This Is Mine Now


Now I realize that using “my cousin” and “my cousin’s teammate” can get confusing, so I’m going to reveal their names for the sake of simplicity and ease of storytelling.

My cousin, 18, is Ben, and his teammate, also 18, is Dillon. Ben’s huge dick is eight inches long with a five-inch girth; I called him “Mr. Meat.” You definitely don’t need to know my name.

I’m also going to try to work on my typos. Writing is a lot harder than I thought it would be, and by the time I finish a story, I’m seriously drained (pun absolutely intended), and I don’t always have it in me (sometimes I do) to go back and proofread everything as meticulously as you deserve — I’ll try to do better. Thanks for reading.

On to today’s adventure.

It was the week before spring break and all the buzz was who was going where. I should preface this with, the area we lived in wasn’t necessarily affluent. It wasn’t destitute, but it wasn’t a school full of rich kids, either. The kid who had a friend of a friend who knew a guy who got an AirBNB at the beach for a few days next week was about as exciting as it got. The families going to Mexico or Hawaii for the week didn’t count — no one could crash that.

It was Thursday afternoon and Ben came home after practice with Dillon. Ever since our first “encounter,” they became pretty close friends. Dillon came over a lot during the week after school and after practice and they hung out on the weekend. I didn’t always third-wheel it and I never asked what they got up to when I wasn’t around mostly because I didn’t want Ben to think I was getting jealous even though I might have been.

I could hear them kind of talking low between themselves, but I couldn’t really make out what they were saying. “Come on, please?” “Dude, just ask.” I pretended not to hear any of it.

“Hey, so…” Ben said as he and Dillon walked toward the living room where I was sitting on the couch, “Dillon’s parents have to go to a conference next week and they said Dillon has to go with them because his parents don’t want him to stay home by himself all week.”

“That sucks,” I pretended to not know where this was going.

“Well, I was wondering,” Dillon interjected, “if it was okay with you, I’m sure it would be okay with my parents if I told them I was staying with a friend and a responsible adult. Otherwise, I’m just going to be in a conference hotel all week. Kind of lame for my last spring break.”

“Was there a question in there?” I asked. Savoring the position Ben and Dillon put me in.

“Come on, don’t be a dick,” Ben said.

“Can I stay with you guys next week?” Dillon asked.

“Honestly, I need some time to think about it,” I said. Which was true. I wasn’t sure how I felt about two 18-year-old jocks running around unsupervised all day, every day for a week.

“What is there to think about?” Ben asked, a little heated.

“Easy,” I said, “he’s legally an adult, I get it, but I don’t need you two getting drunk and riding a bike into the pool. The last thing I need is a call from the ER while I’m at work. Just give me a day to think about it. I suspect there’s a reason his parents won’t let a legal adult stay home alone for a week. Ask me when you get home from school tomorrow and I’ll have a solid answer for you.” Dillon turned a little red. I’m sure there was a lot more they weren’t telling me, and I honestly didn’t care, I just wanted to play with my food before I ate it.

Ben didn’t know I had already made up my mind and said, “Come on, let’s go,” to Dillon, and they left.

Ben got home about two hours later, went to his room, closed his door, which was rare, took a shower, and didn’t come back out until the next morning. I could tell he was mad at me, but I didn’t really care.

It was Friday morning and he was gone before I got up, but I had a text message from Dillon.

“Work from home today,” his message read.

“Done,” I responded.

“Door’s unlocked,” I added.

I got in the shower and took my time since I didn’t have to beat the morning rush. I got dressed in a t-shirt and basketball shorts since I wasn’t going anywhere and when I went out to set up my laptop on the dining room table, Dillon was sitting on the couch.

“Hey,” I said.

“Hey,” Dillon responded.

“I’m guessing Ben doesn’t know you’re here,” I said.

“Nope,” Dillon responded.

Dillon was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. He had already kicked his shoes off by the door and set his backpack down next to the couch.

“Are you going to stick around?” I asked.

“That depends,” Dillon said.

“On what?” I asked.

“Whether you want me to,” Dillon responded.

Dillon took off his shirt to reveal a leather harness. He tossed his shirt on the couch, reached into his backpack, and pulled out a leather collar. He started to put it on, turned around to face away from me, turned his head to look over his shoulder at me, and asked, “Do you mind?”

I walked toward him and pulled it closed just a little too tight, but it relaxed perfectly Kartal Escort as I fastened the buckle behind his neck. He turned around to face me, and there was a tag dangling from the front of his collar with an engraving on it that read, “Please return to…” and it showed my name.

“Oooh, Ben is going to be so jealous,” I said with a smirk.

“Well, it’s a good thing Ben is going to be at school all day,” Dillon said as he unbuckled his belt and slid his jeans down to the ground.

He was wearing red and black skin-tight neoprene open-back shorts that laced up in the front, with matching red and black knee-high socks. He walked over to the front door and looked down at a pair of red and black Nike AF1’s and started to work his foot into one.

After he got one shoe on, he stopped and looked up at me, and asked, “Is this okay?”

“Hey, like I said the first time you came over, ‘make yourself comfortable,'” I responded.

Dillon turned around and bent over to straighten the tongue and laces on the shoes he was now borrowing.

“I need to get started with work soon, not that I don’t appreciate the visit, but what’s up?” I asked.

“Well,” Dillon said, “I was hoping I could help make up your mind before the end of the day today.”

“I see,” I said. “And how were you hoping to accomplish that?” I asked.

“By showing you what you could look forward to all next week,” Dillon said, as he walked toward me, flicking the tag on his collar.

“Tell you what,” I said, “I’m gonna go grab something really quick, and you’re gonna put it on, without asking any questions, and then we’re gonna talk. BUT, when I get a call, you can’t make a single noise. Not a peep. Got it?”

“Yes, daddy,” Dillon said sheepishly.

I went into my room and grabbed a small, zippered pouch out of my dresser drawer and tossed it to him, and said, “I’m sure you can figure it out. Sit on the couch so I can watch.”

Dillon sat on the couch obediently and unzipped the pouch. I heard plastic parts clicking against each other followed by, “Are you serious?”

“Hey, if you wanna stay, you gotta do what you’re told,” I said.

Dillon unlaced the front of his shorts and pulled out his dick and balls. He had obviously prepared the night before because he was freshly shaved with no razor burn — it actually looked really nice. He put his penis and balls through the ring, ensuring a snug fit, but not too tight, followed by the tube over his penis, followed by a moment of hesitation.

“I don’t hear any locking,” I said.

“Ugh,” he grumbled.

He fumbled with the lock a little but finally got it closed.

“Good,” I said, “Now bring me both keys.”

He got up with his junk still out and tossed both keys next to my laptop. I turned to look at his handiwork and it was a near-perfect fit. He had just locked himself into a chastity device and given me the keys. I gave it a tug and he winced.

I chuckled and said, “This is mine now.”

“You can go ahead and lace back up for now and then you can work on trying to convince me to let you stay all next week,” I said.

Dillon tucked his package back into the pouch of his shorts and laced them back up and he said, “Actually, I kinda like how it makes it pop out more.”

“Me, too,” I said.

I got everything going on my laptop and started responding to e-mails and Dillon lay across the couch and started telling me about how his parents run a business together. The decision to attend this conference was made at the last minute and the reason they didn’t want to leave him alone at the house was because the last time they left him home alone, shockingly, he threw one hell of a party that resulted in thousands of dollars in damages to the house and his parents simply didn’t trust him to not do it again. To be honest, I didn’t blame them.

I had a suspicion it was something along those lines. Dillon seemed like the type to do something like that; not that he was a bad guy, but he easily got swept up in the moment — one thing leads to another and before he knows it, he’s blowing one guy while another guy is balls deep in his ass, and he’s having the time of his life.

It was about this time I started drafting an e-mail to my supervisor asking for the following week off. Everyone I worked with was pretty familiar with most of my situation (not the part where I was banging my cousin and his new best friend on the side), and they were pretty understanding and supportive when I had to cut out early to make it to an away game or had to go to parent/teacher conferences or other school activities. I got a response back pretty quickly approving my request. I responded, thanking them, and apologizing for the short notice. I also mentioned that I wasn’t going anywhere and that I’d be available to work remotely if needed, but I needed to stay home to supervise.

I told Dillon that I certainly understood both perspectives — his and his parents and that at this point, I worry what trouble he and Ben would get Tuzla Escort up to while I was gone. Not the simple stuff like breaking a lamp, but serious stuff, like breaking an arm.

“I’m sure your parents will want to meet with me before they just pack you off to stay with someone for a week,” I said.

“Yeah, probably,” he said, a little dejectedly.

“And how would I face them if I had to call them to tell them you’ve been in an accident after reassuring them that you’ll be okay while in my care?” I asked. “It puts me in a difficult position,” I continued. “You know I like you, and I want to help you out, but I can’t just vouch for you and then let you run wild for a week. You’re 18, but you’re still a kid.” I finished.

Dillon’s phone vibrated.

“Your phone has been vibrating an awful lot today,” I mentioned casually.

“Yeah, it’s Ben. He keeps asking where I am,” he said, “I’m not going to respond. He’ll be okay. What can I do to convince you?” He asked.

“Nothing,” I said. “Just give me time to think, or to come up with something that will work. It’s almost lunchtime, are you hungry?” I asked.

“Not really,” Dillon said. “Well, maybe a little… But there’s only one thing I want now,” he said as he got up off the couch and down on his hands and knees.

“I like where this is going,” I said as he crawled toward the dining room table and went completely under the table with the tablecloth falling behind him.

I spread my legs as he worked his hands up my thighs and pulled my shorts down just enough to get his mouth down around my cock. He started slurping and sucking while I was trying to work, which was pointless since I could only concentrate on his soft, warm mouth working my shaft and balls.

I have no idea how much time went by; it could have been minutes or hours, but I heard a key in the deadbolt of the front door and then I saw Ben walk in.

“Hey,” I said awkwardly.

“Hey,” he said surprised and faux pissed.

“Still mad I haven’t given you an answer yet?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Ben said shortly. “Dillon didn’t even come to school today. He’s probably packing to go on that stupid trip with his parents thanks to you.”

“Speaking of which,” I said. Dillon sucked deeply as a warning or reminder that my dick was still in his mouth. I jumped and squeezed my legs together a little around his head. “What are you doing home already?” I asked.

“It was a half-day because spring break started,” Ben said.

“Oh, I must have missed that,” I said as Dillon started to suck harder.

“Are you okay?” Ben asked, “Why aren’t you at work?”

“I just felt like working from home today,” I said.

Dillon started to slow down his rhythm and be a little gentler with my dick.

Ben put his things down on one of the dining room chairs and went into the kitchen.

“You really should just say yes,” Ben said from the kitchen.

“I know,” I said.

“Then why don’t you?” Ben asked, a little attitude in his voice.

“Because I wasn’t getting the full story out of you guys yesterday and I can’t make an informed decision without all the facts,” I said. “We’ve never kept anything from each other before, when did we start?” I asked.

Ben looked around the room, searching for an answer he’d never find, and his eyes landed on Dillon’s backpack.


“Why is Dillon’s backpack here?” Ben asked.

“Did he leave it here yesterday?” I asked.

“Don’t answer a question with a question,” Ben responded quickly as he went into my bedroom. “Where is he?” he asked.

“He’s under the table, sucking my dick,” I laughed in response.

“Ha ha,” Ben said sarcastically. “I’ve been texting him all morning and he hasn’t responded,” Ben said heatedly as he went into his own bedroom.

I pulled the tablecloth up from my lap and I said, “You better come up for air, he looks pretty upset.”

Ben stopped in the middle of the living room, shocked to see what Dillon was wearing. Shocked to see Dillon at all.

“If you don’t mind,” I said, “I’ve got some swelling that won’t go down. Ben, if you wanna go take a minute to cool off, I need to talk to Dillon about something.” I grabbed him by the middle of the harness as I led him into my bedroom and closed the door behind us.

All I could hear from Ben in the living room was, “Were those my shoes?”

“Pretty sure they’re mine,” I said through the door as I pushed Dillon onto the bed, “They look better on him, anyway.”

I flipped him over, his ass was already exposed in his backless shorts. I spread his cheeks and plunged my throbbing dick straight into him. Dillon let out a moan, a little louder than I thought was necessary, but it only drove me to pound him harder — he knew what he was doing.

This time, I literally just used Dillon like a fucktoy. I held onto his harness and fucked him relentlessly until I filled his ass with semen. When I was done with him, I pulled out, stood him up, turned him around, kissed him while squeezing Anadolu Yakası Escort his locked dick, and said, “Let’s go tell Ben the good news: you’re sleeping in my bed for the next nine days.”

Dillon smirked, put his arms around my neck, kissed me back, and said, “Thank you, daddy.”

Dillon went into the bathroom to clean up a little first. It had been a few days since I had any sort of release.

“Dude, gross. I think you just got me pregnant,” Dillon said from the bathroom.

I laughed and told him to hurry up before Ben left in a huff again.

Dillon came out of the bathroom, turned around to show me his ass, and asked, “Did I get it all?”

“Looks like it,” I said, “let’s go.”

We went back into the living room and Ben was on the couch with his hand down his pants.

“That didn’t take long,” Ben said looking at me.

“He’s really good with his mouth,” I said as I looked over at Dillon, “and he made a pretty convincing… oral argument… just before you got home.”

“You’re such a whore,” Ben said to Dillon.

“That may be,” I said before Dillon could respond, “But he’s OUR whore who will be staying with us for the next nine days. If that’s what you still want. And were you seriously beating off to us fucking?”

“He moans different for you,” Ben said, a little hurt.

“Well, yeah,” I said, “I’m not impaling him with Mr. Meat. Speaking of which, I think you need a time out. Your attitude has been super shitty since yesterday. Go lock him up and give me the keys or I’ll change my mind. Dillon still hasn’t told his parents he’s staying.”

A look of horror came across Ben’s face as he looked at me and then at Dillon.

“DUDE,” Ben exclaimed.

“Don’t worry,” I said, “you won’t be alone.” I patted Dillon’s ass and said, “Go ahead, show him.”

Dillon untied the front of his shorts and showed his dick trying to get erect, straining against the confines of his chastity cage.

“I’ve never worn one of these before, and I honestly like how it makes my package look in these shorts,” Dillon said with a shrug.

Ben got up from the couch reluctantly and went into his bedroom and I said, “I want both keys!”

He came out a few minutes later, already a little more subdued and I said, “Show us.”

Ben pulled down the waistband of his jeans and briefs to show us Mr. Meat in the strict confines of a locked chastity cage. I tugged on the tube to make sure it was locked firmly in place.

“Good boy,” I said. “Keys,” I demanded as I put my hand out in front of him.

Ben put both keys in my hand and I put them in my pocket. He pulled his jeans back up.

“Depending on how you two behave, I just might unlock you at some point. Otherwise, like I told Dillon,” I walked back toward Ben and grabbed his crotch firmly, “This is mine now.” Ben winced a little as he looked me in the eyes, a mixture of disdain and pleasure being sent through his deep blue eyes.

I turned around to face both of them, my eyes lingering on Dillon.

“Okay, here’s the deal: I’ve already taken next week off because there’s no way I’m leaving you two unsupervised. Dillon already told me why his parents won’t leave him home alone,” I said.

Ben and Dillon looked at each other and shared a look of excitement.

“We still need to talk it over with Dillon’s parents,” I continued. “I don’t know if they’re just going to be cool with it so what should we do? Go over to Dillon’s to meet? Invite them over for dinner so they can see the place? Dillon, it’s up to you. I have no idea how to attack this.”

“I think I should call my mom and let her know the basics and then we can all go over there for you to meet her, and I can pick up a few things for the week,” Dillon said.

“Whatever you think is best,” I said. “But feel free to take your time getting dressed.”

Dillon smirked and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll get back into this when we get back.”

Dillon called his mom and was met with a little resistance, but she agreed to meet with us, which is when she said she’d give us her decision. Dillon got dressed, took his collar off, and left it on the table.

We went to Dillon’s place and met with his mom. We had a nice conversation and exchanged phone numbers. Dillon promised to check in every day and his mom agreed to let him stay. Dillon and Ben went upstairs to pack, and his mom thanked me for keeping an eye on him.

“I know it wouldn’t be much fun for him to stay in a hotel room all day, every day, for the whole week,” she said.

“I don’t mind,” I said, “Ben is new to the area and I’m glad he’s got a friend to spend the week with. I’m sure we’ll find something to do that’s not pizza and video games. I took the week off from work just to make sure they’re supervised.”

“Oh! Can I please offer you some money for expenses?” She asked.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” I exclaimed. “It’s my pleasure and honestly, he’s such a delight and he’s been such a good influence for Ben at school and on the baseball team.”

“That’s so wonderful to hear,” she said. “After what happened last year…”

“Dillon told me all about it,” I said. “I required to know the full story if he wanted to stay with us and he was very forthcoming. I don’t blame you for being apprehensive to leave him alone for a whole week.”

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