The Neighbours Situation Ch. 01


Being my first story, any constructive criticism is very much appreciated! 🙂 A massive thanks to Macktosh for the editing!


It was a standard afternoon in my area, quiet with very little to do and the usual dull weather. Being single and living on my own meant that when I wasn’t working, I had a good amount of spare time. Born in a quiet town in England and In my early twenties, I was your average guy, I spent most of my free time playing video games, watching TV, and at the gym. I was always quite slender in my teens and had not put much weight on since then, but I kept myself in shape. For a 5″10 guy I was probably a little on the skinny side compared to average.

After finishing my game I decided to make myself something to eat. I left the sofa to walk to the kitchen only to notice a van outside next door; the back shutter was up and a heap of boxes and furniture was being slowly taken up the garden. The house next door had been up for sale for a couple of months now and recently had a “sold” sign placed at the front of the garden. The last neighbors were an old couple who had decided the house was too big for them now that their children had grown up and moved away.

I stood there for a while watching the workers carry various boxes and Items to the house, trying to figure out who my new neighbors were. When from behind the moving van a red car door was opened and a beautiful young woman stepped out. She was quite tall, and slim. She had long wavy brunette hair down just about to her breasts, which were covered by a black top with a tight distressed denim jacket over it. Her well shaped ass showed perfectly in a pair of leather look leggings, with a pair of converse trainers. I would have guessed she was in her twenties, like me.

I looked around to see who else had got out of the car, her husband or boyfriend perhaps? But nobody showed, She was on her own and part of me was instantly hoping she was single and moving in alone. I knew I was already getting ahead of myself and thought maybe her partner will be along later. I was probably getting excited over nothing.

A pretty messy break up as I was moving in meant I was living here alone. I never really went out of my way to try and meet anybody else and because of that, and the fact I worked from home and rarely had to leave, I had not had sex for three years. I tried not to think about it too much but sometimes found it very hard.

I stood at the window and thought, “Fuck it. I may as well go say hello.” I was nervous as I got to my front door, so I ran back upstairs to change my shirt and put on some aftershave. I walked out of the door and saw to my left the brunette woman speaking to one of the moving guys. I walked out of my gate and up the road a few steps and as the moving guy went back into the van I stopped at her gate.

“Hey there, Im Luke from next door,” I said, as confidently as I could.

She looked me in the eyes and gave a slight smile.

“Well hello there neighbor, I’m Olivia.”

I asked her what made her move to this area and she told me she had moved for her new job and was from about three hours out of town. I didn’t dare ask about any partner in case it was obvious, and from the conversation, she never mentioned anybody else.

“If you any help at all, or just need a tour of the area, give me a shout,” I said, now being more at ease.

“I may just do that.”

We exchanged numbers and I went back to the house, feeling extremely accomplished. Not only did porno I manage to have a good conversation with her, I had managed to get a girl’s number. I laid back on the sofa and smiled to myself.

A few days later I was just getting dressed after my shower when I heard my phone buzz. I went to have a look and instantly got excited when I saw a text from Olivia.

“Hi Luke, sorry to be a pain but you did say if I needed any help haha. Could you just pop round for me?”

I was more than happy to help no matter what it was, as it was a perfect excuse to spend a bit of time with Olivia and possibly get to know her more. I threw a pair of jeans and a t-shirt on, checked my hair and breath were okay, and made my way to the door.

As I went to knock, the door swung open and she stood there as gorgeous as ever. She was in a black sports top and leggings which hugged all the right parts of her, and even with minimal makeup and her hair up she was stunning.

“Hey, sorry about this, come in,” she said.

“It’s no problem at all, I wasn’t up to much anyways. What can I help you with?” I said, trying to contain my excitement at getting to spend time with her.

To say she had moved in only a few days ago, the house was tidy, with no sign of boxes. She had settled in very quickly. She led me to the kitchen and stood next to the sink where a jar was placed. She began to laugh and brushed the side of her face.

“I know how stereotypical this must look, but I really can’t open this jar of beetroot! I’ve tried for the past fifteen minutes and gave up,” she said with a tone of exhaustion.

“You should have messaged me sooner, I wouldn’t have minded!” I said with understanding.

I lifted the jar and got a good grip of the lid, I twisted with my full arm and keeping the pressure up. The lid didn’t even budge.

“Yeah it is pretty tight isn’t it,” I said straining.

I spent about a minute trying before Olivia burst out laughing.

“Its okay, dont worry about it, I can make a salad without it anyway,” she said with a slight hint of disappointment.

I kept trying but it was no use! The lid would just not move. Eventually I placed the jar down, embarrassed beyond belief that such a beautiful woman invited me, the man next door to open a jar and I failed in front of her!

“Now you are here, if you’re not up to much, fancy a coffee?” she asked.

I agreed and she told me to go take a seat in the living room, as I was walking out of the kitchen she said loudly,

“I’ll have to find a real man to open my beetroot I guess.”

I was caught off guard and didn’t know what to say, I AM a real man, and I hoped she was just playing.

After a moment or two she came and sat down on the sofa next to me and placed the coffees on the table.

“Let me know if the cup is too heavy for you, won’t you?” she joked.

I smiled uneasily.

“I mean, you couldn’t open it either in my defense,” I said in response.

“That’s true, but a young lady like me thought she could rely on a man to get the job done, I guess we are still waiting for one now.” She smirked.

I quickly tried to change the subject and asked what she did for a living, She told me she worked for an estate agent, and often showed potential homeowners around. She had taken a job with a rival firm which paid a lot better and they gave her the home for a very good price.

“What about yourself?” she inquiringly asked.

I explained that I was a web japon porno designer and worked mainly from home. It paid well enough and because of an inheritance that practically paid off the mortgage, I didn’t really have to work the grind that a lot of people do. I was very lucky financially when I thought about it.

We chatted for about an hour and I learnt that she was single (Yes!) and didn’t know anybody in the area. I admitted to her I was a bit of a loner in that respect and didn’t really go out too much myself. In the end we agreed we would go out some time so she could see the area.

I badly needed to pee and asked where the bathroom was.

“Top of the stairs sweetie, can’t miss it,” she said as she bent down to grab the empty cups and walked towards the kitchen.

I couldn’t help but stare at the well defined bum stretching the leggings in front of me. I tried to not make it obvious. I broke the trance and made my way to the bathroom. I unzipped my jeans and started to pee. I could help but notice there was a pair of Olivia’s underwear on the floor just by the wash basket, they must have fallen when she was placing things in. I went back to focusing on peeing and zipped myself back up. As I got to the door, I hesitated and couldn’t help but look back at the panties.

I knew it was wrong but I turned around and slowly picked them up, they were light pink silk with an edge of white lace and a white bow at the front. I examined them closer and noticed they were still slightly wet. I couldn’t resist the urge and I put them closer to my face and inhaled her scent. She was sweet, exactly how I had imagined. I found myself completely lost in the smell.

“What the fuck are you doing?!” a voice at the side of me screamed. It was Olivia stood in the doorway, wide eyed and looking both shocked and disgusted.

I dropped the panties and stood there completely stunned.

“I- I’m so sorry, I d-don’t know why I…” She cut me off.

“I cant fucking believe it, my next door neighbor is a perv!”

I kept apologizing and started to walk towards the door, she blocked it.

“I dont fucking think so. Take a step back,” she snapped.

I did as I was told and just stood there confused and burning red from embarrassment. I just wanted to run home and never face her again. She stared at me for what felt like an eternity. She seemed to be thinking.

“Well, if you like them that much you should probably keep them, Pick them up,” she said sternly.

I kept silent and picked the panties up and went to put them in my pocket.

“What are you doing? Take them out of your pocket. If you want to keep them you had better put them on hadn’t you?”

“Olivia I never…” She cut me off again.

” I SAID you had better put them on. Don’t make me repeat myself.”

In my situation I didn’t really see another option. I could have pushed by and ran but then I knew the friendship was over. Part of me though maybe if I just do as she asked she could forgive me. I undid my jeans and let them drop to my ankles, then took them off and paused.

“Come on, and the boxers,” she said impatiently.

I dropped the boxers and stepped out of them.

“Well I can see your cock should fit just fine…” she said cruelly.

I felt myself burning more red than before. I unfolded the slightly damp panties and stepped a leg through them. The material felt cool and soft, the lace lightly brushed as I placed my second leg lezbiyen porno through the hole and slowly pulled them up. I couldn’t help but enjoy the sensation a little. I tucked my cock into the front and noticed the little white bow now covering a little bulge. They were slightly tight and I could feel them riding into my bum very snugly.

“Well don’t they fit just perfectly, turn around for me.” Her tone slightly softer yet demanding “A cute girly bum too,” she noted.

I had always kept in shape and admittedly with my frame and the fact I naturally didn’t have too much body hair, as much as I didn’t want to agree, I knew she was probably right. Especially stood here in lacy panties.

As I turned back around I saw her with her phone in her hands. I instantly knew what she was doing and reached for my jeans.

“Oh don’t worry, these are just for me, you look so pretty,” she said whilst laughing, it was as if she was enjoying herself.

Before I even got a finger under the side of the panties she stopped me.

“Don’t even think about taking them off. They stay on until I say otherwise. Here’s how this works, I’ve got these photos of you looking pretty in my panties nice and safe, And it stays that way for as long as you do as your told. Otherwise you will find a copy of them on every lamppost in the area, dating site and any social media. Your choice,” she explained.

I stood there and weighed up my options. The idea of friends and family seeing these photos horrified me and at this point wasn’t an option I was willing to consider.

“Alright Olivia. Just please don’t show anybody, I’ll do what you want okay?” I said defeated.

“Good girl.” She smiled.

Being called a girl sent a huge wave of embarrassment through me, and yet I could feel my cock twitch a little. I tried to ignore it and focus on getting out of this situation.

“You know, the matching bra for that outfit is in the wash basket, you should have that too. Every girl needs matching underwear.”

Every girl? I was a guy, this shouldn’t have been happening! I looked at her and very quickly she grew impatient.

“Right well I can’t wait for your family to see how pretty you look,” she snapped.

“No, Olivia please,” I begged.

I quickly rummaged through the wash basket and retrieved a pink silk bra, with the same white lace and little bow in between the cups. The straps were slightly frilly with a little white lace. I put it on backwards and fastened it, then spun it around and began to slide the straps onto my shoulders.

“If I didn’t know any better I’d say you had worn one before,” she commented

I had watched my ex put hers on all the time and knew this was the easiest way. I stood ashamed in front of her and a soft smile spread across her face.

“Very pretty, as long as you do as your told you have nothing to worry about. Now get dressed and go home. Leave your boxers, you don’t need them.”

Again I apologized for what I had done, she didn’t seem to listen. I got my clothes together and left. As I got through the door I sunk to the floor with my head in my hands. What the fuck just happened?! And now I’m sat here in a bra and panties! Just as I was starting to gather my thoughts my phone buzzed.

“Don’t even think about taking your underwear off. I’ll be expecting you to show me your underwear within thirty seconds of me asking at all times, Keep your phone close sissy.”

Sissy?! I was no sissy, I was a normal guy being forced to wear these things. I had just wanted to smell her, I had no interest in the panties! I thought about replying but decided I was already in enough hot water and the best plan was to do as I was told and hopefully this would end soon…

To be continued…

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