The Page


The chirping of his pager interrupted the meeting for the third time that morning. Quickly squelching the offending instrument he murmured his apologies and returned to the presentation. As the focus turned back to the technical presentation, he carefully slide the pager from his belt.

One the nice things about these digital pagers is that you can send a message and don’t have to dial back to a blind phone number. He had expected the same simple message that he had previously received: “Be ready at lunch” and they were all signed “B”. This message was simple and to the point “Monte Carlo, RM 2526, 1230” no signature was necessary. Checking the time stamp on the message, he knew that the sender must be in town, or very close. Making some mental calculations he knew that he would need to leave the office by no later than 12:00. The would be apologies to make and excuses to fain. This was an important client but his role was largely technical and his presence wouldn’t actually be required until after 2:00. More calculations. The more he thought about it, the more inclined he was to just ignore the message and go about his business. But on the other hand….he smiled as he checked the previous messages…he felt a familiar rush in his groin. This wasn’t the first time that he had been a party to the games of “B” but this might be the best.

“B” was actually “BEFun4ME”, but through the course of time had simply become “B”. “B” was a night owl and inhabited chat rooms in the wee hours of the morning. Not being able to sleep he started exploring the chat rooms and ended up talking to “B”. Sometimes he regretted giving “B” his pager number, but always he responded.

The meeting seemed to drone on and on with no real progress. A quick glance at the clock, 11:50. Angela, the divisional manager was leaving the room. She smiled and winked as she went by. “Suffer” she mouthed. The woman had guts. No sweat he thought, schedule is still good. Blah, blah, blah, the speaker was going over the same material, again. Check the watch: 11:55. He was beginning to feel a little nervous. His leg was making sewing-machine motions. Changing position in his chair, he glanced a look at the Operations Managers’ watch” 11:57. The sensation in his groin was changing from a tingling to a hardening. Shifting again his seat, he tried to make accommodation with out appearing too obvious. Despite his best effort he was beginning feel the pressure. A quick sideways glance. Sheila from the contracts department was aware of his increasing discomfort and he hope that she didn’t notice the tent in his pants. Oh, geeze, 12:03. A single word popped into his head: Vespers!

Strangely his mind was drawn back in time to when he was a kid knowing that the older girls would be soon headed to the showers. Regular as clockwork he would suffer the same feeling as the Father droned on, knowing that he and Ritchie Malosky would soon sneak into the plumbing closet and peer in to the girls shower room hoping almost beyond hope for that glimpse of female flesh. He would even pray, promising God that he stop, if he just could get a little peek of “it”. Butts and boobs were good but oh how he longed for a glimpse of more; of “it”. Especially Mary Catherine’. He and Ritchie would take turns peering through the cracks around the water pipes. Watching as the girls, in enter, shower, wash hair and preen. Listening to the giggles and gossip. It had become a ritual for he and Ritchie. A quick thrill. Forbidden fruit. It was THE secret. Understood and shared but never spoken. They both would sneak in and out of the closet with out saying a word. Back to their respective rooms, walking as quickly and inconspicuously as possible considering their aroused state. Usually the shower show was short lived, seeing little more than than a quick glance of a breast or two. When they were fortunate enough to get a little more of a show they allowed for touching themselves. Neither ashamed nor proud of their respective states, it was simply a fact of life. There didn’t seem to be anything odd or gay about masturbating in the presence of each other, neither was watching the other, much more interested in the flesh beyond the wall but acutely aware of the purpose for being there. .

The movement of someone in the room snapped him back reality. Finally, the meeting ended. 12:09. Oh…God…he was behind schedule. As he turned to leave, he collided with Sheila…ummmm Barnes? Not a serious collision, but enough that he was sure that she felt the bulge. Excuse me. Sheila? From accounting, right? Lunch? No, he had some business to take care of. Next week? Sure. He would love to.

Heart pounding, he left the building and drove quickly from the parking lot, headed south on I-15 heading straight into Vegas. It was hot as hell. Most people complained about the extreme summer time temperatures but he embraced it…it was a challenge for him. Exiting at Flamingo, he turned south on Vegas Blvd. Traffic was snarled along the strip. Between the overheated cars and the gawking tourists it was a wonder than anything ever moved balgat escort here in the summer. He was really feeling impatient, nearly frantic as he waited for the light to cycle. This wasn’t the first time that “B” had summoned him via the pager or his e-mail. The messages would come in varied intervals. Several in a day to once a month. It had become an obsession with him to figure out who the person was. The first time the message was to meet at a bar on the strip. He showed and waited for about 20 minutes before leaving. The next message was “Sorry, had to check you out. Nice butt! B”. He was once directed to an address on the strip an adult theater and arcade. He sat in the dark, waiting and watching for the better part of an hour. Guys alone and with girl friends. A page. “Enjoying the show? B” another “Wait! Still another “Don’t touch yourself” finally “It was good for me! Was it for you?” He knew that it was a silly obsession but sometimes it was as though “B” was watching him. The pages came from different area codes. Sometimes Dallas, sometimes California. Strange, even though they came from far away, their timing was uncanny.

Finally, the parking lot of the Monte Carlo. As he hurried to the elevator in the lobby his pager chirped. He pulled it from his belt. Trembling he read. “You are running late. Knock twice and then count to ten” Tenth floor….passengers on and passengers off. His heart was pounding. Was it a trap? A planned robbery? Who was “B”? The possibility that they were a psychotic killer had crossed his mind. But still…..he had to know. 19th floor. His palms were sweating. 23rd floor. Crunched foot by a lady with a walker. Finally, the 25th floor. Stepping into the hall he took a deep breath and collected his bearings. The room was a corner room. A suite if he remembered correctly. Two knocks. Start counting “one, two, three,…..a click as the door opened….four…five…six…seven…eight…nine…..deep breath…ten.

He opened the door to find a note. “Enter and Close”. Except for the light in the entry way the room appeared dark. Stepping in he clicked the door closed behind him. A tentative step forward. “Hello”. A click. A little more light A mechanical voice spoke “Come in and stand beside the chair”. As his eyes grew accustom to the dark he looked around. It was definitely one of the larger rooms that the Monte Carlo offered; a suite of at least three rooms. The lighting in the room was so subdued that locating the chair took a few seconds. The chair was sitting more or less centered in the room, facing more or less inward into the other part of the suite. Beside the chair he could identify an end table with what appeared to be a reading lamp. Carefully he moved toward the chair and assumed the requested station. “Sit, please” the voice intoned. The chair was soft velour, swivelled and reclined. Carefully he sat and faced what he thought was the general direction of the voice. The room was quiet except for the sound of the air conditioning. There was the faint odor of an expensive perfume that he couldn’t identify and another scent, musky a little masculine. His heart was pounding. Still unsure what he should do next he cleared his throat, waiting for a response. The was none. Between the cyclic hum of the air conditioner, he could thought he could that hear breathing. Maybe the rustling of clothing. He just wasn’t sure. Another minute, or was it two? The scent of the perfume was a little stronger. The nervousness was becoming profound. He squelched the sudden urge to bolt out the door, but his unease was apparent. “Relax”, said the voice. “I am really glad that you are here. I’ll be with you in a minute.” The voice was husky but definitely female. “Make yourself comfortable”. Easier said than done, he thought. Another period of silence. “Turn your chair about 90 degrees to the left” Tentatively he turned. “A little more, please” Another 15 degrees of so. His legs bumped into something. Firm. Furniture? A foot stool. “Put your feet up, make yourself comfortable. There is a cold beer on the table. I hope that you like Tecate”. Tentatively he reached for the beer and then put his feet on the stool. The beer was cold and wet. He hesitated but began to think about how dry his mouth was and how good a cold beer would taste. He started to turn his head to the sound of the voice. “Eyes forward” she said. “Maybe you need something to occupy your mind for a few minutes. Just to relax you and get you in the right frame of mind”. Click. He jumped as the darkness in front of him disappeared and the screen of a television set came to life. He wasn’t really suprised to find a pornographic image on the televison. A blonde woman was performing oral sex on a man. Her back was to camera and a thin strip of black material separated the smooth globes of her ass. The camera angle changed to a close up of the woman’s face as the she licked and sucked his erection. Shiny and wet, the mans cock disappeared and then reappeared from the blondes mouth. She was alternating between squeezing his balls and rubbing her hand on his batıkent escort cock. Another camera angle. The face of the man was contorted with pleasure. Another camera angle change. This time right behind the blonde. Up close and personal, so to speak. Engorged lips of the woman’s sex peaked from around the line of fabric. Her other hand rubbing, finger pressed in to the cleft. “Ummmm” the voice said from behind him the room said “You like this don’t you?” He nodded. “I’am sorry I didn’t hear you.” This time he responded with a definite “Yes”.

“Me too” said the voice. “I love sucking cock. Sucking a big hard cock like yours. Rubbing your balls. Teasing the tip with my tounge”

Although he was getting a little aroused from watching the movie, the sound of her voice caused his cock to harden completely. He started to turn toward the voice.

“No!” she commanded. “Eyes forward. Keep watching. You might learn something” Several more minutes of the images filling the screen. The blonde had moved astride the mans face. With one hand she pulled aside the fabric of her panties; with the other she guided his head to between her legs. The view from behind the woman was fabulous. Her legs were spread and back was arched just enough to provide rounding of her butt. As he applied his tongue to her, his hand stroked his hard cock. Still wet from her licking, his and moved up and down in the same rhythm that he licked her lips. Occasionally running his hand over the head he continued stroke and fondle his cock. As the camera panned down a little further, he noticed that the man in movie had on a cock ring. It was obscured by his pubic hair and the base of the mans hand, but definitely there. “He has a very nice cock, don’t you think?” The voice was a little more excited. He nodded and breathed “Yes. Very nice”.

“I want to see your cock” she said. “Open your pants”

He hesitated. This was the beginning of what he really wanted. Wasn’t it? Setting his beer aside, he was tempted to turn and face her. But what then? He wanted to play this out. As if she could read his mind. “If you don’t, we can end this right now and we both can go away”.

As he mulled it over in his mind, he watched as the blonde on the screen spread her legs and positioned herself over the mans cock. The camera view showed both the man and the woman focused on what was soon to be the junction of their bodies. As she took his cock in her hand, she sank down to where the head of his cock was right at the opening to her pussy.

“This is the best part” cooed B. “This turns me on so much. I’ll bet you are turned on too. Show me.”

He undid his pants, opened them…..his underware were tented over his hard cock.

“Yes, that’s it. Show me it all”

Sliding the elastic waistband down over his cock and to beneath his balls. His cock sprang forth. Right now he was as hard as he had been in along time.

“Oh, yes……such a nice cock. You didn’t lie in our chats, did you? Stroke it. Easy, long slow strokes” She breathed. “Imagine that you are that guy on the screen. That tight wet pussy sliding up and down the length” Her voice was slow and easy. He closed his hand around his cock and began sliding his hand up and down the length. A little drop of moisture formed at the head. Several minutes of silence as he sat watching the couple screw on screen. He could hear movement behind him as she apparently repositioned herself on the the bed. “Oh, I am so hot. This is making me so horny and soooo very wet. Don’t you wish you were screwing that woman? Look at the way her lips are gripping his cock.” His hand going up and down his cock as she talked to him. Her breathing was a little faster as she parceled out her words. “This is really turning you on” Isn’t it? I love watching you stroke your cock while you watch. Make it wet. Make it wet and shiny. Like the one on the screen”.

He licked his hand then returned to stroking. “Hmmmm baby. I have wanted to watch you do this for a long time”.

Then, suddenly B said “Stop!” Emphatically. “You are getting a little to close. Open the drawer in the table.

A little groping and he was able to open the drawer. Inside he felt a small bottle, a few plastic cylinders and some other things he couldn’t quite identify.

“Take out the bottle. It is lotion. It will make you nice a slick and shiny. Take your pants off and then put it all over your cock. But no peeking”

Quickly he removed his pants and shirt, leaving him standing naked before the television. The blonde was in the throes of orgasmic bliss as she rode the cock of the man. “Ohhhh god…he is going to come” B said. As if on cue, the mans cock slipped from the womans pussy and shot a load of milky white cum on her legs and butt. An audible moan from B. “Ohhh yes, I love that” she said “I love watching a man come.” Returning to a seated position he reached for the bottle of lotion. “One thing first” B said “reach in the drawer and find the cock ring. Find it” He groped in drawer until he found a soft round ring, made of leather beşevler escort with a clasp and a second, smaller loop. “Put in on” said B “Nice and tight. I want to make this last for ever”. He wanted to make it last as long as possible too but was a little leery. As if she could read his mind B said soothingly “Don’t worry the other loop makes it easy to take off.” Then added “when the time is right”. Once he had the cock ring around the base of his cock, he dribbled some of the lotion over the length of his hard cock.

Having never tried a ring, he wasn’t sure what to expect. At first it was a new and interesting sensation but as he spread the lotion over his cock he noticed that it was a little harder than before.

“How does it feel?” Asked B. “Do you like the way it makes your cock feel harder? Spread some lotion on your balls and make them all slick and shiny”

More lotion. As his hands cupped his balls he could feel their fullness just waiting to be released. He felt a little strange about about the situation. It wasn’t like he had never masturbated in front of any one before, but he had never done it FOR anyone. What did she want to see? Just what he usually did? Something special? He had often imagined that he was being watched. But that was always imaginary, he knew that no one was there. With one hand on his balls the other stroking his cock, he turned his attention back to the screen. The screen had changed to a scene with two women in a locker room. Thong panties on one and gym shorts on the other. A blonde and a brunette. The brunette was a little plump but had an awesome set of boobs. Over the sounds of the air conditioner and movie sound track he strained for a clue as to what B was doing. A rustling sound. Silence. A faint click and a quiet thump. More rustling. Mattress squeaks? Silence. He strained his ears but there was just too much noise in the room. His cock was beginning to throb.

“Mmmmm. I think that we are going get a some girl-girl action. What do you think?” There definitely was a smile in her voice.

The blonde was now leaning against the vanity with the brunette grinding her hips against her ass. The brunette was tweaking the blondes nipples as she talked dirty to her. A few quick slaps on the blondes thong covered ass and she spread her legs. The brunette hung on to the blondes hips as she made thrusting motions. More slaps and fingers beneath the fabric. Not at all gentle, the brunette grabbed the blondes hair forcing her to look at herself in the mirror. Fingers pumping in and out. Reaching for a bottle of lotion, the brunette squeezed some on the blondes ass. The blonde grimaced as she felt a finger slide into her ass.

“I am getting so turned on I can hardly stand it” breathed B.

His cock was really throbbing now….he stroked himself faster and with a firmer grip. “Easy! Slow down a little. Turn your chair just a little toward me but don’t take your eyes off the screen. I want to see a little more”

He did as he was asked. He turned the chair maybe a quarter of the way toward her. “Put your left foot up on the foot stool. Hmmmm! Such a nice hard cock. How does the cock ring feel?”

He hesitated before answering “It makes it very hard. And throbbing”. In fact, he had never been this hard before; not in recent memory anyway. Not painful, but he could imagine it getting that way. He hope that he knew that.

“Good! I want you to stay hard for a long time. Add some more of the lotion to your balls. Feel the way that it drools down between your legs on to your ass. Spread your legs and rub your asshole for me. Get it good lubricated. Good boy!”

He knew what was coming next. He did this sometimes when he masturbated. She knew that, he had told her so. He knew how good it would feel. His middle finger was making circles around the rim. The lotion making it slick. His other hand was slowly moving up and down his cock. Imagining a wet, very tight pussy replacing his hand. He was visualizing his cock sliding in watching the lips part, then cling to his shaft. He was having a hard time pacing himself. He watched the images on the screen. The blonde now had a knee on the vanity, the brunette was kneeling behind her. Two fingers in her pussy and teasing the blondes ass with a small vibrator. He pressed his middle finger against the ring. Teasing himself. Anticipating.

B was breathing audibly. The sounds told him that she was moving. “Go ahead, slide a finger in your ass. Let me see you fuck yourself.” He enjoyed the sensation as he slid his middle finger in; just to the second knuckle. He felt his asshole contract then relax as it accommodated his finger. Slowly he moved the digit in and out. A little deeper and a little faster. His other hand keeping pace. “Stop stroking your cock. Move your balls out of the way” Her words came slowly and methodically. This woman knew what she wanted. He never imagined even discussing this let alone doing this for anyone. Pulling his balls up, he slide his finger in as deep as he could. At the same time, the vibrator was disappearing into the blondes ass. He crocked his finger and wiggled it around. Stretching the tight ring. He felt so good, so full. His knuckle rubbed his prostrate. Ohhhh that felt so good. Again and again. This was taking him so close. He wondered if he could cum without touching his cock again.

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