery.They knew what lay ahead,they had agreed to whatever the Abbot Benedictus had decided to do with them,in return for all legal charges being dropped.The Abbot felt his breathing quicken and he watched them for a little while from the window before turning and sitting at his desk once more.He placed his hand on his lap and touched his hard penis,while he knew the feelings he felt were wrong,he consoled himself with the thought that he was doing good by chastising these two miscreants.He was happy his long brown habit hid his erection,the last thing he wanted was for his two errant subjects to see he was getting pleasure from beating them. He waited;he heard footsteps coming up the corridor towards his study.He heard muffled voices and a nervous giggle,a girl giggling.He felt his heart beat faster,he felt very much excited. They knocked at the door and he bid them enter.They came into his study and the girl had a smile on her face.The boy looked more apprehensive,perhaps he was beaten at school by monks and knew what to expect,but the girl,this girl,had no fear.She brazenly smiled as the Abbot Benedictus asked her name.”Lorraine,Father”, she said,still trying to muffle her giggles. The old monk looked at the boy.”What is your name,boy?””Dean,Father”,came türbanlı eskişehir escort bayan the meek reply.The Abbot stayed sitting behind his desk,thoughts swimming around his mind.He had caned boys in the past,but never girls,this would be a new experience.”You know why you are here,we will get this over with and I will make sure that the both of you will leave here having been thought a valuable lesson”, the monk said,he could feel a smile coming on his face.The two miscreants looked at him,Lorraine finally grasping the seriousness of this situation.The Abbot was surprised,it was she would began to beg for mercy first,Dean joined in,but the Abbot was resolved,they would pay and pay dearly with there bottoms.”Bend over my desk,Lorraine and Dean,let us begin your repentance!”,the Abbot said as he stood up and walked to another table in the far right hand corner of his study. He long brown habit hid the excitement he felt. On the other table was a cane,a cane he kept hidden from his teaching days,a cane he only used for the more errant of his pupils.He turned to look just in time to see Lorraine and Dean bending over his study desk.The excitemnet raced through him as he stared at their bottoms side by side.Dean wearing track suit bottoms,Lorraine wearing a short,tight black skirt.HARLOT! the Abbot thought to himself and immediately made the decision that Lorraine would receive extra strokes.The Abbot Benedictus approached the two from behind.He pressed the cane against his habit clad hard penis. He decided that Dean would suffer first. “Repentace is good for you both,as I bring the rod of justice down on your flesh think about your errant ways and how you must change your wicked ways,” the Abbot said,he felt his penis throb as he placed the cane across Dean’s bottom.He raised the cane up and took careful aim,and then heard it whistle through türbanlı escort eskişehir the air as he directed it across the bottom of Dean.Dean jerked his body in response to the lick of the cane.The Abbot noticed Lorraine glance side ways at Dean ,this made him smile,he was excited by punishing one as the other waited for her chastisement.He brought the cane down on Dean’s bottom again and again.The boy was being brave,the Abbot knew this and became resolved to her Dean cry out. The Abbot raised the cane higher and brought it down with such force that Dean cried out a profanity;Lorraine giggled,but the Abbot continued with the chastisement.As he brought the cane down with his right hand,he placed his left hand on his habit,he feel his erection.He gave Dean ten hard strokes of the cane before turning his attention to Lorraine in that short,tight,black skirt.HARLOT!,he thougt to himself as he brought the cane down on Lorrain’s firm,young bottom.She screamed almost immediately.The Abbot felt very aroused and could not take his eyes off the girl’s bottom.He brought the cane down again and again.The room was filled with the sounds of the cane whistling threw the air and the crack sound it made on Lorraine’s bottom.She screamed everytime and before long both Dean and Lorraine were begging for mercy,begging for the old monk to stop.f******n hard strokes Lorraine suffered before her torment ceased.The old monk stood behind them,savouring the moment,the sound of them both sobbing,the sight of their bottoms,the lines across Dean’s track suit bottoms, and the lines across that tight,black,short skirt that Lorraine was wearing made by the cane,weilded by his own hand,made the Abbot Benedictus very excited and sense of extreme pleasure travelled throughout his body. He put the cane down and sat on a chair positioned in the centre of the room. He ordered Dean and Lorranine to come over to him.They had to stand in front of the old monk,with their backs to him.He ordered them both to bare their bottoms so that he could see the effect his chastisement had on them. Dean pulled down his track suit bottoms and boxer shorts;Abbot Benedictus smiled/Lorraine raised her skirt and pulled down her white panties.The Abbot felt a burst of excitement in a place he had not felt it in for a long time. He admired his work.

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