The Neutralizer Pt. 07


Nourished as a Man

“Wake up, baby.”

What? Those words hadn’t come from her. They had come from between her legs.

Ina’s eyes flew open and stared down directly into Joberi’s fully green irises as he held her knees apart. Knees that had restraints dangling from them.

* * * * *

His eyes were green.Well, not completely. More like a thin ring with little bits of color sprinkled here and there around his pupil. Still not normal by any means, but so much better than when they’d gone to bed before.

Joberi had woken up several times to nurse from her, but the room had been darkened and she couldn’t see if there had been any change to his eyes. The last time, they both had stumbled into the refresher to make use of it. There’s a definite difference now. He looks so…intense.

“Your eyes…” Ina breathed. “Wh-why are you looking at me like that?”

White teeth flashed a malicious smile. “Just thinking about what you’ve done to me. What I’m going to do to you. You held me down, forcefully milked my cock, then induced all types of sexual torture on me. That monstrous flower? By the Goddess, I’m thinking you’ve got some torture of your own headed your way.”

Her bound hands nervously closed around empty air. “B-but it wasn’t all me! You got yourself captured by the Grifus and turned into one of their mindless soldiers. It was Dr. Daru who had you tied to the table. A-a-and I wasn’t myself! That injection of positive matter made me act all crazy! Y-you know I’d never done anything like that before. And look at how much it helped you. There’s no more negative matter inside of you, and…and I gave you positive matter to replace the emptiness and you couldn’t even talk until last night an—”

“Shh.” A warm finger to her lips interrupted her ramblings. “Yes, I know, and I thank you for it. I think. I was conscious enough to comprehend what was done to me and what Daru told you. I know I’ll still need you to give me dosages of the antidote, but that doesn’t mean I can’t go about getting it my own way.”

“Joberi, wh-what are you…how do you…” she watched in dumbfounded apprehension as he slid the restraints down to her ankles and fastened them. “What’s that l-long piece?”

“That,” he leered as he held her left ankle, “is a parting gift from the good doctor. You don’t think he only gave you some fun accessories to use, do you? It attaches here to your ankle, like so. Then it goes under the mattress”—his words were slightly muffled as he climbed off the bed and threaded porno 64 the lengthy material underneath the mattress and out the other side—”and connects again right here on your other ankle. I tighten it, like so”—her legs flew apart to each side of the bed—”and now you’re spread nice and open for me. Like a buffet. And Ina, I do intend to eat.”

His words sent a trickle of fear throughout her body. And a shock of arousal directly to her clit. She had an inkling of what was going to happen next. Dr. Daru had told her Joberi would need nourishment as a child and as a man. Last night, that was as a child.

This morning…well, there was only one other possible option. And there was no doubt that he was indeed fully man. No hint of childlike behavior was evident in his mannerisms. Gone was the shy, sweet little boy of last night who snuggled with her and nursed contentedly from her breasts. In his place was a powerful, formidable male who knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted to snuggle, all right. Snuggle his face right in her smooth folds and eat her all up.

“Don’t be scared, baby. I’ll go easy on you.” Her heart fluttered at that. Why does he have to use the same pet name that I called him? Ugh. “After all, here you are, just a naked and helpless woman, bound for my pleasure. All you have to worry about is making sure your sweet little pussy produces enough positive matter for me.”

Her lashes fluttered closed. It was true. Ina was helpless. Completely. No amount of training could break through imperial grade restraints. And Joberi was strong. So strong. He didn’t get the ranking of Zhertiko by being a slouch.

No, she was well and truly stuck until he decided to have mercy and release her. And even then, all he had to do was use his body weight against her. Oooh, yes…his unyielding weight pressing her down into the mattress as he took his pleasure from her…

A bite on her littlest toe snapped her back to the present. She opened her eyes and looked down at Joberi. He firmly held her foot against his mouth with one hand and dragged his teeth, scraping her sensitive sole.

“Agghh!” Her foot must have been invisibly connected to her clit, because she felt the sensation there, evidenced by a gush of wetness. Every nerve within her body lit up, sending fiery impulses to the others. Her pussy contracted, her nipples instantly hardened to tight little peaks. Her toes flexed, her feet jerked. But not the one in his hand. No, that one remained immobile within his grasp.

He grinned and porno izle trailed his teeth down her sole again, chuckling as her limbs helplessly flailed once more. “Where you going, baby?”

This time his lips clamped onto the bottom of her foot and sucked, mimicking his nursing from last night. Or was it foreshadowing what he was going to do to her clit? Oh, Goddess. It felt as if he were sucking directly on her clit, and she couldn’t take it. She was about to go out of her mind!

Then he moved to her toes, darting his tongue in between each one and sweeping it around the thin skin where it met the foot. “Aghhhh! Goddess, Joberi!”

His tongue drew a ticklish path from the bottom of her foot to the top and back again. “What was that you did to me earlier? Do you remember? I do. Ready?” With a devious gleam in his eye, he suctioned his mouth to her sole and blew a long raspberry. Phtttttttt!

“JOBERI!” Ina screamed, toes curling in a futile effort to take away the overwhelming sensation. One foot, then the other—pht phtt phtttttt—until there was a steady trickle of arousal fluids dripping from her naked cunt to soak the bed and her muscles twitched spasmodically from the torturous teasing.

“Looks like my Ina likes this,” he stated satisfactorily as he abandoned her feet to crawl higher and rest between her legs. “If my shoulders were any bigger, I wouldn’t fit. We’d have to stretch your legs even further. Mhm…”—one hand framed her folds, causing them to spread open as he flexed—”so juicy. Look at all this positive matter drenching my fingers. And your little clit…”

He slid his arms underneath her, hoisting her closer to his face as he buried it in her pussy. A growl sounded against her feminine parts, forcing a shriek from her lips. “Joberi! That tickles!”

Wetness soaked his chin and mouth as he raised his head. “It does? That’s nothing compared to what you did to me. I suggest you stop speaking and save your breath. You’re going to need it. Now feed me.”

With that vague threat lingering in the air, he dove back down, his arms wrapping under her thighs and around her hips as his hands spread her labia apart, opening it for his pleasure. His tongue slid back and forth from her entrance to her clit, slurping the excess liquid as quickly as her body secreted it. He tugged and pulled on her clit, milking it with his mouth, until her muscles tensed and she came with a shout all over his face, saturating him with positive matter as he drank it all up.

“Mhm…good girl,” he crooned. sex izle Fingers formed into a vee and surrounded her inner lips and clit. He squeezed them together, forcing a gasp from her breathless lungs as the pressure caused her clit to puff out. She could swear she felt her every heartbeat there. “But what was it you said to me? Oh, yes. You’ve got more in you and I’m going to get it all out. It’s for your own good.”

She lay there panting and trembling, unable to move a muscle as he unhooked her restraints from the headboard. He situated himself behind her, raising her limp arms to loop around his neck and angling his feet under her calves to ensure they stayed separated.

One arm coiled securely beneath her breasts as the other snaked down her body to rest on her splayed and obscenely slippery pussy. “Now…how can we get it out? Seems your sweet little cunt responds to intense stimulation, too. Naughty thing. Maybe she needs a spanking.”

Ina’s eyes widened, powerless to do anything but watch as his hand raised in the air before lightly falling against her pussy. Thwack!

“Aghhh…” a moan fell from her lips.

She could hear the grin in Joberi’s voice as he said, “You’re right. That was too soft.”


She shrieked. “AGHHH!” That one was harder. Her legs jerked and futilely attempted to close as she grabbed the back of his head, gripping her hands in his hair. It stung a bit, but there was no denying the wetness that flowed mere seconds later.

“Now, now, baby…spankings don’t work if they don’t land where they’re supposed to,” he reprimanded. His resting hand left her breasts and slid down to pull her folds apart, exposing her shiny pearl. “There we go. That’s the spot.”

Ina whimpered in anticipation, then cried out as his hand rained down stinging slaps against her pussy where he forcefully held it open. Slap! Slap! Slap!

“Oooooooooooooooooh,” she moaned again. And that was all she could do, unable to move beyond the occasional twitch with his strength wrapped around her, her body completely submitted to his will as he disciplined her cunt.

Slap slap slap! He wickedly smacked her vulnerably spread labia and clit, each slap causing a rush of fluid to trickle from her opening. Slap slap slap slap slap! Once her tender pussy was red and swollen from his attentions, his motions ceased and turned to pacifying caresses. “There we go, baby,” he soothed. “Look at all this medicine you made just for me. Goddess, it’s all over your thighs. Mhmm…gotta drink it down.”

He didn’t loosen her arms, but lowered them, threading them over his neck instead as he moved to lay between her legs once again. “Hold tight, baby. We’ve got all day,” came his words as his head descended.

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