Threesome Next Door Ch. 22-28 – End


Chapter 22 — Breaking In New Staff

Saturday morning Dave cuddled both Stacy and Ginger to his side as they lay in bed. They were nude and rightly so since they’d all made love for ninety minutes after waking up after a busy week.

After reconnecting, they were talking about the extracurricular activities they’d each enjoyed during the week, describing their new partners and what they did in detail for the prurient interest of the others. Ginger recounted her adventure with Luke and Blake, and how Emma had so willingly joined in and created more of an adventure for the two nights they were in White Plains.

Ginger also commented about coaching Emma about how to deal with her husband. That turned out to be a near non-event. Emma confessed her supposed sins to Dale, and he was ecstatic about her activities and urged her to do more. She told Ginger she’d explain more on Monday, but that there was great happiness and joy over what had happened.

Ginger then recounted her two evenings with Paul Taylor — one in her room at the Westin, and the other at his posh downtown condo. She described the man, yet had to resort to adjectives that more typically might describe a brilliant Gomer Pyle.

Stacy told about being home with Jillian and Troy running in and out, and occasionally wanting her body for gratuitous sex. Brad and Doug were on the scene as well, so she hadn’t gone without during the week.

I told about taking Dave to Houston, and how he’d reacted when he learned that I stayed at Tara’s condo. I told them how on Tuesday, Tara got all horny and wanted his newbie body, so seduced him in her office in the afternoon, and then fucked his brains out, and then his reactions into the evening when he joined the rest of us for our night of debauchery. I was sure he’d been well fucked by the three women by the time he left on Friday to head home. We see him Monday morning before we were all off on our business travels again.

I then described how I’d been so well behaved in Dallas until Marsha put a full-court press on me and I just felt I had to submit to her wishes to be plundered. I told them about being the new ‘featured’ idol in the Marsha Covington Museum of Sexual Wonders after only our first night. By the end of the second night she was truly convinced and awed although I thought there was some BSing going on.

My last few comments resulted in unmitigated tickling of my naked body by the two women I love. I had to run into the shower to get them to stop. The joined me, but by then they again were all kisses and hugs.

We joined up with Brad, Megan, Doug, Beth, and Jo to do a great cookout for dinner. After dinner we enjoyed some quiet lovemaking on our patio, making sure that everybody reconnected physically with people they hadn’t been with for a while. Ultimately, we retired to our own beds with promises to see everybody the next day — a Sunday.

Monday morning, Emma and Dave tiptoed into the house in case we were sleeping in. We weren’t, so went and greeted them, and let them know that coffee was on.

Dave looked slightly embarrassed, no doubt because I could easily guess that he’d spent a large portion of his time from when I left him on Wednesday in bed fucking Tara, Cindy, and Nancy, probably with Cork’s help.

Emma blushed because she was sure that by now I knew that she’d fucked two men — Blake and Luke — while with Ginger in White Plains. I wasn’t sure why she thought that might be a big deal worthy or a blush, but I assume it might have something to do with the idea she might be a slut. I loved sluts. I was collecting them.

I sat with Dave at the patio table and we went over what he’d accomplished the rest of the week at Mantra Electronics. He’d done some good work, had some deep questions, and was eager to continue.

As we finished our hour-long meeting, Dave said, “Tara told me about the weekend she came here and visited. I just wanted to request that if you do that again, please include me.”

I wondered just what Tara had said or whether she’d primed him up to ask so that I’d be on the spot. I asked, “Just what did she tell you?”

Dave nodded slightly, “That there were a lot of you here — you, some of your adult kids, your neighbors, some other clients — and that everybody fucked everybody else. She raved about how glorious it was. So did Cindy, Cork, and Nancy. I guess that happened around Christmas from the sound of it.”

“It was Thanksgiving actually. I’ll talk to Ginger about your request. You’re sure you have no reservations?”

Dave said, “Nope. None. I love sex and I think I’m good at it. Tara told me I was, too. I’m very oral. I’m kind of bisexual, too. I mean I prefer women all the time, but … I’m not scared or repulsed by sucking on a guy. It’s just no big deal to me, just not a preference.”

I laughed, “Well, we’ll keep that in mind. Right now there’s nothing serious planned for a few months other than quiet weekends with our neighbors.”

Dave etimesgut escort said, “Emma probably feels the same way. She called me after she got home last week and told me about what had happened in White Plains. She was mortified in a way, but unbelievably excited in another. She wanted my advice on how to handle her husband. In the end, I guess things worked out because he was nothing but aroused at what she’d done. She told me they were back to having sex five times a day.”

I nodded, “That’s useful information. I’ll again bring it up with Ginger.”

From the doorway, Ginger said, “Bring what up with me?”

Dave perked up and looked alert.

I responded to Ginger, “Two things actually. Tara informed Dave about our group sex practices when she was last here, and he’d like to be included in the future. The other point he made is he believes that Emma is similarly interested after her adventures with you in White Plains.”

Ginger held up a finger, “Back in a moment.” She disappeared and came back with Emma and Stacy in tow. They came out with their coffee cups and joined us at the table.

Ginger said, “We are a small company, and despite the lack of a bloodline between us and you, we are very much like a small family. Consequently, we believe we need to bring all of our issues out in the open, particularly when they affect our working together.

“I want to say, and I know Steve feels the same way, that you are under no obligation of any kind to engage in sex with us or anybody we know or do business with. To the contrary, we worry that you’ll start to associate sex with your employment.” She shuddered. “Your bonuses and anything else connected with your employment are and will be entirely based on your work, work products, and client management skills — excluding the sex with them. Is that clear?”

Dave said, “Yes, absolutely. We understand and you are not forcing us to do anything.”

Emma nodded, “I would say the same thing. I just want to do more of what we did.”

Ginger winked at me. “That said we have two new and very horny employees that would like to be full participants in that side of our lives.”

I glanced at Emma. “You would really like to be a participant in the sex we engage in with our neighbors and clients?”

She grinned broadly, “Definitely. I’ve got an open hall pass from my husband and I feel I’ve been deprived of this side of my life for decades. Further, he wants to hear about my escapades, and he’d even like to participate, but that’s not necessary if it’s at all inappropriate. He doesn’t want to mess up anything I have going.”

“What does he do?”

“Dale is a professional engineer. He works for an engineering house named Reflux Engineering. He does a lot of field work where large buildings are being constructed, ensuring that they follow building codes and their specifications on the building — compliance and all that.” As she talked she’d pulled her iPhone out of her pocket. She flashed a picture of a handsome guy on the screen and passed it around to each of us. “That’s Dale.”

“And you want to have sex with everybody we know?”

Emma blushed and said coyly, “And you, too. I’ve kind of been with Ginger when Luke and Blake weren’t fucking us. We did each other … and I really like you, Steve. I’m attracted to both of you … and Dave.” She made good eye contact with Dave and me.

I asked, “How did you find out about our sex lives?”

“Blake told me while we were fucking one night. He told me about your Thanksgiving gathering and how he fucked all these other women, and they were fucking all the other men. It sounded so decadent and so wonderful at the same time. I wanted to be there. I’ve even dreamed about it all since then. I’m turned on all the time since that night with the two men.”

Ginger turned to Dave, “And I guess you also want to participate or am I mis-stating things?”

Dave shook his head, “No, you’re right on. I would like to be included in every way possible and as often as possible … I think. I mean, I haven’t done much in a group setting, except in Houston with Tara, Cindy, Cork, and Nancy. I watched Steve and he’s my new role model. He brought such pleasure to those women. He was a tough act to follow. They almost worship him, even when he wasn’t there.”

I teased, “It’s always a pleasure knowing you’re looked up to by the following generation and your adoring public.”

Ginger ran her hands over her breasts and down her sides as Dave watched her. She teased him, “What do you think about me?”

Dave froze. After a long pause during which he shot me a glance to be sure I wouldn’t throttle him, he slowly responded, “Errr, I think you’re … hot … and very personable … and I like you a lot. It’s a privilege to work with you.”

“Very politic. Would you like to fuck me?” Ginger gave him a sly grin.

Dave gasped and glanced at me, “Jeeze, you don’t mess around, do you?” etlik escort He again checked with me and I gestured for him to respond to her but I was starting to laugh. I obviously wasn’t upset by the question or any potential answer. Finally, he took the risk, “Yes, absolutely.”

Ginger took Dave’s hand and pulled him up from his chair. She winked at me and said, “We’ll be back after a while.” She led him inside and I saw her leading the way to our bedroom.

Emma smiled at me. “That leaves just the two of us. I’d be very interested in doing exactly what I think the two of them are going to do.”

I leaned over and kissed her. She kissed back.

We went inside after making out for a few minutes. The bedroom door was open so we both peeked inside our bedroom. Ginger and Dave were standing naked in front of each other sharing lots of hot kisses. She was holding his cock and stroking him. He had a hand on one of her breasts kneading her tit flesh, and the other stroking through her slit.

Emma and I went back to the living room, stripped our clothes away, and duplicated what was going on in the bedroom. We heard Ginger’s moan as Dave penetrated her quim with his shaft. By that time, I was already inside Emma, and we were writhing together on the sofa. My God, she was passionate.

* * * * *

The morning turned out to be sex filled to an extent I couldn’t have ever predicted. I fucked Emma. Ginger fucked Dave. Dave fucked Emma. I fucked Ginger. Dave fucked Stacy. I fucked Stacy. Doug, Beth, and Jo came over and everybody fucked everybody. By lunchtime, the men were solidly in recovery mode with no hope of further action for a few hours. Dave and Emma were smiling like the cats that ate the proverbial canaries they were so happy.

Dave and I had to travel starting in mid-afternoon. I was taking him to Dallas to help work on that job, and then we were in Houston the rest of the week. I’d cleared his work on the GBInc. job with Marsha, and promised it wouldn’t get in the way of our intimate time together. That had been her only concern.

Emma displayed unusual ardor and I found out that Ginger had decided to send her to White Plains on her own to continue on the project, while she got deeper into the Nashville job and then joined Emma Thursday afternoon and Friday before they flew home. Emma had committed to working all week and we were just as glad. Emma also confessed that she looked forward to seeing Blake and Luke … and being plundered every night by them.

I laughed on Monday night when I got a picture texted to Ginger and me from Emma. The photo showed Emma being spit roasted on her motel bed. Blake was visibly buried deep in her pussy, and she’d managed to swallow all but the last inch of Luke’s long shaft. The accompanying text only said, ‘Employee morale is exceptionally high in White Plains.’

Marsha instantly bonded with Dave, so much so that she told me, “The sex party is in your hotel room tonight. You both should be there. I have high expectations. I’ll have a surprise for you both, too, but we’ll start by having dinner together at your hotel at six-thirty.” I wondered how she was so sure that Dave was willing to be a sexual player with her. This time I also made sure Dave was clued in about my fuck-buddy relationship with Marsha.

Marsha’s surprise turned out to be Ashley Covington — her daughter. Ashley was twenty, an honor student at UT-Dallas, and about as pretty as a cherry blossom. Like her mother, she was a longhaired brunette with flawless skin, and a bubbly personality.

Ashley told us all to call her Ash. She said, “Mom told me ALL about your visit last week, Steve. I want you to know I am as sexually insatiable as she is, probably more so. I’m glad you brought reinforcements.” She looked at Dave the way a hungry lion looks at a half-witted gazelle.

She went on, “We both have high expectations of how great it will be with the two of you tonight. We’ve never done two guys together, but we are stoked up for it. Mom and I share everything and we hope you two guys like variety because we want to swap back and forth a lot.” Her smile lit up the dinner table and made Dave blush, especially since she was looking right at him.

Dave pointed at me. He said in a well-modulated voice. “Steve is my boss and mentor. He’s told me to do whatever it takes to make our clients happy, especially out of hours. In doing so, we want you to be happier tomorrow than you are today. We are always at your service and will do whatever it takes.” He put on his professional smile.

I vaguely recalled my pontifications about client expectations and satisfaction at Dave his first day at work. I think I did say something like that, only I hadn’t been thinking about sex at the time. I often tried to create an overnight miracle of some kind for my clients — arrive at some startling and unexpected insight, prepare some framework or a few slides to solve some problem, or just about anything eve gelen escort within the consulting realm. I noted that with all the sex we’d been having in the evening that those ‘professional’ activities had given way to ‘pleasuring’ activities. My clients all seemed happier the next day, however.

Marsha said to Ash, “Well, the last time Steve was here he fucked me unconscious. I gave him the place of honor in the Marsha Covington Museum of Sexual Wonders. You know that no one has ever held that position before, although it hasn’t been for lack of trying.”

Ash turned to me and said, “Then you and I are definitely going to spend some serious time together tonight as you show me your stuff.”

Forty-five minutes later I was kissing all over Ash’s body as she stood by one side of the bed in my hotel room. I’d unbutton or unsnap some article of clothing, and then lavish licks and kisses on the newly revealed skin. We were already ten minutes into my foreplay. I was in no rush. I’d long ago learned that the more time spent foreplay the happier my partner would be, and in turn reward me in very physical ways.

Dave and Marsha were similarly engaged on the other side of the bed. They were a little further along in that she was already sans clothes from the waist up. This allowed Dave to lick and suck on her beautiful breasts, something that really sent her into orbit.

Ash moved to finish unbuttoning her blouse. I batted her hands away from the buttons and then did the job myself. I could now kiss her bare midriff. She had a pierced navel, and I probed around that area before running my tongue around the lower perimeter of her lacy brassiere. I helped her shed the blouse, and that gave me her back to kiss and lick, along with her shoulders and sides of her body. Ash had started panting.

Once her bra was gone I had fun teasing her nipples and licking around her breasts savoring all but her erect nips. She had broad, dark, areolas that I loved, so I felt like I’d found a new playground. I finally spent some time there. As I did the beautiful aroma of female lust wafted up to me from Ash’s nether region, even coming through her clothing.

My next foray was below Ash’s waist — way below. I kissed her feet, and licked her pedicured toes as I removed her sexy heels. She had sexy ankles and shapely calves that received a lot of attention.

I glanced over at Dave and realized he was copying my moves with Marsha. She’d urge him to move faster, just as Ash did, but he continued to moderate his foreplay just as I was doing.

The removal of Ash’s skirt allowed me to lick and play from her knees to her crotch, although for a while I avoided the latter. I finally slipped her thong down her legs and that allowed me access to her crown jewels. She had puffy labia and her minora were swollen and wet with her lust, and I could suck them into my mouth and lap at them.

The fingers I inserted, the ones I stroked over her clit, and my active tongue drove her closer and closer to the edge. I sensed a large orgasm was near, but was still surprised when she detonated.


Ash writhed all over the bed and pushed into my mouth and fingers as she came. I decided all that foreplay had ramped her up and made her ready for a Big One. I guessed we were near Richter 7.2 when it hit.

After Ash came down from her high, she attacked me. My clothes went flying in every direction. She was frantic to have my cock inside her. Behind me I head Marsha have some kind of climax, and her lavish praise of Dave’s mouth and tongue. When I was naked, Ash inhaled every inch of my cock until her nose pressed hard against my pubes. She rotated her head from side to side, which gave me some interesting sensations. She mouth fucked me at a rapid pace for several minutes.

This was all too slow for her she wanted more and faster and deeper in her body. Ash pulled off my cock and got in position on the bed with her legs spread wide. “Steve, fuck me, NOW!”

I was harder than steel myself and she was drippy wet with her odiferous lubricant, so penetration was easy. Her pussy felt like liquid velvet as it encased by shaft until I bottomed out. Ash had another orgasm. She yanked me to her and kissed me like the world was ending and this was it. Her tits were at rigid attention as they scraped against my chest. I started pumping and she writhed and responded beneath me.

“God, Steve. Your cock feels so great inside me. I love it. You fill me so. I’m safe so please cum inside me. I want to be flooded with your jizz — every drop. If I’m a good girl maybe someone will lick it all out of me. Oh, that cock is just what I want. My pussy is just burning up with love for your dick. Fuck me!”

We went on for a while and changed positions several times. Ash liked the missionary position best. Next to us, Dave had his cock buried in Marsha and was pumping at a rate that made his hips a blur.

I warned Ash that I was near. She started to chant as her legs yanked me into her body. “Cum in me. Cum in me. CUM IN ME.” I did and that triggered another orgasm in my young partner. “OH, GOD, THIS IS SO WONDERFUL. THIS IS THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE.” Major Quake: Richter 8.5.

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