Three Generations Ch. 02

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He Man

As with part one, this story is based on some actual events that have been brought in to the story to make it seem more realistic. Names have been changed to protect those involved.



As I was driving home from Sharon’s camp, something inside of me kept telling me that there was something familiar about her, Kristin and Nicki. I just couldn’t figure out what.

About an hour into my three-hour drive home, I stopped at a convenience store for gas and coffee. Upon entering the store, I saw a teenage girl that I could have sworn was Nicki. The resemblance was remarkable. She disappeared into the lady’s room as I was purchasing my cup of coffee.

When went back out to the pumps to fuel up my truck, there was a woman at the pumps next to me fueling up her car. When she saw me, she said, “Hi Johnny. How have you been?”

“Patty?” I asked. “How are you? I haven’t seen you since….you’re mom…”

We hugged and made some small talk.

Patty is my younger cousin. She was my Aunt Lisa’s daughter. Aunt Lisa, my mother’s younger sister, passed away from cancer about five years prior to that night.

The red-haired girl came out and started to get into Patty’s car.

“That’s your little girl? My, how time has flown by!” I said.

“Maxine, do you remember my cousin Johnny?” asked Patty.

“Not really. Hi,” Maxine said.

“Last time I saw you, you were about this big,” I said, holding my hand at the level of my waist.

She rolled her eyes and got in to the car.

Patty said, “Teenagers.”

She may have looked like Nicki, but she sure didn’t have her pleasant personality.

“I had heard that you had moved after your mom passed, but I didn’t know where to. Are you in this area now?” I asked.

“We moved up here to be closer to Mike’s (her husband) parents,” she replied. “What are you doing in this area?”

“I was at a friend’s camp for the weekend,” I said.

“The nudie camp?” she asked jokingly.

“His hunting camp. Is there nudie camp around here somewhere?” I lied.

“I hear there is, never been there though,” she laughingly said.

We chatted awhile longer and ended with the typical, “we have to get together sometime” empty promise, and went our separate ways.

I thought back to when Patty was eighteen, and I could recall the same resemblance she also had to Nicki.


I made it home safely and unloaded the truck and went into the house. My wife asked me how the weekend went. I told her it went pretty well. She wanted to know how much I drank and how drunk I got. I told her that she would be proud of me, I only drank about six beers and one mixed drink spread out over the entire weekend. She wasn’t nagging me, it was because she always worried about me when I would consume alcohol because it brought out a mean and violent side of me.

The next day I returned to work. Upon arriving, I looked for Sharon but didn’t see her anywhere. I found out later that she extended her holiday break by an extra day.

When I saw her the following day, at work, we took breaks together. I asked her how Nicki and Kristin were doing. They were doing ok. Sharon said that I must have made a big impression on Nicki, because I was all that she talked about after I had left.

Sharon then told me that the reason she wasn’t at work the day before was because she had a job interview. She was hired at a grocery store close to her camp. She wanted to stay at the camp over the summer to be with Nicki. She would finish out her week working for the temporary agency and then begin working at the grocery store the following week. She said the only thing that sucked was that she had to work 6:00pm to 2:00am, Tuesday through Saturday. She didn’t mind the shift hours, just the days. She hoped to eventually get Monday through Friday.

I told her that I was going to miss seeing her at my work place, but I understood her reasons for leaving. I asked her about her house, that was near my work place, if it would be ok being unoccupied. She said that the neighbors would keep an eye on it and their son would cut the grass for her. She would probably drive down one day a week to check on things. Kristin lived about thirty minutes from it, so she would check on it now and then also.

I asked her when Nicki’s high school commencement was, she said that it was to be held on the following Sunday. Nicki was going to graduate with high honors. Her and Kristin were so proud of her.

“What do you think Nicki will major in when she gets in to college?” I asked Sharon.

“She’s not sure yet. I hope she chooses something in the medical field. She’s smart enough,” Sharon said. “Did I ever tell you about my real dad and my brother?”

“No,” I replied.

“My real dad was a Medic in the Pacific Theater during WWII, and my brother was a Medic in the Vietnam War. My brother, Hal, was killed while trying bonus veren siteler to save the lives of his wounded comrades.” she cleared a lump out of her throat as she continued. “My real dad could never get the war out of his mind. He became an alcoholic trying to drink away the memories that haunted him. I was about six years old when he committed suicide.”

“Oh my! I’m so sorry,” I said.

“I don’t remember him too much,” Sharon shared. “My mom said it was tragic, but yet, actually a relief when he shot himself. She said he would get mean and violent when he would get drunk. There were times, while drunk, he would slap her around and threaten to kill her and my brother and me. She said the night he shot himself, she had a gut feeling to get out of the house before he came home from the bar, so the three of us went to a neighbor’s house.”

“Mom said that when he got home and didn’t find us there, he shot the refrigerator five times, probably because there wasn’t any beer in it, and then went out to his car and shot himself,” Sharon reminisced. “She heard the gun shots from the neighbor’s house. She always felt that if we would have been home, he would have shot all of us that night.”

“Mom remarried and her new husband adopted Hal Jr. and me as his own and we took his last name,” she added.

Flabbergasted by what Sharon was telling me, I asked her, “Was your dad’s name, Harold Riley?”

“Yes! How did you know?” she asked.

“Sharon, you probably are going to find this hard to believe, but I think your real dad and my mother were brother and sister,” I hesitantly told her. “My mom’s maiden name was Riley. She told me the exact same events about her older brother’s suicide that you just told me about your father’s. The only difference is, my mom said that even though the police had ruled it a suicide, she felt it was an accident. She thinks that he was trying to put the gun back in to a shoulder holster and it accidently went off, shooting him in the heart.”

“Is your mom’s name Milly?” she asked, “I remember my mom mentioning that name.”

“Yes,” I said.

“When Mom remarried, we moved away and she never kept in contact with my real dad’s family. I vaguely remember Grandma, but she sent us Christmas cards and Birthday cards for a while, but I think my mom told her to stop sending them. What ever happened to her?” Sharon asked.

“Grandma died in 1970,” I said.

“I’m sorry. She seemed like a nice lady, that I can remember. She at least tried to keep us as part of the family,” Sharon said.

“She was a wonderful lady. I still miss her,” I replied, “You know what? I can see a resemblance of her in you.”

“Johnny, that means we are cousins!!!!” she exclaimed and gave me a huge hug, “I often wondered what became of my real dad’s family. Now I can find out!!! What a small world!!!! I can hardly wait to tell Kristin. I’m don’t know whether to say anything to Nicki or not. She doesn’t know the story about my real dad. Kristin knows, because when her husband started abusing her, I sat her down and told her about him, hoping to convince her to get out before it may become too late.”

We talked some more about my mom’s and her dad’s family and I gave her a short version of the past fifty years.

I selfishly wondered how this will affect things between Sharon, Kristin, Nicki and I if I were to go back up to Sharon’s camp again. If we had any sexual relationships again, it would be incest.

As the 4th of July weekend approached, my wife was making plans to go out of the state to visit one of her brothers. It was his 60th birthday and his wife wanted to throw a surprise party for him. My wife’s other brother, who lives near us, was going to make the thirteen-hour drive, and asked her if she wanted to go along. They would make it a week-long visit. They asked their sister, Lesley, if she wanted to go. She did, but her husband didn’t allow her.

My wife asked me if I wanted to go, but I told her that I couldn’t get a week off from work with such a short notice. (I lied) I told her to go and have a good time, I could take care of myself. She made a sarcastic remark that ‘You always have’.

“FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!” I thought to myself.

I was free for a week. I could go up to Sharon’s camp for the weekend if the invite was still open. I got on the computer and sent her an email.

The invite was still open, so I made plans to go right after work on a Friday and return home the following Monday. Independence Day that year was on a Sunday.


As the weekend drew closer, I called Sharon. I told her my plans. She said that she would be working when I arrived on Friday evening, but was sure that Nicki will be glad to entertain me. She also said that Kristin would not be able to make it to camp that weekend because of other obligations. She worked part time for a Caterer and they had weddings to cater Friday and Saturday, and bahis a 4th of July picnic on Sunday.

“BUMMER,” I thought.

I asked Sharon if she ever told Kristin about the cousin’s discovery. She said that she did and Kristin just commented about it being a small world. (To me, that didn’t sound like she was too excited about it.)

I asked her about Nicki. She said that she told her, first about her real dad and then about the discovery that we were related. She said that she was sorry to hear about Sharon’s real dad, but thought it was “AWESOME” that I was their cousin.


I arrived at the camp around 7:00pm that Friday. Sharon left word at the security hut that I would be coming. The guy that I had met in May, Bob, was manning the security hut. He remembered me, but, I still had to fill out the paper work again before I could pass in to the camp. As I was passing by the hut, Bob reminded me that his invite to join him and Elaine was still open. I thanked him and drove on in to the camp.

When I got to Sharon’s trailer, Nicki was sitting on the deck, nude. When I got out of the truck, she ran to meet me and threw her naked body against me and gave me a big hug.

“HI Cousin Johnny!!!!” she giggled.

“Hi Cousin Princess!!!” I jokingly answered.

She took me by the hand and led me to the deck. While doing so, she said, “Grandma said that I can call you Johnny now that we are cousins.” She then gave me a passionate kiss on the mouth and afterwards said with a giggle, “Kissin’ Cousins!”

She ran inside and quickly returned bringing me out a can of beer and a towel. I thanked her and took the hint that she wanted me nude, so I stripped down to my birthday suit. We sat on the deck for a long while talking about the events of our kinship.

When it got too cool to sit outside in the buff, we went inside. Once inside, Nicki was all over me. Kissing me, rubbing me, fondling my cock and balls, and rubbing her breasts against me.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!!! Slow down Princess,” I suggested.

Looking as if I hurt her feelings, Nicki asked, “Now that we’re cousins, you don’t want to mess around with me anymore?”

“It’s not that. It’s that I worked all day and just drove three hours to get here. I need a shower. I stink. I don’t want to gross you out,” I said.

“Let’s run up to the bath house and shower together. It’ll be fun. It’ll be a little chilly, but we can warm each other up when we get back!” she excitingly said.

We grabbed our towels and made the short hike to the bath house. I had to use the restroom first. While in the stall, I noticed a pair of feet in the stall next to me. They were small with perfectly manicured French tipped toe nails. One ankle was delicately accented with a dainty bracelet. At first I thought perhaps I went in to the women’s restroom by mistake, but recalled seeing urinals when I walked in.

Then from the other side of the partition, a perfectly manicured hand reached under the stall beckoning me and a voice trying to imitate Mae West said, “Hey Sailor, can I show you a good time?” It was not the voice of a woman though. I got out of there as quickly as I could and joined Nicki at the showers.

As we showered, Nicki lathered up my back with soap and then rubbed her tiny breasts against it. The showers were well lit and in open view of anybody that passed by. I told Nicki to be careful, that her grandma said that people can get kicked out of camp if they get caught doing anything sexual in public.

“Party Pooper,” she said laughingly and began to lather up her own body. “So, we can still mess around even though we are cousins?”

“I don’t have a problem with it if you don’t,” I said. “What I have a problem with is your Grandma or Mom finding out.”

“Oh, I told them about us,” she informed me.

“YOU WHAT?!” I exclaimed.

“Gotcha’!!! Just kidding. It will be our secret,” she giggled, “Ours and Lori’s. I hope you don’t mind, but I told Lori about us. She’s cool, she won’t say anything.”

I wasn’t too keen on her friend, Lori, knowing, but she already knew, so there was no sense in getting upset about it.

We finished our shower, dried off and went back to the trailer. Once inside, Nicki led me to the back bedroom. She laid on her back on the bed and pulled me down on top of her. She kissed me deeply and wrapped her legs around my legs, just below my butt. I could feel my hard cock against her hot, wet, innocent women hood. I quickly pulled it away from her forbidden fruit and began to kiss my way down to her breasts. She moaned softly as I searched for her hidden nipple with my tongue. Her nipple grew from arousal and it began to peek out from it’s hiding place. I was able to suck it further out of it’s hiding place into my mouth. As I sucked on it, she was moaning with pleasure and with her legs still wrapped around my legs, she was trying to pull me in to her. I didn’t know if she deneme bonusu actually wanted me to penetrate her and take away her innocence or if it was just the instinct of passion and arousal causing her to pull me in to her. I had to be strong to fight the desire to deflower her before she was actually ready to take that ‘once only’ moment in her life.

I forced myself to slide down her body further and begin to search for her tiny clit with my tongue. Again, she instinctively parted her labia with her fingers and I was able to find her clit and begin to make love to it with my mouth and tongue. She began to moan louder and raise her pelvis upwards against my mouth. Her fingers were pulling my hair, pulling my face deeper into her love nest.

Panting, she began to make her love sounds of her nearing climax, “Mmm Mmm Mmm oh oh oh OH OH OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm”

My beard was soaked with her love juices. I dried it by gently rubbing it on the inside of her thighs. When my beard rubbed against her leg, her body jerked with another tiny orgasm.

“Holy shit!” she exclaimed, “that was awesome!”

Kissing my way up her body, gently teasing her belly button with my tongue, moving through her cleavage working my way to her mouth, she moaned with pleasure with every kiss. When my mouth met hers, we kissed deeply. My still hard manhood was brushing against her love nest again. She pushed herself against it. I again pulled away. Even if she did want me to penetrate her, with all of the precum flowing from my non-thinking cock, I would not want to chance impregnating her and ruin her (or my) life.

“We have to do something for that,” she said, referring to my raging hardon. “I saw you and my mom doing that 69 thing. Can we try that?”

I rolled onto my back and she climbed on top of me assuming the position. She lowered her still hot, soaking wet love nest on to my face and took my cock into her hand. She wriggled her womanhood around on my mouth until she found a comfortable position, and then put the head of my cock into her mouth. She started out by twirling her tongue around the head of it and then began to suck it into her mouth. I could feel her saliva drooling down over my cock, completely soaking it. Her mouth was as hot and wet as her love nest.

I found her clit and began to tease it with my tongue and gently suck on it. She was moving her pelvis in a tiny circular motion on my face while I enjoyed her sweetness.

The warmth of her tiny, puffy breasts pressing against my abdomen enhanced the erotic excitement of our oral love making.

I could feel her mouth going deeper down over my cock. “AAACK,” she gagged and coughed. She then tried it again, and again she gagged and coughed. She tried it a third time and I could feel my cock going deep into her throat. This time she did not gag. She held my cock in her throat for a few seconds and then came up for air.

“Whew, sorry I gagged,” she said, “I like sucking in this position, I can go really deep!”

I pulled my face out of her sweetness enough to say, “It feels fantastic, keep doing what you are doing. Don’t worry about gagging, it sounds erotic!!” And then I resumed savoring her womanhood.

She took my cock back into her mouth and again and made it disappear down her throat.

I had women go deep on me before, but only for a quick second. They never held it in their throat like Nicki was doing. I wasn’t going to be able hold out much longer with the pleasure that she was bestowing upon me.

Trying to concentrate on pleasuring her was becoming impossible. She held my cock in her throat and tried to lick my balls with her tongue at the same time. When she tried that, she gagged, but kept on trying. After a few more gagging episodes, she gave up on trying to lick my balls with my cock deep in her throat.

She began moaning, muffled by my obstruction in her throat, and began to ride my face with her pelvis, nearing her climax. She would come up quickly for air and then go deep down on my cock again.

“Mmmmmphrrrh, mmmmmphrrh, mmmmmmphrrh” were her muffled, close to climaxing sounds. I licked her clit faster as she sucked my cock faster. Soon my hot cum could no longer remain inside of me.

I pulled my mouth away from her clit and warned her, “I’m gonna’ cum!!!!!”

She shoved her head deep down over my cock as I grunted and began to shoot my seed. “MMMphrrrh, GAG, MMMphrrrh, GAG, MMMMMMmmmmmmmmm,” were her love sounds as she both climaxed and tried to swallow my hot cum at the same time. But, with every gag, some of my cum shot out of her mouth and coated my balls.

She rose up, sitting on her knees and continued to ride my face. I probed the inside of her vagina with my tongue as if it were a tiny cock. Within minutes she had another mini orgasm. She fell forward on top of me, exhausted. She gently kissed my cock as she cooled down.

She then took her tongue and attempted to lick my cum off of my balls. She gagged violently and jumped up and ran into the bathroom. I could hear her spitting my cum out of her mouth.

She returned to the bedroom with a wetted wash cloth in her hand. She cleaned her love juices from my face first and then cleaned my cum from my balls and cock.

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