Things Heat Up Pt. 01


This is my first submitted story. Hope you enjoy it!

Thanks to vmkc and hergasm for helping sort some issues out.

Please vote and give me feedback. Preferably good.


Chapter 1 — Preheat

I saw the feathered ball tip on the net.s upper edge and lose speed. I lunged forward and reached my arm and racket out as far as I could. Just before the ball hit the floor I made contact and returned it up and over the net. But the return was too hard and my opponent could easily smash it to the floor before I could recover and even have a chance of saving it. Instead I found myself sitting on my ass puffing for air.

“And match!” I heard my opponent, Thomas, cheer while doing a really lame victory dance.

“Even a blind hen…” I retorted quickly.

That last smirk was kind of true though even if our weekly games were long, hard and even I won them most often because I was a bit fitter then my rival. Though no couch potato, he played both soccer and golf, but my many years riding dirt bikes, both MotoCross and Enduro, had given me the upper hand in the case of stamina.

A big hand reached out to help me up and slowly we walked over to a pair of chairs just beside the court. We both sat down, I emptied my water bottle, covered my head with a towel and tried to regain my breath some.

“What’s up, Bro? You’re panting worse than me.” I heard over his own laboured breathing.

That we both were tired after 45 minutes of dueling on the hard floor wasn’t strange but now the roles were somewhat switched.

“I’m recovering from last weekend’s Club competition,” I replied, “Guess the cold and wet weather got the best out of me. But nothing a hot sauna and a cold beer can’t cure.”

“Glad my seasons has drawn to an end as well. I hate November!”

We stretched for a few minutes before I started to remove the net, Thomas interrupted me.

“No need for that. I saw the next hour also was booked for Badminton.”

“Thank God for the small things in life.” I replied while securing the net tightly before I grabbed my stuff and headed for the locker room.

Behind me I heard, “Small things? Sometimes I wonder why we even are friends.”

“Perhaps that’s just why.” I said and we both laughed.

Just as we entered the boy’s locker room the door to the women’s locker room, a few meters over to ours, opened and in the corner of my eye I saw two figures walking out to the court.

“Who was it? Did you see anything?” My friend in front of me asked. Just a bit too eager for me to let the opportunity pass.

“You’re just like you were during middle school. Always wanted to steal a peak.”

“Always,” the response came directly. “Guess this room brings it out of me.”

“Yeah, blame the room.” We both laughed again.

He tossed me a can of cold beer from a cooler and I almost downed the whole thing immediately.

We sat down and chatted a while about this and that over a few more beers then went for the showers.

Before we started playing we had cranked up the saunas temperature a notch or two and splashed a whole lot of water on the walls and ceiling to get the best out of our session.

Before a quick wash and go I repeated that treatment so when we entered we only had to pour some water on the heater stones to get that nice heat and steam one wants in a Sauna.

As we seated ourselves on the top bench of the sauna my mind went on a little nostalgic journey back in time. This was my old middle school and during the evenings and weekends the public could hire the gymnasium. This was also the place where me and Thomas met for the first time, two scrawny boys starting 4th grade. Our teacher couldn’t have made a better match up as she placed us side by side that first day; we instantly hit it off. We had helped and pushed each other to success both in and out of school since then. All the way to present day.

And still after 15 years, we were like that even though we had chosen two different paths academically and spent a few years in different universities before graduating and moving back home. We were both engineers, Thomas an electrical engineer and I chemical, and now we even worked at the same company, a huge pulp and paper plant just outside our hometown.

One could say we were like brothers even though we looked nothing like each other. I was blond, light skinned and blue eyed; a true Norseman. Thomas was darker in both hair, skin complexion and eye-color with his Latin heritage. We were both around 6 feet, me a mere inch taller, and Thomas was stockier just shy of 200lbs compared to my 180.

We were both single, but that was by choice or at least we said so to our worried families (read moms). Our newly started careers occupied most of our time even as a groove had started to settle for the both of us. Then there were sports, both training and watching. We loved our local hockey team and watched every match, home games on site and away games escort on TV somewhere, as well as the occasional game in the women’s and junior leagues.

We were now monks though. During the summer, there was many opportunities for a “flirt” with after works, barbecues and dances.

And during the winter, if nothing else was scheduled, we did just this. Played badminton (or tennis), took a sauna and some beers before we went further. A restaurant, a bar, a game or…

Chapter 2 — The buildup

A loud sound snapped me out of my thoughts as Thomas threw more waters on the stones. The sudden rush of heat and hiss of steam surrounded me immediately and I only felt the seat flex a little as Thomas sat down on the bench again. But as quickly as the heat had come a breeze of cold air swept into the small room and I saw two shadows step into the mist. It only took a second or two for it to clear enough for me two recognize that the forms inside the door were two women. Both in towels tightly wrapped around their bodies as well as around their heads, like turbans.

“Are you decent?” I heard at the same time as I noticed that both had their eyes closed.

I heard Thomas shuffle around some before he said “I am.”

I quickly realized he had rearranged the towel he sat on to cover up and almost automatically I did the same.

“And…” I heard from one of the women.

I heard my voice crackle a little as I said, “Me too.”

“Good!” The first women said and both women slowly opened their eyes before she continued.

“The sauna in the girls locker room was cold when we arrived and it wasn’t near warm enough even after we were done playing. We thought you would be all gone by now and came in here. To our dismay we saw your clothes still hanging out there but Sarah,” She pointed behind her, “I’m Amanda by the way, insisted that we at least ask if you were done soon. So here we are…”

The beer and heat might have played some role in it but my mind had trouble to fathom the words because ever since I first saw Sarah’s intensely green eyes I was a bit lost.

“Hi! I’m Thomas. We would usually be ready by now but I believe we had planned a little longer session than this. Right Patrick? Patrick…”

Hearing my name snapped me away from the green eyes and I replied, “Yeah!” more out of autonomy than clear thinking.

“But if you don’t have a problem with it you can stay. Right Patrick?”

I looked over at Thomas and the initial spell was broken, “Yeah right! Of course! There is plenty of room left.” You could easily seat five on each bench.

“Thanks,” said Amanda looking questioning over her shoulder at Sarah who nodded.

“It’s too hot up on the top shelf for me.” Amanda said and sat down on the middle bench. Sarah sat down to the left of her.

I looked over to my right and caught the look of Thomas on the opposite side of the newcomers. We both swiftly raised our eyebrows and laughed quickly at the little sign, before stifling it equally fast. We knew each other well.

Until now Sarah hadn’t spoken a word but when she said, “What kind of mischief are you two on about back there?” with some hoarseness I felt a bit of the same lost feeling as when I saw her eyes.

I looked over to Thomas and mouthed the word “Dibs!”.

We both almost burst out laughing again. If you’ve seen the TV show How I Met Your Mother you would get the joke, but we managed to restrain ourselves.

Suddenly Amanda stood up, bent her head slightly and started unraveling the turban. Out came a thick mane of long brown hair and before sitting back down she gave it a flick and most of it landed on one side of her head.

“Yeah, you two better behave.”

Now it was Thomas who silently worded, “Dibs!” to me before adding, equally soundless, “Yes miss!” as he bashfully looked down. We couldn’t hold it in and both burst out in a laugh. The expression on both women’s faces as they looked at us didn’t help a bit. After a short while we could control us and an awkward silence filled the room.

Chapter 3 — Its heating up

It was Thomas who broke the silence by asking if it was OK to throw some more water on the stones. When both women nodded, I rose up, stepped past Sarah to the floor, emptied out the remains of the bucket and returned to my place. I heard all three gasp before it was drowned in the hiss. As the heat surrounded me I felt another warmth, I blushed deeply as it dawned on me. I hadn’t brought my towel as I stepped down and by doing that exposing first my behind and then the whole package as I passed closely by them. Nobody saw me hide my face in my hands because of the rising steam but I bet all three felt my awkwardness.

“Wow, it sure got hot in here.”

The double entendre, intended or not, made the other three burst into a big laugh. At my expense. I was almost sure it had been Sarah’s hoarse voice and she probably had the best seat in the house for my display. bursa eve gelen escort I felt both foolish and a bit proud over the words I must confess.

As the mist cleared I noticed that Sarah had removed her turban as well. Was it this action that had made her utter that meaning. At the same time she looked a bit more flushed than before but that could also be the heat. My mind tripped a little on these thoughts.

“I need a shower.” I said and made my way past the women again. I remembered the towel this time.

The cold water cleared my head some. I remembered a vending machine in the corridor outside the locker and went to buy myself a Coke and a chocolate bar. When I returned to the dressing room I met Thomas.

“Are you OK?” he asked.

“Just a bit embarrassed” I replied.

“For that? You’re not the one to be afraid of some nudity?”

“I know. Don’t know why this happened now.”

“Wanna go home?”

“No, I’ll join you. Just gotta finish this.” lifting my Coke to my mouth.

We both stepped under the showers quickly before reentering.

“Is it safe for us out there now?” Amanda asked as soon as we’ve resumed our places.

“Yes, I think the whole place is empty besides us.” I replied.

“We’ve been the last ones here the last two Saturdays,” Sarah filled in, “The yoga-class afterwards is canceled I think. The instructor has broken something.”

Sarah blushed, again, as we laughed at her unintended joke. Amanda rose, took Sarah’s hand and helped her on her feet.

“Now it’s you who need a shower.” She said with a wink. We heard them giggle and talk out there before the sound of the showers drowned it out.

“You know any of those girls?” Thomas asked urgently. Our town wasn’t that big so such a

question actually made sense.

“No, I never seen any of them before. You?” I replied. He shook his head no.

“When Amanda flicked her hair I almost blew a fuse.” Thomas said with a sigh.

“Well I think my whole circuit board went when Sarah’s green eyes appeared from the mist.”

“I didn’t notice her at all. Amanda blocked her from my sight. At first I thought she was all alone. Hey, that joke is from my book! Keep your hands off…”

He was abrupted by the door opening.

“What hands? And keep them off what?”

It was Sarah that walked in through the door first. This time we both noticed her. The towel was tightly wrapped as before but now only around her hips. Amanda followed right behind in the same fashion. Sarah sat down with Amanda on her left, same as before. But they had climbed up to top bench this time.

We must have looked like two dumb schoolboys. I know I did at least. I tried to count the wood panels on the wall in front of me. I failed. Miserably! My eyes were drawn to the apparition that was sitting less than a foot beside me. But it wasn’t the naked breasts that got the attention from me even if they were a delight. It was those green eyes. I saw her mouth say something but I didn’t comprehend.

“Hey, Patrick! I asked you a question” Her hoarse voice snapped me back to reality this time.

“Sorry?” I said.

“Are you from around here?” She repeated.

“Yeah I guess. I was born further north but moved here right before I started preschool.” I responded.

“I grew up on the opposite side of town. Until my family, mom, dad and little brother, moved here. I met Patrick on the first day. As we begun 4th grade.” Thomas blurted out.

Even if I didn’t see it I understood he was a bit distracted.

I quickly retorted, “She didn’t need the whole bio.” That was a first I thought with a wry smile, as he always was the smooth talker out of us two. He claimed it was the Latino in him.

The girls laughed. Both at Thomas’ little outburst as well as my quick response.

“So you know this town pretty good then?” Amanda filled in.

“Inside and out,” Thomas answered a bit more composed. “Haven’t seen anything new here in a long while though.”

“Yet you seemed a bit astounded just a while ago.” It was Amanda’s time for the double entendre. The laugh came as on cue. Except for Thomas.

“I’m sorry,” Amanda said, “I couldn’t let that one slide.”

She reached over as if to console the blushing Thomas. As she did she twisted her body a little and the towel fell from her hips. She jumped a bit and gravity stepped in. The wet towel fell from the bench all the way to the floor. I just noticed the short squeal and a wet thud before Sarah blocked me from catching more than a glimpse of this unraveling. Thomas saw a lot more before Amanda quickly sat back down and used both her hand as a cover.

Sarah had, almost instinctively, put her left hand on my chest to hinder any attempt from me trying to peak around her. I didn’t mind one bit. As she turned back towards me she saw my gaze had wandered. She looked down and noticed that her towel also had slipped a little by her sudden görükle escort motion. It now showed almost all of her left leg all the way up to her hip.

While my eyes tried to soak up as much as they could during this brief period of time, I saw her well-toned leg, a slight protruding hipbone and her flat stomach. All glistening with sweat. I also noticed a slight hint of a fading tan line, a huge turn on for me, and a closer look at her breasts confirmed it. They were just a shade whiter than the skin around them. My mind had never gotten around the mystery of bra sizes. All I knew, instinctively, was that these two were by far the best my eyes have recorded. And they were attached to what so far appeared to be a pretty good body.

I felt rather than saw Sarah turn her head towards me again and my gaze followed. There and then I noticed now pretty she was.

Her blonde hair parted naturally on the middle of her head and reached well below her shoulders. Not the thick mane Amanda had flicked before us earlier but a natural flow that framed her face perfectly. I imagined she would look really good in a ponytail.

She had thin, long, and natural, eyebrows, The bridge of her nose was long and straight yet it was no way protruding, thin lips with a small but distinct cupids bow circled a small mouth with naturally upturned corners and a distinct but rounded jawline. And those eyes…

How I could process all this in such a short time astonished me. And it was that astonishment that met Sarah when our eyes locked and we looked deep into each other. What she saw I couldn’t figure out but I knew one thing.

I so wanted to lean in and kiss her right then and there.

But once again I was abruptly snapped out of my own thoughts.

Chapter 4 — The spark that ignites

“Fuck this!” It was Amanda’s voice.

As we all looked over towards her we saw her lift both her hands away from her crotch and place them high upon her thighs. The whole body relaxed a little and her legs parted slightly. Just enough to expose the top half of her pussy. She was completely shaved. Even I could see some of her inner labia protruding from my point of view. Thomas must have had an even better view since his towel, still covering his crotch, started to tent quite a bit. I knew what lurked below that piece of cloth but now the girls could really start forming their own opinion. I heard Amanda draw her breath at the same time as Sarah turned her head back towards me.

She locked eyes with me for a few seconds before she looked down slowly. I followed right behind.

Her right hand hovered shortly over the towel still covering her, before grabbing the edge between her fingers. She looked up at my face but my eyes were still focused on her thin fingers. I noticed the nails were painted. Black! Hot!

Her hand slowly lifted the towel and my mind dialed up its sensors again. All the way up to eleven. My gaze followed the slow movement of her hand until it laid the towel down completely on her opposite side. Then it followed it equally as slow back towards her. Then she slowly opened her legs, not much, just enough.

First my twisted mind noticed and confirmed the tan lines. Then how her venus mound clearly rose up from her flat stomach. The thin blond pubic hair covering it was trimmed and made it look even more defined, by chance or choice my mind asked itself, before it sloped down towards her pussy. Her outer lips where thin, the same as her mouth’s, and had the same tone as the surrounding skin. They parted slightly showing just a hint of her pink inner lips all the way from the hooded top to the bottom. I also noted some thin delicate blond hair around the lips.

How long I had been surveying I didn’t know but when I started to look up again I felt a smile on my face. I also felt that I was hard. Really hard. And my pulse had started to beat more rapidly.

I was met with a smile even bigger than mine and then Sarah leaned in and kissed me. As our saliva first mixed I got the taste of butterscotch melting on my tongue.

Her left hand went up to the back of my head. I felt a shiver down my spine as her finger brushed my short hair. It didn’t stop when I felt her other hand lift away the towel covering my hard dick. The hand then softly grabbed around the shaft and squeezed it gently. I almost came right there and then. But she released the grip and I soon felt her fingers rub against the stubble on my chin. I usually shaved with a straight razor after our sauna. Her touch was so gentle but still it reverberated deep and made my nerves tingle.

My right hand gently rubbed her back all the way from her delicate neck down to the small of her back. A few squeezes here and there made her squirm a little. Ticklish, I noted.

The fingers on my left hand traced lightly from the hairline just over her ear down her neck to softly massaging the collarbone, shoulder and upper arm. As it crossed over to the area just above her small but proud breasts I felt her body stiffen and then relax. When my hand molded itself around one of the cups we broke our kiss for the first time as Sarah suddenly gasped for air. I opened my eyes up and the green of hers was more intense than ever. Or at least I imagined it so.

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