There is a First Time for Everything


This is a true story of seduction. Every girl loses her cherry, sometimes reluctantly, (at first) this is Julie’s story. I will always remember Dennis who whispers love, rubs the right places, climbs the cherry tree, picks all the fruit and put it in his basket


Thanks to Dawn J. for your editing and support.


Julie is reading Cosmo and watching TV in the den, when she hears Mom upstairs : “Come on down and meet Julie.”

She stood up to see the visitors coming down the steps.

“Julie, this is my friend from work, Alice Springer and her son Dennis,”

“Hi Julie, my what a pretty girl.”

“Thank you Mrs. Springer.”

“Meet Dennis, while Alice and I go upstairs.”

Dennis smiles. Julie is gorgeous. Her white shorts show off beautiful legs a tight sweater is filled with a large bouquet of softness, but her face, wow, her face is beautiful, blue eyes sparkle with innocence, a smile which lights up the room.

“Hello Julie, what is happening? I am here for the summer, working ’till school starts again.”

Dennis is handsome about five ten, blond hair and blue eyes. ‘He is eyeing my legs intently, but his gaze now raises up to my eyes, maybe he finds me attractive.’

“Where do you go to school?”

“Fresno State. I am a junior, majoring in marketing. How about you?”

“Sit down Dennis. I graduate next month from high school.

Would you like a coke or something?”

Julie surveyed the young man, ‘maybe he might be a nice summer date if he likes me. He is really cute.’

“A coke would be great. Thank you.”

“I’ll be right back.”

Julie hops up the stairs. Dennis looks 21 or 22. She thinks he is interested in her, hopefully, maybe a date. Julie pours two cokes and walks down the stairs.

Dennis is looking at some photographs and newspaper clippings on the hutch. Julie has two first place trophies, and a photograph of Miss Alameda County, she is posing in a bathing suit, displaying a beautiful figure, shapely legs, an attractive bust line, capped by a cute innocent smile.

“You won beauty contests. Wow. I can see why you won, you are really beautiful. So what happens now?”

“I go to the Miss California pageant in three months.”

“You will win. How old are you?”

Julie blushed, lowering her eyes, “Thank you. It will be impossible to win, I am 18.”

“What do you do for entertainment?”

“Not much. We have movies and swim parties.”

“Anything good playing at the movies?”

“Yes, ‘Some Like it hot’ with Tony Curtis, Marilyn Monroe and Jack Lemon starts tonight. Have you seen it?”

“No, sounds great, may I take you?” Dennis held his breath, hoping for a movie date.

‘Wow, that is fast, but why not?’

“Thank you, yes the flick starts at 8.” She is surprised by his speed, but pleased to go to the movie with this nice looking guy.

They talk about the latest music hits, movies and the weather.

“Dennis we must go now,” his mom calls out.

Julie walks him to the door.

“See you at seven thirty, nice to meet you madam.” He said smiling at Mom.

Mom turns, smiling at her, saying nothing.

Promptly at seven thirty Dennis pulls up, “Goodbye Mom”, Julie is out of the door hurriedly to his car, a souped-up black Pontiac.

“Hi Dennis.”

“Hello beautiful.” ‘God she is wearing a great mini-skirt, showing off calves and soft thighs, her sweater is bursting with softness trying to escape. Wow what a gorgeous chick.’

Julie sensed his interest in her calves, thighs and her sweater, feeling a little timid at the attention, but excited a guy may find her attractive.

He talks about Fresno state and his marketing classes. At the movie, they laugh together at the scenes, and after watching sexy Marilyn Monroe, Dennis whispers:

“Your prettier than she is.”

She smiles, looks away and says nothing, but his complements are appreciated. He puts his arm around her shoulder; his other hand reaches for her hand. Julie turns slowly to look at him. His lips meet hers in a tender kiss.

After the movie they stop at the local Dairy Queen drive-in, have some more laughs and head home.

The car stops in front of her house. Julie puts her hand on the door handle. “Thank you for the nice evening.”

“May I kiss you?”

Surprised Julie looked at him, but before she could answer, he embraces her and they kiss several times, each one longer and more passionate. His hands roams down her outer thighs, her arms, her back and neck.

Reluctantly, she pushes him away.

“I must go in, before my father comes out. See you on Friday. Thanks for the great time, good night Dennis.”

Julie opens the car door, and walks to her house.

She turns and waves. He blinks his lights and drove away. ‘Wow, a really nice guy. I think he likes me.’

Dennis watches his headlights light the road ahead; pondering his chances to score with this curvy young chick, maybe a tight cherry to pop. She was at that age where mecidiyeköy escort girls need attention, to be noticed by boys, and find romance. Dennis is preoccupied with those perfect legs coming out of those shorts and breasts, which fill out the sweater. Dennis likes his chances with this pretty young girl if he pushes the right buttons. Maybe steady pussy from this young gorgeous chick all summer.

He thought about his tactics: ‘Win her over, compliment her,

be caring and gentle, work up her passion with kisses, rub the right places ’till you can take it, then pound her young pussy hard and fast.’

Friday night Dennis came early for their movie date. He and Dad talk about football and sports, while waiting for me 10 minutes or so. Julie came out, kisses Daddy on the cheek, “bye Daddy.”

“Goodbye sir, glad to have met you, Mister Jensen,” waives Dennis,

Daddy smiles and waives, “Have a good time.”

They held hands down to the car. He opens the door and Julie slid all the way over next to Dennis. At the movie they sat in the balcony, watching a cowboy flick. Dennis put his arm around her, narrating the movie.

“Roy Rodgers will find where Black Bart is hiding.”

Julie smiles but says nothing.

Dennis kisses her cheek, then her ear. Julie feels a little electricity. She turns, kissing him lightly.

“Watch the movie,” she admonished.

After the movie they drove to the Dairy Queen, socializing with other Pontiac affectionates and their dates. Thirty minutes later they start home. Dennis parks across from a vacant lot, about six blocks from Julie’s house. He turns the key off, they stare at each other, then fall into each other’s arms with passionate kisses. Dennis touches an outer thigh, rubbing softly in circles, working his hand up slowly toward her hip. The touching is sexy, Julie kissing passionately and squirming. His finger reaches the top of her outer thigh. She is moaning, his lips are storming hers. Dennis moves over the top of her leg, his fingers still moving in little circles toward her treasure. Julie stops, reached down with her hand, pulling his hand up, holding it firmly. They kiss some more.

“Dennis we need to go home.” Dennis hugs his pretty girl, kisses her and starts the engine.

“Can I see you Saturday for a movie, beautiful? Seven thirty?”

“Of course.”

Dennis drove home excited about her beauty and soft thighs.

Julie lay her head down on her pillow. ‘He is really a nice guy. I know he likes me.’

Saturday Dennis came early, eagerly exchanging sports stories with Dad.

Julie came out, kisses Daddy on the cheek, the couple walks down to the Pontiac. She slid over, meeting Dennis as he sat down, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“What movie are we seeing?”

“The Godfather, with Marlin Brando and Al Pacino.”

“Wow, thank you very much.”

Julie is surprised when Dennis drove into the drive-in movie, she knew it would be difficult to be a nice girl. Kissing and some petting are exciting, but she did not want the situation to get too intense. Dennis bought two cokes, they settle in to watch the movie. Al Pacino has a beautiful girlfriend; Diane Keaton.

Julie whispers. “I bet you would rather be with Miss Diane than me?”

“You are much prettier than she is.”

Al Pacino takes the beauty to a party at the Godfather’s house. She is wearing a blouse which shows a little cleavage, a skirt which fit down barely over knees and high heels.

Dennis puts his arm around Julie, pulling her to him. They kiss sweetly, she puts her arms around his neck. His fingers find her knee and outer thigh. They move in slow circles toward her hip.

Julie felt the sexy caressing on her bare outer thigh; she is trying not to squirm. The finger motion goes to the top of her leg. Julie stopped kissing, not knowing what to expect. Dennis moves his hand all the way down to her inner knee to begin again.

On the screen the couple watch Al. Pacino take Diane for a tour of the God Father’s house. He takes her into a bedroom, closing the door behind them. Pacino waves at some old paintings for her to see, Linda looks up. Al pushes her against the wall, he kisses her while he unbuttons her blouse. Julie watches the sexy scene in awe, When Al grabs the front of her bra, pulling it forward, ripping it off. Diane is startled, surprised and undone when her two large breasts display for Al’s pleasure.

Dennis moves his hand very slowly up her inner thigh while Julie is captivated watching the movie. Dennis rotates his love circles half way up her thigh. Her hips are moving, she watches the screen drama.

Al unbuttons Diane’s skirt , it falls to the floor. He pulls her to the bed where she appears reluctant, her panties are pulled off, a pillow placed under her rear. He mounts her , Diane lit up the screen with her screams. Julie watches with passionate interest, Dennis rubs the front of her panties. “Oh my God, oh my God.” Dennis pulls her to him, they make love with their clothes kağıthane escort on.

The movie ends, Dennis whispers sweet love in her ears.

“I love you too,” Julie whispered. Dennis drove her home, parking in front of the house.

“Dennis, my friends are having a pool party on Friday. We are going to cook burgers and swim. Are you interested?”

Dennis knew he was making headway with this young beauty. “Thank you Julie. I would love to go with you. What time?”

“Eight ’till about midnight.”

“Sounds great. What can I bring?”

Julie laughs, “just yourself.”

Dennis drove home, excited about his chances for a score. Everything is progressing nicely.

Friday night Dennis picks her up, he is real perky on the drive to Wendy’s house. Julie admires him, ‘He is a cute guy, I like him, and he is very complementary, caring and nice. I think he likes me.’

Julie has a swimming suit on underneath her shorts and sweater. There are four other couples, she introduces Dennis to her friends, they jump in the water and splash around playing volleyball. John starts the burgers and there is some cold beer. After eating, couples pair off. Jim and Suzy are necking in the pool, they are embracing and holding each other close. Dennis and Julie are cuddling on lawn chairs, kisses are getting serious.

Soon, Jim and Suzy quietly leave. Johnny and Mary Sue join them out the door.

Dennis is worked up over this beautiful chick, he is going to make his move, whispering, “lets go.”

She dries off; goes inside the house put on her shorts and sweater. ‘It feels different without panties or a bra.’ They say goodbyes and Dennis drives off, honking his horn.

“Let me show you where I live.” Dennis holds his breath, hoping he can bring this young chick to a remote spot to make out. Julie cuddles up, he put his arm around her shoulder.

Dennis drives down a country road and makes a turn to drive about a mile up a totally deserted dirt side road.

“Where are we going Dennis?”

‘What is going on, I wonder where we are going?’

“A special place, very peaceful. We can enjoy the quiet without being disturbed.”

They are alone, in a dark wooded area, She feels excited, this is very romantic moment, but what is going to happen? He stops the car; reaches the ignition key, shutting down the engine. He tunes some soft music on the car radio.

Denis moves over to Julie, one arm around her shoulder. His left arm is free to explore and rub the right places.

She slid her arms around Dennis’s neck, hugging him. He begins to rub her thigh and moves quickly to her boobs. She is caught between conflicting thoughts as things are progressing more quickly than she is prepared. Dennis is far more aggressive than other boys she has known. He gently kisses her; she enjoys the sweetness of his lips. Moments later he firmly squeezes her breast, she feels the electricity without a bra down to her knees. Oh God, he kisses her, one hand rubbing her thigh the other, over the shoulder massaging her breast. She kisses him passionately, enjoying the ecstasy of the scene, her mind is in a whirl. He reaches down, grabs her sweater, raising her arms, quickly pulling it over her head. She is surprised but offers no resistance as his speed and aggression overcome her reluctance.

Dennis admires gorgeous beauties, fondling his reward: two firm breasts with fully erect nipples proudly on display.

Julie is squirming, very excited, but a little frightened about revealing her breasts to a guy, in full surrender for his pleasure. He looks into her eyes and pinches an erect nipple. ‘Oh my god this is sexy,’ the pleasure shoots down her body like electricity. Her mouth is open, the stimulus is intense. Julie’s hips are twisting, responding to a feeling between her thighs.

Kissing her deeply, Dennis enjoys the thrill of watching her moan, her eyes now closed, squeezing her nipples and breasts, preparing her body to enjoy.

Her mind is blank; she can only focus on her physical euphoria. Kisses are more passionate: Lips push together, one hand squeezes her boobs, she is involuntarily moving and twisting. Julie again feels the electricity down her thighs, she emits a deep sigh.

“Dennis, we don’t know each other that well,” Julie weakly argues while he kisses and massages breasts and rubbing between her inner thighs. There is a stirring in her body, her hips are really writhing. Deep down she knew that Dennis wants to go all-the-way. Deep down Julie wants to make love, but she knows she needs to save herself for marriage.

” Maybe we should go home,” she whispers, knowing he would ignore her. Dennis sweetly kisses her, squeezing sensitive boobs, pinching a nipple. Her euphoria mounts, Julie feels pleasure up and down her body, Dennis has her beautiful body ready for fucking.

The location is to his advantage; he has her in a very lonely private place, no one can hear her pleading or moans or see her dressed only in a pair of shorts.

Dennis rapidly kisses her beşiktaş escort neck, her breasts, and her lips, reaching down with his left hand, unbuttoning the button on the side of her shorts, lowering the zipper and Julie is unzipped. He continues the sensual distractions; his hand rubs the front of her shorts. Julie is lying back on the seat. ‘Oh God, all my clothes are off, I feel naughty, he wants to go all the way.’

Dennis pulls her shorts down over her thighs, her calves and ankles, discarding them on the floor.

“Julie you are beautiful. I love you.”

Julie gasps “I love you too.” She is helpless, nude, not knowing what to do next but feeling very ‘excited’. Her shoes and socks are removed. They kiss passionately, then Dennis opens the car door, reaching for her hand.

“Come on lover.”

‘ What does he want outside?’

She sits up, confused, going out of the door, naked, standing on the ground. They entwine, her arms around his neck, his hands pull her rear to him, their hips meeting during the embrace.

An owl hoots encouragement to Dennis embracing this nude young prize. He is excited, he has earned sweet young nookie, Dennis knew he was going to fuck this beauty, fuck her good.

Dennis opens the back door to his Pontiac, guiding her to the back seat. He pushes Julie back on the seat, slides her knees up a little bit. An old blanket is rolled up and put under her rear to raise her up.

“Raise your knees baby, show me pussy.” His voice and manner are not sweet anymore, it has now a very commanding tone.

She obeys, raising her knees, exposing her treasure to this stud, hips are involuntarily moving, ready for the adventure unfolding.

Dennis intensified his moves with the delicious thought of a full attack on a young, tight cherry pussy.

Dennis quickly unzips his jeans and with one hand he has freed himself removing his shorts without losing his position between those beautiful soft thighs.

She is unsure about what is happening, but her body, in a constant state of attack, has started the process of preparing itself for the inevitable. A warm deep feeling inside her belly is building and the wetness between her thighs is rising.

‘Oh my God; oh my God, he is going to take me. I don’t know what to do. ‘

He is now firmly in control, positioned between her legs.

‘Every girl knows there is a time when she reaches that point with a guy where there is no turning back: he will take her body for his pleasure; I knew that moment is now. He is going to do it to me.’

“Oh Dennis, oh god, oh god.”

Dennis made a partial entry. He hit a wall. Then he pushes again and again.

“Take it baby, take cock.” Dennis pushes her knees higher, fully exposing her pussy to his attack.

She could feel his penis in her pussy, her body belongs to him, her excitement is growing. He is now totally in control of her body, focused only on fucking her pussy.

Surrendering, she unconsciously raises her knees a little higher, offering her pussy in acceptance and anticipation. Dennis forcefully pushes between her spread lips. He pushes again, and a third time, and a fourth time.

Her wetness continues to build, offering enough lubrication to help Dennis reach his goal. He gave a very hard push, “God your pussy is tight.” He starts fucking her deep.

She wraps her arms around his neck as he thrust into her, their mouths meet in passionate kisses. She feels overwhelming sensations. Dennis’s engorged penis is opening her pussy wider and wider with each thrust. Each thrust allows him a little more access. Each thrust takes him where no man had been before. Each thrust is hard and powerful. Each thrust feels very good. No longer wondering how far Dennis would try to go, Julie is along for the ride. Dennis is plunging through her virginity. She knows she is undone, her cherry is gone, and it belongs to Dennis. He is rapidly fucking her.

Dennis’s thrusts now reach full penetration within her body. Her juices provide plenty of lubrication, her body now is fully in acceptance of a complete fucking. In the background she could hear the radio playing.

She held Dennis tightly around his back while her pussy receives the rapid, deep, thrusting of his determined cock, he is fucking the devil out of her. She could sense everything so clearly. He is enjoying her pussy. A small pain startles her with each driving stroke, but it hurt really good.

“Oh yea baby, take cock, take cock.” Dennis looks down at this beautiful, timid little blond, her blue eyes flash, her red lips mutter with each thrust: “oh, oh, oh”. He is focused on pounding this very tight, delicious pussy, he is fucking fast and deep.

Now with this intense pleasure she fully accepts her role, moving her hips to meet her thrusts. Julie repositions her entrance for comfort and deeper penetration. Her inner thighs are now pressing against his hips. In response to her repositioning Dennis arches his back for absolute pleasure and maximum depth. She writhes involuntarily, enjoying the pleasure with each slamming thrust. Her boobs jiggle with his strokes.

Dennis watches this young pretty chick overcome her reluctance, she is fucking and savoring her screw. She gasps with pleasure with each stroke. ‘God what a nice tight pussy, what a nice fuck.’

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