The Sissy Academy Ch. 01

Big Tits

Master rams his hard cock into my ass. His 7.5″ cock slams repeatedly into my prostate as he manhandles me and fills my boipussy. I let out a girly moan in affection, to let him know that I’m enjoying what he’s doing to me. My dick is rock hard in its cage and I’m sure I’ve leaked a lot of precum onto the bedsheets. My moan causes him to stir, and he slaps my ass. Hard. Right on the spot where my new tattoo is. It stings and I yelp in pain. A few moments later, he eases his cock out of me and gets me to kneel infront of him on the soft carpet. He jerks his cock infront of me and I can tell he’s close to cumming.

“Open slut.” He commands.

Two words. One simple instruction. I loosen my jaws and let them become as wide as possible. I stick my tongue out for good measure. He slides the fat tip of his cock into my mouth and continues jerking it.

“There’s no going back… you’re mine now you fucking whore!” He exclaims.

Ropes and ropes of his thick, warm cum shoot into the back of my throat. His cum is relentless and soon my mouth is full. I savour the warm, salty taste as he unloads his cum into me. Finally he pulls the head of his dick out of my mouth.

“Show me!” He says.

I open my mouth, careful not to spill any of his precious juices. My eyes meet his, and I give him a look that lets him know I want nothing more than to swallow his cum.

“Good girl… swallow!” He instructs after a moment.

Without hesitation, I take a huge gulp and swallow all of his cum. I look up at him and he’s smiling down at me.

“Good bitch!” He says.

Two months earlier

I’m lying on my bed, dressed in my workout gear. I should be at the gym, but I’m waiting for something far more important. I hear a ruffle at the door of my tiny one bedroom flat. I sit up sharply. I move into the kitchen-living room combo and I’m soon at the front door. A few letters have come today, but there’s only one that I’m interested in. I quickly find the envelope, tossing the rest back onto the floor. The black and gold envelope rests in my fingers. I rip it open, like a lion tearing into its prey.

Dear Mr. Adams,

I am pleased to inform you that your application has been succe-

I let out a loud scream and do a little dance before I continue reading.

I am pleased to inform you that your application has been successful. We are excited to welcome you to the Barton Sissy Academy!

As per your application, your fees will need to be paid (in full), by a benefactor should you choose to attend the Academy. We have found you a suitable benefactor who has taken a liking to your application (see below):

Benefactor Name: Mr. Hayes

Benefactor Contribution: £7,999 (full fees for intensive course)

Benefactor terms imposed: Please contact us to discuss.

I notice a phone number at the bottom of the letter. Excitement rushes through me. I’m going to be a sissy! I run my hand over the Barton Sissy Institute logo, which has been waxed stamped onto the letter.

Barton Sissy Academy is an exclusive training facility, notorious within the fetish community. It’s based in Barton, just a few miles away from the historic city of Cambridge, England. It was founded in 1978 to help sissies and crossdressers explore their fetishes in a safe space. It has grown in size since then, and now takes in around 30 students. The fees are expensive because of the demand. Sissies fly in from across the world to bursa escort attend the academy. There’s no way I could have afforded it without a benefactor. Most benefactors fund a sissy’s education in return for the sissy becoming their personal toy after training is complete, using them for sex as and when they want. I assume this will happen to me, but I’m comfortable with the idea of this. In fact, I want this. Some of the more wealthier sissies, or sissies sent by their parents, attend the academy and then go back to their normal lives whilst dabbling in the sissy lifestyle every now and then.

I dart back into my bedroom and call the number to discuss my contract.

One week later

The building is stunning. I gaze up at the manor house, set in the Cambridgeshire countryside. The Barton Sissy Academy operates from a historic manor house, owned by Allen Aldridge, a wealthy man who helped launch the academy. It’s grey stone walls should have unnerved me, but they offer an unexpected warmth. Knowing that I’m staying in boarding until my training is complete has been playing on my mind this past week, but the building looks like somewhere I will enjoy staying at.

“Hello girlies!” A woman shouts.

She speaks, quite loudly, to the thirty or so effeminate men standing on the pebbled entryway of the grand building. She grins at all of us before continuing.

“I am Professor Lucy Aldridge, your tutor here at the Barton Sissy Academy. I’m very excited to welcome you here for your training. During your time here, I will whip you into the worlds most polished sissies. By the time you leave, you will behave like a sissy is expected to. Now, would you all follow me please!” She says, turning to enter the building.

We all file in behind her. I notice a grand clock hanging from the tall ceiling. It’s just gone five past nine in the morning. It reminds me that I’ve been up since seven and I try to rub the tiredness out of my eyes; I can already tell that it’s going to be a long day. We turn right, into a large room. There’s a whiteboard at the front and we each take a seat at the old wooden desks. The wooden chairs aren’t too comfortable, so I sit on my hoodie for comfort. I sling my backpack onto the back of the chair. I’m glad I haven’t had to bring any clothes (apart from what I’m wearing of course). I only have some toiletries, my phone and iPad and a few other bits and bobs stuffed into my bag.

“Right chaps! Or should I say ladies…” Professor Aldridge says. “Today we’re going to go through some basics. We’ll get you settled in with your new bunkmates, get you sized up for your sissy clothing and we’re also going to begin your first hypno-training program! Lunchtime is at one-o’clock sharp and dinner is served in the dining hall between six and eight every evening. Now, my assistant, Dr. Michael Chan and I, are going to hand out your training plan. These have all been personalised based on your application form. If there’s any questions, just let either myself or Dr. Chan know. I’ll give you all a few minutes to have a read of this.”

An Asian man has joined Professor Aldridge and is scurrying around handing out papers to each person. He quickly approaches me and finds my paper once I tell him my name. I begin reading the document.

Sissy Training Plan: Noah Adams

Age: 24

Physical appearance: 5’7″ caucasian male, skinny body (minimal muscle), black hair, brown eyes.

Recommended escort bursa physical training: cardiovascular exercise (treadmill a far stretch from my normal life.

“Noah Adams!” Professor Aldridge calls out, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I quickly stand up and grab my backpack, slinging it over my shoulder. I head to the front of the class, where Dr. Chan is waiting for me. He asks me to follow him and I do so. We head back into the main entrance and into a room to the left of the front door. It’s a small room, with a small desk, a computer and some filing cabinets.

“Strip for me Noah.” Dr. Chan commands gently.

I quickly do as instructed, dropping my backpack to the floor before unbuttoning my shirt. I take off my shoes before sliding out of my tight jeans. Without much hesitation, I take off my briefs. Dr. Chan moves infront of me. I let him take some measurements, prodding my ‘penis’ with his gloved hands as he does so. He sits down at the desk and begins typing away furiously at his computer. I hear a mechanical whirring from the cupboard behind him. Moments later I hear a microwave-like ‘ding’ and Dr. Chan quickly opens the cupboard. He pulls out a chastity cage, which definitely looks too small for me. I’m about to protest when he spins around.

“Right. Here’s your cage. All of our sissies cages are three-d printed so they should be fairly accurate in terms of sizing. Yours will be a little tight at first, but it’s to ensure your penis cannot grow at all.” He says, handing me the cage.

It’s not the first cage I’ve seen, having owned a couple of cages in the past. Admittedly, I’d always been quite liberal when measuring my previous cages. I let out a gasp as my finger touches a sharp spike.

“Oh sorry, I nearly forgot! Your benefactor is Mr. Hayes, correct?” Dr. Chan asks.

“Uh yeah…” I reply hesitantly.

“Perfect… he’s requested the cage to have spikes in it. This usually helps you stay calm and not get too excited. Long term, it will help keep your clitty nice and soft.” He laughs.

I gulp. The spikes are sharp, and I’m very hesitant about putting the cage on, but I know any resistance will be futile. I work the base ring on and it’s a good size, slightly snug but not too tight. Then comes the part I dread. The cage itself. It’s made of a tough, pink plastic. I ease it over my 2″ penis. The spikes start to dig into my penis from all sides as I slide the cage on. I take a few moments to compose myself before quickly slamming the cage on and linking it to the base ring. I grunt in pain. Dr. Chan quickly sweeps over and locks the cage with a small but tough looking padlock.

“Perfect! You’re all set. You can pop your briefs back on and head up to room four.” Dr. Chan tells me.

I slide my briefs back on, grateful for the protection that they offer me. I grab my backpack and am about to grab my clothes when Dr. Chan signals that I won’t need to take them. Hesitantly, I leave the room, my near nakedness making me hyper-aware of any sound or movement that I make. I quickly run up the stairs. There are doors on each side and I look for door number four. I enter the room and a couple of other guys are already in their. They’re also in their underwear which comforts me.

“Hey roommate!” One of them says excitedly.

“Hiya!” I reply.

“I’m Jason… sissy name’s Jezebel!” He says, reaching his hand out to me.

I shake it and introduce myself.

“I’m bursa escort bayan Akash… nice to meet you.” The other guy says shyly.

He looks incredibly nervous and I hear a tinge of his Indian accent.

“You too!” I reply. “So which bed is mine?”

“Well Akash and I have taken these two,” Jason says, pointing at two beds, “So you can have the one by the window or the one next to the door.’

I walk over to the window bed and toss my backpack onto it. I sit down on the pink cover and test the bed. Springy, but very soft too.

“So, Noah, how did you become a sissy?” Jason asks, lounging on his bed.

“Oh well I’d always sort of known… I love dressing up and getting all pretty to be honest… how about you?” I ask.

“I’ve known for years babe… I started fooling about with boys in school but I never felt equal… I always wanted a strong man to make me his bitch you know?” He asks rhetorically. “Anyway, I realised I love being a sissy… I just get so excited by teasing and pleasing hung cocks! Don’t get me wrong, my dick is fairly average, but it’s all in here you see!”

He’s tapping his head with his finger.

“I could have an eight inch dick, but I’m a sissy at heart… I just crave cock!” He laughs.

I smile back, a little uncomfortable with how forward he is.

“How about you Akash?” I ask.

“I umm… so nobody knows I indulge in this fetish… my dad is quite a wealthy man back in India and he gives me a sizeable allowance. I thought I would try this out and see if I enjoy it…” He replies, somewhat reluctantly.

Just then someone knocks on the door.

“Room for one more?” The stranger asks excitedly.

“Come in!” Jason says.

The stranger enters and introduces himself.

“Hey everyone, I’m Charlie! Perfect name for a sissy really, as it’s both a girls and a boys name!” He laughs. “Guess this is my bed?”

We all greet him as he dumps his belongings on the bed nearest to the door. We take around twenty minutes to unpack our minimal paraphernalia before chit-chatting. We’re interrupted by a knock at the door, and a head suddenly appears.

“How are you girlies getting on?” Professor Aldridge asks, entering our room.

“Very well!” We all chime in unison.

“Good! We should have Akash, Charlie, Jason and Noah, is that right?” She asks.

We all nod our heads yes before she continues.

“Thank you. Now, a very important part of becoming a sissy is choosing your sissy name! Jason, I believe you are already called Jezebel and Charlie your name is unisex. So Akash, do you have a sissy name in mind?” Professor Aldridge asks, turning to Akash.

“I umm… I was thinking Ananya?” He replies nervously.

“Sissy Ananya it is!” Professor Aldridge announces.

“Now Noah, your benefactor has decided on your sissy name already… it’s Sissy Nicole!” She announces. “How does that sound?”

“I like it! A pretty name.” I say, blushing.

“Wonderful! From now on, you will call each other by the sissy name that you’ve been assigned. While you’re here, you will forget your male name completely. Understood?” She asks.


“Got it!”


We all speak our agreement in unison.

“Good girls! Now. You’ll be doing your training together in your group of four. That way we can coach you more closely. We’re going to begin by getting you all dolled up now and teach you some basic makeup techniques… how does that sound?” She asks.

“Great!” We all say.

“Wonderful! Why don’t you follow me downstairs and we can get rid of these male underwear and get you into some sexy sissy panties!” She chimes.

To be continued…

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