The New Girl Pt. 01


Izzy beamed her best smile. “Hi, I’m Isabel, but you can call me Izzy.”

Steph nearly jumped out of her skin and the sudden appearance of a beautiful woman.

“Holy crap, you nearly scared me to death!” Steph turned in the direction of the voice, only to find its owner slightly too close for comfort.

“I’m the new girl.” Izzy said, still beaming that big smile.

Steph stood for a moment, slightly mesmerised by the blonde nymph that was slightly invading her personal space. Steph must have had a slightly confused look on her face…

“Did they not tell you that I was starting today?” Izzy smiled again.

Izzy had a nice smile, nice red lips, pale skin, and deep, deep, blue eyes.. Steph shook her head, seriously, how long had she been stood there staring at the new girl. What the fuck was she doing?!

“No sorry, they didn’t… no one, told me anything.” No one ever told her anything so this wasn’t particularly surprising. Great, not only did she get the graveyard shift, but now she had to deal with the weird new girl. Although, she was, very very attractive… Steph shook her head again.

Working in an airport clothes shop was dull at the best of times, even more dull late on a day where it seemed no one was flying anywhere.

“So what are you doing? Can I help?” Izzy stepped closer, very much into Steph’s personal space.

Geez, what is with her? She did smell nice though, and Steph could feel that warmth that radiates from someone when they are close to you. Steph’s mind wandered away briefly… it might be nice to be even closer, maybe even to… Seriously?! Get a grip. She almost said out loud.

Steph focused her mind. “Erm no, this isn’t really a two person job. Have you worked in clothes retail before?”

“That’s a shame.” Izzy said with a genuine look of disappointment on face. “I haven’t worked in clothes retail before. But I’ll do *anything* you want.” Izzy’s smile returned, then she bit her lip, and stared at Steph with those deep blue eyes…

Is she flirting with me? Steph wondered… wouldn’t that be nice… What, what she thinking? Steph rubbed her face, she was tired that was it.

Managing to regain some composure. “How about a nice easy job? Steph said, you can put the clothes on the rail in the changing rooms back out, that will also help you learn where things are on the shop floor?”

“Ok!” Izzy said, and turned to walk away to find the changing rooms.

Steph watched her leave. Good lord, Steph thought, those leggings look like she painted them on this morning. And her bum, so pert, toned, bet it would be so nice to give it a good…

Izzy turned to look at Steph, flashing that big smile. Steph snapped back into reality. Shit, she definitely noticed me staring at her. What’s wrong with me she wondered again. Steph had found girls attractive before, but nothing like this! She grabbed the pile of clothes from behind the counter and disappeared onto the shop floor. Feeling hot and embarrassed.

“Where does this go?”

Steph jumped about 6 inches in the air. “Fuck, Izzy! You did it again.”

Steph, who was kneeling on the floor trying to stuff some jeans back on a shelf, turned to find Izzy’s crotch very close to her face. How the fuck did she get so close without her noticing?! Steph’s eyes had nowhere else to look but between Izzy’s tight thighs. I knot seemed to develop somewhere deep in Steph’s middle. She looked slowly up Izzy’s body.

“This top, I can’t find where it goes.” Izzy was holding a white crop top. “I like crop tops.” Izzy Pendik travesti held the top against her body, modelling it for Steph.

“Do you think it would suit me?” Izzy’s smile seemed much naughtier this time.

Steph, seemed to be incapable of forming a coherent thought. Other than, ‘god she is hot as fuck’, and, ‘I hope I am not drooling’.

“It goes just there” Steph managed to point. “At the end of the jeans”.

“Ooo, you dropped something.” Izzy, turned round and bent over to pick up something off the floor, thrusting her behind in the direction of Steph’s face. Izzy’s tight ass was now inches from Steph.

Crumbs… well if she is going to shove it my face I am going to look. Steph thought, staring at that toned bum, so pert, so squeezable. Steph’s eyes followed to contours of that magnificent bum down to the soft mound between the top of Izzy’s legs. That knot in Steph’s middle was developing into an ache.

“Oh, it’s nothing.” Izzy returned to an upright stance, waking Steph from her trance, and walked over to the crop tops. Placed the one she was holding on the rail, and flashed that naughtily smile before heading off somewhere. Steph, still keeling, tried to remember what she was doing. There really wasn’t anything on the floor either, very odd.

“These are cute”

What, fuck, how did she get there? Izzy was now modelling a extremely tiny pair of satin bed shorts in front of a full length mirror.

They were cute, and very short… bet she would look hot in those. Steph thought. They would probably barely cover her… Get a grip Steph!

“Can I try them on? There is no one else here.” Izzy looked at Steph with a hopeful grin.

“Sure, I guess that is ok. There is no one here.” Steph repeated, slightly unsure if this was a good idea.

“Great, but you have to come and tell me if you think they suit me.” Izzy walked off towards the changing room.

Steph found herself following… What are you doing Steph?? But she didn’t stop, like a moth to a burning flame she followed.

Izzy stepped into a changing room, and mostly closed the curtain.

“I bet you do this all the time”. Izzy said, peering through the gap at Steph. “Perk of the job?”

“Erm, yeah I guess so.” Steph, watched through the gap as Izzy pulled down her leggings. She could just about see the curve of the side of that toned bum appear naked in the mirror at the back, no underwear. But then there wasn’t enough room between the leggings and Izzy’s skin for underwear. Steph shifted a little, finding herself trying to get a better view. All too quickly however Izzy pulled the curtain to one side, now wearing the tiny satin bed shorts.

“What do you think?” Izzy, was looking at herself in the mirror, changing her pose to get different angles. She looked hot as hell.

“What do you think Steph?” Izzy, repeated, now looking at Steph.

Steph came too, “Oh, yes. You look hot. I mean cute. No. They suit you!” Shit, can I die now please? Steph thought, dying of embarrassment.

Izzy looked very pleased with this muddledresponse. She stepped closer to Steph and turned round. How about from behind? She asked a little playfully, sticking her ass out and watching Steph in the mirror.

Steph’s eyes drifted down to Izzy’s behind. Oooof. The tiny shorts fitted Izzy perfectly, low enough to show off her back dimples, short enough to show off the bottom of her toned cheeks. So perfectly if you are a massive pervert! Steph’s internal monologue told her off. Steph felt a warmth growing Pendik travestileri between her legs.

“You definitely suit them.” Steph said, a little breathlessly.

Izzy turned and walked closer to Steph. She lifted her t-shirt, showing her toned tummy to Steph. The shorts hung nicely off her hips. “What about the front? Too low?”

Steph didn’t manage to answer, Izzy was very close to her now.

Steph’s eyes moved up Izzy’s body to her face, and those beep blue eyes. They were drawing her in and she felt herself leaning towards Izzy’s, beautiful, red lips… Crap! What am I doing?! Steph stepped back, and flushed red with embarrassment. Izzy just stayed where she was, smiling, looking gorgeous, seemingly unphased by almost being kissed by her new colleague.

“You are right, I should definitely buy them”. Izzy agreeing with Steph’s thoughts…

Steph, face burning, retreated back to the shop counter. Stomach full of butterflies, head spinning. She looked down at the counter top, trying to gather her thoughts. Two hours of the shift left, she wasn’t sure she would make it out in one piece.

“I’ll take these please!” Izzy’s mock customer voice cut through Steph’s foggy brain. She jumped, again, and raised her gaze towards Izzy.

Izzy was biting her lip, eyes burning into Steph, the tiny shorts on the counter top between them.

“You know there is a matching top?” Steph somehow said.

“Oh, I don’t need that. I only wear bottoms in bed, if I wear anything at all.”

Steph gave a little moan, the ache in her middle growing. Of course she slept naked, or nearly naked, how else would someone so hot sleep. She started to wonder if she should just give up. Rip all her clothes off and give her body to Izzy right there on the shop counter. After all, resisting seemed futile why prolong the agony. What if it was all in her head though?

“That will be 12.80. Actually, no. 9.80 with the staff discount.” Please let me see you wearing only them?

“Maybe I can model them again for you sometime?” Izzy grinned as she beeped her phone on the PDQ machine.

Shit, Steph wondered, did she say the last bit out loud? Butterflies joined the ache, did Izzy just suggest that she would like to sleep with her?

“So where do you want me next?” Izzy, beamed at Steph.

“Erm…” Steph tried to think of somewhere safe to send Izzy. Maybe the slippers needed rearranging, that’s very boring and not sexy.

“The dresses are a mess, shall I sort them out?” Izzy was pointing in the direction of a range of short party dresses.

“Sure, that would be helpful.” Steph half whimpered, visions of Izzy modelling a tight, black, mini dress started filling her brain.

Steph busied herself folding jumpers, jumpers were always a disaster by the end of the day.

“You should try this on.” Steph nearly threw a jumper out the store front. She turned to find Izzy, right, there. Why always so close?

“I think it will suit you.” Izzy held out a black satin mini dress. Steph knew which one it was, it was short with a cowl neck and fairly open back. She had been eyeing it up for a day or two.

“Oh, we don’t…”

Izzy cut Steph off. “It’s your size. I can tell, I am good at guessing sizes.”

She was right too, Steph could see the label, it was her size.

“Pleaaasseeee!?” Izzy looked cute when she frowned.

“Ok.” Steph took the dress, her hand brushing against Izzy’s. The butterflies in Steph’s stomach came back 10x. This is a bad idea… Or a fucking awesome Travesti pendik idea… Steph wasn’t sure which but it seemed like she was going to find out.

Steph walked towards the changing rooms, Izzy, very, close behind. She wondered if Izzy was checking out her ass, she tried to walk in a sexy way. Please be staring at my ass. She walked into the same changing Izzy chose previously. Steph’s mind wandered; ooof those shorts, those tiny, tiny, shorts. Focus Steph! She casually tried to pushed the curtain closed. It got stuck about 3 quarters of the way across, leaving a fairly big gap. What should she do? She looked at Izzy, who was looking right back. Oh god, Izzy is biting her lip again, Steph left the curtain where it was. Fighting it shut would now be weird and awkward, she would have to pretend to be confident and leave it. Standard uniform for the store was black leggings and a blue t-shirt with three buttons and a collar. No one ever did up the buttons. Steph lifted the t-shirt over her head, she could pretty much swap it for the dress.

“Bra off.” Izzy interjected suddenly.

That sounded like an order. Steph looked nervously at Izzy.

“No one would ware that dress with a bra.” Izzy wasn’t wrong.

Steph turned her back to Izzy, and undid the clasp on her bra, taking it off before placing it to one side. Half naked in the changing room, she was pretty sure Izzy was getting a good view. The thought of Izzy staring at her naked body triggered all sorts of warm feelings in sensitive parts of Steph’s body. Dare she look to see? She turned to look at Izzy, their eyes met, it was like she had been electrocuted. Izzy was not even pretending not to look. Steph smiled nervously, and then pulled the dress over her head. The material felt nice as it travelled down her skin, teasing her hard nipples. The warmth between her legs was doubtless now a wetness. Where was this going? Steph stepped out of the changing room.

“Oooo, fits perfectly.” Izzy said with a big smile. “Give me a twirl!”

Steph obliged, she was feeling sexy now.

“Ooo, twisted strap and label showing.” Izzy moved behind Steph, and before Steph knew what was happening she felt Izzy’s fingers on her skin. Izzy ran her fingers down one of the straps from Steph’s shoulder down her back, untwisting the strap. It felt amazing to be touched, Steph let out a little moan. Her head was spinning again, but this time she didn’t want to hide. Steph then felt Izzy’s fingers float down her spine, and prod a label down at the top of her bum. Steph shivered with pleasure. No hiding it now she thought, Izzy probably knew that Steph was burning with desire. She wasn’t quite prepared for what happened next however.

Izzy’s hands were suddenly on Steph’s hips, partly inside the dress. Izzy pulled Steph against her body, and then her hands started slowly travelling up the sides of Steph’s body, further into the dress. Steph gasped, as Izzy ran her fingers slowly up the curve of her waist, soon they would find her breasts. Steph wasn’t sure what would happen when they did, she might orgasm where she stood or pass out on the floor, but she longed for it to happen. Inch by inch Izzy’s hands went higher. Maybe this was how she died, her body and mind succumbing to pure pleasure. Izzy’s fingers ever so gently brushed the bottom of Steph’s breasts.

“Hello!? Anyone in here.” Steph’s mind snapped hard back into reality.

“Fucking worst timing.” Izzy whispered in her ear, before heading in the direction of the voice.

Steph stood, feeling a bit wobbly. Breathing ragged, body aching for a release that wasn’t going to come. She could hear Izzy talking to the women. She pulled the dress quickly over her head. Shit, bra, gone… Gone where? No time, she pulled her t-shirt on and went back towards the shop counter.

to be continued…

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