The Retreat at Sharon’s Ch. 09


“Pull in here,” Mikela said. Carla seemed excited. She was out of her seat belt and halfway out the door as Max pulled into a parking spot in front of a thrift store.

“No peeking, now,” Carla told Max as she stepped down out of the SUV. Whatever the ladies were planning, Max looked forward to it after all of the activities during the previous day. Max could have used the time to meditate but he decided to bend a few rules and check his phone, since they’d needed a few phones for “emergency situations” while they traveled.

He flipped through several seemingly inane Snaps from his friends out at clubs from the prior nights. Some were partying at a club in Miami. A couple other guys weren’t far away, checking out girls on the beach at Panama City Beach. He laughed to himself thinking how they’d react if he told them about what he’d been through in the last week. Facebook and Twitter also seemed foreign all of a sudden. His feed was just full of hundreds of people just distracting themselves from their surroundings or trying to transform themselves into small time celebrities in their social circles.

The women shopped for about half an hour before they re-appeared in the thrift store exit. Max fumbled with his phone and eventually managed to slip it inside the center console as he watched his companions exit the store, shopping bags hanging from their arms. He popped the back hatch and they deposited their treasures before returning to the SUV.

When they returned to the house, it was still and silent. The rest of the group must have retired for some R&R before the next item on the agenda. Max returned to his bedroom, showered quickly, and then collapsed on the bed.


“Wake up. Max, wake up.” He felt a hand shaking his back. He rolled over and opened his eyes, trying to figure out how long he’d been out. He wondered if he was still dreaming. Standing next to the bed in a red and black plaid skirt and a white collared shirt was Carla. She wore black flats with white stockings that stretched over her calves, stopping just below her knees.

“Did I die?” Max asked.

“Of course not. Here, go put these on,” Carla dropped a pair pants onto his chest. “The rest is hanging in the closet.”

Max pushed himself up and continued to stare at Carla as he backed into the walk-in closet that led to the bathroom. She squinched her mouth to one side and curled a lock of her blonde hair in one hand as she stared back, already getting into character. A sweater vest and red and black striped tie hung from the door in the closet. He shed his shorts and decided he’d need to step up for the occasion so he opened his suitcase and grabbed the black stretchy briefs inside.

“That will do,” Carla said when he appeared from the closet fully equipped in what seems like a makeshift school uniform. He felt a little restricted in a white collared shirt that was a little too small in the neck and a sweater vest that was way out of season for South Georgia this time of year.

“How do I look?”

“Like a very naughty schoolboy who needs to be punished,” she quipped, approaching him to pull his pants up slightly from the waist.

“The safety word is blender,” she whispered in his ear.

Carla led Max down the the basement romp room. Max heard the voices of the rest of the retreat group talking and laughing as they descended the basement steps. The door was open, so Carla stopped at the entrance doorway and knocked on the wall to announce their arrival. The voices quieted quickly and there was a long pause.

“Enter,” he heard Mikela bark in an authoritative tone. Max entered the threshold just behind Carla. Bright lights focused on the middle of the discussion pit. They reflected slightly off a dry-erase blackboard at the far side of the room where someone had elegantly written “Sex Ed 201” in big cursive letters. The rest of the group were sitting on the side steps that led down to the pit in their robes.

“Take a seat, class” Mikela ordered them, pointing to the two chairs in the middle of the pit with her yardstick. She wore a maroon blazer buttoned in the middle. It allowed the lace on her bra to just peek out behind the lapels. A tight black skirt hugged her hips and extended down below her knee. The clips from an unseen garter belt held her black stockings up above her shins and she wore black heels that raised her height a couple inches.

“What are you staring at, Max?” She barked at him.

“Nothing. Sorry.” He remembered the sting from Sharon’s riding crop well and the way Mikela wielded that yardstick indicates she meant business. He hurried to the chair on the right, slipping into his role as Carla strutted to the chair on his left.

“That’s what I thought. Now, the reason I called you in here is because of your poor performance in this class. In fact, I don’t think you’ve turned in any homework at all. What do you have to say for yourself, Carla?” Mikela walked between the couple’s chairs and circled around behind elvankent escort Carla.


“Sorry isn’t good enough to pass this class, Carla. I put a lot of work into teaching this class, between the demonstrations and the videos, and I don’t see either one of you putting your own work into it. What am I going to do with you?”

“I don’t know?” Mikela struck her chair back with the yardstick.

“I think I have an idea of how you can make up some work.” Mikela walked back to the small desk at the front of the pit. “Carla, come up to my desk.”

Carla stood up and pressed her hands across her skirt to straighten it.

“Right now!” Mikela shouted, slamming the yardstick on top of the desk.

Carla cautiously walked to take her place next to Mikela.

“First, I think I need to make an example out of you. Turn around. Bend over my desk.” Carla sheepishly bent over and placed her hands on the desk. “Farther,” Mikela demanded as she circled around to the other side of the desk. Carla stretched herself out so that her hands reached the far side of the desk. As she stretched, her short skirt inched a little higher on her legs. Mikela reached down and pulled a coil of rope up from behind the desk.

“Did you even learn how to tie any of your bondage knots?” Mikela asked.

“No,” Mikela responded in a whimper.

“Of course not,” Mikela chastised her as she pulled the rope around and through Carla’s outstretched hands. When she was finished tying off her hands, she pulled the other end of the rope down to the backside of the desk, stretching Carla further across the desk and revealing the bottom of her cotton panties and butt cleavage from under her skirt. After Mikela finished tying up the other end of the rope, she stood and circled back around to the front of the desk, yardstick in hand.

She reared back and smacked Carla on her panties. Carla jumped a little and the desk rocked slightly on the padded floor.

“Am I getting through to you now, Carla?” she asked, rhetorically. Mikela pulled back and spanked Carla again.


“I can’t hear you,” and she drew back and slapped Carla again. Carla whimpered.

“Yes!” Carla shouted.

“I think we need to get your little boyfriend up here. Max come stand up here next to me.”

Max stood and slowly walked to take his place next to Mikela and slightly behind Carla. She looked up at him from the desk and fought to hide the smirk on her face behind Mikela’s back.

“Take the yardstick, Max,” she barked as she handed him the yellow wooden stick. “I want you to spank your girlfriend with this while the rest of the class watches.” Max was still for a moment, staring at the yardstick and wondering how hard Mikela wanted him to spank Carla against how hard he could spank Carla without hurting her or ruining the fun. “Do it already!”

Max pulled the yardstick back and then brought it forward. When it hit Carla’s panties, it ended up being more of a pat than a spank.

“Not like that!” Mikela chastised him as she grabbed the stick back and moved to Carla’s right side. “Like this!” Mikela pulled Carla’s panties down and then lifted her skirt with one hand, exposing her butt room and then slammed the yardstick across her bare butt, causing Carla to jump forward, rocking the desk. Carla let out a loud “Oh,” that seemed half joy, half pain.

“And like this.” Carla smacked Mikela across her ass with emphasis and, again, Carla winced in what sounded like mixed experiences of pleasure and agony. The strikes left faint red marks on Cara’s pale skin.

Mikela handed the the yardstick back to Max and he attempted to follow her example but found himself pulling up short again. He was not good at letting go of his inhibitions on this one. This appeared to upset Mikela.

“What’s wrong with you, Max? If you can’t do what I tell you, you’re going to have to take some punishment yourself.” She grabbed the yardstick out of his hand. “Come here and face the desk,” she said, walking to the other side of the front of the desk and pointing to a spot with her left hand as she held the yardstick in her right. Max turned and sided up to the table where she indicated turning to face the front of the room.

“I’m going to teach you a lesson, I swear,” Mikela said as she straddled up behind him and reached around to unbuckle his pants. Once the buckle was free, she ripped his button-down fly open, popping the buttons into the front of the desk, and pulled his fly apart before flinging the pants down around his ankles. “Oh, my,” she said as she stood back. “Somebody wore his fancy underpants today.”

Max felt Mikela’s hand rub across his left butt cheek as she passed behind him. It grazed across the top of his butt and then down his right butt cheek. He could feel his penis rising in the front of his briefs. Mikela’s exploration continued as she pressed up against him from behind and reached around to brush her hand around his emek escort hip and then up the front of the fabric pocket that held his growing penis in place.

“This is what you wanted, right? Don’t think I don’t see you eye fucking me from your seat every week. Does your girlfriend know about that? Why don’t you turn around and share this with the whole class?” She instructed him as she patted his erection through the fabric. Max’s pants were still around his ankles, so he had to shuffle his feet in a circle and was soon facing the whole room. He looked around and Sharon was to his right, her dark hair flowing out from under the hood on her robe. She sat up straight as a board with her legs crossed in front of her and her hand rested on Tom’s knee to her right.

“Don’t look at them, look at me,” Mikela commanded as she grabbed him by his chin and adjusted his focus directly into her face. Looking down at her, Max studied the square black lenses on her face and looked through their clear frame to the big brown irises underneath. His eyes traced the thin line of her sharp nose and up to her thick but manicured eyebrows above the frames. Mikela stared into his eyes as her fingertips danced across the front of his briefs. Without warning, she reached to his waistband and pulled it up and then outward, stretched it over his erection and then pulled it to the floor.

She stood back a few steps and silently examined him from head to toe. “Hmm. Maybe I’ll have some use for that later.” Max looked down at his shame. His erection twitched slightly, unable to decide if it should stretch continue its path upward out of excitement or slump limply back into place out of the embarrassment.

“Turn back around,” Mikela commanded and Max shuffled back around, completing the circle he started when he turned to face the room. “Bend over the desk, Max.” He reached out for the far side of the desk and felt the cold metal edge of the desk dig into the skin on his fingers. He looked to his right and into Carla’s wild blue eyes.

“Eyes straight ahead!” Max heard Mikela shout as the first blow from the yardstick stung him across his bare butt. His head snapped forward to the dark wall at the front of the room. The light wooden stick left a burning sensation in a line across his skin.

“You think it’s funny, Carla?” Max heard the snap of the stick against skin and felt small shift of the desk beneath his chest. “Answer me when I speak to you.” And the air hung silent for a moment.

“Of course it’s funny,” Carla snapped back. Chuckles rippled through the audience around them.

“Do we have a class clown?” Max heard the yardstick slap against skin again and again. “Funny thing. I actually like a little pep in my students. I’ll tell you what, we’ll give Max his quiz first.” Max felt a small breeze as Mikela passed behind him. “Come with me,” she said and she clutched a handful of the shaggy hair on the back of his head and pulled upward. Max released his hold on the desk and tried to follow where Mikela’s hand led. She pulled him upright and he let his hands fall to his sides as she forced him to spin around. Max stopped as she released his hair but spun around to the front of him and pulled his tie forward leading him by the neck to a spot just behind his girlfriend.

“This way,” she indicated as she pulled his tie sharply to the side, rotating him to face Carla from behind. “Put your hands on her hips.” Max bent over slightly at his waist as he slid his hands up the sides of Carla’s butt and grasp the around her hip bones with both hands. “Closer,” Mikela ordered as she pressed into his left butt cheek with the end of the stick. Max pressed up against Carla’s butt and his penis found a pocket between her butt cheeks. “Now I want to see you caress her like you do when you give her back rubs when you think I’m not looking.” Max obliged and slid his hands slowly down the front of her legs and then around her thighs and back up until they were massaging her butt. He was careful to avoid the red streaks left by Carla’s stick.

“Now, there’s some progress.” Mikela was using her stick to tease the inside of Max’s thighs and tapped it up against his scrotum. He could feel his erection growing, trying to find room to breath as it pressed up against Carla’s skin. She let out a light moan as he worked his hands into her glutes.

“Now I want you to get on your knees and show me you haven’t been skipping out on your female anatomy homework,” Mikela said after letting him work his hands for a few more moments. Max bent one knee and then the other as he settled in behind Carla. He used his tongue to caress her inner thighs as he moved his face up between her legs. He slipped his hand up to trace the opening of her vulva and gently ran his fingers over the skin and stubble he found there. As he pressed his fingers lightly between her outer labia, he could feel that she was already wet.

“Get in there, we’re all getting impatient,” Mikela instructed. She eryaman escort pressed Max’s face into Carla’s legs and stepped into Max’s calf on the floor. She dug her stiletto heel deep until he thought he couldn’t take it and then she released. The jolt of pain mixed with the excitement of being naked with Carla in front of so many people who were strangers just days ago. He felt his breathing start to quicken and his penis rise between his legs. He pressed his tongue into her sweet folds and brought his hands around to her back for leverage. Max’s angle gave him easy access to slide his tongue forward and backward across her clit. He pressed it up against the hood that normally needed to be pulled back some to reveal her clit and then brought his tongue down in long strokes.

“Is that to your liking Carla?”

“Tell him to go faster and lighter with his tongue.”

“I think you heard her,” Mikela said, and she gave Max a slap across the back with her stick. He jumped a little at the stroke of the stick but managed to pull his head down slightly as he started to flick his tongue back and forth across her clit.

“Use your finger,” Carla moaned. He held her feminine curtains open while he found her opening with his finger. He moved it slowly at a shallow depth at first. After feeling that she seemed plenty lubricated, he started to slide it deeper and flick it down toward himself, looking for the ruffled skin on her g-spot. Carla shifted her hips and his finger seemed to find its target. She let out a soft cry.

“Is that what you want?” Mikela asked. She had moved to the other side of the desk. Her voice sounded like she was facing Carla.

“Yes,” Carla said in a long gasp. Max continued to slip his tongue across her sweet bud. The rope binding her to the other side of the table left her powerless to direct him with her hands so slowly manipulated her hips to keep his finger inside her on her sweet spot.

“I think that’s enough for now, Max. We don’t want to wear her out too quickly,” Mikela said. He slowly slid his face away from Carla’s warm crotch. His saliva stuck to his mouth and he had to wipe it away with his hand. “I’m going to release you now, Carla. Don’t try anything.” Mikela reached down and released the rope from its anchor and then quickly untied the bindings around her wrists and hands and Carla stood up, rubbing her wrists and hands to loosen them up.

“Max, if we’re ever going to reach the advanced assignments, I think you have to show us that you can handle two women at the same time. You have to show us it’s not just some dumb male adolescent fantasy but that you can handle all that responsibility.” Mikela moved back to the middle of the desk and leaned back against her hands as they held her balance on the front edge.

“I want you to watch Carla as she helps me get more comfortable. Carla, if you’d please…”

Carla looked at Max and then turned to Mikela and placed a kiss lightly on her face. She brought a hand up to Mikela’s waist and slid it to her back as she placed her mouth on the nook between Mikela’s neck and shoulders. Mikela tilted her head back slightly and her mouth relaxed open as she enjoyed Carla’s attention to her neck.

Carla stepped back slightly from Mikela and started to unbutton her blazer. Her fingers expertly flicked open each button and then she brushed the blazer off Mikela’s shoulders and down her arms to the floor. Carla reached forward and massaged Mikela’s breast through her black lacy bra as she tilted her head and leaned in for another open mouthed kiss.

It was a little surprising the first time he saw Carla make out with Sharon but now he could just stand back and enjoy seeing her with this woman in front of him without fear or shame. He decided to share the experience a little more with the rest of the room. He stood up and sat on the desk so he could watch the two women from the side.

He let his right hand fall into his lap and slowly and gently caressed his penis from the tip to the bottom of the shaft as he watched. The women continued to kiss, Mikela opening the buttons down the front of Carla’s shirt. Carla’s shirt joined Mikela’s jacket on the floor and the women were soon pressed bra-to-bra and lip-to-lip. Carla stepped back as Mikela leaned away from the desk. Mikela unhooked the clasp on the left side of her tight skirt and it fell to the floor.

She wore a garter belt that hugged her waist and fell down either side of her legs to clips that held her stockings up. She wore no panties and the dark fine hair on her furry landing strip seemed to point the way to the reward. Max stood and slid over to Mikela’s side. He caressed the inside of her right thigh with his right hand as he kissed her up the side of her shoulder and up her neck. Carla knelt down to the floor and started to kiss Mikela between her legs.

“I want you down there, too,” Mikela said as she turned her head to face Max. He knelt alongside his girlfriend, caressing Carla beneath her skirt as he sucked on Mikela’s thigh. Mikela used her hand to pull upward at her vaginal hood, exposing more of her clit to Carla’s tongue. Max started to slide his tongue across her thigh to join Carla in pleasuring their hot teacher but Mikela suddenly grabbed the back of his head.

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