The Toilet Club Ch. 06-08

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[Please note: As you might guess from the title, this story involves both golden and brown bodily materials and is NOT for everyone. If you do not enjoy those subjects, please go no further, but look elsewhere for the kinds of stories you DO like. This story is pure fantasy and all characters in it are 18 or over. This story is the third installment of “The Toilet Club” and I urge you to read the first two installments before reading this, in order to follow the storyline and better understand what’s going on. Thanks.]

Accidents keep happening and then there’s Meg’s lewd Barbecue

Ch. 06

Susan could feel the beads of sweat trickling down her chest between her ample breasts tightly wrapped in her sports bra. She was on her second lap around the block in that magical time when the dawn just begins to break and the sun first shines above the horizon. Despite her debauchery the night before, she had gotten up at 5:30 this morning and dutifully set out for her daily jog. This was the only way she had managed to keep herself in shape and she wasn’t going to let up now. Especially with her nephew Mike visiting.

“Mike!” she thought to herself. “What am I going to do with him?” She was already remorseful about her exhibitionist frenzy the previous night. Whatever had gotten into her? Now in the new day’s light she felt jaded and corrupt in contrast to his fresh-faced innocence. Sure he was a bit of a Peeping Tom, but what horny lad wasn’t? Did that mean she had to pander to his tendencies? He was too naive to know better, but she – his aunt, no less – should certainly be able to refrain from leading him on!

And yet, she couldn’t stop thinking about his eager curiosity and his urge to comfort her when Al stomped off the night before. If only men her own age were as caring and courageous as Mike! Unfortunately she had yet to meet one. This was a recurring theme of discussion when she and her best friend Meg would get together. Like her, Meg was a single woman in her late-thirties, “in her prime” as they liked to say. She was an executive at an insurance company downtown and knew what she liked and didn’t mind saying so. This intimidated most men but it only made Susan like her all the more.

The two had first met at an evening workshop on “Exploring Sexual Alternatives,” sponsored by the local Unitarian church. The men who had showed up were a pretty sorry lot, either would-be Casanovas who came on too strong or plump and bashful nerds who looked like they rarely emerged from their basements. As the only two women there, Susan and Meg had gravitated towards each other and after some enjoyable conversation at the intermission, had decided to skip out on the rest of the crowd, much to the guys’ chagrin. They’d been fast friends ever since.

As she came round the block for the third time, Susan’s attention was suddenly drawn back to the present. As it often did, her running had stirred up her bowels – Nature’s laxative, she called it – and she knew she’d have to go soon. Her house was only a few hundred yards away and Susan was confident that she could make it home and up to the bathroom in time. But she’d better make it quick!

* * *

Mike was awakened by the sound of the birds singing outside his bedroom window. He glanced over at the clock by his bedside. 6:10, Sunday morning. The neighborhood was quiet except for the darn birds, and Mike was about to turn over and go back to sleep when he felt the urge to take a whiz. He slid out of bed and opened the door to the bathroom. He paused for a moment, glancing over at his Aunt’s door which was still ajar from the night before. He tiptoed over and noiselessly peered into her bedroom, thinking he might catch a sight of her sleeping form clad in scanty nightwear or maybe even naked! Last night had only served to whet his appetite for good views of his Aunt’s goodies.

Mike did a quick double-take as he found her bed empty. She had slipped out somewhere, but where? Then he remembered her mentioning that she jogged every morning in order to keep in shape. In fact, she had even asked him if he wanted to go running with her each morning. Yeah, right! Mike shook his head at such dedication and went back over to the crapper. He flipped up the lid and sat down, lowering his pajama bottoms to the floor. He let loose with a stirring stream of piss, all the while thinking about his Aunt.

Man oh man! What a kinky babe! He still couldn’t believe how things were turning out. It was like his visit was turning into a secret club meeting or something. The Let’s Get Nasty club, with just two members: him and his bodacious Aunt Susan. This was way cooler than anything his friends could devise.

Mike was just in the midst of meditatively pinching a loaf when he heard the front screen door slam below. He started and his first reflex was to scurry back to his bed as if he were being caught in the middle of something furtive.

“Wait a minute, dude!” he told himself. “You’re just going to the illegal bahis fucking toilet. You live here now. You’re entitled. Chill!” He settled back and enjoyed the satisfying splash of a big one falling to its doom. Phew! What a stinker!

There was the sound of rapid steps on the stairs and suddenly there was Aunt Susan bursting through her door into the bathroom, her hands on her running shorts as if she were about to jerk them down. There was a look of painful concentration on her face which was replaced with an almost comical look of stunned surprise as she rushed in only to find Mike occupying the throne.

“Wha…, Mike?!” Aunt Susan exclaimed, suddenly stopping and standing before him, panting and sweaty. “Mike, I…oh no! Oh dear!”

There was the sound of a loud trumpet-like fart which ended with a wet-sounding explosion. Despite the events of the day before, Mike was still astounded to realize that his Aunt was standing there before him, helplessly filling her shorts with what smelt like a colossal load of shit.

“I, uh, I had to…uh,” Aunt Susan stuttered, while a spectrum of emotions seemed to wash over her face. Embarrassment, defiance, disgust, and yes, arousal, all flickered past, until her features seemed to settle into a neutral common-sensical sigh.

“Well, Mike, what must you think?!” she said with a wisp of a wry smile. “This is the second accident I’ve had since you arrived! Believe me, I’ve usually got things under much better control!”

Aunt Susan pirouetted around and glanced in the mirror over the sink. She reached up and patted her blond hair which was falling out of its bun, in a hopeless attempt to freshen up. With her back to him, Mike could clearly see the large bulge in her running shorts. The firm bumpy mass was pressing against the shiny fabric, and a rude brown stain was beginning to show. It was a startling contrast to the tapered elegance of her long legs and the poise with which she held herself. Somehow her unmistakable beauty made the sagging load in her shorts all the more obscene.

“Mike, if you’re done with your business there, maybe I can take your place. I’ve got a little cleaning up to do!” Aunt Susan smiled blithely as she turned to face him again.

“S-sure, Aunt Susan.” Mike muttered, getting up and self-consciously wiping his ass before he yanked up his pajama pants. “Sorry ’bout that! I guess I just picked the wrong moment to sit down! I’ll get out of here immediately!” He began to back out of the room, his eyes riveted by the sight of her large protruding nipples which were clearly visible through her sweat-stained top. The smell of Aunt Susan’s healthy perspiration was competing with the hovering odor of feces, and Jack could feel his dick stiffen and twitch.

“Oh, no hurry. Actually, I think I may need your assistance, if you’re willing.” Aunt Susan smiled apologetically at Mike. “I don’t want to make a mess all over the floor and toilet seat. Maybe you could help hold my panties while I step out of them and then dump my, er, accident in the john!”

His Aunt gestured Mike over and swiveled around in front of him again. “Here, can you just, you know, cup your hands under them while I lower them?”

Mike swallowed hard as he cupped his hands firmly around the load of shit in her shorts. She was wearing a pair of sensible cotton undies under the running shorts, which was preventing the deposit of feces from tumbling out of the loose leg holes of the shorts. Aunt Susan hooked her fingers under the elastic bands of both garments and slowly tugged down, being careful to keep the fabric enfolded around her turds. Her shit felt warm and inviting in Mike’s hands, as he slowly lowered her still-clothed deposit down towards the floor. His aunt bent over, almost thrusting her shit-defaced buttocks into his face, while she untied her running shoes and daintily stepped out of them. Mike’s boner almost exploded as he got a good look at the filagree of delicate pubic hair covering her nether regions and disappearing into the crack between the brown-smeared globes of her ass. Then with Mike’s cupped hands and their treasure down by her ankles she slipped first one foot and then another out of the befouled garments.

Mike stared at the dark brown stools, resting upon their pillow of shorts and undies. He fought a sudden impulse to run and hide them in his room for further study later, and walked over to the toilet and dumped them in. The sticky mass peeled away from the cotton and plopped down upon his own coil of shit which was still lurking in the bowl. It was as if he were a ring-bearer for an obscene wedding ceremony, the joining of their poops in holy matrimony.

Unable to stop himself, he raised the limp clothing to his face and inhaled. God, it was rank but fucking excellent at the same time! As if in a trance, he stepped over to his Aunt and lifted the foul fabric towards her nose, like smelling salts for a fainting Victorian damsel. Aunt Susan crinkled casino siteleri her nose and made a funny face. “Oh, really now!” she exclaimed. “Let’s not get too carried away! Here, let’s toss them in the sink and rinse them out. And then I’m ready for a shower! How about you?”

Mike could only smile and nod.

Ch. 07

Susan Compton was on the verge of peeling off the rest of her sweaty attire in order to jump in the shower with her nephew Mike when her conscience tweaked her and made her have second thoughts. She was beginning to feel like she was suffering from a split personality! The Good Susan was still shocked that she had pooped her pants right in front of Mike and then had asked him to help dispose of the accident. She was still guilt-stricken about last night’s exhibitionist frenzy and was determined to maintain a sense of propriety and good judgment in her relations with Mike.

The Naughty Susan, on the other hand, was sure that there was no harm in sharing a few secrets with someone she almost considered a brother. Besides, nudist families seemed to be able to be naked with each other without all hell breaking loose. Why not her and Mike?

As for this toilet stuff: what was the big deal? A little kinky perhaps, but then, by his own admission, so was Mike! Maybe it just ran in the family. Who was the rest of Society to tell them that they couldn’t share a few bathroom encounters together?

Naughty Susan put up a brilliant fight, but once the passion of the moment was subsiding and her soiled panties were soaking in the sink, Good Susan won and common sense triumphed.

“Now Mike, I didn’t mean to imply that we should take a shower *together*, of course,” Aunt Susan hedged. “I think I need a few minutes of privacy to regain my composure. Then you can use the shower. Okay?”

* * *

Mike sighed. Jeezus Fucking Christ! He felt like he had just been 86’d from paradise again. What was his Aunt’s problem? This was already becoming a too familiar pattern: a giant leap of intimacy and then a sudden attack of guilty conscience and a hasty retreat back to “the proper way.” Who was she kidding? Mainly herself, he thought. Is it going to be like this all Summer?

“Sure, Aunt Susan,” Mike muttered. “I’ll be in my room. Just knock when you’re finished in here.”

As Mike lay on his bed, trying to ignore his raging hard-on, he could hear the sound of his Aunt turning on the shower and drawing the shower curtain closed. The water sprayed loudly, making him think of other bodily functions. Mike made believe that he was still in the bathroom with Aunt Susan and they were showering together. In his revery, the sound of the running water became the sound of her suddenly peeing uncontrollably all over him as she hugged him to her wetly. Mike was enjoying this new forbidden sensation when strange sounds in the bathroom brought him back from his daydream.

Through the background din of the shower, Mike heard what sounded like a body being slapped wetly and repeatedly. He got up and crouched by the door, attentive to the unusual sounds. It almost sounded as if Aunt Susan were spanking and slapping herself! Then, between the wet smacks he began to distinguish the sound of her voice. She was talking to herself in a scolding tone that keep rising in urgency.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

“Ohh, you’re such a filthy pervert! Susan! How could you?”

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

“You just have no self-control, do you? Pooping your panties right in front of poor Mike! Trying to seduce him into the shower! Ohhhh, you slut!”

Slap! Slap! Slap!

The tempo of the slaps and scolding kept increasing in intensity until suddenly Mike’s aunt uttered a little half-scream of remorse and orgasmic ecstasy. Then the sounds stopped entirely, except for a low intermittent moaning.

Mike gripped his boner tightly to keep from spurting all over the carpet and could only shake his head in bemusement. Man! His aunt was something else!

* * *

Meg Novak whistled as she fixed herself her first espresso of the morning. The compact black espresso-maker that her best friend Susan had given her last Christmas was an efficient little wonder and it reminded her that she hadn’t heard from Susan in several days. Wasn’t Susan’s nephew coming for a visit about now? Maybe she should give her a call and invite them over for a barbecue this afternoon. Susan had spoken a number of times about how cute and bright this kid supposedly was; why not see for herself?

Like Susan, Meg was a single woman with a fierce streak of independence. She made nearly twice as much as Susan, allowing her to live more luxuriously. Her fenced-in backyard sported its own private swimming pool for the summer months, and she even had a hot tub on the nearby back patio. Such independence combined with a dominating personality assured Meg of a volatile and all too sporadic love life. Perhaps Meg’s unusual sexual philosophy had poker siteleri something to do with it as well: she derived great pleasure from exerting intricate control over her lovers. Blessed with a perverse imagination and a voluptuous body, she devised grotesque scenarios which could pass all normal boundaries of taste and sanity. With the right partner these could lead to intense climaxes of unbelievable ecstasy, but more than one of her conquests had snapped under the pressure of her deviant desires and had subsequently required psychiatric care. Playing with Meg was definitely playing with fire.

Right now, it was that time of the month and Meg was feeling intensely horny as she usually did during her period. It was one of life’s cruel jokes that she should feel most like some hot sex just when she was most bloated and least likely to get any. A large pimple had appeared on her chin and it seemed like she was having to run off to the bathroom every couple of hours to change her soaked-through tampons. Meg could feel her frustration building and she knew she’d need a powerful outlet for the emotions seething within her. She reached for the phone.

* * *

“Mike, how’d you like to go with me to a little barbecue over at my friend Meg’s this afternoon?” Susan asked after she got off the phone. “She’s got a swimming pool which would probably hit the spot on a sweltering day like this.”

Mike smiled tentatively. He was a bit shy in meeting new people, but the pool sounded like a strong inducement. Besides, maybe Meg would turn out to be another babe like his Aunt.

“Yeah, sure. I packed some swimming trunks and I’ve got ’em upstairs. I’ll just grab them and we can go anytime.”

“Oh dear! I wonder if I still fit in my own swimsuit, now that you mention it!” Susan mused, half to herself. “I’ll have to try it on before we go over there.


Mike was still sitting at the breakfast table reading the sports section of the paper when the sound of his Aunt entering the room made him look up. What he saw made him swallow hard and he felt faint as all of his blood rushed to his cock. Aunt Susan was wearing a form-fitting white one piece swimsuit which was cut low over the breasts showing tantalizing inches of cleavage. Mike could clearly make out her large brown areolae which seemed to cover a good third of her spectacular tits. Under Mike’s appreciative gaze the dark circles seemed to shrink and his Aunt’s nipples hardened, pushing out the thin white fabric.

The bitch just loves to show off and turn me on, Mike thought to himself. She can’t keep this up forever, can she?

Tearing his gaze away from his Aunt’s mouth watering rack Mike’s gaze wandered down over her tummy to her crotch. Jeez! There must be as many short and curlies outside of her suit as under it, he realized. Aunt Susan’s lush nest of pubes spread out from her crotch and extended a good inch or two down her inner thighs. Although Mike had already seen her naked there was something especially bewitching about this half-covered, half-revealed splendor. His cock throbbed in his pants and he shifted in his chair awkwardly.

“Mike? Does this suit look okay to you?” his Aunt asked. “It feels a bit small to me.”

“No way, Aunt Susan!” Mike nearly shouted. “It looks perfect! Believe me! Just perfect!”

Ch. 08

“Go ahead and ring the doorbell, Mike, while I get our belongings out of the trunk.”

Aunt Susan smiled at Mike as they got out of her car. He walked a bit hesitantly to Meg’s door and pressed the button. No response. He waited and pressed it again. Behind him, Mike could hear the trunk-lid slam and the sound of his Aunt walking up the sidewalk behind him. No sooner had she caught up with him and placed her hand lightly on his shoulder than the front door opened and a ravishing raven-haired woman in a bikini stood before them.

The woman grinned wickedly and paused, letting her gaze run up and down Mike’s body. Her gaze paused a moment when it reached his crotch on the way down, causing the boy’s cock to stir in his shorts. Her eyes moved down to his feet and made their way up again, pausing a second time to take in the contours of his now stiff dick pushing against his shorts. Mike’s face turned a bright red which seemed to make the woman grin all the more.

“Well! You must be Susan’s nephew, Mike! Do come in! I’m Meg.” She flashed a knowing smirk at her friend Susan, as if to imply that she knew that naughty games were afoot, and beckoned her in as well.

“I was just certain that on a hot day like this, a nice swim and a…wiener…roast would just hit the spot.” Meg said, pausing just slightly to emphasize the word “wiener,” while she shot another glance at Mike’s crotch.

Mike felt his now blood-engorged cock twitch, a movement that seemed lost on neither Meg nor his Aunt Susan. They were both staring at his hardened member as if hypnotized.

“Yes,” Meg muttered to herself. “Now where was I? Right. Swimming. Let me give you a tour of my humble abode, Mike! Oh, and Susan? Would you be a dear and take that pack of Polish sausages out of the freezer in the kitchen, while I show Mike around? They need to start thawing and I know you’ve already seen this place plenty of times!”

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