The Wife the Bull , the Cuckold

Chapter One

Steve had been an architect for most of his working career. He loved buildings; the very modern ones, the old ones and just about everything in between. As long as the building had style, in his opinion it would be ageless and classic. He liked to think of himself that way too; although, most of the time, he felt a long way from classic or ageless. He was a creative at heart and, although he was a partner at the firm, he was content to let others handle the business end of things because for him it was all about design. In recent years he had taken more and more of a back seat in terms of decision making, preferring to avoid any and all confrontation wherever possible.

His wife Sally was just as beautiful and vibrant as ever, planning this, arranging that, determined to enjoy life to the full and dragging easy going Steve along for the ride.

She was a journalist, fun loving and articulate with an inclination for the dramatic. Sally had a very keen imagination with a definite dark sexy side which Steve had always loved. Her natural exuberance and love of life more than compensated for any lack of spirit from Steve and he still felt lucky to have her.

They had been together for many years and although the passion had definitely worn a bit thin between them, they were still good mates and could talk about most things without any problems and often had long conversations about life, love and work.

During one of these conversations Sally had suddenly admitted that she had been wondering what it would be like to have another man.

They were a popular couple with a good group of friends. Most weekends would see them out in a local restaurant, at the cinema or maybe the theatre. Sometimes they would host or attend dinner parties at home, or at a friend’s house.

They were a sociable middle class couple that on the surface enjoyed life and had everything going for them.

But couples can run out of romantic and sexual steam and that can have quite an impact on a relationship.

Sally and Steve fell into that category. They’d been together for many years and the passion had definitely worn a bit thin between them. They were still good mates though and could talk about most things without any problems and often had long conversations about life, love and work.

During one of these conversations Sally had suddenly admitted that she had been wondering what it would be like to be with another man sexually.

Sally’s new boss was a good looking 40 something man and she was sure that he had been trying to flirt with her. The local butcher seemed to be suddenly rather chatty too; complimenting her on her clothes or hair and even the guy in the garage seemed to be giving her the eye. Perhaps she was imagining it. Still, all this attention real or imagined had made her feel … attractive, desired and she knew that she wanted to keep feeling that way.

She loved Steve, but he was so laid back. They hardly ever had sex anymore and if they did, it was usually because she had initiated things. She didn’t want to have an affair, she had no intention of doing anything behind Steve’s back so she decided to raise the subject and see what happened.

‘What do you think?’She asked, although she went on before he could reply determined to get it all out.

‘It would need to be someone who is perhaps a bit controlling and a bit dominant,’ she confided, ‘I’ve never really experienced anything like that. You are so laid back, which is always great, but I’ve read a few books recently where male dominance was an integral part of the story and it made me feel, well I liked the thought of it. How would you feel about that?’ she asked, deciding not to mention the attention from her new boss or the local tradesmen.

‘Come on, I think you know don’t you?’ Steve replied. ‘I’m sure we’ve talked about it before. I’ve always loved the idea of you being with another man, as long as you come back to me in the end. But I do think that I would like to be involved in some way, or at least watch him fucking you.’

‘Oh, well, that’s good to know. So you wouldn’t be jealous or anything?’

Sally couldn’t decide if she was disappointed or glad at that thought.

‘No not Jealous. I’d be happy if you were having a good time and as I said, I’d want to know that you were always coming home to me and that whatever we were doing we’d be doing it together. You’d be my sexy wife … that’s my sexy wife!

‘But you say you’d want to be involved. I know you’ve never been one for controlling things so how involved would you want to be?’ Sally asked. ‘I mean on the side lines, fully involved with the sex, or what? The reason I ask is because I want someone to take control which means that you can’t be in control as well. Are you happy to concede control to another man if it comes to it?’

‘Yes of course. I’ll do whatever it takes and I mean that. I want you to have some fun and I’d love to see you being completely pleasured by another man, I think it could be terrific and very horny too.’

In these stories I’ve read, the other man is called bursa escort a Bull and he often orders the husband around. So what if whoever we meet wants to make you do things, would you have a problem following instructions?’

‘I don’t see it as a problem. I know how to follow orders. You know the senior partner at work, old man Gilbert, is always barking out orders and, come to think of it, his son Rick is just as bad. Rick is always ordering me about and he’s not even my boss. He just likes to feel that he is in charge and I’m not good with conflict as you know.’

‘But orders about sexual stuff might feel different don’t you think?’Sally asked ‘Actually no, I don’t think so,’ Steve said ‘I mean, I’m pretty easy going,it just makes life easier. So no, to answer your question, I don’t think I’d have a problem with any of it.’

The moment passed and Sally sort of changed the subject.

‘You’ve told me that Mr Gilbert can be a bit over the top, but he does own the firm, so I guess he’s allowed to be. You have never said much about this Rick character before,’ Sally said, ‘what’s he like?’

‘Actually he’s a cocky, arrogant little shit. He’s Mr Gilbert’s eldest son and he makes sure everyone knows it. He is very wealthy in his own right and very confident too.’

‘Oh how awful. Does that mean that he is a bit of a know nothing know it all?’ Sally asked.

‘To be fair, he does actually have a really good knowledge of architecture and he’s an astute business man too by all accounts. He’s single I think and I’m sure that he is being groomed to take over when old man Gilbert retires next year. I feel bad for maligning him because he’s alright really, not a bad bloke, quite friendly too, actually. You’ll meet him if you can pick me up after the partner’s dinner on Friday night, so why don’t you come in when you arrive and I’ll introduce you. It’s at the Golf club — it’s black tie, there’s a speaker and bound to be plenty of booze. I know it’s not far but it would be great if you could drop me off and collect me afterwards, then I can have a few drinks. Is that ok?’

‘Sure, no problem,’ she said, ‘just give me a call when you’re ready.’


When Friday came around, Steve called Sally to say that one of the other partners would be collecting him at 7pm to take him to the dinner, so it would just mean one trip for her if she could pick him up later, probably about midnight.

Sally was quite late finishing work and fixed herself something light to eat and poured a glass of cool white wine. As it got later, she wondered whether to change out of her work clothes, but in the end decided that her black pencil skirt and black top still looked ok. Once she got the call from Steve she quickly freshened up her makeup and slung her suit jacket around her shoulders and made her way in the car to the golf club.

On arrival, she moved inside looking around for Steve, who came through the doors of a side room at that every moment.

‘Hey Sally,’ he called out and waved.

As Sally walked over to meet Steve another man came out of the room, taller and bigger than Steve. She noticed he was quite attractive in a rugged, earthy sort of way.

‘Oh Sally, this is Rick Gilbert, Rick this is my wife Sally,’

‘Hey Sally,’ he said, ‘Steve’s been telling me all about you. Would you care to come and have a drink with us?’

‘Of course she’ll have a drink, won’t you Sally?’ Steve said before she could reply.

‘Just one then,’ she said, ‘I’ve already had a glass of wine at home earlier and I’m driving, so just an orange juice please.’

Steve grabbed her hand and steered here back into the room where he had spent the evening.

There were twelve partners including managing partner Alan Gilbert. She was introduced to them all as Steve pulled up a chair for her and they all chatted on amiably, some talking to her and others keeping in their own conversations. Eventually she insisted that it was time to go and stood up and they both said their goodbyes.

‘Well he’s kept you a bit of secret,’ Rick said to her as Steve went to thank Alan Gilbert for the evening.

‘Pardon,’ she said.

‘Don’t worry,’ Rick replied, ‘I don’t blame him. Might see you again sometime.’

As Steve was back at her side there was no opportunity to reply, so she said, ‘Bye, nice to meet you.’ But she wondered about his comment and looked back at him as they left. She couldn’t help but notice that Rick’s eyes were still on her. It felt rather good.

Chapter Two

The following week, just as Steve was loading up his brief case to head home, Rick popped his head into the office.

‘A few of us are going to the Old Swan for a beer, why don’t you come along.

‘Eh well,’ Steve hesitated.

‘Good, that’s settled then, ‘Rick said quickly, I’ll be back in 5 minutes to collect you.

Once in the pub, Rick talked to Steve about the new project in the city that the firm were working on and Rick asked how it was going. The multimillion pounds job was very important for the firm in terms of both revenue and kudos, so it was bursa escort imperative that everything ran smoothly. Steve explained that overall the project was progressing well, but he felt he should mention that there were some problems with the glazing side of things – some measurements were wrong and the glass had already been cut so it had to be re-cut, which meant the whole job had been delayed.

‘That’s a very costly mistake Steve. I presume that was your fault?’ Rick asked

Steve spluttered, ‘No, not really, I didn’t do the measuring, it was Jim.’

‘So you’re passing the buck are you?’ Rick said, ‘I thought that you were better than that. You are the project lead on the job, aren’t you, so it’s actually your responsibility, isn’t It.?’

‘Yes, you’re right,’ Steve said with a big sigh. I have spoken to Jim about taking more care but yes, it was my fault, I should have checked.’

‘Look, don’t worry,’ Rick said, ‘I’ll look into the costs and delays and try to square it with the old man, but you’ll owe me one, ok?’.

‘Sure, no problem,’ Steve said, confident that there would be nothing that he could possibly do for Rick that Rick couldn’t already do for himself.

He didn’t know how wrong he could be.


Steve told Sally about the cock up at work and the fact that it was his fault, as an important project had been delayed.

She sympathised and told him not to worry. Steve explained that Rick had said the same thing, offering to smooth things over with the boss, old man Gilbert.

‘Wow’ said Sally,’ that’s good of him, how will you return the favour?’

I don’t know, I can’t worry about that now, I’ll just have to see how it goes.’ Steve said.

The following week, Rick approached Steve again about having a drink together, but this time it was just the two of them.

They talked about work and progress on the jobs and Rick confirmed that he had been able to cover the major mistake on the glazing for the city project.

Steve was very grateful and thanked Rick profusely for his help.

‘So what do you do with yourself then Steve, outside of work I mean?’

‘Nothing much, a spot of golf occasionally, dinner with my wife Sally and fiends sometimes, what about you?’

‘I’m often in the gym actually, although I like to watch rugby when I can.’

So Steve, tell me about your lovely wife, what’s she like?’

She’s a journalist, I think I told you last time, she’s very talented, full of fire and always on the go.’ Rick raised an eyebrow.

‘No, not like that,’ Steve said laughing.

‘So, she’s not always on the go then?’ Rick said smirking knowingly.

‘I mean, she’s always doing something and when she’s not, she wants to be.’

‘She is rather gorgeous,’ Rick said, ‘from the little I saw of her.’

‘Thank you yes, I agree,’ Steve replied, beaming at Ricks compliment.

‘But you have to be careful with a woman like that, Steve. Do you think that you satisfy her? Women are so hard to read. I know my ex wife was like that. She didn’t tell me she wanted more until she had found it elsewhere.’

‘Oh sorry Rick, I didn’t know,’ Steve said, ‘but yes I think that she is satisfied but, as you say, it’s hard to know for sure.’

‘You’ve got to read the signals,’ Rick went on, ‘Does she ever talk about fantasies and stuff; I mean things that she would like to do?’

‘Well sometimes.’

‘And?’ rick said.

‘And what?’ Steve said innocently.

‘And what do you do about these fantasies?’

‘Well it’s only recently actually, that it’s come up.’

‘So come on, tell me what her fantasy is?’

‘No, I’m not telling you that, it’s private.’ Steve said.

‘Come On Steve, we are men of the world, I insist that you tell me ‘ Steve was a bit surprised at Rick’s tone as he suddenly seemed annoyed.

Not wanting to cause any problems said’Ok, I’ll tell you, there’s no need to get annoyed,’ he said.

‘Well, she hasn’t said much really. She has just said that she’s thinking about another man.

‘Oh Steve, who is it?’ Rick asked, his voice full of sympathy.

‘No nothing like that, she hasn’t got another man; she just wants to experience another man. She wants someone to control her, she wants a dominant man.She knows that’s just not me but she does still want me to be involved, to watch I think.’

‘And what did you say?’

‘I told her I would do whatever it takes to make her happy?’

‘Well done,’ Rick said, ‘that’s quite clearly the right answer, and it’s very interesting.’

‘Why is it interesting?’ Steve asked.

Rick thought for a moment wondering if Steve was ready to hear this.

‘Well it’s just that I think you might make a very suitable cuckold.’

‘I’m not sure about that,’ Steve said, ‘I don’t think I’m that much of a wimp.’

‘It’s not about being a wimp, it’s about helping your wife to achieve her fantasies, keeping her happy and following instructions from the other man.’

‘You seem to know a lot about it,’ Steve said.

‘Yes, I suppose I do.’ I am a bull.’ Rick said.

‘What bursa eskort does that mean?’ Steve asked.

‘It means that I am that other man that your wife wants to dominate her, and the man that will dominate you too.’

‘Oh, now wait a minute,’ Steve said, ‘this is not what I had in mind.’

‘I’ll bet it’s what your wife has in mind though. And I thought you said that you would do whatever it takes to fulfil your wife’s fantasy? Now you are being a wimp, Steve, and that’s a shame. You obviously haven’t got the courage to do this for her, to make her happy.’

‘Not to worry, let’s just forget it and have another drink,’ Rick said. Turning to the barman he ordered two more beers.

Steve was stunned and surprised and suddenly quiet. Wondering if he was just being selfish, if he had the opportunity to fulfil Sally’s fantasies then maybe he should just take a chance and go for it- at least he knew Rick.

After a few minutes of silence, Steve said, ‘So you’ve done it before I suppose?’

‘Yes, I have done it before.’ Rick replied.

‘How does it work, I mean, what’s involved?’

Rick smiled inwardly knowing for sure that he now had Steve on the hook.

‘It’s quite simple and can be a very hot and horny experience for everyone concerned.

Probably the best way would be for you to tell Sally that you have found a man that will do all the things that you talked about to achieve her fantasy. You could tell her it’s me if you want to, or it might be extra horny if she doesn’t know who the man will be. She needs to know that the man would completely control everything and dominate the whole situation. You would tell her that once it starts, you would both be following instructions implicitly, which I presume is the turn on for Sally, and for you the turn on is seeing her completely turned on, is that right?’

‘Yes, that’s right, it’s for her. So where would it all happen and do we meet first or what?’

‘I’ll arrange a hotel and we’ll meet in the bar and have a few drinks to loosen ourselves up, and when we all feel comfortable, I’ll take it from there, ‘Rick replied smoothly.

Chapter Three

Sally was nervous and Steve was very nervous.

It had taken Steve a couple of days to tell Sally that he had found a man to help out with their fantasy. Of course Sally wanted to know who it was, how he found them and what was said. But Steve refused to tell Sally anything much.

‘You’ll just have to trust me. You do trust me don’t you?’ He asked

Steve had decided not to tell Sally that it was Rick, but rather that he had arranged for a man to join them. He told her that the man was broad and fit and decent looking and that he knew what to do and he was really looking forward to meeting her. He explained to Sally that the man was a dominant male and that they would both have to do what he said in order for things to work properly.

‘All I want to know Sally is, are you excited?’

‘Yes I’m very excited, are you?’

‘Yes I am excited, a little anxious giving up control and stuff, but I’m sure it will all be ok.’

Rick had cornered Steve at work and told him that he wanted to get on with things. They had a arranged a date and a venue that seemed to suit everyone.

Rick had booked a good quality city hotel and they planned to meet in Quincy’s, the hotel’s upmarket bar.


As they walked in Sally recognised Rick immediately. She had thought of him fleetingly a couple of times since they had met, but looking at him now he seemed more attractive than she remembered. She was a little shocked that this plan that Steve had concocted included some one that he worked with and she suddenly felt very concerned.

‘Rick, you will remember my wife Sally.’

‘Wow, you are just as lovely this time,’ Rick said, ‘I’m very pleased to meet you again.’

‘Steve, you didn’t tell me that we would be meeting Rick,’ she said.

‘Is there a problem with that Sally?’ Rick asked.

‘No, no, of course not. It’s just a bit awkward, I mean you work together, ‘Sally replied, trying to sound casual as she kissed him gently on each cheek.

‘Don’t worry,’ Rick said, ‘it’s all going to be fine. We are all here to have a good time, yes?’ ‘What can I get you guys to drink?’

Sally quickly drank her first glass of wine and began to feel better as she stole a glance at Rick. Tall and broad, just as Steve had said, quite good looking in a roguish sort of way. Visions of his hands on her naked body flashed through her mind and she decided right there and then to make the most of this night. As the alcohol flowed they all began to lose their inhibitions a little as they talked about everything and nothing. Eventually, the conversation inevitably moved on to the subject of sex. Did size matter? Was it good to have sex in public? Who liked to watch porn, etc. etc? Rick was already controlling things. He sidelined Steve at every opportunity, mostly directing his comments and questions to Sally. He complemented extravagantly on her stylish clothes, her beautiful legs and the colour of her lipstick. He whispered in her ear that he couldn’t wait to get her upstairs and hoped she was looking forward to it too. After a few more glasses of wine and a little more hot conversation, they were all ready for the next step and Rick suggested that they take things upstairs.

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