The Reverend and his Lamb


‘Now, after what I just told you concerning this little tale of the young couple, who can tell me exactly what Jesus says about premarital sex?’ Reverend Martin posed in his light Southern drawl to his congregation seated in front of him, all eyes held upon his lips and their minds dutifully soaking in every word. His sturdy baritone voice reverberated across the wooden interior of the chapel with only the faintest help from his collar microphone. ‘I’ll give y’all a hint, the answer lies somewhere in 1 Thessalonians and don’t be afraid, I’m not asking for a dissertation from anyone this morning.’

The eyes belonging to the young woman on the right side of the aisle in the fifth row from the front broke away from the pastor’s place at the raised podium and scanned the church. The turnout was the usual; just about all of the aged oak pews were occupied with pious members of the community ranging from mostly well-behaved young children stuffed in a mother’s definition of Sunday best to the elderly, faithful adherents to the Lord’s teachings ever since they were themselves the former’s age.

She saw Martin’s gaze panning across the people as he looked for an assistant to answer his question. She easily picked out various prominent figures among them as they both scanned the group. Miss Dougherty from the community outreach center sat near the front in a wide yellow hat adorned with daffodils to match her dress, and across from her on the other side of the aisle a few rows back the local pediatrician Dr. Arnold sat straight in a light charcoal suit cinched by a bright green bolo tie. Other pillars of the town filled out the rest of the room, yet the two’s distinctive outfits focused the woman’s attention. The reverend himself was dressed in a dark suit with black undershirt and only a mote of blue on his tie and a dove on his lapel. The thirty-something man was a focal point of solemnness contrasted with the beige wall behind him with stained-glass windows depicting Christ in various Biblical scenes. His deep voice carried a weight beyond his age and the posture and demeanor with which he preached enraptured his audience.

‘Miss Daisy Graham, perhaps you could enlighten us on this fine morning.’ Martin’s attention fell on the woman and his characteristic smile beamed upon speaking her name as it did upon addressing all members of his flock.

Daisy was a shy woman when called upon. While she was most definitely a willing participant every Sunday morning, she felt apprehensive and nervous upon being selected by the reverend despite having the upmost respect and admiration for him. His questions including this one tended to be softballs, yet she always remained afraid of embarrassing herself in front of him despite her frequent dives into Scripture. Martin’s voice felt to her ears like gentle music, yet as deep, strong and supportive as a bundle of lumber. She wanted to lose herself in it.

‘Reverend, God says that we should abstain from sexual immorality and to control themselves in holiness, unlike the Gentiles in their passion of lust,’ she stood up and answered. The twenty-year-old roughly paraphrased the verse in Thessalonians; not a bad attempt for only once witnessing the verse on the projector twenty or so minutes prior. Her own accented voice did not match the pastor’s in tone, yet complimented with femininity befitting a Southern woman her age.

‘Very good, Daisy.’ Martin applauded with the same grin. ‘God teaches us that sex is a holy thing to be shared by a man and woman united in holy matrimony, and that laying with one another before that time is a sin.’

She returned to her seat as he continued onwards with his sermon, speaking not from the Bible but from his own teachings. Warm with his approval, her pale cheeks flushed and her legs shivered under her dress. Any discussion relating to sex made her hot. She was only twenty; she couldn’t help it.

Daisy stared at the ceiling briefly, watching two circular fans lazily blow around hot air circulating throughout the chapel. She felt a few drops of sweat carry themselves down her lower back and down her tits beneath her sundress as she became acutely aware of the heat from the bodies contained within in addition to her internal temperature.

As Reverend Martin continued to speak, she returned her attention to him. She was able to clearly see his hands clasp the edges of the podium with sincerity and grit as he carried on with his message. His fingers revealed traces of roughness and a hint of a scar; she was told once that he grew up working in a logging yard before he turned to preaching. The long sleeves of his suit coat exposed a few inches of a toned forearm wrapped in dark hair as his hands moved to the top. Martin’s speech devolved from discernable words to a gentle rhythm in her mind as Daisy’s eyes began to trace their way from his fingers up to his arm and back down again.

‘And that, my lovely sheep, is where we will leave off for today. God be with you all and may He bless each and every one of ByCasino you as you brave the challenges of life.’ After an uncertain amount of time passed, Daisy’s mind returned to the present as Reverend Martin ended his sermon with his signature farewell and closed his Bible.

The congregation slowly began to stand up all according to their individual ability and file out of the church as a pre-recorded Gospel hymn played out over two large speakers mounted in the ceiling over the pews. Her mother and father seated on her right stood up and beckoned for her to follow suit.

Daisy’s eyes followed the minister as he began to put away his speaking aids and turned to a church administrator discussing matters she couldn’t divine. It was only when her father addressed her that she was able to break away.

‘You did well answering this morning, Daisy.’ He spoke with a clipped tone that left no room for nonsense and was straight to the point. ‘You should be proud of yourself for your devotion to the Lord.’

‘He’s right, honey,’ her mother added. ‘You’ve had an answer every time he’s called on you, and I can hear you every night in your room saying your prayers.’

Daisy nodded in affirmation, and while it was true she appreciated how far she had come in the eyes of religion, she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of neglect. Both of them were always quick to praise her in anything relating to religious matters, yet in almost everything else from when she was in school, playing sports or even her current job at the local grocery store, silence was far more common. She had since graduated high school over two years ago

She and her family exited the large double doors into the bright morning sunlight. Daisy brought her hand to her face and shielded her eyes, brushing aside her blonde hair. The air outside was notably cooler than the chapel and she experienced the heat leave her body as the sweat evaporated from her bosom and ass.

Daisy wouldn’t exactly describe herself as overdeveloped, but a consistent regime of running and playing tennis had gifted her with an athletic body and a figure that would catch the eye of any young man around. Although the teachings of the church lay foremost in her mind concerning dating, she smiled contentedly to herself whenever she caught a sidelong glance from one of them.

‘Daisy, may I please see you for a second?’ The familiar voice of the reverend called out to her from within the church and lifted her spirits.

‘Sure thing!’ Her parents kept walking to the parking lot as she half-ran back inside. ‘What do you need, Reverend?’

‘I just wanted to make sure you didn’t have an issue with helping me out with getting set up for the youth group tonight.’ Martin greeted her with his smile once again and she could see his gleaming brown eyes. Daisy experienced the familiar feeling of her cheeks reddening, although this time not from the lacking performance of the church’s ventilation system.

‘Oh, that’s tonight at 7:30, correct?’ She made a final check in her head that it wouldn’t conflict with her grocery store scheduling and was relieved to find that it did not.

‘That would be it Daisy; you are correct.’ He pulled back on his sleeve to check his watch. ‘It shouldn’t last more than an hour or so, maybe a bit longer.’

‘No, I’m perfectly fine for tonight, and my parents are completely fine with it.’ They readily accepted any chance for her to embed herself further within the church and rarely questioned any meeting between her and the reverend.

‘Sounds fantastic, I will see you here then.’ With a wave, he bid her farewell and she joined her parents in the car.


The abrupt sound of the hot water released from the shower head immediately filled the small bathroom, and the steam arrived a short time later.

Daisy started at the top; she poured lavender shampoo and ran her slender hands through her shoulder-length straw-colored hair and angled her face towards the torrent. Her sky blue eyes closed as she felt the calming heat pass over and around her naked body.

Why do they only care about the damn church? She would never utter the word in public, but as she figured, there was no harm residing in her thoughts. Is that it? Their only measure for a good person is how much of the Bible they can read?

The familiar scent of her hair product filled her nostrils and caused her to sigh in brief respite. It had been this way for a while. Her parents had always been pious (as well as anyone else, really), and earlier in her life they had taken an interest in other aspects of her life, but for the past few years, their interest had only lingered on religion.

You attended Bible study this week, right? Make sure you read your Bible every night. Have you been a good little Christian?

As the thoughts stampeded through her brain and the water cascaded over her, she looked down at herself, and she thanked the Lord her parents had never By Casino instilled any shame concerning it (although she wouldn’t put it past them had they been possessed by the idea, she mused).

She was a Southern belle in every sense of the word. Her youthful body was slim, fit and attractive. Her boobs were round and perky, yet their lines still suggested speed and lean strength in line with her frame. The suggestion of abs was visible though her stomach, honed through constant exercise and a modest diet. Her ass was round and firm, exhibiting muscles well-practiced on the running track, the tennis court and in the squat rack.

Daisy grabbed it with her hand and felt the rigidity in her palm. My body is a temple for the Lord. She squeezed gently. But any guy I know would love to get a crack at this. Daisy may have been a devout Christian, but the girl wasn’t stupid. She saw the stares. She indulged in self-satisfaction and validation from the sexual attention in the unassailable privacy of her mind. The compact walls of the shower only amplified her dissident thoughts.

Her hand moved towards her front, around her taut thigh and in between her legs. Her fingers slipped in the tuft of hair above her vag and the tips only hinted at touching the soft pink folds beneath.

Pretty ironic the only person to ever really ask about my actual life is the damn reverend. She twirled her short hairs while rubbing body wash over herself with the other. Every time I see him, he asks me how the job’s going, how I actually am, not just how well I know a book. He actually gives half a shit.

She gasped as her middle finger dipped down and brushed against her clit. She rarely played with herself (of course a good little Christian girl shouldn’t), but occasionally she allowed herself to fall prey to her desires.

Today would not be one of those days, unfortunately despite her urges.

She pulled her fingers back and traced them up her stomach, applying a dab of body wash with a final sigh and resumed cleaning herself. At least I’ll be seeing him in a bit, and it’ll get me out of the house.

Daisy rinsed off after she had made sure every inch of her body was as clean as possible and hopped out of the shower.

‘Daisy, don’t take too long in there, our water bill was looking pretty high last month!’ came a cry from her mother in the kitchen. ‘And remember your prayers tonight!’

‘I’m already out!’ Daisy out of ingrained defensiveness turned her towards the mirror before she rolled her eyes. Case in point. I can’t wait until I get out of here.

She threw on a modest T-shirt and jeans once in her bedroom without bothering with a bra. It was small, with a full-size bed taking up about half the room. A large wooden crucifix hanging over the headboard was the only overt Christian imagery present, with various sports trophies and other memorabilia lining the shelves and dresser top. Her Bible was kept in her nightstand drawer.

‘You’re going to be late!’ her mother called out to her again from down the hall.

Trust me, I’m not. Daisy buttoned her jeans and zipped them around her hips.

‘I’m hurrying up!’ She responded, mediating the tone of her voice to not invoke her or her father’s ire. Her latest trophy—a first place award from her local intramural tennis league last season sat front and center on her dresser. She tried telling her parents about it, and all she received in response was the typical prodding into religious studies. None of it mattered to them if God wasn’t tacked onto the end of it. Is that really all they see me as or want me to be, a good little Christian girl?

Her ensemble concluded with a pair of blue and white running shoes. She liked how they shaped her legs and figured that a few miles down to the church, especially while driving really wouldn’t cause any harm.

Daisy tied her shoelaces and almost raced out her door through the kitchen. Dinner was concluded early tonight; she had scarfed down a plate of mashed potatoes, peas and a pork chop before she hopped in the shower. Her mother had just finished putting away the dishes and her father sat contentedly on the couch engrossed in the evening news’ stock reports. Neither made any kind of motion indicating her presence.

‘I’m heading out; I’ll be back sometime later!’ She grabbed her car keys from the kitchen table.

‘Say hi to Reverend Martin for me, please.’ Her mother remained at work scrubbing plates and silverware in the sink without turning.

Daisy gave one glance back at her mother and father and exited her home.


The chapel seemed to reflect the coming dark of the evening. The solar-powered lights outside the building illuminated the wide-sided exterior yet cast shadows that grew as the sun dipped down on the horizon. The asphalt of the empty parking lot reflected the darkness of the siding and the closed front doors that escaped the beams of light.

Daisy pulled into the By Casino Giriş lot and saw only one vehicle: the distinctive red pickup belonging to the reverend. Her watch read 6:45.

‘Guess 15 minutes early is standard where he’s from,’ she muttered to herself as the vehicle rolled to a stop. It dwarfed her tiny Prius, yet scratches near the wheel wells and tire wear betrayed the life of work the truck had led compared to many of the pristine vehicles driven around by some of the town’s male population. They seemed to be particularly prominent this week. Daisy felt a surge of warmth in seeing that the pastor had not yet abandoned a life of physicality.

One of the chapel doors remained locked; she swung the opposing side inward. She was surprised to see the inside fully lit and both ceiling fans rotating at a noticeably increased pace than before. The pews in the front of the sanctuary that previously held loyal churchgoers now served to hold several large-sized cardboard boxes filled with Easter ornamentation long since stored in a back room. In the ring of several such boxes directly in front of the altar stood Reverend Martin himself. Instead of his deep black robes the man wore a simple shirt not unlike Daisy’s own and a pair of straw-colored chinos, with black and white sneakers poking out from underneath.

‘Reverend!’ Daisy called out in an excited yet moderately-hushed tone in fear of startling any poor souls stuck on box-hauling duty in storage. Luckily, the man was the only form of life she could detect in the empty house of worship.

Her face tingled and breath tightened as she approached him. The relaxed wardrobe gave the woman a better view of his burly arms, biceps and triceps as tight as his forearms the morning prior.

‘Daisy, glad you could join me tonight.’ Martin squatted down to set aside a particularly heavy load; the fabric of his pants almost perfectly mirrored the thighs beneath.

She threw her arms and took him in a deep embrace. As Daisy buried her face into his shoulder, Martin focused his view behind her to ensure both of the church doors were closed before returning.

‘I couldn’t wait to just get out of that house,’ she squeaked out as she pulled herself closer for a few brief moments. ‘At least dinner was good.’

‘Oh, I definitely remember your mother’s roast beef at the potluck a few weeks ago, it’s to die for.’ Martin’s hand clasped gently around the back of her head and lightly coursed through the thin strands. He felt her body’s warmth through his fabric of his T-shirt.

‘What’re you working on?’ Daisy pulled herself away to get a better look at the waiting decorations. ‘Getting ready for Easter?’

‘Same time every year.’ Martin took a pastel-colored streamer and started to hang it up several feet up from the pews on the wall, balancing on a stepstool. As he reached on his toes to fasten the decoration Daisy took note of his shirt exposing a few inches of midriff and the beginning of a trail of hair leading down beneath his pants, observing the contrast of black hair on tanned skin.

Daisy’s heartbeat steadily increased. Her hands slowly reached up to him and her palms delicately brushed his sides underneath his shirt.

‘I don’t suppose at the very least waiting until I hang this up is an option,’ Martin quipped as her hands found purchase on his bare skin.


It wasn’t every week that Reverend Martin and Daisy Graham met after Sunday morning worship together, but every time it did, it always started off with her unbuckling his pants and guiding him inside her mouth and down her throat.

His soft moans dampened the young woman’s panties as she caressed the pastor’s cock with her tongue. Hearing the man preach and guide the throng of people in spiritual adulation was enrapturing to her, and as she worked, she imagined one of her perverse fantasies with him; particularly her being tucked away under the podium, serving him with her mouth as he conducted service with her mother and father none the wiser. Her underwear couldn’t be more drenched at the thought.

‘My beautiful little lamb,’ Martin breathed as he stroked her. A muffled moan emerged from her throat as he called Daisy by her favorite name.

‘All yours, Reverend.’ Daisy replied. Martin’s cock twitched as her tongue flicked his nutsack.

The pet name emerged on their second meeting after a particularly interesting sermon illustrating the metaphor of Jesus and his flock. Afterwards she had come to see him and requested the reverend’s guidance concerning a few Biblical passages she was having trouble divining a similar meaning. After the pastor flipped open his own Bible and pored over the meaning of the dense text with her, he offered to provide her an object lesson to cement home the meaning of how to properly please a man. She was more than willing to follow along.

Reverend Martin removed himself from the stepstool and exhaled loudly. He looked down to see Daisy returning his gaze with her own persistent grin; her hand remaining on him and working up and down his shaft. She had taken to his guidance rapidly; there was no church or Scripture passage in the world that could quell the fires of lust and excitement in a twenty-year-old woman once secure, comfortable and free of judgment.

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