The New Neighbor Pt. 01


Amber awoke on a June morning to the sounds of birds chirping and the loud brakes of what was probably a large truck. She sleepily stretched her limbs, rolling over to bury herself further into the blankets and pillows. After a minute, she could hear men’s voices calling out to each other. She was still half asleep, but slightly confused. It wasn’t trash day, and the neighborhood was normally very quiet otherwise. Mildly annoyed, she sat up to get a look out the window. It was a moving truck at the house next door. She could see a team of men starting to unload the furniture, skillfully and quickly, already getting elegant looking pieces inside. Amber dropped her head back onto the sea of pillows. She was currently house sitting for her Aunt and Uncle. They went out of the country in May for at least the whole summer, possibly longer, and asked Amber to keep an eye on things. She was more than happy to oblige. Her aunt and uncle came into a lot of money a few years back after developing some software thing, their house was extravagant.

Amber just graduated college and had been living in various crappy apartments for the past few years. Her lease had been up in May anyways, so it worked out perfectly for her to move into their place for a bit. She was enjoying seeing how the other half lives. Amber grew up in a modest household, they never went hungry-but were definitely on a tight budget. As soon as she turned 18, she moved out and prided herself on having financial independence. Currently, however, she was in between jobs. She had been working various jobs throughout the years since high school…serving tables, being a cashier, retail, etc. Most of the time, she was working two jobs, finding little time to herself. She had gotten so fed up and tired that she quit her most recent venture in a fiery blaze of glory. Sure to give everyone a piece of her mind on the way out. Amber felt like she had earned a little break to unwind and look for something to get her career started. Since she was living rent free for the next few months, she wasn’t overly stressed about the lack of income. She did have some savings. It did make her a little anxious though.

The movers continued being noisy, keeping Amber from falling back asleep. She figured it was probably time to get up anyways. As much as she enjoys her lazy time, she didn’t want to waste away her little vacation. Amber watched out the window of the second floor guest room, which conveniently had a perfect view of the action. They moved around like worker ants, organized and never stopping. Then Amber saw a luxury black sedan pull up, most likely the new owner. Sure enough, a tall older woman stepped out of the vehicle looking at her new house with a little smile. The woman was probably mid 40’s-50 years old. It was hard to tell, but she was stunning. You could just tell that she takes care of herself. Her caramel skin looked so smooth and vibrant in color, complimented by her light blue attire. She was wearing a fitted skirt with a matching blazer, dressed like a modern day Jackie Kennedy. Her jet black hair was cut as an angular bob that framed her face perfectly.

Even from this far away, Amber could tell not a hair was out of place. She was wearing large sunglasses that shielded most of her face. Amber still found herself wishing she will look that good at that age. She looked very fit, had long shapely legs and the curves of a young woman. She watched the mystery woman walk up the driveway, shaking the hands of the movers as she went. Amber watched the men put something into their pockets, then caught a glimpse of cash. Her interest was peaked. This woman was alluring. For the most part, Amber was a socially reserved person and only opened up to a few. In her opinion, she could get rid of all small talk and related things entirely. She was polite, however, and often found herself stuck in awkward and forced conversations with people. Over the years though, she’s learned to avoid those situations almost entirely and it was very rare for her to initiate meeting someone new. This woman, however, just had some mysterious pull that made Amber really want to get a closer look. Plus, that house was even bigger than the one she’s staying in, and even it feels like a mansion to Amber. She thought it would be cool to possibly get a look around.

Finally getting all the way out of bed, Amber walked into the bathroom. She was convincing herself even more to go say hello, figuring it would be considerate to let her know what the situation is. It’s the neighborly thing to do, right? She looked in the mirror, eyes scanning her freshly woken face and bed hair. Her dark, thick curls were only kind of messy, giving that sought after carefree look. She met her reflections gaze, big blue eyes looking back at her. Her light skin was clear except for the freckles that sprinkled across her nose and cheeks. She started brushing her teeth and continued thinking about what to say to this lady. Amber walked back to her room to get dressed. She pulled on a pair of dark, fitted jeans up her thick thighs. No underwear, she rarely wore underwear. She hooked on her bra and then found a solid colored, simple blouse. It hung loosely, but her large breasts were still obvious. Amber was about 5’5″ and wore a 34DDD, she was very curvy but still fit and athletic. porno izle She played some sports, did a little yoga, but naturally had a voluptuous body. She was not overly confident with her appearance, but overall happy with it. Amber was one of those people who genuinely did not know how beautiful she was. Which has kept her humble, but sometimes selling herself short.

She got herself ready; putting on a little lotion, slight amount of make-up, a quick overall clean up. She was almost to the front door when she realized it’s usually polite to greet the neighbor with some sort of offering. Amber wasn’t really sure what was in the house, but she looked around. After a lot of hesitation and over thinking, she decided on a potted plant. Her Aunt recently went through a “plant phase” or something like that. It was still a young plant and hardly grown, so she could just replace it. Amber was out the door and regretting bringing the plant, because aren’t baked goods the usual thing for this? It was too late though because it was a short walk to the house, and some of the movers were already looking at her. She kind of smiled and nodded at them as she passed them by and hesitated by the open doorway. Luckily, the mystery woman was there to greet her quickly. Her sunglasses were still on. Amber cleared her throat and said

“Uh, hi. I’m Amber, that’s my aunt and uncles house next door. I’m actually house sitting for a couple of months, but I wanted to come introduce myself.”

She extended the plant out to her. The woman removed her sunglasses, revealing dark brown, slanted eyes. Those cat like eyes intensely scanned Amber up and down. She took the plant and turned to walk inside, gesturing Amber in. The lady was much taller than Amber, probably about 5’11” and slender, but with about C cup breasts and a clearly round, firm ass. They walked through a little foyer, and went through the dining room to the kitchen. The house already having most of the bigger furniture inside already. She set the baby plant on the counter and turned to Amber saying,

“Thank you so much for the fiddle leaf fig. It will go quite well outside. My name is Veronica Waters, but you will call me Ms. V.”

Amber giggled very quietly and nervously. A sort of odd introduction, she suddenly felt 5 years old again. Ms. V continued,

“Please pardon the mess of the house. However, this is an exceptional moving team and things should be put together shortly. Now, Amber, how old are you?”

“Oh, I’m 23.”

“Excellent. Moving can be so stressful. Would you like to join me outside for mimosas or possibly just champagne?”

Amber laughed a little more confidently this time. It was 11AM but she was never against day drinking. She also was excited for the opportunity to see more of the house and loosen up a bit with a drink. Ms. V had a slight accent, it was hard to place, but her voice was smooth and sultry. The kind that makes you hope they keep talking just so you can listen to more of it. Amber replied,

“That sounds excellent, and yes, you can hold the orange juice!”

“My kind of girl” Ms. V winked.

She walked towards an intercom system and pushed a button. Moments later, a man rounded the corner into the kitchen. He was dressed casually and had a warm appearance.

“What can I get for you, Ms. V?”

“We will be having champagne outside.”

He nods and leaves the kitchen. Amber is a little confused, but starts following Ms. V as she walks out of the kitchen gesturing Amber along. The outside area is stunning, perfectly landscaped already. Clearly she had someone come in and do some work before today. There was a lovely covered area with a table and chairs, couches surrounding a fire pit. She sat at the table pointing at a chair for Amber. There was a large pool, a hot tub, a pond with koi fish. A small walking path with benches along the way, beautiful flowers and exotic plants surrounding everything. It was enchanting.

“Having a tranquil environment outside is so important to me.” Ms. V sighed as she got comfortable in her chair.

“This is absolutely beautiful. I would say you succeeded!”

The man then appeared outside, coming from a different door than the one they walked through. He had a tray with two champagne flutes, an ice bucket for the bottle, and a glass bowl of assorted fresh fruit. He sat it down, pouring the bubbly and asked

“Is there anything else I can get for you?”

“No, that will be fine, Raphael.”

“Thank you, Ms. V” he nods and disappears back through the other door that’s out of sight.

“that is Raphael, let him know if you need anything. He can get it for you.”

Amber nodded awkwardly, gratefully taking the champagne that was being handed to her.

“So Amber, how long have you been in town staying at your aunt and uncle’s house?”

“Just a few weeks so far. I was living about 3 hours away from here before, I’ve been here a couple of times. They only moved in 3 years ago.”

“Ah, so does that mean you don’t know the area very well? Ms. V asked slightly leaning towards Amber. She had a lovely smell, crisp and subtly floral…vanilla and sandalwood…her beauty and odd intensity was making Amber nervous.

“Uh, I mean I know my way around pretty well.”

“That is not what I mean, but I’m glad porno you know where things are. You might give Raphael names of places worth visiting. Do you have friends here, Amber?”

“Not really. Most of my friends were from college and we’ve all gone our separate ways. I’m kind of taking this as a personal vacation. I won’t be having any parties or anything like that” Amber tried to be light, but something about the Ms. V’s catlike eyes were making her nervously gulp champagne.

“That’s good. What do you do for work, Amber?”

“I uh-I actually just quit my job before coming here. A lot of bad work conditions, just wasn’t really worth it anymore.”

“And what was it that you were doing?” Ms. V prodded

“I was a waitress” Amber sounded reluctant and almost shameful.

“Very good.”

Amber wasn’t able to get a grasp on this exchange but each time Ms. V seemed to approve, she felt herself relax a little more.

“Well, Amber I would enjoy getting to know you a little better. Perhaps we can make it a habit of you coming over. As it turns out, I’m used to having more people around the house helping. Since I’m starting new, it will take me awhile to find the right people. But since you’re so close by and without work, you can come here and do a few odds and ends for me. Of course, you will be properly compensated.”

“Oh, uh, ok. What-what did you have in mind?”

Amber wasn’t really sure what just happened. She didn’t want to spend her summer mowing lawns, but somehow she felt like that’s not what was in mind. She also felt like Ms. V was the type of the person that you just couldn’t say no to. Ms. V made eye contact with Amber and gave a subtle, Mona Lisa smile.

“Sometimes it’s hard to know what exactly I need, until I need it. I just like having some helping hands around at times. If there’s anything I ask of you, that you are unwilling to do, you may certainly leave and keep whatever you have already earned. At that point, however, you have terminated our relationship. Do you understand?”

“Uh…yeah, I mean I think that sounds ok…I don’t exactly have any plans, so…”

Ms. V interrupted Amber’s ramblings

“When I ask you a yes or no question, please respond with either yes or no Ms. V. Do you understand?”

“Um-yes, Ms.V?”

“Stop with the um’s and uh’s as well. You should speak clearly and concisely.”

Amber felt a little weird about everything, but also like she couldn’t stop it. Her brain automatically replied

“Yes, Ms. V”

“Very good. Now, have another glass of champagne and sit in the quiet…enjoy the sounds of the nature.”

She was pouring them each another glass, and they did just as she said. The champagne was crisp and expensive, Amber already felt the effects. They sat and watched birds and butterflies flutter throughout the contrived jungle. It was beautiful. Seconds after Amber took the last sip of her champagne Ms. V turned towards her.

“Raphael will show you out, and he will get you when I’m ready for you tomorrow. Please wear something you consider suitable for being outside. We will mostly be in this area or more by the pool tomorrow.”

“So like, a bathing suit?”

But Ms. V turned her head away and Raphael was there ushering Amber out.

Back inside the guest room she’s made her own, Amber is pacing reflecting over what just happened. That’s not what she expected. But what did she expect? She was certainly even more interested than before. What sort of work? What is this lady’s deal? Part of Amber felt like this was weird and a little creepy, maybe she shouldn’t go back. The other part of her wanted to find out more, and wouldn’t mind making a little money during this transition time. Amber walked to the window and looked at the house she was just in, wondering where Ms. V was in there. The backyard was barely visible. The tall gate and plant fingers reaching over the edge have always blocked the view. Truthfully, Amber thought it was just an overgrown backyard…no one has been in that house since her aunt and uncle moved in.

Amber flopped onto the bed. Feeling so strange, but good. Suddenly, she realized she had unbuttoned and unzipped her pants, her hands working on their own pulling the jeans past her hips. She bit her lip and kind of smiled to herself. Feeling naughty for being turned on, but enjoying that even more. Amber has always found women to be attractive, and has had a few intimate experiences. But they were not as full blown of an experience she sometimes imagines having. She’s never really found herself attracted to older women though, she wasn’t really sure what it was that was turning her on so much. But sure enough, her fingers were playing with her vagina’s outer lips. Slightly caressing her slit, inner thighs, and playing with the little bit of hair on her mound.

Then her middle finger was on her clit, applying pressure and rubbing small circles. Her other hand was playing with the hem of her shirt, slowly moving up towards her breasts. She started to rub harder, now all fingers involved, touching as much of her clit and pussy as she can. Rubbing furious circles as her left hand is pinching her nipple. She pulled her bra to the side grabbing at as much breast she could access. She felt herself getting to the point of no return, her thighs rokettube involuntarily flexing and clenching. Tightness throughout the body. She slowed down and inserted a finger inside of herself, trying to tickle the G-spot. She never felt much pleasure from inserting fingers inside of herself, but she liked to explore her warmth. Her fingers, now dripping wet, went back to her clit. Rubbing feverishly. Getting her body back to that point of being on the edge, she squeezed her muscles as tight as she could and then gave in to the release. Letting out a moan of an exhale as the waves of pleasure washed over her. Her submitting her body to each spasm, letting the orgasm take over her full body. She laid there in a pulsating, tangible cloud of pleasure. Amber was very excited to see what was going to happen tomorrow.

Unsure of what to expect, Amber got up early in the morning. She decided on wearing a bathing suit underneath a loose tshirt and shorts. Her morning was spent anxiously cleaning and trying to eat something before Raphael knocked on the door. When Amber answered he just said

“Ms. V is ready for you now.” And turned towards her house. Amber silently followed along as he took her to the backyard again. There, Ms. V was lying outside on a recliner chair by the pool. She was completely naked, face down.” As we approached, Raphael pleasantly announced

“Ms. V, I have Amber for you.”

She turned her neck to look at Amber from the side, probably noticing her shocked expression. Ms. V then stood up with a sudden swiftness and grace. She was standing full frontal nude in front of Amber, but only for a brief second because Raphael was there with a silky robe. Amber still had time to take in her perfect features. Breasts were perky and fully rounded, slightly erect brown nipples that were the perfect ratio the breast size. Even though Amber tried not to look, she noticed Ms. V had an undoubtedly waxed landing strip. It was perfectly groomed. Her hips had such a distinct “v” shape it was like a literal arrow to her vagina. Amber was amused by the fitting name “Ms. V”. Once robed, she took Amber on a little walk through the yard an explained a couple of things. Ms. V has the philosophy to live your life in complete pleasure, she enjoys doing whatever she wants. Has never married and has explored multiple different sources of income. She didn’t go into much detail there. She also said she has a knack for seeing what other people want for themselves, but are for some reason afraid to embrace. Currently, her focus in life, is to help people get their secret desires. Amber is listening intently, swept away by the eloquent speech and beautiful scenery. Somewhere in the middle of the conversation, Raphael handed them each champagne. They made their way back to the pool and Raphael was there with more champagne. Ms. V took off her robe and laid back down, asking Raphael to go get her oil.

“The body is nothing to be shy of. In fact, would you rub the oil on me? It is so nice to feel the touch of another, and I can’t reach everywhere. That will be your work for today, you may stay and enjoy the pool and other outside area afterwards until I tell you it’s time to go. Do not go inside unless you ask to use the restroom. Raphael can serve you anything you need while you’re here. I will give you $500 for your time today” Amber’s jaw slightly dropped in disbelief for a moment. Raphael handed Ms. V the oil and then disappeared again. Those dark cat eyes stared at Amber “Well? Will you do it, yes or no?”

“Yes, Ms. V”

Amber clumsily got closer to her. Taking in the full glory of the dark skin sprawled in front of her. She couldn’t believe this was happening.

“Um, where do you want the oil?”

“Stop with the um. Everywhere but my face.”

Amber started rubbing the oil tentatively onto Ms. V’s arms. She did each arm and then hesitated over her breasts. Ms. V cut in icily.

“I said everywhere. Rub me the way you should and want to. Do you not feel you are being compensated enough?”

“No, Ms. V. I apologize.”

Amber felt a sting from the harsh tone and suddenly put her all into rubbing the oil. She was now giving a massage too. She wanted to make her feel good and be happy. If she wanted to get the full rub down, Amber was happy to do so. Ms. V had such a beautiful body and was giving Amber the green light to explore the way she always wanted to. She was softly caressing the breasts, kneading them, jiggling them in her hands. Softly tickling her tummy. When she got to her hips, she kept letting her thumb run over the would be panty line. But Ms. V was naked. Amber was glad her eyes were closed, because she couldn’t help but to stare at her beautiful pussy. Ms. V said everywhere, and it seemed like she meant it…so Amber started to move a little closer to her pussy. She had her fingers teasing the hair that was the landing strip, and soon was grazing the outer lips. The oil was making her dark skin glisten beautifully. Amber could tell Ms. V liked it from her satisfied expression. She started putting more pressure on the areas she was nervous about…basically playing with her pussy but not parting the lips. Amber then became hyper aware of what she was doing and moved on to the thighs. She didn’t want to misinterpret things or take anything too far. Soon she was rubbing oil onto her calves, down to her feet and between her toes. It was the most intimate rub down Amber had ever given. When she was done, Ms. V stood up and walked inside calling over her shoulder

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