The Wicked Stepmother Act 01

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The father suddenly found himself sitting in his kitchen apparently waiting for something, or was it someone. He glanced at the clock on the wall. From the soft moonlight streaming in through the window he could barely make out the time. It was an hour or so shy of midnight on this cold and stormy Halloween night.

What day was it Saturday? No wait. Sunday maybe… He was not sure. He shook his head trying to bring his thoughts into focus and then decided for whatever reason that the day was not important. What was important, and he knew this deep down inside his tortured soul was it was the anniversary of his death. Four years ago on a cold stormy Halloween night, much like this one, the cancer he had been battling for the last 15 months had finally come in all its ugly glory to claim his life.

As he rests in the kitchen quietly, waiting for his senses to come alive, waiting for the pain of his awakening to subside, Ellie comes bounding into the kitchen followed closely by his wife. They were both talking and giggling.

He had been sitting in the far corner slumped in one of the kitchen chairs. The girls will not notice him, of that he has made certain, as he has made himself a part of the dark shadows that reside in the corner.

Ellie flips on the small light above the sink and turns to Missy saying something he cannot quite catch. Ellie had just turned 20, but despite her advanced age now, she was still just as cute and adorable as always. Ellie was just so sweet, so innocent, and oh so adorably cute and cuddly that she would make even the sweetest of puppy dogs look menacing in comparison.

Ellie, named after her grandmother on her father’s side, was the product of a mixed marriage. The father was a handsome Caucasian man in his own right, but when standing next to his gorgeous African-American wife he was hardly noticed at all.

Ellie hit the genetics lottery as she adapted the finest traits from both her mother’s and father’s races. Her unblemished skin seemed to be coated with brown sugar as she had a complexion that was a near perfect combination of dark and light. Indeed, her light ebony skin glowed with dark beauty, only adding to the extreme beauty of her picturesque face.

The show stopper for young Ellie was her big dreamy eyes, full of sweetness and innocence topped by long feather- like languorous eyelashes. These eyes, with their dark stunning beauty, held such power that when she turned them on her daddy, not once did they ever fail to melt his heart.

In addition to her fawn like eyes, Ellie was blessed with a pert little nose and full sensual blossom-pink lips that, due to several factors, had yet to be tasted by others outside of her immediate family.

Her delicate smile, which came easily especially when in the presence of her daddy, had a spellbinding quality to it that was accented by her perfectly shaped dazzling white teeth.

Her long dark hair, which much to her daddy’s chagrin, she kept more often than not pinned up, when let loose fell, in a cascade of dark beauty just past her shoulders.

There was precious little that was not perfect about Ellie physically, and that included her well sculpted figure. She was small, at only 5′ 3″ and 117 pounds, but was well put together; her nicely sized 32 B breasts, and gorgeous perfectly shaped ass, which was neither soft and squishy, nor hard and solid, but somewhere balanced perfectly in between, garnered her much attention.

She worked out constantly and was proud of her well-toned abs and legs, which she loved to show off as she tended to wear chic, shredded clothes in a mutinous way, which showed off a maximum amount of skin. She also seemed to regard underwear, bras in particular, as the enemy. She rarely wore them even as she became older and more developed.

Her favorite tops were shredded half tee shirts that would barely cover those perky little breasts of hers. She liked her tee shirts to be light colored so they would better show off her dark ebony skin. Light colored and skin tight, which allowed for the fact she never wore a bra, while running around the house in her little half tees, to be amply noted.

She more often than not coupled her half tee shirts with a pair of tight daisy duke shorts, or a short little mini skirt, depending on her mood. During the summer, she spent long hours working on tanning her already dark skin laying out by the pool in a variety of multicolored bikinis. Ellie, in short, was a show off, but yet she did it in such a sweet innocuous way that it did not seem that way somehow.

Her father took careful note of the way his daughter dressed, proud yet dismayed all at once. Proud because he had a confident daughter who was not afraid to flaunt her God given beauty, which was the way the father thought it should be, despite his quiet misgivings that maybe she flaunted it a bit too much, especially around him. The dismay came when Ellie was in a “flaunting mood” he simply could not illegal bahis keep his eyes off her young, nubile body.

Many that knew her, but only from a distance, thought Ellie was a bit of a cock tease, more so maybe because her personality which always seemed to be cheerful, bubbly, and most ladylike, also tended to be teasing and fun loving.

But anyone that knew her well understood that Ellie, above all else, was sweet and innocent. They also understood she was a look, but don’t touch type of girl, and if that was being a cock tease, well so be it.

Ellie as the age of 20 was still a virgin, as pure and innocent as freshly fallen snow. She had yet to be touched by a boy, or a girl, for that matter; had yet to be even so much as kissed by anyone except her parents. She was extremely naïve and innocent when it came to all things relating to sex.

Ellie, as an only child, was the love and light of her very over-protective parents, in particular her mother. Sadly her mother had been killed in a fatal car accident shortly after Ellie turned 13, which only caused her father to be even more overly protective of his only child.

He sent her to an exclusive, private all girls Catholic school were Ellie was an all A student and one of the nuns favorites. She was actually studying to become a nun herself as a simple, uncomplicated life held great appeal to the young girl. She had not reached a final decision yet, but the idea of becoming a servant of the church was definitely something she was seriously considering.

As a result she never dated, even if her daddy would have let her, which he would not have, nor took much of an interest in boys in general.

She had very much decided, if she was going to give up a life of simple chastity it would have to be for the near perfect man, rather than settle for someone less than perfect, and in young Ellie’s mind there was only one near perfect man—her daddy.

But was there someone out there like her daddy, sweet, charming, intelligent, handsome, romantic…could there be? She was determined to wait and see and wanted to be unknown to man if she was to meet her ultimate prince charming.

After the mother died in a tragic car accident, Ellie and the daddy became incredibly close for a good little while as they were both lost in mourning for the woman they both so dearly loved. Then sometime after Ellie turned 15, her daddy met her, Missy, the blonde bitch goddess from hell. Met and married her that is.

Ahh yes, Missy and Ellie—a study in contrasts. Missy was your typical California bleached bomb bimbo. She was 5″ 5″, 129 pounds and had size 32 E tits along with a well-shaped set of legs and a super sweet ass. Her skinny size 22 waist made her large, enhanced boobs look gigantic. The father cared little they weren’t 100 percent real; hell he paid for them. What mattered was the best plastic surgeon in all of Southern California had done his job well. Yes, Missy’s boobs may have been fake, but they looked fantastic.

Her bleached blonde hair fell to her shoulders, which worked well with her unblemished complexion which was tanned to a deep golden bronze from hours of worshiping the sun in a wide variety of skimpy bikinis. At the age of 24, she was what one might refer to as a trophy wife.

The platinum blonde, with the big baby blue eyes and enormous breasts, stopped just about everyone who met her dead in their tracks, including the father. His many friends laughed when the father married her. They whispered behind his back, “He’s 53 and she’s 24, it will never last. She only married for money. ”

He was rich, lonely and vulnerable; in other words just the type of man Missy was looking for. He was just lucky enough to have met Missy at a local charity fund raising event and they immediately hit it off. Three months later they were married.

He did not care what others thought as long as Missy and Ellie accepted each other which apparently, as he watched them come into the kitchen holding hands, they were finally doing.

For the longest time, even up to the very bitter end in fact, Ellie and Missy fought like cats and dogs. The father’s only hope was that as Ellie got older, things would start to get a bit better as maybe Ellie would begin to view Missy as less a threat to her relationship with her daddy, and more as a friend and fellow confidant she could share mother/daughter secrets with.

The father was wary of the quiet periods between his pretty wife and lovely daughter though, wondering always if their getting along would last, as in the past there were a few times they seemed to be getting along famously, but then some thing or the other would cause one of them to get upset and their whole budding stepmother-stepdaughter relationship would come crashing down.

Now the father, whenever Missy and Ellie seemed to be getting along, instead of getting overly excited, took a wait and see attitude. Unfortunately, his waiting for Ellie casino siteleri and Missy to finally fully accept each other, was interrupted by a grim diagnosis of lung cancer, too far along to do anything but wait for the inevitable, which came a little less than a year later. The 15 year old Ellie was crushed to hear of her father’s death sentence, and then crushed again when her prayers to God to save him went unheeded.

During this waiting period to die, the father became dismayed as he watched his wife and l daughter fight like cats and dogs again to see which one of them could provide him with the most comfort during his long slow descent to death. He died a sad, broken man, but not before he extracted from Ellie, what at the time she perceived, as a rather strange promise.

On his deathbed he made the 16 year old Ellie take a vow of chastity for at least four years. When she asked why he simply responded that he wanted her to wait for him. When Ellie asked what that meant, the father growing weaker by the second mumbled, “Just wait Ellie, f-four years…you should be pure, unknown to man if I am to return…Promise.”

He then he slipped into unconsciousness and shortly afterwards and died. Ellie was left to ponder his puzzling request, although she thought granting it might not be too difficult, since she had already determined herself to wait until that perfect man, her prince charming came along, before ever having sexual relations.

Now she just decided not to really look, to keep to herself for the next four years, just as she had promised her daddy. She knew one did not break a death bed promise without great peril.

Slowly over the years after the death of the father, Ellie and Missy started to get closer. While the death of her father, deeply saddened her it also made her mature as no longer was her daddy around to baby her and take care of her every whim. True to her word she kept her vow of chastity unwilling to break her promise to him despite her blossoming beauty and the many suitors that came with it.

A big cause of their new found closeness was one simple act Missy performed upon the father’s death. He had split all his assets down the middle, 50/50 between Missy and Ellie. They were rumored whispers that Missy was actually happy over his death now that she was going to be quite well off with her 50 percent cut. There were also rumored whispers she was going after all of her husband’s estate. Something about him changing his will right before his death making her sole beneficiary, which of course would leave poor little Ellie out in the cold.

These rumored whispers, like many rumors, had no basis in fact. It was all just idle gossip, but still it got back to Ellie who was very hurt and now scared. She had been just starting to warm up to her step mother when all this happened.

Ellie finally confronted Missy about the rumors who responded by, in a most unexpected twist of events, ordering the estate lawyer to transfer her 50 percent in its entirety to Ellie. She would take nothing.

This touched Ellie’s heart deeply and it was then a real bond began to form between the two women. Shortly, after doing this Ellie came home from school one day to find Missy packing her things up.

“What are you doing Missy?”

“Why moving out of course. I no longer have any claims to this house and the estate lawyer said I should leave.”

“What he just wants to throw you out like that.”

“I guess.”

“Well what if I want you to stay.”

“It’s your house hon and since you are past the age of 16 and are entitled to be on your own if you so choose.”

Ellie invited her to stay. At first, Missy demurred, saying she didn’t want to be a burden. Ellie broke down and cried saying she couldn’t stay in this big house all alone. Missy stayed promising to be the best friend as possible to Ellie if that is what she wanted. From that day forward, like flowers in the spring, their relationship began to blossom.

The father was now seeing this “blossoming” as he watched while the two girls begin to whisper and giggle to each other. He wished he could hear what they were saying.

“Hey why are we like whispering anyway Missy, we are alone remember in this big old house, like who is going to hear us.”

“Are you sure?” Missy replies with a secret smile on her pretty face, that Ellie fails to detect. Then she adds, her voice still barely above a whisper. “Because sometimes I feel like he is here still watching over us.”

“That is just wishful thinking. We are alone.”

Missy turns away from her step daughter to retrieve a pair of wine glasses from one of the upper cabinets. A simple act done as much to hide a knowing smile, as to get the wine glasses.

“Poor little adorable Ellie if only she knew the truth as I have come to know it about her father,” Missy thinks to herself as she sits the wine glasses down on the counter top, followed closely by a new bottle poker siteleri of expensive red wine.

“Hmm wine. What is the occasion Missy?” Ellie asks.

“Well it’s trick or treat night right, so I figure we owe ourselves a little treat maybe,” she says with a warm smile. “Besides this wine is your daddy’s favorite. We were drunk on it the first time we made love.”

“Too much information,” Ellie says holding up her hand while suppressing a giggle.

“Oh come on Ellie don’t be such a little prude when it comes to sex. After all you are 20 years old now and…”

“I’m not a prude!!” Ellie says interrupting her.

Missy fills two wine glasses up, holding one out to Ellie.

“No thanks I don’t drink.”

“No sex, no drinking see you are a prudish little girl. Very much so. Boy when I was 20 like you. I …well better not say.” Missy says happily draining half of her glass in one long swallow.

“Who says I don’t have sex Missy. I might. I mean, I have guys who are interested in me. Besides, like you said, I am only 20 years old, I still have time to experience things.”

“And well you should baby, considering how absolutely gorgeous you really are, but we both know you are still very much a virgin. A very pure and innocent virgin who I bet has not even been kissed yet”

Ellie blushes a bit at her stepmother’s complement as she eyes the full glass of red wine still sitting on the kitchen counter in front of her.

“Well so what…” Ellie says defensively, and then makes an impulsive decision, and snatches up the wine glass and takes a hearty drink from it.

“That’s better but if we are going to get drunk together on this fateful All Hallow Eve’s night then we should go downstairs to the living room where we can get comfortable.”

“What you wanna get drunk with me Missy. I have never been drunk before you know. I might act like a fool.”

“That is the beauty of it hon. If I get drunk too I probably A- won’t notice or B- will be too busy acting like a fool myself to care.”

Ellie laughs saying, “Well if you put it like that why not. Besides getting drunk with you beats the alternative I had planned. But I am surprised you don’t have a date or some fancy party to attend.”

“No, no plans for me, but tell me what might have been your plans.” Missy says as they head out of the kitchen, down the short dark hallway towards the living room.

“Going to bed early, lonely and depressed because today is the day…the four year anniversary.”

“Yes I know,” Missy says sighing heavily, “you think I could forget.”

They walk into the dark living room and Missy settles down on the couch as Ellie turns on the small lamp on the end table for light.

“Ellie sweetheart can we talk about that. I mean about your daddy for just a moment. Sit here…” Missy pats the couch next to her. Ellie plops down next to her stepmother sensing that maybe this talk there about to have is important, since neither one of them talk of him much as it’s just too painful.

“I was wondering sweetie ahh both of us spent a bit of time alone with him that last night before he passed. When you were alone did you make him any kind of promise?”

“What do you mean?” Ellie say narrowing her eyes as the memory of that weird promise she to remain pure and innocent while waiting for his return, comes back to him.

“Hmm, like did he ask you to do something? Promise him something maybe.”

“Both actually.”

“Can you tell me?”

“I …well I think it’s supposed to be a secret Missy.”

Missy looks at Ellie with those big baby blues as she says softly, “Look we are friends now, can’t we share a secret or two honey. I mean I have a secret that I would like to share with you, but only if you are willing to open up to me a bit Ellie.”

“I want to open up to you Missy but…” Ellie pauses and then turns away shyly. She has issues with getting close to people, maybe as a result of both her mother and father dying on her while she was still young.

“Maybe it would be easier if you stopped calling me Missy and starting calling me …” Missy pauses knowing this first bridge she is about to cross is so very important. She reaches out and takes one of Ellie’s soft delicate hands into hers and squeezes it tight before adding “Mom.”

Missy notices how Ellie almost at once stiffens when she draws her hand into hers, but doesn’t try to pull back. Somewhat of a good sign anyway, she muses to herself.

“I would like that. I owe it to you anyway since the way you have taken care of me so well these past few years. Like I was you own daughter.”

“You are my daughter honey. And just so you know. I don’t care about how different we are, the difference in our skin color, I don’t care all the fights we had over the years, I don’t care about none of that when I think of you I think of you as my daughter, not step daughter mind you, but just my daughter. Plain and simple. I feel that close to you.”

“You do?” Ellie says relaxing her hand in Missy’s.

“Very much so. And I am hoping you could think of me as your mother without that stupid step adjective in front of it. I want to be your mother more than anything else in this world.”

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