The Neighbors Ch. 03

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Cathy opened her mouth and slowly extended her tongue. April’s lips were accepting and she also opened up with her tongue searching out her friend’s probing. “My first kiss with a female!” ran through April’s mind as she and Cathy kissed and sucked on one another’s tongues.

Gasping for breath, April broke the kiss. She looked at her friend and neighbor with a smile.

Cathy spoke first: “I hope you are okay with that April. I really enjoyed it—it’s something I’ve fantasized about doing to you for years.”

April was shocked. This was the “prim and proper” Cathy Moore. A conservative wife and mother. And she’d been fantasizing about kissing April “for years?”

April remained quiet for a moment before saying, “I have to admit that this is all new to me. Don’t be offended Cathy—I really enjoyed that kiss. But you’ve wanted to kiss me for years? Really? You just didn’t come across to me as being interested in somebody that’s, well…like me?”

“Oh April. I have watched you for years. You’ve not noticed my stares? I was always worried that you’d think I was stalking you or something with my eyes. Looking at that pretty smile on your face? The envy I have of your pert breasts?”

April remained silent, not knowing what to say to her seemingly instantly intimate friend.

“Okay, you said you’d do whatever I wanted while I tell you my history April. Are you sure you’re ready?” Cathy asked.

“Yes. I’m not only curious but after that kiss, more than curious!”

“Is Eric going to be home anytime soon that you know of?” Cathy asked.

“No. He just left for work. The kids will be home this afternoon the same time yours will be home. Why?” asked the red head.

“I just wanted to be certain we have the place to ourselves for a few hours. Let’s go upstairs April.”

Curious by that request, April stood up and started to head up the stairs with her mind racing. Where was Cathy going to take her? The bedroom? A repeat of the previous bedroom scene at Cathy’s? So many questions…

They got to the top of the steps and walked into the master bedroom. For the second morning in a row, April had yet to make the bed but it didn’t seem to matter to her at this moment.

April walked to the foot of the bed and stopped, turning around to face Cathy.

“So what are we going to do?” she asked.

“First, I’m going to undress you completely April. And then I’m going to undress.”

April took in her friend’s words and while she was still quite confused about where this was headed, she realized that she had agreed to do whatever Cathy asked. Undressing each other wasn’t something that would have entered her mind but at this point, she was accepting of the unusual request. The last 24 hours had changed her in some fashion. She was open to something that just two days ago was out-of-the-question. Today was a different day.

Cathy once again leaned in and kissed April on the lips. No French kissing—just a simple woman-to-woman lips-to-lips sensual kiss.

As she pulled away, Cathy’s hands reached to April’s waist and untied her bathrobe’s belt. She then slipped the garment off April’s shoulders and tossed it to the foot of the bed. April stood in front of her wearing a light blue cotton nightgown. Practical for a mother of three—nothing sexy. Cathy reached to the hemline and lifted it up and over April’s head. April lifted her arms to help her friend remove the gown, which soon was tossed to the bed as well. April stood in front of her friend clad only in a pair of white cotton bikini panties. A panty liner was evident to Cathy’s eyes as she looked down to April’s crotch.

“April—is it that time of the month?” Cathy asked her.

April simply shook her head to indicate that wasn’t an issue and without waiting Cathy reached to April’s waist pulling the elastic of the panties from her skin and down towards the floor. In a split second Cathy saw April’s thick tuft of orange pubic hair—just as she had fantasized it would look like. The panties feel down April’s thighs and onto the floor.

“Why don’t you lay down April?”

Without saying a word, April went to the side of the bed, refreshed the pillows as Cathy admired her butt and then laid down on her back looking at her friend. She realized that it was less than 24 hours ago that she’d been in almost the same position but with Cathy’s vibrator in her hand.

For the second straight day, Cathy began to unbutton her blouse in front of her friend. April saw the white cotton bra come into view as Cathy unbuttoned them all and opened her top, pulling it off her shoulders and tossing it to the foot of the bed. Without hesitating, her shorts were undone and slipped down her hips. Standing and looking straight at April, Cathy reached behind her back and unhooked her bra to release her breasts. The garment dropped down her arms, allowing the breasts free for April to see.

April realized that Cathy’s breasts were actually larger than she had remembered yesterday morning. Since Cathy was a few pounds heavier than she should be, her breasts suadiye escort were also a bit bigger on her. A definite C cup and perhaps larger? They hung low in comparison to April’s small breasts but Cathy’s dark red nipples were much larger than April’s own. They were the sort of breasts that April had seen in the YCMA locker room—large, hanging breasts that showed all the signs of breast feeding her children and not having taken exactly perfect care of her motherly body.

Without realizing it, April noticed Cathy’s shorts had been removed. Looking at April, Cathy pushed her cotton panties down her torso and then down her thighs. Once they fell to the carpet silently, Cathy stood before her naked. April’s eyes were once again drawn to Cathy’s pubic bush, thick and a few shades darker than the hair on her head. As April took in the sight of Cathy’s body, Cathy removed her socks as well so Cathy was a nude as April at this point. Cathy took two steps towards the bed and quietly but confidently said to April, “Move to the center.”

As April obeyed Cathy’s request, Cathy pulled the sheet and light blanket from the bed and climbed underneath. She and April were now in bed together completely nude.

Cathy rolled on her side and put her arms around April as she began to sensually kiss the redhead. Their breasts rubbed against each other’s as they took turns exploring each other’s mouths with their tongues. Cathy’s right hand went to April’s abdomen and gently caressed April’s fiery pubic hair. She’d never been with a woman who was a natural redhead so this was an experience for Cathy that she would remember forever.

After many minutes of kissing and touching—the vast majority of it done by Cathy since April was still in a ‘beginners’ state of mind—Cathy broke their embrace and rolled back while looking into April’s eyes.

“April. I’m going to tell you about some things you’re unaware of. When I’m done you can tell me your feelings and if I’ve exposed you to something that is beyond what you are interested in. But above all, whatever we talk about while we’re here together this morning remains between us forever. You’ll understand more in a little while. You still okay with that?”

April replied with a nervous, “Yes” and waited for Cathy to share her story.

“I know what you think of me. And of my husband. The church-going conservatives. Probably have sex in the dark always in the missionary position and only to get me pregnant. Wouldn’t think of doing anything that could be perceived as raunchy or lewd. Am I right?”

“Well…I, uh, I mean…” April stuttered.

Laughing momentarily Cathy replied, “It’s okay April. I know, I know. People have a perception of Jim and I that is simply wrong. We’re not the goody two shoes that people think we are. Or most of the time we’re what people think but sometimes I don’t fit that description…” she paused.

April looked into her friend’s eyes inquisitively and asked, “What are you saying Cathy? What kind of ‘people’ are you?”

After a pause Cathy responded to the question with a simple, “I’m horny April. Really, really horny. I suppose it’s time for me to explain all of this.”

“I’m a ‘swinger’ of sorts April. I have sex with others outside my marriage. Some of the people are people who you know. Some you don’t know. But we’ve all committed to complete, total secrecy. We have trusted one another completely and now I’m letting you in on the secret.”

April interrupted Cathy: “You mean like people in this neighborhood?”

“Perhaps. I can’t share names with you April. Not yet at least. I need to make sure that you’re okay with this whole way of life before we get into other people and experiences. Let me just say that I, along with some other very close friends, have watched you from afar for a long, long time but nobody has ever had an opportunity to approach you in a way that would allow any of us to determine if you were interested in something out of the norm. When we had that discussion in my kitchen yesterday morning I realized that was my opportunity once and for all. I didn’t know if you’d walk out of my bedroom or stay but I felt it was worth a chance to test you yesterday. And now we find ourselves here this morning, naked with one another and me sharing a very personal story with you.”

After a pause from Cathy, April spoke up. “Do you have orgies? Do you have sex with other men or just other women? I have so many questions Cathy. I’m confused to be honest.”

Cathy chuckled and said, “Don’t worry April. You’re not being pressured into anything so you can relax. We can chat; if you say that you’re not interested I’ll get up and get dressed. Then I’ll go home and we’ll never talk about this subject again. But if you’re interested, I’ll be open with you and answer any questions you have. That sound good to you April?”

The redhead nodded as her head rested on the pillow.

“A number of years ago when I was younger, I babysat for a family. The money was okay so I didn’t mind it. One night the family was going yakacık escort to be out late so they asked if I could spend the night and they’d drive me home in the morning. My parents were okay with it as I was old enough to do something like that. To make a long story short, the couple I babysat for ended up coming home much earlier than anticipated. We sat in their back yard chatting so we didn’t wake their children. One thing led to another and they convinced me to go skinny-dipping with them. After I saw my first erect cock, I was so turned on that I had sex with both of the parents. I eventually had a long affair with this couple. They taught me many things. Including being able to, well, lay naked in bed with another female like we’re doing now.”

Cathy paused and let April soak in what she’d told her.

“So after I met Jim and told him of my past, we decided that when we found a chance to expand our horizons sexually, we would do so. We tried it a few times with other couples but it never seemed to work. Too much jealousy and questions afterwards. So we decided that it wasn’t for the two of us. But after some time, I realized it didn’t work for Jim but it worked for me. I know, I know. It’s selfish and rude of me. But I don’t publicize anything and the women I’m with are always very discrete. That’s why I need to be so careful telling anyone because if this got out, we’d be forced to move from here if Jim didn’t flat out divorce me completely. My lifestyle isn’t something that most people would be accepting of. I’m hoping you are,” Cathy said.

“Does Jim know you’re over here with me?” she asked her blonde friend.

“You mean laying in bed naked with you April? (Chuckling) No, no. He’s got no idea about yesterday or today. I wouldn’t dream of telling him about anything we’ve done or talked about. And if you tell me that you’re not interested in exploring things, we’ll just go back to where we were two days ago where we simply admire you from afar together.”

April remained quiet, deep in her thoughts.

“We?” April asked with confusion.

“Well let’s be honest April. Don’t think I’m the only person in my house who has checked you out. I’ve seen Jim’s eyes wandering at you on several occasions. He’d have to be blind not to fantasize about you. You know how men are. He’s undressed you in his mind bunch of times if I know him!”

April laid silently and stared into Cathy’s eyes without saying a word for quite some period of time.

“April? What are you thinking? Can you share what’s going on in your mind?” Cathy questioned.

“Well, uh, I’m thinking about several things. First, I’m thinking about the fact I’m laying stark naked in my own bed with another woman. Second, I’m thinking about people you and I know in this neighborhood and I’m picturing you, well you know, having sex with them.”

“Let me clarify something first April. First, I’m only having sex with other women. I will occasionally have a couple of women spend time with me but usually it’s just me and one other lady at a time.”

April looked Cathy in the eye and had questions.

“Do you understand what I’m talking about April? Sexual experiences with another women. You know…like kissing, licking one another and other good things. The beauty is that not only is it pleasant but there’s no chance of getting pregnant!” Cathy said happily.

After a pause Cathy continued with, “Would you like to be with another woman? Get to experience the pleasures that only another woman can provide to you?”

April hesitated.

“I’ve thought about it but never really, well you know, thought more than just a fantasy. You know what I mean?” the redhead replied.

“April—does that mean you’d be open to, uh, exploring things with me. And maybe someday others?”

Pausing for a few moments, April replied, “I’m not against it. I just need to think some more about it. That’s a big step for me. A very big step.”

Cathy moved closer to her redheaded friend and gently kissed her on the lips. After a pause, April leaned in and rekissed Cathy but this time she became more proactive and took control from Cathy. They went from lips puckered to an open mouth where April allowed her tongue to snake into Cathy’s mouth for kiss that was provocative to say the least.

April felt Cathy’s fingers touching her nipples and realized she should probably do the same to Cathy. She slowly reached out and felt the erect flesh of Cathy’s nipple. It was hard to the touch—harder than April would have thought a women’s nipple should be but since this was a first, how was she to know?

As the two women’s tongues continued their dance with one another, April became more aggressive with Cathy and felt her entire breast, gently squeezing them and feeling the soft flesh. Compared to her own diminutive breasts, Cathy felt so much different. April had played with her own breasts many times but this was something different completely. Soft, pliable, squishy. And each with a nice erect nipple to play with. She’d never touched another woman’s şerifali escort naked breasts.

Taking a short break from the intimate kissing, the two women looked at one another with heavy breathing. April felt Cathy’s fingers begin to softly caress her own public hair. This was something that startled April momentarily—another woman touching her down there. No one except Eric and April’s gynecologist had touched that little growth of orange-red hairs in many years. As April was thinking of the feeling of Cathy’s fingers caressing her pubic hair, she felt one of Cathy’s fingers slowly go further between her thighs and touch first her clit and then her very aroused lips.

“So do I have you interested, April?” Cathy asked.


“We have a little club. It’s sort of like a book club—but instead of books we have each other. We get together and enjoy ourselves and each other. Sometimes it’s like this—two women together. Other times it can be three of us. Or, once in a great while, it’s a larger group. But the one constant is that we never talk outside our group about one another or what we’ve experienced. Completely silence is mandatory. Even if somebody gets to a point where they no longer wish to participate, they simply let one of us know and we’re okay with it. Sort of like a ‘secret society’ you read about from time to time. This is just one based on sex!”

April remained quiet.

As Cathy continued to rub April’s pubic hair gently and running her fingers through it, she said, “What other questions do you have? You must have a million April.”

“Yes. I have a bunch. I’m not sure where to start. Let me ask this: Who else is involved in this club?”

Cathy looked her friend in the eyes and answered, “I can’t tell you exactly right now. The members will come to you as you get to know one or another. Word will get around and those ladies that are interested or attracted to you will make themselves known to you. It’s sort of like being picked to be on a team when you were a kid. Somebody will choose you. And I have to say, I’m quite certain you’ll be a very popular lady because you’re so cute!”

“What if I don’t want to be with somebody? How do I tell her, ‘No’ without problems?” April asked.

“You simply say, ‘No thanks.’ We’re all big girls and we accept the fact that not everyone wants to be with everyone else. The only caveat we have is that if you and I, for example, decide not to be ‘intimate friends’ that we don’t do anything publicly to embarrass or give any indication to anyone else. So if we were at a party at my house, for example, you need to be cordial to me. Not best friends but just put out that we’re okay with one another. Does that make sense?”

“Yes. I think it might be harder to do than that but it makes sense.”

“My next question is: How do I know that somebody isn’t going to rat on me for some reason and come by to tell Eric, ‘Your wife and I had sex with one another this morning” and ruin my marriage?” April asked.

“You do have a valid concern. As I told you originally: Everyone has accepted the fact that our little ‘club’ is a secret club and you’re sworn not to share it in haste or anger with anyone else. And if you find another person you’d like to get involved, you need to talk with some of us to get some input and direction on how to proceed.”

“Do you mean other people know you’re here with me?” asked the redhead.

“Not exactly. Let me just say that more than one person knows I was going to attempt to approach you. Nobody knows anything about the last 48 hours and anything we saw or talked about. And that will remain between you and I forever if you elect it to be that way. And the fact I’m laying in your bed, rubbing your pussy and allowing your discharge to coat my fingers? Our secret forever. No matter what.”

April thought silently for a few moments.

“How will I know if somebody else wants to get together with me like this? You know, sexually? What if I misread somebody’s intentions?”

“April—it’s not like you’re going to be attacked or anything. You’ll know when somebody is ‘in the club’ and you’ll be comfortable with her before anything proceeds. Don’t worry about that. I’ll make sure that if you decide to join us that you’re introduced to some other members in a gentle, friendly fashion. Who knows? Maybe you and I can have a threesome with another friend?” Cathy said with a smile.

Pausing in thought, April asked, “How do I know if it’s ‘for me’ or not? I mean, maybe it sounds great but I find out that I simply can’t do this. You know what I mean?”

“Absolutely. Once you dip your toe into ‘the club’ you’re a member for life. You just don’t have to participate. The only requirement of your lifetime membership—it sounds so silly to refer to it that way but it is the best way—is that you always keep anything you learn, see, experience or sense to yourself. Forever. No matter what.”

As April remained motionless, deep in thought, she felt Cathy’s finger extend further into her vaginal opening. She could tell how wet she was becoming and Cathy really hadn’t even done a great deal to her. Of course, this was the first finger besides her own that had entered her pussy in a long time. Eric’s most recent idea of foreplay was simply putting lubrication on his penis and entering April.

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