The Three R’s Ch. 03

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Had it not been for the look in Maxine’s face, I might have passed off her possible inadvertent exposure to our son. It’s not the first time that had happened. Growing up over the years, we’d all seen one another in the nude on many occasions, not to mention in various states of undress outside of that. But her look…the way her mouth hung open in startled revelation told me in an instant everything I wanted to know. Stacy hadn’t just dropped the other shoe. She’d thrown it…at the two of us.

“How long?” I asked maintaining a level of civility though I could feel my face reddening. And the more it did, the whiter Maxine’s got. Another dead give-away that she was caught dead to rights with her pants down so to speak.

“It’s…it’s…not what you think,” she stammered making a last ditch effort to head me off. But it was already too late for that.

“Oh? And what should I think?” I asked her. “You’ve been sleeping with our son, or should I call it what it is? You’ve been fucking him, and he you. How long Maxine? How long?”

“You don’t understand,” she tried once again, weak in the knees now as she almost stumbled reaching out her hand to grab the back of one of the kitchen chairs, almost missing it, latching on, and then suddenly sitting down.

“Then how about you explain it to me?” I told her. “Or would you rather I speak to Jared about it first? By the way…where is he anyway?”

“He…he left already,” she said almost too softly for me to hear.

“No doubt waiting for you at your sister’s then am I right?” I asked seeing the surprised look in her eyes that I obviously knew a lot more about what was going on than she thought I did. “Maybe we should call him,” I said glaring at her.

“Brad, listen please…” she almost begged. “Yes…yes, you’re right, we have been sleeping together, but that only happened recently, not like it’s been going on for months. It was an accident.”

“Oh you mean along the lines of he tripped and sort of fell inside your pussy? That kind of accident?”

I could see she was defeated, I had taken the breath out of her by my hammering at her the way that I was. Yet…I was curious too. “How long had it been going on? How had it come about?” The fact I had myself now fucked our daughter wasn’t something I was quite ready to share with her at this point either. But what she had inadvertently done, was open the door for me to spring my own little surprise on her once I had all the facts.

“Alright, why don’t you tell me how it did happen then?” I said sitting down across from her in a much more normal tone of voice. She seemed surprised by this, expecting an explosion, which never came, though she did look somewhat relieved.

“It’s a long story…”

“You planning on going somewhere?” I asked staring her straight in the eye.

“No,” she said once again almost breathlessly. Whatever her plans had been…that was done now.

“I’m sure when you don’t show up in a reasonable amount of time they’ll call you. When they do…you can tell Jared something’s come up. Don’t tell him what, just tell him to come home. I’ll deal with him when he gets here. And I’ll deal with your sister after that.”

Maxine just nodded her head and began.

“A couple of month’s back I got approached by a guy at the gym, I don’t even remember his name now, but he hit on me. I mean it when I say, I was flattered, and yes tempted too. But I didn’t act on it. I swear to God Brad, I didn’t!”

As funny as it may sound, I believed her. “Go on.”

“Well, so naturally, I did tell Susan about it later on that same day. You and I, well…you know as well as I do, our relationship, our sex-life has been strained.

I was tempted to interrupt, but I didn’t, just nodding my head urging her to continue which she did.

“I told you early on in our marriage about Susan and I, that we had fooled around together growing up as kids,” she paused letting this sink in, though for the life of me, where she was going with all this, and what it had to do with Jared still escaped me.

“Yeah? So?”

“Well, it…it happened.”

“What happened?”

“Susan and I…” she said sheepishly. “We were talking about it, admittedly I was aroused, and then she was…and then…and then…”

“Now you’re telling me you had sex with your sister.”

“Yes, it had been years since we’d done anything, but suddenly, all this pent up emotion, arousal, well…the next thing I knew, we were in her bedroom going down on one another the way we used to do when we were living at home, when we were experimenting, curious…fooling around.”

“Well as interesting as this is Maxine…it still doesn’t explain how you ended up fucking our son.”

“I’m getting to that…please be patient with me, I really am trying to explain!”

I had heard movement behind the door leading downstairs to the basement. I didn’t react, but I knew damn well Stacy was now standing behind it listening. I figured then and there she had just as much right to hear everything as I did, though everything seemed to be getting more and more complicated by the minute.

“Somehow, fooling around with my sister again didn’t seem bonus veren siteler so bad, or as wrong as I thought at the time it would have been, had I actually slept with the guy at the gym. But after we had, as good as it felt to have done that again…been with another woman, even if she was my own sister, I still felt guilty. And that’s why I know I became even more distant towards you. By then we were hardly having sex at all. Either you were too tired, or I was. And the distance between us grew even more so. But now…now I’d had this excitement with Susan again. And as much as I tried to deny it at first, I’d enjoyed it. And so we ended up getting together again, only this time…it was here. And that’s when Jared accidently came home early and walked in on us.”

“So you’re telling me, Jared saw you having sex with your sister.”

“Yes, except I didn’t know he had at the time. You see…he came home early, unexpectedly. We didn’t hear him when he came in the back door. But…he could hear us. He snuck over to the door leading from the kitchen and peeked in on us where we were playing together on the couch. That’s when he watched us for a while, and then…well, he sort of got aroused by seeing that, watching us. But that was when we heard Stacy’s car pull up in the driveway. So then Susan raced upstairs to the bedroom to dress. I had left my robe in the kitchen, so I headed that way. Imagine my surprise when I came into the room and found Jared standing there. He was still trying to stuff his cock back in his pants when Stacy came walking in. Obviously she was as baffled and confused as I was. I had no idea at the time that Jared had been watching us the entire time, though it was evident by his condition that he’d been doing something. Anyway, Stacy went to her room after casting us both a look. Which I tried to pass off as a just one of those moments where I didn’t know either one of them was home. Which I didn’t. Susan then came back down the stairs, just as surprised to see Jared standing there as I was. I then asked him what he’d seen. He told us. He told us he’d seen the two of us together, and that he’d gotten aroused watching us. And then he said, unless we did it again…while he watched us, he’d tell you he’d seen the two of us together.”

“Oh this is getting better and better all the time. So you’re telling me that Jared basically black-mailed you into performing with your sister in front of him.”

“More or less…yes,” she told me. “And so we did…a few days later.”

“But it didn’t stop there did it?”

“No…it didn’t,” Maxine said shaking her head lowering her eyes refusing to look at me. “We shouldn’t have done it now I know. But at the time…I was afraid, fearful of what you’d think, knowing I’d been fooling around with my own sister again, behind your back, and with you and I basically not even doing anything ourselves any more. So it just got worse and worse after that. I felt more guilty than ever, and all that did was…make me distance myself from you even more. Especially after Susan and I ended up fucking Jared, and then after we had…we just couldn’t seem to stop. One thing led to another, and pretty soon the three of us were getting together even more frequently.”

“Saturday’s…and Wednesday nights you mean.”


“I see,” I said looking at her.

“Now what?” She asked worriedly.

“You remember the three R’s?” I asked.

“How could I not? I’ve been dealing with that very thing now for a very long time.”

“Then you know what one of those is…repercussions,” I reminded her. Her eyes grew wide with worry, showing more than just a little fear.

“What are you doing to do?” She now asked.

When the door to the basement opened I was a little surprised, though glad to see that Stacy had at least put something on, though it wasn’t much. She’d managed to find a pair of panties at least, and not one of her thongs from the clean clothes still in the drier, along with a wife-beater tee shirt, though she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipples were clearly in evidence beneath it, but as alarmed as her mom was when she entered, I’m not sure she even knew.

“I think the only fair thing here mother…is for daddy to now fuck me,” she said staring at her, seeing the look of total disbelief in her mother’s face when she said that.

“You can’t be serious!” She said looking first at Stacy, then back at me as though expecting to see me side along with her. Obviously, Stacy was giving me…giving us and excuse. At the moment, it seemed like a good idea, at least until later when maybe I’d actually come clean myself after things had settled down again. If they ever did. But before I could comment, Stacy continued.

“Well the way I see it mother…you’ve been fucking my twin brother, which is bad enough. But then you admittedly state you’ve been fooling around with your own sister, and that it’s not the first time either. Which I think is pretty fucking hypocritical of you, since you made such a big scene out of walking in and seeing Jared and I watching one another masturbate. And that’s all we’d ever done! We’ve never even once touched one another, and bahis yet…you go off on the two of us as though we’re both a couple of perverted misfits or something. And here you are…sucking cunt with your sister!”

Once again, this was news to me. Maxine had never told me she’d walked in on the two of them. Though now to some extent anyway, I could better understand why Stacy was so upset with her mother for all of this, especially now. And I actually felt a bit sorry for my wife too. She looked totally confused, bewildered, though so was I at this point.

“Max? Give me a moment alone with Stacy if you would please,” I asked her. “I’ll come upstairs to our bedroom after that, and see where we take things from there.”

Without another word my wife left and quickly headed upstairs to our room. I waited until she was well out of earshot before turning back towards Stacy.

“Number one…what’s all this about you and your brother? Number two…I know why you said what you said…and I appreciate that. But…we can’t let this become the excuse or the reason for that now can we?”

“And why not?” She grinned a bit more wickedly than I would have liked. “It’s the perfect opportunity. But even more importantly daddy, it’s also a chance to put this family back together again. Maybe on a little different ground than we’ve all been traveling, but…think about it, it will level the playing field for everyone after this. And to answer your other question. Weren’t you ever curious about your sister when you were growing up?”

I had been yes…and like most siblings we’d had a few run ins with one another, but unlike what I was now learning, Kathy and I had never actually done anything.

“What’s your point?”

“My point is this. Do you still love mom?”

That was easy, I still did yes, and said so.

“Well then, like I said…maybe things will be a bit different around here after this, but…it’s obvious mom enjoys fucking Jared. And I enjoy fucking you daddy,” she said batting her eyes at me. “And I don’t have any intentions of stopping now either. So…the way I see it, if we’re to keep this family together, and get through this together, it only makes sense and stands to reason, that we just accept that we all do. And the truth is, now that Jared and I are both adults, and able to decide what’s right or wrong for ourselves, I think it’s only a matter of time before he and I sleep together.”

“Jesus Stacy,” I said shaking my head. “I need to think about all this,” I told her.

“What’s to think about?” she grinned reaching down and once again removing the top she was wearing. “Or don’t you want to be able to play with these any time you want to?”

I stood looking at my daughter’s tits. I couldn’t help it, they were right there in front of me. And I felt the slow rising bulge within my jeans reminding me I liked what I was looking at.

“So what do you have in mind?” I found myself asking her.

She grinned. “Easy…this is what you’re about to do,” she began.


I still couldn’t believe I’d let my daughter talk me into doing this. But…she was right on the one hand. If this family had any chance of keeping it together after all this, especially after we’d all blatantly opened Pandora’s Box, then this just might be the one way to accomplish all that.

Even so…now I was nervous. It could still backfire on the two of us, a whole other set of repercussion as it were. I slowly climbed the stairs heading towards the bedroom. Stopping at the top I looked back, Stacy still standing below me, except now she was naked…waiting. She waved at me with her hands, shooing me, telling me to get on with it. And then she slowly began to climb the stairs herself.

Maxine was sitting on the bed waiting for me when I came in. I closed the door, though I didn’t lock it. I knew that in moments Stacy would be standing outside the door listening, waiting for her cue to come in.

My wife looked up at me expectantly, about to speak.

“Get undressed,” I told her.


“You heard me…take your clothes off!”

Maybe it was the tone of my voice, the unexpectedness of my request. But she stood and rather hurriedly began doing just that, though I could see she was a bit frightened and confused as hell. I just stood there watching her. When she had finished getting undressed, she stood looking at me, waiting to find out what else it was I wanted her to do. I walked over to the bathroom door. On the side facing our bedroom, we had long ago installed a very sturdy door hanger for our bathrobes and such. I walked over towards it, untying the sash from my bathrobe as I did.

“Come here,” I said demandingly. Almost meekly Max walked over towards me, though I could see concern with equal portions of confusion mixed in as she did so. “Give me your hands,” I added. Any other time, she’d probably have refused, or at the very least asked me why. But not this time. She merely extended her arms even holding them together as I bound her wrists together, and then pulled them up an over her head, fastening her to the back of the bathroom door that way. I was wondering about some sort of deneme bonusu a gag I could use on her, and then the answer presented itself. Looking down at the floor, I saw her own discarded panties, which I then picked up balling them up and went back to where she stood.

“Brad…please, no!” She actually begged this time, but it was too late for that. I shoved them into her mouth so that she couldn’t speak. Now standing bound with her hands over her head, naked…her own panties, which I had noticed had a dried up, pre-arousal secretion clinging to the crotch. It was fitting in a way. She’d been aroused earlier as she’d prepared herself to run over to her sister’s house where she and our son were no doubt still waiting for her.

“Let that be a reminder to her about what she was thinking about earlier,” I thought as I turned away from her heading back towards the bed. I now began removing my own clothes, surprised to find myself highly aroused, and highly stiff as I finished taking everything off. Now standing there across the room in front of my wife with a massive erection sticking out in front of me.

“Well Max, remember how I warned you about their being repercussions? And since you obviously no longer care, or want to have anything to do with this, obviously…there is someone else who does care, and who does want it. So…you might just as well stand there the way you are now, and see me fuck our daughter, the same way you enjoy fucking our son!”

And with that…the door opened, and Stacy just as naked as her own mother, though not bound and gagged against the door, came walking in.

Though she struggled briefly in an attempt to free herself, I had seen to it that she couldn’t. And though she tried hard to speak, the wadded up panties inside her mouth effectively kept her from doing that as well. I noticed she quit struggling however the moment our daughter walked over to me, her hand suddenly clasping my rock-hard cock as she began stroking it, playing with it.

“I can’t believe you’ve grown tired of daddy’s dick mom!” she said looking down at it licking her lips. “It’s so big! So nice and hard! Didn’t you enjoy it when daddy fucked you?” she asked incredulously. “I know I would…and will! ” she added lustfully. “Maybe you’ll remember what it felt like to have this big hard cock inside you, making you all wet, all squishy, all juicy inside,” she said getting more and more aroused by the moment. “And maybe…just maybe, after you watch the two of us fuck one another, you’ll want to do so yourself again. And maybe…just maybe, daddy will even let you, but I guess that will be up to him, “and you,” she added suddenly licking the tip.

After several delicious moments of her sucking my cock, Stacy stood bending over with her hands on the bed, feet spread. “Jared once told me that his favorite way to fuck a woman is standing behind her like this. Is this how he fucks you mom? Is this one of your favorite ways too?” She asked. “How about you daddy? Did mom like it when you fucked her like this, from behind? Or does she like it some other way better?”

“Well she used to,” I said admittedly, remembering. But it had been a couple of years now since we’d done anything even so called out of the ordinary. I now stepped behind my daughter, cock in hand, running the tip lovingly up and down the wet juicy split of her pussy as I stood there looking down at her.

“Too bad Jared’s not here right now,” I told my wife. “If he were, might be interesting to watch him fucking you like this. Side-by-side, him inside your pussy, and me of course inside Stacy’s.”

“Yeah, and maybe after a while, we could even switch!” Stacy suggested. “I could finally find out what it would be like to fuck my own brother, and do that while my sweet naughty parents watched us, while we in turn got to watch them! Don’t you think that would be super, hot, naughty mom? I certainly do!”

Admittedly Maxine’s eyes were wild. It was hard to tell if she was fit to be tied at seeing this, or what. I couldn’t help but wonder if we hadn’t indeed taken this too far, agreeing to Stacy’s idea no longer seemed like a smart thing to do, though there was no use backing out now. I was committed, regardless of the consequences, or what happened afterwards. And so I decided to enjoy myself. At this point what did it really matter anyway?

“You see mom,” Stacy began again. This is my version of the three R’s. Revenge, for doing what you yourself have been doing, for getting angry at me for fooling around with Jared, when you yourself have been doing the very same thing with your sister. And then Randiness…because boy am I! I am so fucking horny! Daddy’s cock feels so damn good inside me, though admittedly…I’d enjoy watching him fucking you too. But then I guess that’s up to you now isn’t it?” she asked looking over towards her mother. “And what was the other one again? Oh yes…and these,” she said standing up slightly, holding onto her own breasts, thumbing her nipples. “Having really…really, nice tits to play with. You know mom…I wouldn’t mind playing with yours too. Never really thought about doing that really, but now suddenly…the thought of doing so is sort of turning me on. Wonder what your pussy would taste like?” she added. “Maybe if you and daddy patch everything up together, the two of us can eventually find out. Would you like that? Maybe Aunt Susan and I could both do you together, now wouldn’t that be fun!”

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